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Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes. I am almost finished it and it’s been excellent so far


This book (2nd edition) is how I got my start with Python a few years back. Recently I wanted to re-acquaint myself with Django, so I bought the 3rd edition mostly for just that project. Even having bought it twice it's worth it. Highly recommended.


I'm a beginner, should I get the 2nd edition or 3rd?


Absolutely the 3rd edition and it's more up-to-date and all the projects will work. I started with the 2nd edition because it was the most current at the time.


I just began reading this book, literally on chapter one. How has it been? Where do you feel your level of proficiency is at? What will you do next? I'm hoping to use python for webdev and expect this book to put me on the right track. Anything you did like from the book?


So far I feel this book has been a great introduction in learning python from someone who had next to zero prior experience. Biggest key points I’ve learn from the book are classes, importing different modules, refactoring code, and writing code in a clean and easy to understand way. I’m currently on chapter 16 doing projects to import data from the web and turning it into visuals using matplotlib and plotly. Webdev projects are actually the only topics I haven’t gotten to yet. But once you get past chapter 11 you can skip to any one of the projects. It’s hard to say where I am at proficiency wise but I am just starting to dabble in personal projects and am having great success so far. It’s been a lot of fun actually! My advice would be to read the book and mimic the projects that Matthes teaches but don’t be afraid to stray away from the text and add your own creative elements if you’re comfortable. This has helped me better understand the code I am writing and allowed me to gain experience in troubleshooting when I am stuck on a particular problem. You don’t need to be scared of ruining your whole program either if you add your own spin, Matthes has all the code from the book on his github.


No the OP. This is the book that let me have the breakthrough from following tutorials to beginning to connect dots and starting to build my own stuff. I read everything up to the projects and have been slowly doing asteroids. I'm interested and confident enough to be pursuing my own stuff now.


I am half way through the 2nd edition (might buy the 3rd) and this book is written soooo well. I did take a C programming class and have other books on C and C++ which I've studied off and on, but this is my first foray into Python and this book is the best programming book I have ever read, by far.


I used this book to get the ins and outs of the basics of Python. I already had some basic programming under my belt from doing web stuff and FORTRAN and matlab for engineering classes. If you do the exercises then it will cover enough for you to start picking stuff up on your own.


100% absolutely 


Came here to say the same thing, it's an outstanding book so far (I'm studying with the 3rd edition, about half way through).


Thanks for the suggestion, just ordered.


I know you don't want to dive into the language. But if you do. The best book is Learning Python Mark Lutz It's the most comprehensive 1500 pages book that teaches you ins and outs of python on a very detailed level


Yes, I agree! That book is absolutely brilliant for fully learning Python!


Fluent Python. If you are already comfortable with Python and looking to go to the next level. It’s thick but really easy to read and continues to bow your mind on seeming every page.


Just got that book I’m looking forward to reading it


I love this book so much. It does an amazing job of showing the ways in which Python is a unique language and its the resource I always point friends/coworkers who want to learn more in depth Python to.


I am halfway through re-reading this right now and it is brilliant.


'Automate the Boring Stuff with Python' by Al Sweigart


By far my favorite and probably the one is most often recommend


ive wanted to use this , BUT didn't know how outdated it was since I used python crash course. Mainly for the second half of the book


No. He’s just the best at marketing with his army of bots, but that book is unnecessarily verbose


the down votes says it all


>i know that Python is difficult and dense Wrong! Python is actually just about the easiest language to learn. The syntax couldn't be more simpler to pick up.


^^^ correct. OP, if you want difficult or dense, look to Haskell or rust (or if we’re being obtuse, [you can look at esoteric languages](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esoteric_programming_language))


I second Python Crash Course - definitely the best intro to Python if it's your first language. Automate the Boring Stuff is decent after that to see some other kinds of automations you can do but I don't think it's as good of an intro to Python




Just look it up on Amazon


I suggest you start with [https://programming-23.mooc.fi](https://programming-23.mooc.fi)


This is super helpful, thank you!


Going through it right now as a total beginner. Love it, lots of exercises and explanations of concepts


I'm just about to finish Part 4.


There is also a 2024 edition: https://programming-24.mooc.fi/


Think Python 3rd edition has just been published and fully usable online: https://allendowney.github.io/ThinkPython/ To cool thing is that it comes with interactive parts to help learn, and has a printed book version in case you want it.


Thank you for your reply


I’ve never found fault with O’Reilly publications. Solid editing backs up good authors. Always my first choice for computer texts.


The dead parrot sketch


Seriously, did I ask for Monty Python?


Sort of...?


I found Starting out with Python by Gaddis to be a good introduction


Cs50P, it’s a python course that will really teach you how to program.


Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed Shaw


Good god there is a post like this every single day now. Don't people know how to use the search bar at the top of reddit or do they think it is just there for show.


For show rofl