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The lucky part is, next time you get a chance, it sounds like there are a number of other stores for you to choose from.


Yeah sadly its gonna be a few more months till I get another Friday I can go. My work schedules are ROUGH.


Yeah... I used to be there, and if an LGS didn't have updated info, I would've just traveled for nothing :/


Yep... it sucked a lot. Waste of gas and time.


Yeah, I eventually learned that if I'm going to a place I don't already have an existing relationship with, I just need to call ahead. Did that a few months back, and it saved me a 30 minute drive to what I thought was the only store doing a modern event that night. Turned out no one was doing modern that night and I didn't leave my house and watched The Boys


Sadly, I did have an existing relationship with the chain. But I am also out of the scene things change, I guess.


Maybe you can call before driving just to double check. I only play commander these days and have done so a couple times before heading to a new store to ensure they actually have a decent commmander night


But why would I assume every post9ng is wrong.


Numerous reasons. These shops are often small stores with minimal employees. Weekly schedules/rotations regularly get interrupted by pre releases not only for magic but also for other tcgs. Also you’ve had it happen to you multiple times now. A lot of these stores are opened by fans of the content they sell, not necessarily titans of industry and business know how.


You don't need to be a titan on industry to keep your events up to date. They didn't even say sorry when I brought it up. They are charging 50$ for a draft. The prize pool is unchanged. It's very clear why they swapped over was due to seeing an opportunity for profit.


Not the mh3 is hella more $ the thunder junction


Just always call before you go somewhere if you want to ensure things are what you expect. It also lets them know you’re coming, which can be helpful both ways. Especially if you’re bringing additional players with you.


Also I always thought Friday was a terrible night for it. I guess most people don't have free time Mon-Thurs but to me I have social obligations on the weekend nights.


> to me I have social obligations on the weekend nights. Well that's kinda the point for WotC, to make MTG one of your weekend night outings.


Too bad for anyone that has a partner or friends to hang out with. Not everyone in my life is engaged with my hobbies. MTG has always been a solid step behind and there’s just free space on the school nights while FNM is there at prime time.  But then again maybe my view of going to an LGS is antiquated. Get there at 6-7, do a draft, come home. Maybe people like long tournaments that go til midnight or something. 


Yeah, most bars do trivia nights Tuesday-Thursday for a reason - people are less likely to be busy those nights.


They don't do them because people are less likely to busy those nights they do them because bars are likely to be less busy those nights and they are an incentive for people to go to the bar those nights instead of the usual nights they go to the bar Friday and Saturday. So bars doing trivia on Tuesday-Thursday is actually the same reason LGS do Friday night magic.


I typically work 3-11 on Friday. I literally can't fo most of the time that's why I said rare off day.


I even called in to my local LGS twice last week to confirm details only to show up and see everything cost almost 70% more than I was quoted.


That’s bad. The manager of the store will want to know, so they can fix whatever / whoever caused that to happen.


Many moons ago when I was in the height of trying to grind my way into some semblance of standing a chance winning a PTQ I learned to call ahead to each store I was going to play at. Sometimes I would have someone say “It’s all up on our website. You can read about it there.” But I already had. So I tell them what I read. And once in a blue moon someone would be like oh yeah that’s incorrect. So then I’d ask for the proper info. It didn’t happen often. But I wasn’t going to risk driving X hours only to find out in person their website was wrong.


Ugh, I had this happen. I even called, and they gave the wrong times, and I missed a major event. I was pissed.


I relate to that hard, me and some friends drove 3 hours to an RCQ that was listed on their website and had called ahead 2 days before. Unfortunately the employee just checked the website and said we were good to go, but the owner had moved the tournament to the next week, because they wanted to host a big Lorcana tournament that day :( Six hour drive to do nothing, wooo


At least that place has a website. I’m tired of stores who only put their event schedule in a Discord or Facebook that someone forgets to update half the time.


The place closest to me has its own website alongside both a Discord and Facebook page, and I still can't get reliable start times for events. It's rough out here, man


There’s one store by me like that, and another that has all of them posted on all SM sites. Guess which one is struggling and which one is thriving?


Mine has a website, discord, and Facebook. The website is always out of date, the discord gave me the wrong info once and I missed an event so I never use it anymore, and the Facebook doesn't update until 2 days before the events.


