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“I wish we had more time…” “No, this was a gift.  Now you go and be the man you’re meant to be.”


And eat a salad


I wish we got jaded and reclusive thor for endgame rather than fat fuck thor. Them making one of marvels most tragic characters at that point a laughing stock was one of endgame’s biggest mistakes (made worse by love and thunder). I enjoyed endgame and still think it was one of the best mcu films, but god it had its problems.


This one wrecks me every time. I'd give anything for a couple of minutes to talk with my mom again.


Right there with ya.


Similarly, "I'm not ready to be without you" from T'Challa But also when Killmonger is in the Ancestral Plane and makes N'Jobu cry. The music....


Micheal B Jordon is so insanely talented. Him and Chadwick Boseman in the same movie was almost cheating as far as getting good performances go.


Then when he called for Mjolnir and he realized that even though he had failed, that he was still worthy.


Frigga already knowing that meow-meow will come even if Thor isn't sure always gives me a smile


Freya? #NotReallyThorsMom


Frigga =/= Freyja But yes even then the mother of Thor in mythology is Jörð. In the MCU though, Frigga is his mother. She's his step-mom in the comics.


Dude I watched endgame opening night w my best friend who had just lost his mom that January. I was in tears when Thor gets this line spoken to him.


"Tony Look at me. We're going to be okay ,You can rest now."


It was the cheeseburger scene with Happy and Morgan that got me. My oldest daughter was 1 at the time I saw the movie, and it crushed me thinking about Tony not being able to see Morgan grow up…


They really ramped up the bittersweet with him. He couldn't not help save everyone else, but lost his little slice of perfect life to do so, in part for the fam.


He was the one who didn’t wanna do the plan and he was the one who ended up dying for it


It had to be. He'd become the kinda guy who'd make the sacrifice play, to lay down on the wire.


He'd been that guy since Ironman though. He's grown since then, sure, but he wasn't expecting to live through the first movie, he just wanted to ensure Stane didn't get the chance to turn Tony's greatest accomplishment into another weapon. Then again in Avengers, he got lucky but he expected that to be a one way ticket to save New York and end the alien invasion. Even in that specific movie, Steve never had a point in his accusations. Tony talked a lot of shit and caused a lot of his own problems but he's been the type to make the sacrifice play pretty much since the beginning.


I rewatched the movies not to long ago, and the "you're not the guy to make the sacrifice play" line was stuck in my head. Then I got to the point where Tony asks Strange if this was the one, and that line popped back into my head when Strange said "if I told you what happens, it wouldn't happen." Was that just space magic mumbo jumbo about collapsing the waveform if you acknowledge it, or was it Strange subtly saying "I can't trust you to make the sacrifice play."


My personal headcannon is that in the futures that Strange told him what happens, Tony tries to alter it so they win without anyone having to sacrifice (including himself) for the second snap, which leads to their loss.


What’s crazy is Strange gave up the time stone to save Tony AFTER watching all the alternate futures. He KNEW Tony sacrificing himself was the only way to get it done. Probably why he also held up the one finger to Tony in that final moment. His way of saying, yep you’ve gotta sacrifice yourself for us to win.


>His way of saying, yep you’ve gotta sacrifice yourself for us to win Smart, waiting until it was too late for Tony to try and "fix" anything to avoid it.


He was telling Tony to fly up /s


i actually never thought about it as a metaphor for superposition, i love that interpretation a lot!


My daughter was 3 when that movie came out and I bawled like a child when the hologram played.


"I'm gonna get you all the cheeseburgers you want" Literally tearing up typing that sentence out. That DESTROYED me in theater.


this. I made it thru the actual death scene fine, but this? that's when I had to fight not to sob out loud in the theater.


The hologram telling Morgan "I love you 3000" 😭


Yeah, this scene definitely hit me. I’m sure it set me up for the cheeseburger scene which put me over the edge.


Is my math correct when I assume that a baby that was 1 year old when Endgame came out will be starting school like, very soon or something? That's crazy


I was pregnant with my #2 when Infinity War came out. They start kindergarten this fall. 🥺


This one. The only thing that comes close is Thanos killing Gamora. And we know he loved her, because the soul stone judged her sacrifice to be true.


Natasha's death hits pretty hard, too


Yeah, that one is up there for me. "Let me go.... It's okay."


Makes me wanna throw a bench across a lake


And lightly smash a time machine. If Hulk wasn't so grief-stricken and went full-on fury mode, Thanos wouldn't have been able to get through the portal and would still be a threat.


So did her landing.


This one for me hits hard, but also that scene where Howard talks to Tony through the recording telling him that his greatest creation was him. Not really a death scene but just hit me like a truck.


I legit just cried the remainder of the movie lol


It would have been special to have the final exchange be between Tony and Happy. RDJ and Jon Favreau. The two that started it all. A very transparent wink at the audience to bookend the journey.


Though he and Tony didn’t have that final exchange, Happy helping Peter in Far From Home felt like a very strong closure for their friendship.


