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https://preview.redd.it/ov3oybrdar8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092c9fadde2a6d9d3ef458e37b6efbe7e112c2bc Me when watching 97


My mom kept mentioning his "stripper gloves" so many times when she saw him, and I just can't see his new outfit the same anymore.


Finally a fellow bastion stan


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/05im18lqiq8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656e6b667f732c30165d1bcb094f38a5b5ef576c




The real reason Val Cooper freed him was because of how hot he was.








Actually simping for magneto is the only way to read x-men comics


This got me thinking: Would Walter stop Erik from killing Johann Schmidt?


I forgot Rorschach's first name was Walter and thought this was about breaking bad for like 10 seconds, Walter White would not stop Erik btw.


Waltuh he’s a Nazi… No Erik! We need to kill him!


"Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Heisenberg. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing."


I was also thinking on Walter White for a moment when i read this comment.


Why would he even try? Rorschach is a moral absolutist and loon, but he's not a Nazi-sympathiser.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, he’s not not a nazi sympathizer. He reads antisemitic magazines


If he gave a shit about that kind of stuff, Alan Moore would have wrote him thinking about that bullshit, maybe even talking about it with someone. Dude's a crackpot lunatic that loves fringe conspiracy theories and believes in a fucked up, personal view of objectivism, but he's not a nazi sympathizer


He's no more a Nazi sympathizer than the Joker is.


The joker isn’t an antisemite and doesn’t read neonazi magazine


It’s a neonazi magazine. He’s one step away from being one


He sends his manifesto to a right wing newspaper. I don’t buy that.


Rorschach is an anti-communist, but not a Nazi sympathiser. More of an objectivist loon.


how could he?


He could try at the very least...




Walter would do it himself


Rorschach canonically smells bad don’t ever compare Magneto to that bum again


Magneto probably smells like metal tho 🤔 like think about it whenever he makes a base he just makes like metal castles and stuff, who's paying the water bill?? Bro def smells rusty


Counterpoint: Smell is basically just tiny particles of whatever you’re smelling. If he can control metal he could just force them away from him and smell non-metal-y


but would he


That man would NOT care if he smelt of metal musk 🙅‍♂️ him and Rorsach twinning in the "oh I smell, wtv" department


" https://preview.redd.it/qgtsz16z3x8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c30e39f053a7bb9e38c8696a4d4292c6b482d2b "Facist + Smells bad"


Ok Ted Cruz.


Magneto has been the good guy in **a lot** of runs, and he has progressively been presented more sympathetically with the passing of time. The Magneto of the Modern X-Men is basically an entirety different character from the Magneto of the early X-Men.


Magneto is Mag-NEAT-o , so everything he does is justified, unlike Rorschach.


You're telling me that people like that the word 'Neato' is hidden in your name?


You refrigerator magnet


Bold of you to assume there’s anything lower than libertarians 🤢🤮


Honestly there's an irony in the fact how during the show a lot of people were proud and agreed with "Magneto was right" chant. And now people denounce it after the show has ended. Plus Magneto was right tends to be misunderstood as in right about what.


I really dislike the concept of Magneto being right. X-men is built around real world bigotry and suggesting that an extremist is right and mutants need to live in their own continent instead of fighting for equality really urks me. In-universe you can argue for it, but not without the real world implications it has.


I'VE BEEN FEELING THIS there's been so much magneto discourse recently and Everytime I feel my eye twitching like I think ethnostates are Bad actually


It’s part of the reason I have such an issue with x men. In order for the allegory to work, they can’t have a solution, because then it would be boring. So because the story needs to go on forever they can’t do it, humans will always have to be prejudiced, sentinels will always have to exist, the other heroes will always have to brain dead and ok with a prejudiced world. So of course in that scenario the radical one looks good. But that just ruins the allegory because if it is talking about the LGBTQ+ or different ethnic groups, then the message the allegory sends is “they’ll never accept you, always be ready to be militant.” Which… gah.


