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I smoked about 4-5 J’s a day to deal with my PTSD and anxiety for a year. After I had a severe panic attack one day from over doing it I decided it was time to stop. My appetite returned for me after exactly 11 days. I had dropped from a swole ass 230 to an insanely lean 200 and most weight fell off rapidly about a month before the panic attack. The night sweats and inability to eat and gain weight had me convinced it was cancer or some shit but after holding out for the first week things started normalizing. Just eat and drink enough to maintain function as a human and all your internal systems will find homeostasis again.


Thank you for the reply hanging in there my anxiety is really bad because the heart burn weight loss etc


omg the heartburn is SO BAD


Hoping it won’t last too long hate it


No problem man! I’m glad I can offer some words of encouragement. I didn’t have anyone to turn to so I was fully convinced I was too far gone until I got ahold of the anxiety. It’s gonna be a hell of a battle but it’s absolutely worth it to push through. Feels like a new lease on life. You got this shit.


Thank you! To be honest the people on reddit have helped me more then anyone around me they don’t get what I’m Going through only the ones with experience will get it.


Same exact thing here. I’m 11 days sober after hitting CHS stage 2 and I struggle so much to eat anything. I practically have to devote my entire day to forcing myself to try and eat different things.


Throwing it out there to any of y’all that may have a similar stomach “capacity” as I did..fucking granola bars saved my life. My daughters were on my ass every few hours with a crushed up granola bar or two since they saw how bad I struggled. Super light on the stomach but still filling and nutritious enough that you get what you need, at least until you can start to stomach heavier foods.


It’s been three weeks still struggling I’m hoping after the one month mark things will get better


I just passed a month and the appetite is still barely there. I mixed in a protein drink mid morning which has helped and eat a modest meal between 2-5pm and that’s about it. I was hittin the carts HARD. That Michigan weed is too cheap. My stomach is just getting back to normal, but I feel like I need another couple weeks to really be back to normal.


Yeah, I was all in on the high THC carts and it really messed up my appetite big time. I was really underweight and weed helped me eat more. I was really happy I gained weight up to my goal of 130 lbs, but then I got CHS, lost 15 from the vomiting, and had to quit weed entirely. Feels like I’m back to square 1 again :/ I’m hoping after a month I’ll at least have a good routine down that is sustainable. It’s weird, I’ll get these random feelings of hunger, usually only late at night though… It’s always much easier for me to drink things, so I’m going to try and start regular protein shakes in the mornings. That consistency will hopefully bring some improvement.


I swear it's gas that causes the vomiting feeling. Try some gas-x and pepcid-ac. It's helped a ton with me.


Wow that’s great I can’t wait to get passed the month good on you keep it up I guess if you routinely eat you will get there I put an alarm on my phone to remind me to eat something small every couple of hours even if it’s just a bite. Do you get any heartburn?


11 day gang woo! that sucks that it's going so rough for you though :/


Yeahh, I have faith that in 30 days I’ll be feeling way better though


I can relate to this a lot. I had a complete loss of appetite and as a result, bad heartburn because I wasn’t eating anything. My appetite slowly came back and I’ve never taken that for granted again. The only things I could stomach were dry crackers, sometimes I would put some cheddar on to make it a bit nicer, but the crackers helped a lot with the heartburn and were okay for me to eat. It cured the stomach pain pretty quickly. I avoided protein shakes as the thick texture always made me feel sick. Blended smoothies were good as well, but the heartburn would come back quicker than crackers as I’m pretty sure my stomach just digested it very quickly. I found bananas wouldn’t help and would make me puke up foamy acidic bile. Try carbs as I found they worked best. I really enjoy rice and I just started cooking myself meals that I remember enjoying before I smoked heavily and lost my appetite, it made eating a lot easier. When eating I focused on trying to finish the meal, try slowly increasing the amount of food each day. Soup was also easy for me to eat during this period, I would treat myself to some of the good soup in my supermarket, as usually I just buy the tinned stuff, having tasty food does help. Your appetite will come back, I thought I was a lost cause as I had no appetite for years while smoking, but it came back for me after a month or so. Not completely straight away but I remember smelling some onions and thinking they smelt really good. It was a great feeling.


