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You're right 100%. It's not your fault for being short. But it is societies fault for treating you like trash for something you can't fix.


You cannot change society, the people are who they are, not all people will be like that either, thus if you cannot change them and it’s the way they are then you must learn to accept them for who they are.


Doeant mean theybar enot at fault.


>If you become successful and rich then “hahaha look Joe Rogan is literally 5’3 hahaha”.  I loathe Joe Rogan, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't swap places with a tall ordinary guy who has a shit job and credit card debt.


"Just shave it all off bro" ~Joe Rogan


Word and everytime the advice to short guy problems is “get jacked” and “bulk up” when I have zero interest in looking even stockier than now. I just want that thin lanky built and no diet will make me look like that already, so why would I make it worst. ( 5’6)


Thin lanky and short still looks bad ive seen guys like that (in fact i am like that too). You just look like a child that barely survived auschwitz


Look, I'm not here to invalidate your feelings because that's your personal experience. But this really isn't universal, and by applying this to all short men you're kind of making it this inescapable doom in your own head. I'm 5'3, reasonably fit but not jacked, probably average looks. I'm happy with my social life, my dating life, and my life as a whole. I'm pretty sure I've been insulted for my height before but I can hardly remember because why would I care? I don't feel treated badly, and if someone acts that way toward me I'm done interacting with them, life's too short to put up with bullshit. It's more than "just be confident." It's "just focus on your life." If you say you're struggling then I believe you, but it's worth reexamining the root cause as well as the cognitive distortions that might be preventing you from improving your circumstances.


Same height and I feel exactly in the same situation. I've been decently successfully with women, not that much socially cause a bit of a weirdo but still, I have friends and am appreciated by my coworkers. I'm making decent money. I'm relatively in shape. Nobody talks me about my height anymore nowadays, except for the usual banter between colleagues but that's fair game.


Right, I think the mean-spirited comments ended when I was a teenager. Adults don't act that way with each other, and the ones that do are too emotionally immature to be worth your time.


Yeah I also believe if you're being insecure it just project and call for bullying.


Actually, I don't agree with this. Nobody asks for or deserves bullying, insecure or not. Change what you can, of course. But don't take the responsibility off of those responsible.


I'm not saying you deserve it, I'm saying you're calling it. That's a very different meaning.


You're invalidating op


Work out? Make money? Learn fighting to defend urself Omg Haha he overcompensating small man syndrome Meek passive? Not successful Omg short man cant protect, he broke hahahah Dating wise Get mocked belittled a literal social media trend garnering millions of likes and views just mocking short guys (one dude got married and chicks were just mocking his height) Actually being removed out of the majority portion of the pool Complains about it- Omg u misogynistic incel it's in ur head Women dont care urself bro Its personality Lmao


i'm 5'5" never had a problem with the ladies, a problem to me because i'm not into them. have you actually interacted with women offline. most don't give a fuck about height and the ones who do, do mostly so they have a boyfriend they feel can protect them if another big guy tries something. this is a very chronically online post. get out into the real world


How many girls were into you


a lot, i don't count them


Also why did you change the comment


Ur htn ur self but mid mtn due to short tax, im mtn face wise while and real ltn due to short tax, u can do it its a lil hard but u got no chance being somwhat avreage looking and short


No way im mtn overall. Im 5’5 not 5’8


Its around 2 psl between htn and mtn thats the height tax bro don’t exaggerate i know u are 5’5


Can you please explain a psl scale or at least give a link to article or something


Dm ill rate u man u don’t need psl scale irl its just a scale to rate ideal ratios which makes almost a perfect face that appeals to autists on .org


my dyslexic ass read it wrong, i thought you asked me how many women ive been into lol


Bruh thats just sad. You say you don’t have problem with the girls while saying no one was attracted to you


that's not what i said at all, i said there's too many to count. it's a problem because im gay and don't like girls and they just throw themselves at me. i'm short yet pull so height isn't the problem. y'all dwell on height when in the real world that shit don't matter to most


Then you must look like psl god. I wont believe you are less than chadlite tier in terms of looks


idk what half that shit means bro 💀


Can I just know what you look like?


no i like to keep anonymous because of what i post on this sub. what's on profile is all people get


Then do you consider yourself handsome? And how often do girls compliment your looks


Because theybdont saybit to your face. Most don't want you would never want you


then why they be trying to fuck me?