I've thought this a lot. Magneto seems so justified because for the past 80 years once a week theres a world ending hate crime happening, and no one except the X-Men give a shit about mutant prejudice because those themes are not important to any other books, and because non-mutants aren't interesting in X-Men books, because they aren't super heroes, you never see real human allies stick around. Charles mission seems dead because comic books as a medium necessitate it never comes true.


I’ve said it before but we need a marvel run where the entire story is set over ten years. Hard limit. Time progresses and people grow and problems get solved


This exact ethos is why I prefer adaptations to comics themselves most of the time lmao


Tbf is this not real life?


No, it’s not. LGBTQ rights and ethnic rights are both on the rise and both protected. We don’t need a violent revolution or a sovereign state to protect ourselves


There are some real world events going on that might counteract that claim. We’ve been notoriously treating migrants super well for these last 8 years. There’s anxiety that we might lose rights because the conservative Supreme Court struck down roe v wade and in doing so cast doubt on the decision it was built upon, that also happens to be the basis upon which gay and interracial marriage are built. And while we fight about who does and doesn’t deserve human rights we all suffer economically while the rich get richer. So I personally think putting the fear of getting your knee caps smashed into executive board rooms across the country would benefit the average American.


You mean like… choosing to found nations like Liberia and Israel over taking any domestic responsibility for reparations and healing regarding an extremely persecuted minority group?


Moreso that “Magneto was right” about the fact that humans would never allow a peaceful transition into accepting the existence of mutants. He was wrong with how he responded.


I have to have standards and simp for Thanos again


Okay, but both are absolutely crushing it compared to Punisher fanboys.


This is not even close to true lmao


I know it's Hot take for X-Men fans, but genocide of lesser race is bad


Most of the time Magneto doesn’t want to genocide humans, he’s preventing the genocide of Mutants


The fact that he’s at any point sought to genocide/kill innocent people makes him bad.


"Hirohito wasn't *that* bad. He only kinda encouraged ethnic Chinese to be systematically tortured."




So you like didn’t read my comment at all huh


I'm not up to date with XMen. When was the last time Magneto wanted to genocide humans? Because I thought that he hasn't wanted that for a while now...


The last time he was written that way as far as I’m aware was in 2001 in the Planet X arc, and they pretty quickly retconned that to be an imposter, so the last time the actual Magneto tried something like that would have to be Magneto War in 1999.


It can argued that he was doing the poles shift in the Magneto War more to get his way than to actually commit genocide. I mean, he totally would have done it if they didn’t give him his way, but I think genocide was incidental to his goals.


I'm faily certain he was actuvelu pro genocide and attempting to take over the world using Professor X in Eve of Destruction in 2001


Ngl, it sounds ridiculous when boiled down like that.


In comics, it's been a while, but this is probably being brought up because of X-men '97 which just aired.


Hasn't magento pulled like a bunch of evil shit that resulted in the deaths of thosands of people?


Magneto was right.


Counterpoint: [Rorschach isn’t a fighting game character with a sick as fuck theme.](https://youtu.be/5qotCxWm2uw?si=b7vNusphbjYOPrcE) Magneto enjoyers ftw


Yeah while people joke about it. It's sad watching peoplenjust ignore actions because of looks


That is a bad take.


Rorschach only wanted people to know the truth.


Not to kink shame but it’s really weird anyone would simp over a bloody snow angel in Antarctica.


https://preview.redd.it/jybmisn55u8d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cbf63c115344010ddec8f6426827bd04ce9251 They also hated him for who he truly was. 🙏


Fuck off, Jesus


Hot take: Magneto is totally balls and Rorshack is just pure ass


People fr say magneto is right like he isn’t just another form of nazi


Mfs will stare at a racist and an extreme activist and think they're the same lmao


Magneto is also racist, just to humans.


Luckily, humans are not real.


Blood does NOT read X-Men.


He is a mutant first person in nearly every appearance


"Mutant first" does NOT equate to racism, lmao. If putting the needs of his people before his oppressors is racist, then you equate most activism to racism.


