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And if you were tall you wouldn’t be saying this. I’m tall, and I literally never got a girlfriend. My excuse is, “All women like successful men” there’s always going to be a reason.


It’s not an excuse. I never claimed it’s impossible for short men to date


And I never claimed it’s impossible for tall men concerning the successful men subject. I’m just saying that there will always be a reason, so overcome them. I don’t even believe in the word impossible


6'5 guy who has been single since 2012 pretty much checking in to call this BS once again...


I never said height was the only or most important factor


But I read on the internet that you just have to be tall.


I don't think I'd like it even if it was true to be honest...who wants someone who only wants you because of your height? When I was younger, the most it ever hit me was ppl asking me if I played basketball lol.


Anyone fetishizing anything about me is a huge red flag


Agreed, it's never a good thing for any person or any descriptor.


Same here! Or the good ol “You so tall”


I hate when men make it sound like you have to be the size of an NBA Point Guard. Women like men who are taller than them. Women come in all shapes and sizes. I'm 5'11. I'm taller than most women. Will I be able to get a 6'1 Woman? Probably not. I actually tried. If you're 5'8. you should still be fine.


Like half of the women I’ve been personally attracted to are my height or taller


Taller is almost never going to work unless you have the type of game thar other men would pay to learn. I'm 5'10 and that's my limit. I'd ne damn near impossible to pull a girl taller than me


I mean nature just is, we dont have to like it or dislike it. Its not a hive mind, its not even a mind, because women will tell you otherwise. Its just biology. Men want beautiful, women want strong. Accept it and move on


yeah it sucks but don't blame women, they can't choose who they are attracted to. Blame evolution and Natural selection  Besides, Face matters more than Height for attracting women (unless you're too short)


Well, dude, men generally avoid women who are a couple pounds overweight. And as a bisexual guy, I can tell you. There are plenty of gay guys who have weird fetishes and kinks. Guys who only talk to you because you’re black or Asian. there are also guys who only talk to you because of your height.


And weight is universal for both genders. Women face the standard on a harsher level, but let’s not act like morbidly obese men are seen as equal to average sized men in terms of attractiveness


In terms of dating experience, obese guys have a much easier time than obese women.


You’re probably right, but I don’t get why you’re trying to use that example as some sort of gotcha. I’m open to acknowledging straight men as broadly bad, and that still doesn’t change my thoughts about how “height preferences” are stupid


Half of the women who obsess over tall guys date men who are only a few inches taller than them. It’s not as big of a deal as a lot of red pill guys and incels make it out to be.


I’ve already acknowledged that. That still doesn’t mean I’m okay with any of it


Well dude, that’s how the dating market works. You think I like being judge solely based on my financial status in life? of course not! But it’s no use in complaining about it.


There’s nothing wrong with me thinking it’s stupid that tall men are always deemed as preferable. I have a hard time respecting a group of people if they lack individual tastes and wants


Well, there’s biological incentives to wanting a partner that is physically superior in some aspects. It’s called sexual selection. It’s how the cookie crumbles, is it stupid and subjective at times? Definitely. But complaining about it is a waste of time.


Who cares? We don’t need to always display forced positivity when life throws bullshit our way. I have the right to not be happy with the situation.


lmao men don’t “generally avoid women who are overweight” the average woman is 5’3 and 168 lbs.


Maybe in America, but not anywhere else


Gay guys aren’t hive minded when it comes to their preferences though


That’s because men, even gay men, will fuck basically anything that they can get their hands on. There are a lot of other issues with the gay community that are equally as bad. The rampant promiscuity/infidelity, the guys who are DL and lie to their female partners about their sexuality for years, the guys who only date men who were nearly 20 years younger than them.


I’d take it over having to date a very hive minded demographic. I don’t respect when people lack diversity in their wants or tastes


What I’m trying to tell you is that gay guys can be like that too. As somebody who struggles a lot financially, there’s guys who only pray on men that they think could use their help financially. There are a huge portion of guys that are irresponsible with their consistency in using protection, or lack there of. What I’m saying is that there are a huge load of trends that pop up over and over again. It’s kind of the reason why I mainly date women.


We’re coming at this from two different angles. You’re bringing up the dynamics of gay people, but I’m simply talking about how they tend to have a wide range of preferences


Their preferences really aren’t that wide of a range. There are gay guys who deal with the issue of not meeting. Somebody standards just as much as you. I just take issue with the idea that the problems that you’re espousing would just go away if you were gay.


They’d definitely be mitigated if I were gay


As somebody who has experienced the gay dating landscape firsthand, they really wouldn’t. Gay guys look down on short guys as well.


Bro I am bisexual too and from my experience the height thing matters to feminine people of all genders. If you’re bi/gay and into masculine men then maybe it don’t matter, feminine people in general no matter the gender want a partner taller than them or at least not short. I’m 5’6 and I’m really unsuccessful with dating, and I *know* it’s my height because I do well on dating apps and social media, until it moves to IRL. Only into women and (very) fem men so I know I’m just cooked. 🤷🏻‍♂️