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Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And you know I’m just thinking about it, but during much of the pandemic, certainly the first year, people weren’t going out. Not to movies, bars, certainly not to restaurants. People were staying home cooking and baking and eating all the time, spending lots and lots at the grocery store because that was their entertainment. We didn’t start to see all these really crazy increases until the pandemic died down and people were going out again and cooking less. That boat wasn’t stuck for that long and gas prices stabilized. You could see those greedy shareholders start to screech when the dividends or whatever started to look more normal again. Just a thought.


yeah, rich people never want to see their income go down and, as we've seen, they'll do anything to ensure they'll keep going up


Don’t blame the share holders. They weren’t getting anything they haven’t been getting in years. Galen just announced a 15% increase to the dividend. He had to increase it to share holders as they were forced to disclose their profits are up 10% this year. He announced it just as the boycott started so that interest from investors would drive the stock up. Whereas the boycott alone would have made investors cautious and the price would have dropped. That’s why the boycott must last at LEAST until they release the numbers for the next quarter. If profits are down then the stock will drop. Galen won’t be as rich and he then has to lower prices to win back shoppers. Remember you do not need to be rich to invest. $10 Will do it. Open a tfsa trading account at your bank. Rich parents teach their kids to be rich. Poor parents don’t know so they can’t teach it to their kids. Yes, I know some people don’t have $10 to spare. But if they do it’s better it’s in a tfsa trading account in stocks than just in a bank account paying fees. Just be ethical about investments. Don’t buy Loblaws!


Trust me, you are paying for that basket - it’s built into that $300!


This has been a regular thing for the last 5-10 years at RCSS . It's on the flyer every week Used to be 150 then 200 then 250 and now it's 300 It's nothing new


It’s mind boggling that 200$ would have been a big ask just over two years ago. Now they throw 300 out there like it’s no big deal. Roblaws!


It’s interesting that most of the boycott seems to be happening in Ontario. In BC our Superstores are as busy as ever, and none of my coworkers had even heard about the boycott :(


In some Ontario stores it seems pretty busy not gonna lie. I don’t think we will see the real effects until next earnings report.


Here's the good news. Today's corporations require ever increasing profits. You don't need a huge decrease for them to notice and panic, as long as it's sustained and not just a speed bump.


I was just saying that yesterday. Think of it this way though, Ontario and East have the most variety of Loblaws stores and a higher population density in their major centres. The western provinces have more spread out population and fewer grocer choices in general. I’ve been disappointed to see the no frills in my town be just as busy as usual, but the parking lot at a Super Store in my nearest big city was pretty empty when I drove by.


Here in Quebec, I've noticed a lot of new radio ads promoting Super C and Walmart low grocery prices so they smell the blood in the water too. Also, Super C had tons of stuff on special when we popped in for a few things last weekend!


I just spent $300 at Costco and got a months worth of groceries. I was spending that per week at the superstore. They can shove their flowers up their a$$.


I saw a SIGN like a road sign that some small businesses rent and put on the side of the road to attract business, for Loblaws. I was LMAO when I saw it. You know they’re hiring if they would pay for that.


Last year I spent $300 on groceries and got a hanging flower plant from Superstore… those flower plants are worth $10 if even. I’m surprised though because Loblaw’s and Superstire don’t normally advertise those free gifts with purchase. To be fair, spending $300 at Loblaw’s is a pretty easy thing to do (high prices) and you’ll still run out of food before two weeks.


I see. Thanks for sharing that. I am not a regular there but haven't seen RCSS advertise on intersections before like how supercuts / greatclips do. All i kept thinking was something must be off for them to put up that board right at the junction and came back and wrote it here. This is after having seen such posts here that peeked my interest and i started noticing things differently.


The 170st Superstore parking lot was half empty on a friday afternoon.


What is this, Horseville?




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Let's keep the boycott going for the month of June! It's working, we can do it!




We've only just started, bootlicker. Shall we check back at the end of each month/quarter?




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


You obviously don’t know the term ‘buy back’.


You obviously don’t know the term “failure”


Case in point




Lol https://www.loblaw.ca/en/loblaw-companies-limited-enters-into-automatic-share-purchase-plan-march-2024/#


They’ve been buying back their shares for the last 12 months. Any smart company will buy their own shares to invest in themselves. And it’s worked. WAKE UP!! 👇👇👇👇 https://preview.redd.it/q81pii0d8t0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcea4a86468952cdb99c5d7406a99e4a73fc9adb


Whatever you say man.


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.