It's racism when he engages in literal terrorism and calls his people better.


The name "homo-superior" was not coined by Magneto, my guy, it was coined by humans.


Are you seriously going to argue Magneto has no prejudice against humans?


Nah, but a general distrust based on years of continuous out and out murder isn't the same as not trusting or liking your oppressors, I'll tell you that much.


If you equate to holding the entire population hostage, killing innocent civilians, human experimentation, and torture as activism you need to reexamine your priorities.


If you consider any of those things unique to Magneto, you need to actually read the X-Men. The Humans outshine every war crime he commits in decades before an afternoon brunch. Moreover, if they just stopped killing Mutants, there would be less problems 🤷‍♂️


I mean, a warcrime isn't \*not\* a warcrime when the cool kids do it first


Correct. But I'd still trust the guy who wants his people to live more than those that just want murder specific groups, lmao.


Things don't stop being bad because the other side commits them too


"Um, akshually, the guy who doesn't want his people to be murdered is like, just as bad as the people who create large, building sized ethnic cleansing machines."


Unironically based


I didn't claim he was just as bad. I said bad actions don't cease to be bad because the other side does them - Magneto killing thousands (including innocents) is a bad thing just as humans killing thousands is (including innocents). They aren't necessarily equal in quality or magnitude, but they are both bad things


Magneto attacked first. All the mutant hate is a result of his attacks.


>genocide >extreme activism


"Stop killing us before I do something drastic." =/= "I really hate those [insert group]." If you want to call Magneto genocidal, then you have to call the Humans Hitler² lmao


It's still genocide.


Bro would call the Black Panthers terrorists, lmao Magneto hasn't had a genuinely "world ending" plan for Humans in over two and a half decades, and even then, killing humans has *never* been his main objective.


Not gonna lie, I wouldn't feel at ease with someone if they've ever tried to genocide people, even if decades ago


Yeah, and Magneto doesn't feel comfortable with humans trying to kill him every day 🤷‍♂️ >genocide people This has never been Magneto's goal, please read a comic book


The black panthers never said we need to kill all white people. And comparing the struggles of African Americans and the centuries of slavery they have experienced to a fictional dude is kindve cringe bro If you really wanted a good comparison to Magneto, you would be talking about the Nation of Islam Also killing all non-mjtants was in fact his goal of Magneto War, Fatal Attractions, and for the most part Eve of Destruction EDIT: Let's also not forget Bloodties, where Magneto's literal protege and ideological twin actually does attempt to carry out a genocide of the humans on Genosha and it is almost entirely accepted in story that this was Magneto's goal before he died. So while he himself is not inciting, having basic media literacy shpws that this was in fact his end goal as a character at the time


>The black panthers never said we need to kill all white people. And Magneto has never said kill all humans, lol. He *has* said that they're a bigoted lot that will likely never change, and so far he's been proven right repeatedly. >And comparing the struggles of African Americans and the centuries of slavery they have experienced to a fictional dude is kindve cringe bro "Bro, you can't just draw parallels between fictional minorities and bigotry to the real bigotry and minorities that inspired them." My brother in Christ, that is the point of the commentary of Mutants, lmao. Magneto War is about Magneto trying to force the UN to give Mutants land as a sanctuary, Fatal Attractions is about Magneto trying to remove or kill Humans from Avalon(so no, not even remotely all of them lol), and Eve of Destruction literally just has Magneto say "Hey, stop discriminating against us or I'm gonna stop playing around, and start bodying governments." Truly, he asked too much of them, lmao. And if you're gonna start blaming Magneto for the actions of *Exodus*, a guy who used to work for *Apocalypse*, I don't what to tell you except that I wish I had your dealer for the copium lol 🤷‍♂️


> Magneto has never said kill all humans Youre right he has never used those exact words (mainly comic censors generally get mad if you mention someone advocating for genoicde) but here's an imgur like of panels where Magneto during Claremont's run either used fascist rhetoric (of which the endgoal is always going to be genocidal) or straight up advocating for the ending of homo sapien existence https://imgur.com/a/vlqK5iG > the commentary of mutants Youre right, but this is one of the places where the metaphor falls apart because Stan Lee didn't think that far ahead and Claremont retrofitted the racial analogies onto the characters. There are going to be issues and this is one of them.


