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Pay him.


He told me he was fine with small payments and if I couldn’t pay just to tell him  and he would work with me. As of earlier today.  Then he decided not to.


And that’s his right to change his mind. You have no right to continue renting the car if he doesn’t want you to.


I just spoke to an attorney from my state. Without a legal contract it’s his word vs mine. As long as I have no deceived him in anyway shape or form he cannot report the car as stolen legally. 


Well with his name on the car title...good luck with that.


That’s true. He put me on his personal insurance. I have all of the documentation of payments and conversations. He never outlined anything stating what would happen if I wasn’t paying or paying in full. Mind you I’ve continued to pay him everyday minus the 3 payments I missed a few weeks ago. He’s illegally renting me the vehicle I just found out. He’s not a licensed renter in the state of Colorado. He circumvented the Hyrecar app to have me rent it just through him to avoid the fees he had to pay


He can take you off the insurance today. Then, if you're stopped tomorrow, you face the state equivalent of grand theft auto (and this one isn't a game) with the addition of driving without insurance as a compounding factor.


When the insurance finds out you are defrauding them you will be dropped from it and if you get in a wreck they will not pay which is all the more reason to return the car.


so basically you want to steal his car legally? if you arent paying him what he wants, he asked for his car back.. you return it?


Absolutely not. I’ve continued to pay him daily 


You can afford to pay an attorney not someone whose care you are ~~stealing~~ knowingly illegally renting.


I am. I’ve continued making daily payments


You have no contract. If he demands his vehicle back, despite you catching up on the payments, and you don't return it, he can report you to the police. Perhaps now that you've paid him and if you continue to pay in a timely manner, he'll let the rental continue. However if he demands the vehicle back, I'd suggest you return it or potentially face criminal charges.


Return the car


Not a lawyer - this is not legal advice. 1) an oral contract is a contract 2) if you’ve failed to perform your end of the bargain by paying him daily, he can end the contract, especially if there are no length of contract terms. 3) if he wants you to return the car, why do you feel entitled to keep it?


Give him his car or get an agreement in writing you can abide by.


Return the car.


That is a very high price to pay for long term rental.


Y’all are vicious on here


I don't think anyone is trying to be vicious. But of all the things on this subreddit that I have read, what you posted is by far the most outrageous. How you come across is you think you have a legal claim to something you don't own. You did a verbal agreement, and then you stopped paying and are upset he wants his car back. If I stopped paying on my car or house and the bank says that it is theirs now, I don't have a claim to dispute that. Just because he's not a bank doesn't mean the situation above doesn't apply. That is why I think what you posted is outrageous.


You asked the internet for legal advice and are upset that you didn’t hear what you wanted. 🤷‍♂️


Hey, keep the car, and when you get out of jail for GTA, please come back and say that.