So you are a rare exception so no you can't relate


yall need to get out that echo chamber and actually talk to women in real life


Oh I have tried many times. Even in a singles group


no rizz


OP I train with a man about 5’3 or 5’4 and about 140 lbs. He is a beast on the mats. A skilled technician that God forbid he has to fight in real life all limbs will start snapping. When I see him I think about his skills and not his height. Maybe you need to shine in one area so people see you for that instead?


I hate going out with my brothers because of that. They're all 6ft and up and I'm 5'8". I speak 3 languages (if you count ASL "speaking"), code in 3 languages, no kids, no criminal record. Women completely overlooked me and go after my felon, multiple baby momma, schizophrenic brothers.


I always say personality means nothing. Its all about looks and height but no one believes. They want to cope because they think life is a fairytale where anyone has a chance


You're being short and it's not your fault. Also it will never change so you better get used to it. I've been a very short guy my whole life and honestly except for a few practical stuff I really didn't cared much and now that I'm older (30) I litterally couldn't give less of a shit. Interestingly, nobody cares that I'm a short-ass. A lot of taking shit about being short is projecting insecurity about your height. Own it, you're not gonna get any taller, anyway it's not making that big of a difference all in all. Seriously you guys are doompilling yourselves about it but all in all it's no big deal.


Doesn't change the FACT that being short automatically means the majority of women don't want you.


That's not true at all. The vast majority will claim they don't and they screen you out of dating app but if all things being equal you're good for them, you're good for them. Height is like weight, it's a strong screening argument but a weak decision argument. If you can pass the screening anyway, it's already good.


But the odds are already stacked way against you if your short. It's an automatic rejection


>But the odds are already stacked way against you if your short. Not that much actually. >It's an automatic rejection Absolutely not. You're doompilling yourself for absolutely no reason. Stop this crap.


But the problem is that you'll never pass


Not only you can but actually it's pretty easy, the hard part is mostly not spilling the beans all over yourself by being weird, disagreeable, gross, arrogant or sex obsessed which, afaict from what I've heard from a non trivial amount of women, is already not that common at all.


Can't tell, as I have never been able to achieve the *easy* goal.


No offense but you are older. It matters now more than ever. Especually to girls in my age group. Guys arent making this stuff up and I dont know why people act like we get insecure for no reason. They say how undesireable short men are and praise tall men regularly. This isnt doom pilling its mainstream and popular. Look at this: https://imgur.com/a/VHRARRI This content goes viral daily


Lmao no, I guarantee you it mattered just as much then than it does now. The difference is then, you had to suck it up instead of finding other guys to circlejerk your misery with. It's fine to commiserate a bit, but we have to witness doomporn every week on the matter in here and you're all just doing the same thing as chubby women who claim they can't find a guy, despite the very numerous examples of fat women who indeed find guys to get with. In this very thread I had a guy tell me it's literally impossible to get a woman if you're short, despite me being 5'3' tall and having had 3 GF and having a good handful of very serious occasions to land 3rd base with other women, some of them __really__ out of my league. My coworker Jay (a fake name) was 5'5', he was eccentric, fit, funny as hell and you be girls were splooshing over themselves when he was doing his thing. I had, for some reason, a handful of short guys (all less than 5'6'') and they were all with girls. And we're no bizarre freaks or special guys, we are your slightly different than average guy who also happen to be short as fuck Is it harder to find women when you're short? Obviously yes. Is it really that hard? No if you being short is your problem. However, when you find yourself on Reddit speaking with random strangers about how you're Never Gonna Make It and you'll never get a women, I guarantee you that attitude is your number one problem by a goddamn mile. Seriously, have you ever taken a moment to ask you what kind of women would see a doomer rambling about how he's never gonna get pussy because he's so short and think "Wow, I'm feeling SO attracted to this guy"? Personally, I can't even imagine a single woman being interested in that. It's a male mental health subreddit here, so I'm giving this advice: delete reddit, twitter, tiktok, steam, Netflix and whatever crap you're on. zéro information diet. Instead go to the gym, sleep at normal hours and try to get your grades at uni and please, touch grass. Then find something useful to do: help a friend move out, do some handy work for your mom, clean your room or your flat. No big thing, but just make yourself useful. It'll do wonders for your own mental health and your self respect, and when you'll get better in your head you'll have a much more reasonable view of your own situation. And before it's even said: no, you don't "just need to". Nobody said this shit was easy, but you have no other option that will make things better, so at least you can try.