"Yeah, but like, Magneto said some bad stuff too!" Includes panels from 1963, the same year of the X-Men's inception. Like yeah man, that's crazy that Magneto used to be a less nuanced character, almost like it was 1963 or something. >Youre right, but this is one of the places where the metaphor falls apart Nah, the fact that someone would react violently to building sized ethnic cleansing bots that murder with *extreme* prejudice is something that most people would do, given the circumstances. The fact that so many people love to point out the flaws of Magneto while just ignoring the active genocide he tries to prevent of his people is funny. >Stan Lee didn't think that far ahead and Claremont retrofitted the racial analogies onto the characters. If you walk with this interpretation, you make your previous point moot my guy.


None of them were from 1963? The panels were from 1983, 1986, 1987, and 1988. All of which were very specifically after Claremont introduced the nuance. And Claremont is pretty much what every adaptation claims to be inspired by (including X-Men 97, which in and of itself is the continuation of a show that basically was just adapting Claremont's stories to animation) Also you're moving the goal posts, uou said Magneto never wanted to kill all humans. The main point you were arguing about is wrong, Magneto is not comprable to the Black Panther Party and is more comprable to the militatint black nationalism/fascism of the Nation of Islam. You're also wrong that his main objective has never been to kill all homo sapiens. I just gave you several in universe examples from the run that is used as the claimed inspiration of his character in pretty much every major media adaptation (including the one that this post is about) . Everything behind this is me continuing to argue with you despite the fact that you're already wrong. Magneto absolutely is not anything like the Black Panther Party. The core of the Black Panther Party was empowering African American communities through mutual aid, teaching them Marxist theory so they can understand the nature of oppression and liberation, and arming the communities of color to both defend themselves and enforce their rights. Magneto does none of this, what Magneto does is walk around with his big stick saying everyone needs to follow his methods/demands or be killed. He does not - Engage in mutual aid/attempt to fix the material needs facing mutant communities (like the Black Panthers did by providing free breakfasts to communities of color) Attempt to educate mutants on the nature of their oppression and the idea of liberation (like the black panthers did by organizing reading groups and community events), and he does not Attempt to arm or empower mutant communities by teaching them how their powers can be used to defend themselves and their loved ones (like the black panthers did by arming black communities and teaching them how to use weapons). He's a mutant supremacist with fascist tendencies who, rather than deal with his own trauma, chooses to try to take it out on all of humanity. If anything, Professor X and his school is the closer example of the Black Panther Party in the Marvel universe (even if it is not as militiant or revolutionary ehich is a big problem with the X-Men). His school attempts to build a support network for mutants, teach them how to use their own abilities to help other mutants in their community, and teach them the theory of liberation. Hell, the fucking Hellfire club does a better job than Magneto at actually supporting the mutant community with Emma Frost's school. And that's a really fucking low bar. Magneto is literally a complete strawman of left wing and anti-racism activism. He does absolutely nothing to benefit the day to day life of mutants struggling under oppression. Magneto would quite literally rather engage in an ethnic cleansing than go to therapy to work out his personal issues. EDIT: It's also not just him saying bad stuff. It's the fact that this is his goal that he has stated multiple times (as show in my sourced comic panels) he will do if he gets power. It's like saying Le Pen isn't a fascist because she hasn't implemented any fascist policies, the fact is she's a fascist bexause she's stated her goal and what she will do of given power is enact fascist policies


Magneto was right


Which Magneto?


Hopefully not ultimate “terrorist and maybe cannibal” magneto


Oh everybody in the Ultimate Universe was a cannibal except Kitty Pryde, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and hopefully Ned as well


Finally someone said it.