I’m nearly there I guess a week or so and maybe I will start feeling better.


It’s important you are still eating, or at least getting something in your stomach. Have you managed to find any type of food that sits well in your stomach?


Cucumber because it gets rid of the heart burn


Try muscle milk. It’s a protein shake with 42gs of protein. Has helped me immensely the past 3 weeks. You’re readjusting, you got this.


I drank a lot of fruit smoothies and had soup for manyyy meals when I was like this. Give it a few weeks you’ll be back. Even quicker if you exercise.


About 30 days.


You might have been overeating. If not, just eat what you can. Protein shakes, apple sauce, and Greek yogurt got me through the worst of my withdrawals.


Heartburn is the worst of it and feeling so full All the time. Fingers crossed it will get better. How long did it take you to feel hunger pangs


Should come back in no time, so will the dreams and your sex drive. Just gotta be patient


I feel full on on baby spoons i get bad heart burn and don’t ever get any hunger pangs


I hope So


This was me when I quit, my appetite was fucked. With time it came back, gradually


Any heart burn?


Eat when you’re supposed to not when you’re hungry. Don’t drink a lot of fluids 30 min before/after meal. Take a bite and wait 10-20 min to see if it helps. Hunger is secondary to getting food down. Try to get food down either way even if it’s not enjoyable.


Trying my best the heart burn is quite bad.


I hate hate that people act like trying our best fixes things. Quite often trying my best is incredibly far from enough and I suffer intensely. I feel for you.


It won’t fix things but it will hopefully get me on the right track to doing it we can only try I guess


Eat when you’re supposed to not when you’re hungry. Don’t drink a lot of fluids 30 min before/after meal. Take a bite and wait 10-20 min to see if it helps. Hunger is secondary to getting food down. Try to get food down either way even if it’s not enjoyable.


There are really nice meal replacement protein powders that can get you 1500 cal a shake, maybe start there it’s a lot easier to get down


I know this sounds random, but I heard this very same thing in a work Teams meeting today.


I use Naked brand chocolate peanut butter mass gainer. Add frozen banana and milk. Its delicious and i look forward to it everyday. I only drink one but if you were in a real pickle you could drink one in the morning and one in the evening to get more than a days worth of cals. The holistic benefit of having calories over nothing cannot be overstated when youre not feeling your best. Lifesaver imo.


Anything is better than nothing your right.


Lots of fluids. Also try going to the gym, breaking a sweat helps push the THC out of your fat cells quicker. If you don’t want to workout, sit in the sauna and sweat for a bit, it’ll help!


81 days clean. Smoked for 20 years. The first month sucked but every week got incrementally better after! You've already gotten so far, keep it up!


Wow 81 days! Good on you! I’m on 3 weeks and 3 days so far and still waiting to feel better. A lot of people mentioned getting some extra fibre in so I’m going to get my self some Metamucil today and see how I go I just had a bowl Of high in fibre cereal I eat baby servings but feel like iv had a whole lamb! Did you get any heartburn that’s very concerning for me. Along with the weight loss.


No heartburn but I felt like my joints and muscles were more tight/sore. Weed has anti-inflammatory properties and when I removed it from daily use my body had to face my aches and pains head on. Maybe it's something similar? But excercise is the best advice and activity that saved my sanity and body.


Might see the doctor for it because it’s making my life hell. Hope your aches and pains have subsided. You have to have some strong will power to have quit after 20 years. I was a heavy smoker for 7 years straight wake and bake breakfast lunch dinner lived on coffee and cigarettes/bud I would literally have 1 large meal at night but only after having like 5 cones. I lost a lot of weight munchies stopped after a couple of years and was smoking only medical topez strain, when I was in my teens I smoked a little and stopped for about 5 years then started again for a couple of years then stopped for 3 months then got on the medical I feel like it was a lot harder getting off the medical then any other time the medicinal also made me Loose weight and loose my appetite especially during the day because all I wanted to do was smoke.