Its not impossible its just way harder. I have hobbies, I work out, I have friends, and touch grass. Idk why you assume guys dont do those things. >However, when you find yourself on Reddit speaking with random strangers about how you're Never Gonna Make It and you'll never get a women, I guarantee you that attitude is your number one problem by a goddamn mile. No its not the #1 reason. Its also an anonymous app. Me venting has nothing to do with my day to day attitude. Idk why people love saying that And im deleting all social media soon. Its all trash >It's fine to commiserate a bit, but we have to witness doomporn every week on the matter in here and you're all just doing the same thing as chubby women who claim they can't find a guy, despite the very numerous examples of fat women who indeed find guys to get with. Its venting. And there are way more short men than there are women willing to date them. Idk why short men like to invalidate the experiences of others. Not everyone has the same experiences as yall And I have been trying. People assume that short men dont try by defualt for some weird reason


it's amazing how much of this sub is the most depressed people ever telling each other that being depressed is totally correct. i mean, fine, if you all want to circlejerk yourself into suicide go ahead but don't lie to yourself that you are actually finding some sort of truth


The truth that short people are automatically screwed in dating? It's automatically a .million times harder to find someone. People like you think we should embrace living life on hard mode. Fuck that


It didn't used to be but it shows how you can never have a real conversation about male mental health issues without this crap showing up.


I think it's a bit of both. Perhaps its the reality that a majority of short men are this depressed and rarely talk about it outside of forums like this. Is it helpful? Usually not but perhaps the "crap" is more common than many of us want to admit.


Fair enough but it doesn't help that when you try and give such guys advice they just seem to have no interest in fixing things just in complaining about it. I've been there and am there but at the very least they should label the post a vent if no one is willing to take other ideas on board when people are constantly trying to give them very solid advice beyond 'lift bro' and they just ignore it or snap back at it. The whole idea here in subs like this should be building a community of support and viable information.


We're in agreement. A vent label would've been helpful. Its nice to be able to lay these issues out but if you don't try to take any advice or make changes from them and just repeat the process it helps no one. I think we've all been at this stage in the process at somepoint in life. I eventually just got so exhausted being upset about it I had to stop caring. I hope OP finds the help they need, the right therapist, support group, etc. for a lot of people it just takes the unique circumstance for something to stick


So are you saying you don't care if you end up alone? Sad really


How do you fix your body?


Men will literally... Blame all their problems on their height/looks instead of going to therapy.


Been to therapy multiple times and it didn't work


Typical feminist


And therapy is going to change our height?


No, it's going to help with your negative thinking and pessimism, which will open up a whole new world of happiness and possibility. You will be able to create and maintain healthy, normal relationships and your height will be something you rarely think about anymore because you don't need something to blame all your problems on anymore.


>to create and maintain healthy, normal relationships This does not seem to be much of help when all the present relationships are ruined beyond repair and there is no chance to establish new ones. The other problem is that the process is requiring a decent amount of cognitive and emotional intelligence which I never had, not to speak about missing sense of consistency. >your negative thinking and pessimism, That's how you view it. I don't want to deceive myself; after all, the best I can do is to hide from everyone as I am of absolutely no benefit and I am a nuisance and a burden in every situation imaginable. I can blame myself only. But in the end it doesn't even matter as there is nothing to do that could make a difference.


You deserve to be treated better bro but i promise being angry and stewing over it will not help it will only turn you into a hateful person.


