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This is how modern Lego city airplanes are built.


Yep, this is how they’ve been built for like, 30 years now lol, not sure what’s so shocking about this one


90s pirate ships were essentially one giant part where you had to attach sails.


Even cabin cruiser and the police pursuit boat were similarish


Well, I’ve only recently become an addict, so it’s all new to me.


yeah burp parts are kinda eh but i mean id take this since its strong and be able to be thin


Wouldn't this be a buwp instead of a burp?




Wouldn’t it be BUPP as in plane piece since there are multible?


Wtf are all of you talking about?? Lol


Oh sorry, I think I missunderstood. I was talking about all the big pieces


Nah you're good, no need to apologize. I'm just not familiar with BURP, BUWP, or BUPP.


BURP is Big Ugly Rock Piece


it’s from rick and morty lol


No it isn’t, it’s way older than that


Lol ah I see. It's been a while since I've watched that show and haven't seen past season two I believe.


i mean this kindly but why did you buy it then? you can clearly see from every picture of the set that the wings and fuselage are big single elements


Not really. I have several sets that have smooth curved pieces, or flat “stacked” platforms. I’ve also never seen an airplane with no vertical stabilizer and V-shaped horizontal stabilizers, but I wanted this set because I spend a lot of time on airplanes and it called to me. I’m just disappointed that it wasn’t a more involved build (my last build was the Atari). I still love it!


…..it’s literally on the box, though.


I don’t really see the need for snarky comments. Most of you have way more experience with Lego, since I’ve only been in it for about 6 months, so I haven’t learned the art of reading boxes yet. It wouldn’t have deterred me from this set (the weird tail configuration didn’t), I was just looking forward to a more complicated build.


It’s not my intent to be snarky, but you’re comparing an adult collector set that is rated 18+ to a city set recommended for ages 7 and up, so yeah, you’re going to get a lot of people really having a hard time why your expectations weren’t in check. This is more on you if you’re disappointed 🤷‍♂️


I’m not saying it’s not on me, this is just a learning moment for me. I don’t really need people having a hard time with my expectations, I didn’t comment to be judged and thumped. I just made an observation.


I’m not judging you, lol. I was pointing out how you could tell more about the building experience. I highly suggest you check out some review channels like Jangbricks or Racing Brick, that’ll help guide you a little on purchases. Sorry for sounding snarky.


I really appreciate the advice. I’m quickly learning about the age stuff. I picked up the little Friends hot dog truck the other day and saw that it was like a “beginner” kit (and I don’t like the Friends figs anyway) so I put it back. I like some of the quick builds, but wasn’t in the mood for that one.


If you want quicker builds but want the quality of the 18+ sets, look at Speed Champions. Widely regarded as the best bang for your buck when it comes to building experience.


I’ve built 2 of those and loved them! Thanks for the tip!


You should than take Concord


Thanks for the recommendation!


Why does this comment get so many downvotes? I’m just saying I realized it wasn’t a perfect set, but I love it anyway. The passenger (or maybe he’ll be a pilot) with the sleep mask cracks me up, and I think the lavatory with no privacy is hilarious.


Planes are hard to design with lego. This is the happy middle ground between the blocky 787 Dreamliner (10177) and the expensive monstrosity that is the Concorde (10318).


[10177-1: Boeing 787 Dreamliner](https://brickset.com/sets/10177-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10177-1.jpg) [10318-1: Concorde](https://brickset.com/sets/10318-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10318-1.jpg)


Are you using the word monstrosity in a negative connotation, or positive?


I am using monstrosity to describe the size, people can interpret that in a positive or negative way. I realize monstrosity probably isn't the best word due to alternative meanings of the word being used for ugly things but I think it is stunning. For what it is worth, I am saving up to buy the Concorde.


The Concorde was easily my favorite set from last year. What a great set! I hope you get it and enjoy it.


I've just finished mine and it was a great build. My next one will probably be Notre Dame cathedral or the Artemis space vehicle


Thanks for saying so. I’m a little nervous about the “repetition factor” in some of these big builds, so it’s nice to hear when someone enjoyed it.


The Dreamliner looks like a nightmare build. I’ll stick with the Lego City plane. Did you build the DL?