Honestly, I thought him and May ending up together would've been great, and I was surprised they went as far as killing her off. For Pete it just seems super dark to be without any of his bio parente, lose Ben, lose his 1 big mentor, then lose May just to really make him legit alone. Like as a Batman fan I'd find it weird if Alfred was killed off too.


Boy would you not like the current batman run then


ngl I've always thought about getting into them but have never felt compelled to really dive in.


That's the one for so many reasons


You see him fighting so hard to hold on, to make sure he succeeded.


But we all loved him 3000🥺


I cant do the escape scene in GOTG3. Just rips my heart out every time.


“Rocket Floor Teef go now…” 😫


That line is stuck in my brain. Goddamn that movie had so many gutpunches.


Well now i’m gonna cry fuck :(




Well that was poor wording on my end lol


😭i made a whole post just abt this movie being so heart breaking But oh god this line, and they way Floor said it repeatedly


Honestly that may be why I never rewatch GotG3 again. I was emotionally devastated by that.




I haven’t been able to rewatch due to how damn sad this scene is.


Honestly this scene ruins the rewatxhabilitylf the whole movie for me even tho I love it Edit: I said what I said


ruins the what now....


The rewatxhabilitylf, are you dumb?




Spellcheck is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sometimes things are so ruined, it destroys even the words around them.


God it breaks my heart. They're barely more than kids, if that, and then... Ugh... Yeah, ugly cry then for sure. Also, I don't think a single marvel villain was more worthy of being absolutely hated than High Evolutionary.


If you consider how much life he made and likely detonated, he may have the highest (successful) kill count in the whole MCU. Thanos loses that rank due to the reversal snaps.


I dunno, I think if you kill off half the universe, you still did that, even if someone else brought them back, quite a while later at that


I agree wholly. Im just emphasizing “permanent” kills.


Always makes me wonder what these dudes were doing during the blip/snap. Like the villain from The Marvels and the rest of Hala. “Great, our planet has no sun or air and now half of us are gone?”


Absolutely nothing compared to Sanctum Sanctorum janitor workers #1, #2, and #3. They were all only a few days from retirement.


yondu's death scene didn't make me cry, but his funeral scene made me cry.


"Even though he yelled at them, and was always mean... And he stole batteries he didn't need." Rockets speech at the end it what really twist the knife in that scene


Similar for Tony Stark


It was Tony's recorded message that made me tear up. I love you 3,000.


“I’ll get you all the cheeseburgers you want.”


"You know, your dad loved cheeseburgers too." I like cheeseburgers, there's a whole sub dedicated to them.


Happy always being there for Tony really comes through in his countless acts of service to him and by extension his family Seeing Happy try to help Peter the same way really shows it comes from his love for his old friend Tony


They came.




His death made me teary eyed by his funeral made me cry. First ever movie to do so, too


He got to hear the Horns of Freedom and the Colors of Ogord flashed over his grave.


Father and Son is a banger


Same. His death was sad but not too emotional to me, but when everyone shows up for his funeral along with the music and visuals I find it more emotional


It was the. He may have been your father boy but he wasnt your daddy. And you recall all the things he did for him subtly caring.


Ooh yea, i find this happens a lot in the MCU where when some characters die, im like yea it was sad to watch but I was ok in the end, but the funerals😭seeing how much they meant to the other ones


Peter Parker's snap is up there. Anytime a death shows panic and fear, it becomes very real and emotional. You feel it. But I understand if it doesn't count, since he was snapped and snapped back.


Nah was a legit death scene at the time. It was the specific details that make it with all that. Rhodey asking Sam where he is. Tony having Pete's ashes fall through his hands, having truly failed. Rocket watching Groot, who's his son really, fade away into nothing right in front of him.


All the characters getting snapped in Infinity War was gut wrenching, nobody expected that. First time watching that movie was something else. I still remember the dead silence in the theater during that sequence and the "oh nooooo" when Spiderman gets dusted


“Up General, up! This is no place to die…” hit me so hard


That one caught me off guard and got me good.


Gamora and then black widow. I was impressed they made a similar scene hit so hard again.


Black widow for me for sure. It's not just the scene, but her whole storyline. She was helping people, she had a found family. She was clearing the red. Then the snap happened. She was the main one holding the avengers together after the snap, but none of the original crew participated. Everything fell apart. She didn't die to save the universe. She died for a chance at saving the universe. Because she believed in her family. And there was no chance she was going to let Clint do it. She didn't judge him for what he did, she just wanted to save him. She loved his family too. I always thought their normalcy was what she wanted more than anything. She couldn't have it, but she would do anything to get it back for them.


Of course they both hit hard, it was a far drop.


We are Groot


Thanos throwing Gamora off that Clift in Infinity War, Tony’s death, Frigga’s funeral was very sad in The Dark World


I would agree with Frigga's scene if Loki didn't coopt the music for his own death scene in his play. Now Frigga's funeral reminds me of that every time.


"Oh shit."


Yondu’s death and funeral scene. That’s why GOTG2 will always be my GOAT Movie.


GOTG 2 and Age of Ultron both got insanely better for me with time.


I really don't understand why people don't like GotG 2 more.


Honestly that’s in my top 3 of MCU films. That movie is so freaking good I have no idea how people think it’s a step down from 1.