Guys look at his profile 1) He is legit handsome 2) HE'S 5'7 Dude i am 5'5 and considered handsome but consider you far handsomer and yet i still do not feel like the life i live is unbearable because of my height if you struggle socially or romantically it is absolutely not your height or face


Sadly I measured myself recently and im actually 5’5


... you could be 5'0 and still pull a lot of gorgeous women and command respect on account of your facial features alone dude your problem is most likely your personality i know its a meme here i used to be an incel years ago and i posted to inceltears and s*icidewatch and such and i hated when people told me my looks were fine and my personality needed work i was your age at the time too but i look back and realize they were right dude again you are conventionally very handsome to the point where height is irrelevant. you are killing your attractiveness by beating yourself up over a minor "negative" trait when you have major positive traits


But are you pulling dates and wimen? No so personality doesn't matter as much


i am


Ok so you are the very rare exception.


That 5’0 statement is an exaggeration


And how tf people measuring themselves wrong and difference is 2 inches ?!they don't know how to measure or something?


Rogan is 5'8 that's not bad


Then if he was 5’3 it would be ok to make fun of his height?


No I'm just saying zjoe Rogan is not a good example of "short"


He is still being mocked by the internet


You can either live a suffering life knowing people are ignorant and will never change, or you can really start living for yourself and realize that you are more than just your physical body man. You really are and once you realize that everything changes


Life isnt as easy as “go sigma monk mode” and you’ll be fine, people are social creatures and how society perceives us is important


That’s not quite what I was trying to convey. I shouldn’t have said “self actualize” I guess? What I’m saying is when you feel good about yourself and respect yourself, others start to respect you. I’ve lived this firsthand, I still struggle with confidence sometimes but I’ve found that if you feel confident enough to demand respect, most people will respect you and those who don’t end up looking like assholes to everyone else!


“Just be confident bro” “my bf is 6’4 but i love him for his confidence”


That’s not what I’m saying, you can’t be this dense irl. I’m 5’6”


Did you post for advice or just to commiserate? If it’s the latter my apologies.


They want a whining circle jerk.


You don't t have a solution actually. Just like every therapist.


It’s not a solution but it’s hell of a lot more than you’re probably doing


As for me, doing nothing is the best I can get. Otherwise I ruin everything.


I believe in you, you can be successful brother


You don't have to. Over three decades of experience speak loudly against your belief, however sincere.


Ok, but that doesn't automatically translate into women wanting to be with you. The height is still a barrier to most women.


Living for yourself and not grtting any women... how is that worth living


I'm 5'9", some people say I must be taller, some people call me short. Idc. I like who I am. People who try to mock me I mock back. Confidence is internal.


5’9” is not that bad.


As a short man, get jacked and stop giving a shit about how others view you, you’ll be ok son.


"get jacked" biggest cope of the century


Whats your height


I’m not who you replied to, but I’m 5 foot 4 inch and I agree with him


So why work harder to get the same thing taller people can get easier.


Because of a little thing like self respect. It’s fine if you don’t have any but thats what the rest of us do. You can complain or you can do something about it.


So short people should just suck it up accep the shit card they are dealt and be forced to live life on hard mode


Yes. But mostly you should stop feeling sorry for yourself. Is it unfortunate that you’re below average height? Ya for sure. It’s unfortunate sometimes, you may miss some opportunities because of it. But your life won’t be devoid of opportunity. There’s nothing preventing you from having meaningful friendships. There’s still short women out there, there’s tall women who life short men etc. it’s easy to see the tinder height bias but in reality women just want someone who isn’t feeling sorry for themselves all the time. There’s nothing stopping you from getting a good degree, good job, nice body and celebrating yourself. The only thing stopping you from enjoying life is your own self pity. If you walk around demanding pity or being insecure and angry then that’s the only type of person you’re going to attract. So ya your choice is suck it up and try, or complain on the internet and solidify your position alone.


>But mostly you should stop feeling sorry for yourself Everything is solved now, we can close down this sub.


