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you should UT4 your Los Jefe Sinclair, he is the best unit in the game.


Yes but if you have zweiclair i recommend it over ass kicking suit sinclair because if you uptie 4 him he will deal limbillion damage


I have limbillion warrants out for my arrest


I'm LimTrillion dollars deep in Debt


Im john limbus here from the limbdebt collecting agency


You're not John Limbus, you're Don Limbus from the limbdebt collecting agency


Intervallio 6.5-1 lore


I did 98 turns blind without turn optimization with a tremor team back when RR3 just came out. Tremor's been decent for a while.


Got 98 turns thanks to my Rosespanner Rodya staggering everything left right and centre


Remember when Charge teams were the most expensive team to build into only just being useable? Me neither.   what the hell is a charge!!!!


My random team with 0 synergy did 83 turns first try too lol. And that's with a bad luck tails flip at 45sp on Spiral to remove its resistances.


LMAO then you are a far better player then me.


Nah, it's just blunt damage really suffers in RR3 and most tremor IDs are blunt


Ehh, I did a incomplete railway(up to pequod) run and did much better than op, using half the turns from gossipium to ardor, they probably didn't effectivelly use (or have) their ego/burst turns.


All of this new tremor stuff just to beat rr3 in twice as much turns as rupture team does


Yeah I probably should make a rupture team too.


Lmao, I noticed this post only after making my post about Tremor in Railway


My old lowest turn count was 97 btw.


what is sloshing doing there?




But, but, lccb ish is needed outside of md!!!!!! /s


just need to replace rodion for some other better new tremor id for it to get properly consistent, doubt we will get any i the near future tho, just like with burn waiting a proper units for a long time


What's wrong with rosespanner? While her application isn't the best, she has pretty consistent bursts, and any re-use skill two is going to be fairy useful.


both rodion tremor ids are kinda lame, the first candidate for a replacement imo


Calling Rosespanner lame when she stacks good amount of Tremor potency, have 4 coin skill 2 with high damage and nice amount of Bursts is a crime


who else? she is the weakest point


Oufi Heath? His clashing and damage are good, but he doesn't stack a lot of Tremor + can't properly Tremor Burst + Decay is completely overshadowed by Reverb + Everlasting, also, Binds Heathcliff, while being a good EGO with a lot of damage + Tremor burst + Nice passive is eating Lust, crucial sin that is needed for Binds Outis and Everlasting Faust, and as of now only way for Tremor team to generate Lust is Molar Outis, so you can't waste it too much Rosespanner Rodion, even though her clashing is bad, deals a lot of damage, inflicts a lot of potency and can properly Tremor Burst with 2 of her skills, Effervescent Corrosion inflicts a lot of Tremor count while not eating Lust, so I think she is better than Oufi Heath Also, I see no problem with consistency in Tremor team, therefore I don't really understand why you think someone should get replaced in current Tremor team


also, about that "i dont understand", have you played burn before phclair?


Honestly, no, I didn't, 2 Walpurgis didn't gave me Outis so I couldn't play proper Burn team until release of Phclair


my point is that its the same situation as with burn, while n clair was usable, it was clunky and unoptimized, just like current tremor, it can be much better. And yeah, rodion is just underwhelming and her bursting is clunky too, rosespanner is just an outdated id, and t corp one is just better than rose one, she will be the one replaced once new tremor id comes out, wherever it will be, in half a year maybe orz.


I hard disagree with statement that current Tremor is clunky and not optimised, the only way I see to improve Tremor even more is to give Faust and Hong Lu something to constantly go fast, be it ID or EGO, but even now it's still pretty good Rosespanner Rodya is not outdated, Oufi Heath is more replaceable, I'll die on that hill


nah, oufi heath has an unique tremor and pretty high clashing, a lot better than rodion. The only reason to use rodion is for her cheap ego


High clashing is good, don't get me wrong, but Tremor already has good load of high clashing IDs and even though Oufi Heath is the most consistent I don't think it's needed that much I already said that, Decay is not needed, Reverb at base is better, with Everlasting it's not even a competion, and maybe it's a bit of a hot take, but I also think that Fracture is also better, my point still stands Cheap EGO is not the only reason to use Rosespanner Rodion, I already written all good thinks that Rodion does for Tremor in previous comment


Sadly, Rodion have acses to effervescent corosion. Unless the new tremor ID isn't for Rodion I cant replace her.


And this Rodion ID is definitely not bad, her skill 2 is very good and apply a decent tremor potency if you get to reuse the coin.  And let's be honest I love her look in it.