My LGS uses discord and the main cashier i see is always on discord but i havent seen anything since last month. She also usually ignores me and rolls her eyes when i ask for a pack. Id go somewhere else but living in the UK LGS are very far and few between


My LGS still says I can preorder Murders at Karlov Manor.


Sometimes it's not the store's fault. I'd often schedule drafts for the current format, only to have too many people say they aren't interested but would love to draft a different set. The other people who don't care are fine switching because they just want to play magic. Obviously, this is less of an issue if you get 60 people, but if your group is closer to 16 sometimes you just need to adapt, or nobody gets to do anything.


If the price wasn't changed, I wouldn't care. If I went in and they said we draftin dragons maze, I would have been fine. I'm just not doing mh3. I already didn't want the cards, really. I just wanted to get out and do something fun. I don't play much magic due to work and life. My decks got banned, so I camt afford structured formats. I can't keep up the rat race for "casual" anymore. I'm looking into pauper for constructed as I just can't afford to play magic and I want to.


> If the price wasn't changed, I wouldn't care. That's fair. >I'm looking into pauper for constructed as I just can't afford to play magic and I want to. Cube?


I've never seen a place actually offer cube before.


This doesn’t help you, but makes me super excited that my shop is running our first pauper cube event next month! I’m always trying to get MtG stuff that other places don’t do going. So I’m sorry you had a rough night, but you made my day if it helps.


You're welcome, I guess. I just rarely get off days. Rough night. :(


As long as it's not sanctioned proxies is your solution.


It's obviously sanctioned. How would you even find unsanctioned tournaments.


Most unsanctioned events in my area are for formats that need proxies to be viable. Legacy and Vintage Cube mostly.


You wrote the word "casual", which shouldn't be sanctioned, and "I just can't afford to play magic and I want to". Proxy a vintage cube or something if you don't have people to play constructed featuring proxies with.


Your average draft, prerelease, or pauper night are pretty casual and I’ve never been to an LGS where they weren’t sanctioned. Even most commander nights are going to be sanctioned.


Always call ahead when going somewhere unfamiliar to check


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far down to find someone saying to call ahead. How do you not call to confirm??


Magic players and common sense...


must be wild to be an american/european... here in Brasil, there's a law which says if a website shows you a price the business has to offer you that product/service for the shown price... and everyone pretty much knows about this, so much so that it's usually enough for you to say "ik that's my right" and stores will oblige... worst case scenario, you ask if they wanna get the authorities involved (they never do, because there's a fine for this type of behavior)


Problem was they wasnt that they advertised an MH3 draft for 25 bucks, only for it to be 50 when you got there, they advertised a thunder junction draft they didn't have at all. So idk if that would even apply in this case


It's bait and switch. We did consider playing just because WE COULDNT GO ELSE WHERE!


Not to take away from your point at all but I will say it is a very fun draft


It's just 25$ more. And it's a rare dominated set more than others.


I've found the opposite, synergies in the set are so strong that rares have a much lower impact than they do in OTJ. I mean, the card with the 3rd highest win rate of all cards in the set is Writhing Chrysalis.


MH3 is indeed a fun set but yeah 50 bucks is just too much. I'm lucky that the LGS's near me are doing it for 32, because I think thats the highest reasonable price to pay for a draft. Especially considering you're in no way guaranteed to get your money's worth


Yeah. I didn't even want the cards either way. And it's a pain to sell cards. And the store is only give a good price in store credit. So the 50 is gone even if I hit 35$ in cards. (Impying the other 15 is going to overhead and prizes)


Yeah that's roughly what it costs in my currency as well so that makes sense


Its actually the opposite, currently dominated by commons more than rares.


The rares largely suck. It's a pauper format.


Well in this case it's a different product thus a different price so


Seems completely irrelevant. There werent enough people for an OTJ draft to run, they didnt change the price of it.


Is there 1 LGS website in the world that isn't dog shit and devoid of information? I live in the Chicago area and have to go to independent Facebook groups to find event calendars for the area. If attendance is down and shit doesn't fire, consider having a website that says when events are. You don't need any fancy calendar or anything. Could be a white background with only black text and it will be better than anything I've seen.


I have two, an LGS I don't get along with and an FLGS that I do. FLGS can't run sanctioned events, but they keep their stock meticulously up to date and pick orders within a day, maybe two. Their website has flaws, but very, very, very rarely has *errors*. LGS is more successful, so has a large play area, so runs sanctioned events, but can't keep track of their stock for shit, takes weeks to fulfil the orders that can be made, and management is controlling and arbitrary. Their website is a mess.