Its comments like this that really take away from the issue. Your defeatism is the entirety of the problem. It’s not society, it’s your views. Like I get it. Life sucks sometimes. Shits hard. But you can complain and whine about being short like me or you can go do something about it or choose to not care what people think about your height. Those are your only choices. But I promise when you’re talking to people with this defeated attitude as if life is just so hard for you, that is more of a turn off for people than the issue you’re complaining about. It’s all about the attitude


>Your defeatism is the entirety of the problem. It’s not society, it’s your views. As for me, definitely. But I do not want to fight. I do not want to strive as there is nothing, not a single insignificant thing, I can achieve. Anyway, we need to decide if we are going to discuss defeatism or societal discourse. Isn't the former more of a *mental health* issue actually? And since you seem to be storied enough, you should be knowing that defeatism is not to be solved by "motivational" advice. Defeatism is not a conscious decision. And it is most likely impossible to defeat the defeatism. Interestingly enough, there is still a societal aspect to it. Specifically in the American discourse, I suspect that nothing less but sheer determination despite all odds and reliable statistics is acceptable. I realize that defeatism is nearly a sin in this culture. But we are not going to invalidate other one's feelings, are we?


5’7” and Asian, my current GF is a 9 and taller than me, and i’ve dated 50 women from every single race except middle eastern (dunno if Indian counts as that), most 7+. I’m not charismatic, rich, have status, or anything really. You just need to get rid of your limiting beliefs. Stop thinking of yourself as a “short guy” and just thinking about yourself as a MAN. Stop putting negative qualifiers on yourself. Do you think Putin worries about the fact that he’s 5’6”? And don’t listen to the other incel that responded to my post, getting jacked is certainly not a cope. If you’re a short guy, you NEED to get jacked. Period. Or else you just come off as effeminate. Women need to feel that their man can protect them. And trust me know plenty of tall autists who can’t get laid, so everyone has their own deficiencies they must overcome, being short is not the end of the world.


“Just become Putin bro”


I'm 6'5 I'm your worst nightmare boo! But it's not the thing you think it is...I still am not Don Juan, my life is still screwed due to abuse and actual REAL mental health issues society ignores in men. I have a better question...how old are you? You care about this so much I'd say 15-22.


Man how tf heightism is not a real issue. You are just trying to compete in “who suffers more”. Heightism is real and you are denying it


No, I have no interest in that game you do son. Being tall is not some magical fix all for life, there are tons of successful short people just like there are people that rise above all kinds of things. You have to say fuck this height shit, I'm winning anyway. You'll get nowhere complaining online,what do you expect to happen, that the Internet rises up and forces respect out of the world? Good luck. Hey maybe it is a real thing, maybe it hurts like hell, but it's up to you and you alone to get past it, get over it...no one else can help you besides saying this and you just ignore that. So sure, you may be screwed but only because you're screwing yourself. Also, I have no desire to go into what things I've been through which are way worse than being short but quit thinking your problems are the worst thing ever, you could be poor, homeless, have cancer, have limited mobility, etc... Seriously good luck figuring it all out, personally I'd find a good therapist if I were you.


Stop coping your life is doom eternal on a rookie difficulty while mine is entire dark souls series without dying


Uh-huh. Good luck, hope you find your way out of your own head man, I have been there, just don't give up. Bye.


Lol you're an entire foot taller than him while thinking it makes no difference. JFL


I'm single AF...it's not like if you're tall women just fall at your feet or something.


I don't care if you're single, It's still easier. It's almost like every tall guy lacks self awareness for some bizzare reason. It's actually quite sad.


refuse resist we're not gonna take this shit anymore. Embargo society.


Yeah man, Joe Rogan fucked it up for us small guys.


Wait what did Joe do?






“Boo hoo im 6’5 its so hard to live. All these girls make it hard to breathe boo hoo”


Also I'm gay dumbass


Still living life on easy mode pal. If we did exchange heights you would cry to go back


I hope you find a loving girl. Best of luck to you.




That's literally average LOL. The only time it's ever bothered me is on the basketball court.




No it isn't.


Bro I’m 5’ 9”, never even thought about being taller




Said who bro 💀 I’ve never had a problem being 5’ 9”




How is 5'9 "unbearable" lol


While i would be willing to kill to be just your height