Hello fellow 81 dayer 🙋‍♂️


Congratulations! You have done amazing!


If you’re three weeks in you have to be getting close to that breaking point where your appetite returns. For me it comes back quick once it does! Hang in there man and sip a little broth and eat a little watermelon! You’re almost to the easy part!!


I didn't eat much for the first week or so. My appetite is slowly coming back now. Get some exercise and stay hydrated. Maybe try some high calorie boost in little sips throughout the day to get some nutrition in.


If you aren't already, start doing physical activity. Jogging/ long walks and bike rides, work out, play some sports. Gotta sweat it out and work that appetite back up


I lost a lot of weight and struggled to eat when I quit too. I gave myself permission to eat whatever I could even if it was French fries or ice cream. Exercise is your best friend and will speed up the withdrawal process and help stimulate your appetite!


I’m new to reddit but all your replies have eased my anxiety thank you for everyone who made suggestions and replied to me you guys are awesome


They’re all the same lol: exercise. It’s the answer to all life’s problems. Just start running and don’t stop until you feel better. It’s because our ancestors ran all day long for tens of thousands of years. We run. That’s what we do. That’s why our butts are so big. Run.


Raisin Bran and bananas are a life saver for me


I recommend cold sandwiches. Subway is a lifesaver ngl. Fruits, especially citrus is easy to eat. Light soups. You can do this. STAY STRONG. Also for the heartburn and abdominal pain you should use omeprazul


Will give them a go see how I feel I had a few spoons of açai it wasn’t bad but couldn’t finish it thank you for the reply


Just eat anyway. It will. And try to eat as healthy as u can


Trying but the heart burn and the feeling full constantly makes it so difficult to finish a few spoons


Hang in there and remember things like weed (and refined sugar for example) lower ones testosterone and testosterone is a natural painkiller. Just hang in there! One day at a time. It’ll all bounce back you got this.


Vitamins! I cant tell which ones cause they will delete my comment, but it helps a lot! Also soup and protein! Excercise too!


I am feeling for you OP! My guts have been dastardly for weeks. I left a comment further up about adding fibre to your diet, but since reading your other comments thought I’d leave a more detailed one. You are on the right track, you do have to train yourself to eat again, and it does feel like forcing yourself and food is a bit yuck, but your body literally needs to re-learn to eat. And it WILL learn. Keep giving it food, real food, that you have to chew. Soups and smoothies are good in a pinch, but don’t replace meals with liquid for longer than necessary, because they don’t support the relearning to eat thing you’re trying to do. Frequent trips to the bathroom can be lessened by increasing your fibre intake. The average North American adult gets just under 20 grams of fibre a day, but our ancestors at as much as 100g of fibre a day. The more fibre you get, the less often you’ll be moving your bowels. It will take time to rebuild your gut biome though, so results won’t be immediate.. but I did see some pretty instant changes when I added Metamucil with breakfast and traded my nightly ice cream for Raisin Bran. But also make sure you’re getting fibre from fruits and vegetables. The more diverse your diet, the more nutrients and minerals your body will be able to replenish. You might also consider decreasing your coffee intake (and if you already have, good for you!). Caffeine increases our cortisol, wish is our stress hormone, so as much as that is useful to get your going, high amounts of cortisol will lead to belly bloat and difficulty with emotional regulation. Cutting out the cigs will help with that too, but I completely understand if you’re only slaying one dragon at a time. That’s all I know about helping your guts. Hope you find some relief and wishing you all the best with your sobriety journey!! Good luck :)


Thank You so much for your reply it gave me peace of mind anxiety has been through the roof!


Oh man, I hear you. Anxiety is so hard to drown out, and our lizard brains even try to tell us some weed would help, but the lizard brain is a liar. Cut down on the coffee and cigs as much as you can, it will also be tough, but it will help in the long run. There was a time I looked up various ways to lower cortisol and maintain energy without caffeine, I’m sure if you look you’ll find some things to help you through. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor or even a pharmacist about other symptoms your experience and get recommendations on anything that might help. There is help out there, you can do this!