Out of curiosity, why cant the FLGS run events?


It's both too small to run real events (seating 8 people makes it almost too cramped to *function as a shop*) and not WPN, whereas the LGS that's down the road comfortably fits 16+ people without impairing its ability to do business and is WPN sanctioned. We manage to get 6 or so people for some commander or pauper once or twice a week, and it runs a small pokemon club (lots of kids, so more people can fit) and a small yugiho night, but it's really too small to run anything substantial.


That store would lose my business since there’s other stores around.


I mean it obviously did. I turned around and walked out.


That really sucks, I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that when I read your story, I thought 'instead of travelling ten miles to play magic, they travelled 50 years back in time to play pinball.'


Basically, lol. I happen to have a pinball arcade in my area. It's not expensive. I'm not huge into pinball as I'm in my 20s. But I was with my dad, who loves magic and pinball, lol.


That is adorable and I'm so glad you and your dad hang out like that!


Well, it was for Father's Day. I took him out to dinner. Then to magic. It sucks because I know he wants to play magic with me. He wants me to build another modern deck but at this point in my life I just can't afford it and I really don't get a lot of time off it sucks. I spend everyone else's waking hours sleeping and work when everyone is free.


I would say to call the stores ahead of time and ask (I have definitely been in your shoes OP, but sometimes a phone call can save you a ton if time)


I used to move around a lot and I would call stores asking if they had legacy tournaments (because their websites were always garbage). They would say, “yeah! We run them Thursdays at 6!” Or whenever. I show up on Thursday at 6 and they say, “oh, Legacy hasn’t fired in like a year.” WTF


Ugh what a shitty thing. Why do so many stores suck.


Next time, you could also call the store to confirm. “Hey, I’m looking at your website and I see that there is an Outlaws draft event tonight. Is that correct?” Just an idea to avoid a potential situation that could come up again 🤷‍♂️


Call ahead to verify that what you read is accurate next time. That’s kinda all you can do on your end.


It's all on me to assume the website is incorrect.


Yes. You can’t trust that other people will make sure things run smoothly enough for you to act with minimal effort on your part.


Did you check their website on your phone? On the device that you could have used to call the store and verify the information?


If I don't know the store or I haven't been a while I always call or send en email. Really saves the hassle of being there for something not to happen.


This has happened to me several times and I was super bummed, and I’m privileged enough to be able to go regularly! Very sorry you lost your chance to get drafting, that’s got to be very frustrating. I find that LGS websites are almost always outdated and clunky; I recommend calling stores directly on the day-of to confirm. Best of luck next time!


It's like gonna be like 2 months from now till I even have a chance again:(.


That's happened to me with a few different games, including *MTG*, and I refuse to go back to any of those places, even if it means driving twice as far to go somewhere with better business practices.


Call them first?


Why should I have to call EVERY SINGLE LOCATION. The fact that people keep saying this shows what an epidemic shitty stores are.


Happend to my aswell, I went to do Brothers war draft once, arrived, register and before I finish ending out the money "oh btw its Dominaria Remasterd since the BRO product didnt arrive" I was thinking (Its saturday they had a whole day to change it....) it was the same price has the BRO one, but I was very upset since that wasnt what I wanted or prepared for. I draft rarely do to schedualling, and when I do I read about the set first and prepare since I do 1 draft every other set. Like, just edit a goddam facebook post.


I thought they were all fat nerds! We are supposed to be good with computers! Who are these people!


My LGS offers drafts every Friday and each second tuesday. In tuesdays Sets are changing, usually there is a poll on LGS‘ Discord. Maybe they have a similar way to tell their customers about changes, rather than via Website? Nebertheless, I totally ageee with you


Does nobody use the [Companion](https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/companion-app) app?? I feel this is much better than visiting websites/discords/facebooks for my top LGSes I frequent.


Just take it as a lesson learned. Call and confirm before committing to X store


Always call ahead.


Does no one realize you can actually call a store to confirm the times, especially if more distance is involved…


Uh call ahead?


I'm gonna be 100%, why wouldn't you just call? You know that a new exciting set just dropped that is everywhere and you think a standard, somewhat boring set will fire first? I would have for sure called. Hell I call on regular fnm nights just to make sure so I don't waste my time.