It’s almost like 4+/Juniors set


minifig scale is very hard and commercial planes are BIG, like massive things. Exemple: the lego concorde is a massive model. It has 105 cm in lenght For it to be minifig scale it needed to be 33% BIGGER... it needed to be 140 cm. There is no way any lego passenger plane would it be "minifig scale". so lego planes have a stocky, cartoonish proportions. But the objective still the same, in order to play they need to be able to put the minifigs inside and make it fly. * They could go the "speed champions" way, to do a lot of snot to make a fragile set and not really "swooshble" (and there is no way that they could do all the curves and have a cabin for 2 pilots, a cargo door on the back...) * They could go the early 90's way and make a even more disproportionate airplane that is hard to load and unload, it is way too small and still have a lot of specialized parts (I had the Lego 6396, and it was half the number of pieces of the new plane, but it was the full airport, with a helicopter and etc...). * They could go for the minifig scale and have like 10.000 pieces in a 900USD set for like just the most rabbid fans * Or they could do a toy that it happens to be lego. they did this one. You have a toy plane that all the interior is lego.


[6396-1: International Jetport](https://brickset.com/sets/6396-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6396-1.jpg)


Oh, I’d love to build that set! But not for $500.


Maybe they could do microfigs, like the size of the Lego babies? Could be a whole new thing! 😆


That actually look very cool! Don't be sad, I think those are great. the build would be much stronger and later if you have other lego parts you can build around them on your own.


It looks like the Concord might be a better set for you. The wings are completely built up and most of it has a “building experience”. There still are specialized parts and prints however it is a much more involved and interesting build. The main downsides I see from that set is that it’s more expensive and would take up quite a bit of space.


My 7 year old loves this set.


I do too. I haven’t built the ramp vehicles yet, but I’m looking forward to playing with it. The 7-year-old inside me is excited!


Eventually, there will be one plane-shaped piece.


I’ve been saying this for ages, since the original alien ufo sets came out with the large half saucer sections https://preview.redd.it/yakke4hq84ad1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1272727635f07b9753f2fe604b9ee1741fc42d72


I had the same issue years ago … my young son and I st the time went out to spend his Christmas money on set 7893 Passenger Plane thinking it would keep him occupied while we visited his grandparents for new year. Had it finished in ½ hour! Left us both feeling quite disappointed. Given that it was meant for quick build by kids, some parts like the wheels and door hinges are a bit fragile. The more recent 4209 fire plane is more what I would have been looking for, the wings are wide but made of bricks, not a single moulding.


No offense, but if you look at the box, its clear that there are a lot of bog or simple pieces. Still sucks. I really dislike the planes. Too big, too easy, no slick stylish and hard to integrate in other lego city sets. I love the old planes (usually 4 studs wide) more


Offense taken … I was buying with a five year old kid in tow … I didn’t have time to look in detail at every box … he would have had a big say in what was taken. We were disappointed … end of story. You don’t need to call out posters for being stupid but you do need to think about the reality of what Lego is as well as it being a thing that older people buy.


Hmm fair enough. I guess its natural for me somehow. Also, i hardly ever go to a shop with my kids without knowing on advance what they will buy (in general sense). I never called you stupid btw


[7893-1: Passenger Plane](https://brickset.com/sets/7893-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7893-1.jpg) [7893-2: Passenger Plane - ANA version](https://brickset.com/sets/7893-2) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7893-2.jpg) [4209-1: Fire Plane](https://brickset.com/sets/4209-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/4209-1.jpg)


Just not the same huh


Still is 1000 pieces even with those chunky parts though.


I had to check if it was a fancy cribbage board for a sec, looks like pegging holes


This is definitely my most favorite plane that Lego has made for minfigs. All the others are nice but THIS reminds me of an old FEDeX toy plane I had along with a transformer that I transformed so much it broke😅good luck building and don’t be too disappointed until you actually are done building it. You’ll have more fun with this instead of the abnormally large concord or Boeing. They will break when handling out of experience. These one pieces make it look and feel better when trying to heft it around. Good luck!


Thank you. You’re right, it’s still a fun build. I skipped to the actual plane and now I’m going back to build the peripherals. One of the passengers fell asleep in the lav 😝


Pssst, you need to read it fast, but Cobi offers great plane sets with buildable everything for a very low price!


I miss the days when the set was built from the existing part line instead of just inventing a new part every simple time the designer got to a hard part.


Literally when was this time? They always made weird special pieces


Somewhere between 1962 and 1963. And then they started with the 'special pieces'.


Lego has always been this way.


Man you should have seen what they stated shitting out in the late 90s, that killed Lego for a long time for me.