Start with protein shakes and soups. Something easy on the stomach. Your body will start to adjust. Also, some sort of work in the mornings will help you crave food. Give it two weeks or so. If you start to experience nausea, get some ginger chews, they work almost immediately. I am on day 25!


Thank you for the reply and you should be so proud of yourself!!! I feel like it’s been hell for me the last 22 days I’m finally sleeping again which is a plus.


My sleep is awesome now, and wild freaking dreams. Honestly, the nighty night tea helps so much with sleep as well. I do get random feelings still of being high, it's kinda weird. I often have dreams that I relapse and smoke, and feel super guilty and disappointed in myself.


Keep it up! I love the dreams I feel like I didn’t dream for years… I never want to smoke again tbh I just threw my bong out and 10g of topez which broke my heart I cried for a few days I was super emotional but I feel like the worst part is over no more night sweats etc but just the appetite is so worrying. And going to the bathroom everytime I eat is kind of weird I’m not used to going so much.


Add some fiber to your diet. It will help with that. Metamucil if you have to but even throwing ground flax into a dish and/or eating bran cereals will help a lot.


I had the same stomach issues, but horrible nausea as well. It goes away. There's a few threads in here that talk about how we have THC receptors in our stomach, and the gut biome has to get back to normal. A lot of people recommend fruits to deal with the diarrhea.


Exercise helps.


I’m literally on my feet all day moving as much as I can. Thanks for replying


Ah. Well, don’t be discouraged. It’s just a matter of time!


it depends, my appetite came back on 6th day fully but my consuming was 0,7 gr per day for one year with wake and bake, so stay strong it should be fade away in max 2 weeks for you, i guess.


I force my self to eat whatever I can but for some reason I go straight to the bathroom even if it is just a tiny apple I go straight to the bathroom! I was having cones for breakfast lunch and dinner hasn’t been easy hoping I will get through this soon. thank you for the reply


Stop forcing yourself to eat. You are mentally tuned into the idea that it’s not something you want, so of course you are going to reject it. Try going without food for at least an entire day and allow yourself to have something you enjoy the next day. If one day doesn’t work, try two. You have to allow yourself to want the food, otherwise you will always be fighting yourself. 3 weeks is generally starting the tail end of withdrawal symptoms. Another week or two and you and you’ll be back on track. Remember the difficulty you are having right now .. write it down, it’s one of the few things that will help you from relapsing. Even what your body is doing right now is convincing you to relapse. You are trying to convince yourself that you need it to eat, so of course you have to go back to the old habits. Don’t let it win. Weed is like the fungus that infects insects brains and gets them to move around for them to perpetuate its lifecycle. Stop letting yourself be controlled, and don’t be fooled by these mind games you are playing with yourself. Flip the switch in your brain that allows you to enjoy food again. When I used to try and run in the mornings, most of the time I would just want to stop and quit. My mind was always telling me, that’s enough, you can be doing other things, etc. What worked was just telling myself all the reasons I enjoyed running instead, and that flipped a switch that allowed me to focus on all the reasons I was out there and all the benefits, instead of all the reasons to stay in bed. Good luck, you can do this!


Thank you I don’t want to smoke ever again I’m pretty sure my heart burn and everything happening to me now is because Of smoking I actually hate the thought of it. Thank you for your reply


and you should try to eat, if you eat more, your appetite increases in every bite for the next meal


Smoking during the day didn’t make me hungry at all. I would live on coffee cigarettes and weed all day and have a big meal at night. Now I try to eat breakfast lunch and dinner but have no hunger pangs or appetite and when I eat I go straight to the toilet and empty my bowls. And I get bad heartburn. I’m scared and worried when will I feel normal again it’s been 3 weeks help!


I force my self to eat but food feels yuk and get stuck like im Eating sand.