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I’ve always appreciated the way Natalie Portman plays the first Thor movie as a pure romantic comedy. And the world always needs more Kat Dennings in it.


In Dark World I loved her "You told your Dad about me?" delivery.


We saw her in WandaVision and then a cameo in Thor L&T. Hoping she would appear again in VisionQuest.


Her cameo in L&T visiting Jane in the hospital was a nice sign they haven’t forgotten her


Plus she's voiced a variant of herself in What If in at least 3 episodes.


I still want a spin-off series of Darcy and Agent Woo, solving super crimes, documented via livestream by your boy Klev


Your idea could be canon, definitely something that could be explored in VisionQuest, when both Woo and Darcy go in search of White V, much like how they worked together in WandaVision series that kickstarted Phase 4.


I'd love that as the B story in VisionQuest or even a Special Presentation


"So you're still all muscle-y and stuff. How's space?" "Space is fine."


I do actually agree with this. They were a solid bunch of personalities


I loved how the science team was doing science in the final battle of the second movie. They never captured that nerdiness again.


I for one welcome our new Kat Denning overlord


“We drank, we fought, he did his ancestors proud!”


Understanding that the world these heroes are saving need to be populated by real people that the audience and the heroes care about is one of the MCU's greatest strengths, overall (not necessarily in EVERY project).


I honestly re-watch *Thor* as much or more often than any other Marvel movie, for them and for Coulson.


long live son of coul


He did better than anyone expected! 😄


I enjoyed how they were essentially his earth guides.


A weird memory flash...did Kar Dennings date Tom Hiddleston or am I seeing things? To the topic...I never understood why Natalie was unhappy with the role. Surely she read the script and Jane is a real solid character, who has a huge impact on Thor and others. And as you say, they were a great team. Loved how Thor and Selvig got drink and he bought him to her. I do get her dissatisfaction with Jane in Thor 2 but she was solid in 1.


>I never understood why Natalie was unhappy with the role. Surely she read the scrip Because scripts never change during production on a MCU movie /s


More to the point a script barely tells you what you are getting into. Reminds me of that experiment where different directors with the same script created vastly different movies.


But it was not completely rewritten. I mean, you get also a picture of who the character is and it was clear she was also a love interest, in a comic book movie. But what I meant is that she has no reason, IMO, to be unhappy. Jane was smart, resourceful, caring...I think the only problem was that she really lacked a chemistry with Chris, which was obvious even in the last Thor.


A big reason is she felt like Perlmutter tricked her into working on the movie when he got rid of Patty Jenkins. None of this was Alan Taylors fault, but he was brought on pretty late in the pre-production process and took the script in a different direction. I don't she ever had a problem with Taylor, more like Perlmutter, who didn't think women or POC could direct or star in successful comic book movies at the time. He thought they would sell less toys. edit: I now see you're referring to the first Thor movie. I think she loved that role, I hadn't heard about her not liking it til now, she was an actual fleshed out character, while she's unconscious for most of TDW.


She was disappointed bc Perlmutter pulled a bait and switch on her in a way. Portman was excited to sign on because Patty Jenkins was set to direct the movie and she wanted to work with her, then they switched directors on her after she signed the contracts. From what I understand, the quick shuffle made the actually production schedule and shooting days pretty rough. The cast, crew, even the director, hated big parts of the experience. Hemsworth even wanted to leave once he fulfilled his contract. Taika doing Ragnarok, as well as Feige taking Perlmutters place, ended up being part of the reason Hemsworth stayed and Portman came back. So as much as people in the sub are pissed at Taika for L&T, he did play a role in bringing Jane Foster back as a character finally. TDW has definitely gotten better with age IMO tho, although they wasted Maleketh.


In The Dark World Jane is treated like a piece of luggage for three quarters of the movie. The trouble is that she has nothing to do. As the Thor films have become more cosmic, Jane has become irrelevant. What would have been her role in Ragnarok? A hostage? Taiki nailed the problem perfectly. He said that all she can do is handle scientific equipment and tell Thor to be careful.


I meant first Thor movie. That she was unhappy with the second one is understandable.


Jane wasn't that solid of a character


I did prefer it in the first one but yes. Also did enjoy at least Darcy and Selvig's cameos in Love and Thunder especially Darcy.


I only cared for Erik.


I liked them in the first Thor movie. They worked well as a foil to Thor, and were decently likeable in their own right. In The Dark World, not so much. I didn't like the way they handled Selvig's trauma, and I found Darcy insufferable. She's one character they really should have left behind.


Heh, Darcy was pretty much the only thing I really liked in Dark World. She's what makes the movie watchable.


I would argue the opposite lol, but hey, whatever floats your boat


I think her and Loki were my favorite parts of it.


Yeah, in the first Thor they felt like real enough people. But then they became parodies of themselves.


Yeah, pretty much. When people complain about Marvel-style humor, and the characters not being taken seriously, The Dark World is a prime example of that. The Earth-based characters were the biggest victims of that.


I agree. It was the first time I was disappointed in an MCU movie. I've grown to appreciate it more over the years, especially after Loki was in future projects, but I still consider it and TIH as the weakest MCU movies, which I know is an unpopular opinion, but I liked L&T way better, despite it's flaws.


I definitely agree with the first part - it was a pretty weak movie, and Loki was one of its few bright spots. I very much disagree on L&T, though, and I'll leave it at that


I liked Darcy in TDW, and I liked Jane whenever she was actually conscious. Frigga was great. It was really the whole Dark Elves part that I didn't like. They were boring, bland villains, that were never fleshed out.


I found Darcy obnoxious, hee intern insufferable, and Natalie Portman was phoning it as Jane. Frigga was great, yeah, and the Dark Elves were really weak


Whatever happened to the doctor? I don’t remember seeing him after the second Thor movie


Selvig? He was in Age of Ultron and had a cameo in Love and Thunder.


I’ve only seen L&T once so I can’t remember lmao


It's best not to remember l&t lol


I think he also is in one of the photos of people snapped at the beginning of Endgame, although that doesn't exactly count as a cameo lol.


Darcy Lewis is the best Marvel sidekick. I'm disappointed she was only in one scene in Thor 4


Always loves me some daddy skarsgard


Is it just me or are lizzy Caplan and kat dennings the same person?


I can think of two reasons why they aren't......


I feel like I’m missing something?


Kat is err rather large in front....


While it is always nice to find another formula 1 fan, other parts of your post history made sense for better or for worse




I always found them a bit annoying. Darcy is tolerable in WandaVision. But Jane improved a lot in L&T since she wasn't just treated as a lovesick love interest


I liked Darcy better with Monica and Jimmy. She was much more of a contributor and not just a dumb side kick.


The relationship between Thor and Jane is horrible. After 3 films together, I have yet to believe that Thor loves Jane. The final scene in Love and Thunder made me wish that I could throw rocks at the screen. Thor is not giving 2 hoots about Jane dying. He is as goofy as ever. She apparently is a great kisser and that is about it.


I honestly hated Darcy in the first two movies. They wasted so much time on her when it could have been given to Sif and the Warriors Three. She was great in WandaVision though!


I thought they were boring and lacked purpose.


I see where you’re coming from but personally I thought they helped humanize Thor and added a bit of comic relief to the movies. Even if that could’ve been executed better.


I think they definitely could've been used better. but the same is true of his Asgardian friends. Idk why they needed two OCs for that