I’ve seen a lot of bad takes on here but man… this one is **bad**


Rorschach is an amazing character.


Oh well.




Actually magneto was never based on Malcolm x, that’s a very common misconception. Clairmont however did say it was valid to compare the two


claremont when days of future past came out said this It was blended in. There’s a lot of talk online now that Magneto stands in for Malcolm X and Xavier stands in for Martin Luther King, which is totally valid but for me, being an immigrant white (*Claremont was born in England*), to make that analogy felt incredibly presumptuous. An equivalent analogy could be made to \[Israeli prime minister\] Menachem Begin as Magneto, evolving through his life from a terrorist in 1947 to a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 30 years later. That evolution was something I wanted to apply to the relationship between Xavier and Magneto from 2016 article screen rant of all place LMAO [https://screenrant.com/professor-x-xavier-magneto-martin-luther-king-malcolm/](https://screenrant.com/professor-x-xavier-magneto-martin-luther-king-malcolm/)


he had massive sideboob in the trial of magneto and you expect us NOT to want him???


Magneto was right


Bro is that druski💀 ![gif](giphy|MT08PsNKGRFNdTDvgv|downsized)


True. Magneto was right about why he was saying you know people shouldn't be treated different for what they can't change, but he went about it the wrong way. you know doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is not the way to be you know good people do awful shit too. just like how horrible monsters do good things occasionally. The world is various shades of grey.


Except Magneto *is* right.


Magneto is 100% right that as long as baseline humans and mutants both exist, each one represents a potential existential threat to the other. He is wrong in concluding from this fact that it *necessitates* extermination or even violence, as opposed to coexistence and cooperation. Baseline humans could just *stop being dicks every five minutes.* *Looks at state of real world.* Hold on, maybe he is right.




Depends on the iteration


I don’t simp for magneto. But I can understand his point of view. He saw what happened when people were deemed as the other and rounded up, and what does humanity want to do to mutants? He sees where this road leads and would rather be the oppressors than the oppressed


I saw somewhere that said Magneto may not be right, but with his experiences in life, he’d be an idiot to think otherwise.


Exactly. His life taught him when a group starts calling for oppression, strike first before they get the chance. Better to oppress than be oppressed


Well, it's not as bad as believing Frank Castle is one of the good guys.


I mean theyre attracted to Magneto looks, unlike Rorshy garbo personality that they can relate to.


I mean, Professor X did force Magneto to relive the Holocaust. 🤣


Magneto was right




Idk about that one chief. Simping for an alt-left character will always be better than simping for an alt-right character.




One of them is bigoted and fascist, and the other one is correct.


Is it the one that defends genocide of the people he considers lesser than him, as well as the creation of an ethnostate?


Most versions of Magneto don’t want to genocide humans. I don’t know why the character is being talked about now as if he’s Hitler, because most of the time he doesn’t resort to human genocide. When it comes to the ethnostate part, as long as they aren’t trying to steal other people’s land like Israel is, I don’t have a problem with it.


> When it comes to the ethnostate part, as long as they aren’t trying to steal other people’s land like Israel is, I don’t have a problem with it. So you'd have no problems with an European country kicking out all non-white people?


Different situation. Magneto didn’t kick any humans out of Genosha or Krakoa, because those countries didn’t exist until they were created for mutants.


But mutant couples can have human children. What happens to them? Also, if said European country has no non-whites, would you be okay with them not allowing non-whites into the country too?


I’d be okay with an area that only allows an oppressed minority of people in. Also, in the comics, Krakoa allows humans if they are approved.


“idolizing malcolm x is worse than idolizing donald trump”


More like some random 4channer vs. the Nation of Islam except they have nukes


magneto was literally based on malcolm x what the fuck are you talking about


Counterpoint, Malcolm X has never actively tried to accomplish genocide.


neither has magneto in the comics. he’s attacked specific organizations and places that target or attack mutants, but he’s never attempted to wipe out humans entirely.




I don't even like Magneto but what the fuck