Because I trusted the site listing? Why would I assume it's wrong. It's twice the price, so I think it's reasonable to assume some places are running normal priced drafts. When I looked online, lots of places were having Mh3, and I skipped them. Should I have called all of them to see if, by chance, they were doing something different than advertised?


Went in to my LGS, just come in on Saturday expecting commander . Played a bit of commander and there was MH3 draft 65$ NZ. ( Talked into it ) played it was on 9 people keen . So another one is planned sometime . At the LGS you’re not the only one there . Sometime you have to be flexible.


You could’ve always called them


I shouldn't have to call. If you say we are doing x online why should I assume it's wrong.


I travel occasionally for work all over. I play at lgs when I go and always call to confirm. Websites can get stale when it’s a small shop


Sadly this wasn't. This was a local gaming store chain. They said they tried to update it. It's just frustrating as I don't get to play much.


Why is an actual solution that is in op's possibilities downvoted so much? My store always wants to know how many people will be coming in advance.


If you know stores in your area are bad at this, give them a call before showing up rather than assume they will change their behavior


For the record if they raise the price But you have proof they did so, but they promised you (via website) a lower price, and admit to it. They MAYYYYYYYY have to honor that price. Otherwise it's false advertising and a crime.


So the price change was related to the format changing.


If only there was a device you could have used to somehow communicate with the store to make sure before you "wasted gas".


Bro, am I supposed to assume that every posting is wrong?


If I'm driving a good distance, especially when a new set just came out, I'm certainly calling to see how many have signed up/if it's going to fire. And yes, assume they're all wrong.


This is illegal in a large part of the world


Can you name one place where having an incorrect calendar entry for an event would be illegal? Because as unprofessional and inconsiderate as a store doing that is, the idea that it might actually break a law anywhere is beyond batshit insane.


Edit: sure, downvote me for providing an exact example (with the link to the government sector in charge of it) of a country where it is technically illegal for a business to incorrectly advertise a good/service on a website, intentionally or not. You could probably put a complaint to the ACCC in Australia and maybe have compliance action done. Aussie has some strong consumer law. From their own website "If a business misleads, we can investigate and may take some form of compliance or enforcement action." ... "Businesses mustn't mislead consumers Businesses should be honest in their dealings. Businesses shouldn't try to gain an unfair advantage by making misleading claims about their products or services. **It makes no difference whether a business intends to mislead or not."** ... "Information must be accurate and truthful Any information or claim that a business provides about its products or services must be accurate, truthful and based on reasonable grounds. This includes: - Information on prices - **images and descriptions of what is offered** - claims about the value, benefits, qualities or performance of products **and services"** ... "This rule applies to any communication by a business, including through: - advertising - product packaging - a quotation - any information provided by staff, whether verbally or in writing - social media - testimonials - **websites or any other platform.** - **Any statement that creates a false impression about goods and services can be breaking the law."** There's more on there. Just fyi, I'm also not a lawyer or anything, that's taken from the gov website and as written, a misleading event on a website whether intentional or not could be construed as false advertising. I know from watching the chasers (ABC show) 10-15 years ago that the ACCC deals with alot more shit than you realise and people don't know their consumer rights over here very well. https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/advertising-and-promotions/false-or-misleading-claims


As an Aussie everything they are saying is correct


I’m not sure whether this specifically is illegal, but it kind of takes the form of a bait and switch scam, which is “illegal in a large part of the world” Edit: ah yes, the reddit hivemind in action once again downvoting me for a comment that is factually correct


Yea bait and switch is definitely illegal most places. Typically laws require that be something where you advertised some kind of deal though, not just a thing that you ended up not having. If they had offered a $5 OTJ draft with the same price pool and then silently swapped it for full priced MH3 draft, *that* would almost certainly qualify. Granted, who is gonna go after a shop for that low a number, as much as we all kinda wish we could lol


This was something I said too! The packs cost double, but the prize money is unchanged. Is normally 15 is packs 10 is for the prize.... and it's 30 for the packs 10 for prizes... and 10.... well because we can!


That’s super fair, my perception is just probably just influenced by being an Aussie. We have extremely bulletproof consumer guarantees and this would absolutely qualify as a bait and switch [which is illegal here] while also being illegal on its own.