Basically everything starting at Aunt May's death onward in that movie just absolutely crushes me. Never thought a Spider-Man movie would be that affecting.


“Mr. Stark… I don’t feel so good.”


I don't wanna go.... I don't wanna go... Tearing up just typing that.


"I had a date..." I was getting pretty foggy when his ship went down and Agent Carter lost communications. But when Cap wakes up and realizes that his whole world is gone and he missed his chance at happiness, it just hit you.


Guardians is top tear MCU


I don’t think I’ve cried harder at any scene than the opening title, opening scene, and full circle ending of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Granted it might be more the loss of Chadwick woven into the loss of T’Challa, and they aren’t death scenes per se, but it’s the most raw expression of grief for me. Scenes though I think Yondu’s and Tony’s and Gamora’s are my top, but agree yondu’s funeral is more moving than the scene itself.


Goddamn it, the beginning and ending scenes of Wakanda Forever are the closest I got to crying my eyes out in a theater. Plot issues aside, the emotional ride that movie took me on was powerful.


Should have been a whole movie about his death, save Namor for BP3


Those were by far the best parts of the movie to me. The bulk of the movie was pretty subpar in my opinion, but the stuff about Chadwick/T'Challa and his kid and all that was very emotional.


The scene of Rocket seeing his dead friends again made me cry not only because of what happened in it (When Rocket flatlined after him asking “Can I come?” I genuinely was like the “ no wait” meme from the Punisher TV show) but because of the fact that either Rocket or Drax could die if you looked at the colors of the movie’s logos going in for your first watch and you connected the logos in the trilogy to characters who ended up dying in the trilogy


That one got me because I've actually had a couple of NDE's and they were sort of like that.


The closest I’ve ever been to death were in my nightmares but it’s so terrifying whenever my nightmares get realistic


Years ago I attempted several times and honestly should have died, I'm lucky to be alive. It's weird how many people report similar experiences. The white background, meeting people that are gone. I don't believe in the afterlife, but those repeating details make me question it sometimes.


“We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason…” “We’ll say hello again”


While other moments give me goosebumps, this is the single moment in the entire MCU that has moved me to tears.


Natasha should’ve been a top 3 death but i always thought there was something off about the execution also the musical score (which is crucial for a good death) was generic as hell. With that said i’ll out Queen Ramonda’s death up there.


Full agree. I always thought the Nat scene should have been borderline silent, no music, just light echo-y sounds of them fighting. Fighting over who gets to kill themselves so the universe can have a whisper of a chance.


Rocket almost dying and seeing Nebula tear up broke me. But also, I will always remember the pivotal moment: "You have a gift, you have power, and with great power there must also come great responsibility"


Spiderman being snapped. Bucky's "death" in TFA, not because of the scream but that he only got blown out of the train because he was protecting Steve and looked so scared beforehand. It really bought to mind the theme of the movie - young men forced into a terrible war against their will who just want to go home. Natasha's death "I don't judge people by their worst mistake" .


Loki when I know he is really die


1. Aunt May had me fighting back tears like a bitch. She's always been the most supportive and upbeat figure in MCU Peter's life. And she went out trying to save her nephew from a multiversal Goblin. 2. Opening scene of Wakanda Forever. That silent opening credits just.. it hurt. 3. It's not a "death", but on opening night of Infinity War we're losing the battle. Every one is dusting away, but Peter. His cries for help just broke me. He's this kid that just wants to be a superhero, but is learning real quick that the hero doesn't always win. If they'd have changed his last words to "May. May, I'm sorry." I would've absolutely lost it.


I teared up at Wakanda Forever twice with Tchalla and Ramonda, but I only cried tears at the end of Ms Marvel—and that was because it was heartwarming.


Rocket’s friends, Yondu, and Tony. Also…. Technically not in the MCU, but >!Gambit’s death in X-Men 97!< was pretty heartbreaking as well!


That first interaction with Gambit as Death and Rogue in X-Men ‘97 Season 2 is going to be rough


Not technically a death scene but the cheeseburger scene with Happy and Morgan makes me cry every single time!


When there were no more Stan Lee cameos.


The only MCU scenes I actually remember crying about are A Spy's Goodbye in AoS S3 E15 and >!Fitz's appearent death which turned out to be Coulson's funeral!


*"Don't waste it. Don't waste your life."* - Yinsen.


The top 3 is just all of Vol.3 for me because my god I have never cried so much from a film in my life


Probably Spider-Man's. Holland's performance was incredible. Slow deaths where characters embrace their fate don't do it for me.


None but the three saddest are: 1. Tony dying in Endgame  2. Rocket's friends being murdered  3. Aunt May dying 


Did you look at the pictures?


I think this person meant they think it's sad but they didn't cry.


Yondu's cuz i never meet my father


Spiderman, Iron Man


groot in GOTG1 made me cry


"i open the darkhold. i have to close it. no one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again."


Wanda losing vision twice? Monsters if that didn’t strike a cord.


Fitz in Season 5 of AoS. Even if, you know, we just swapped in another one.


I cried when Queen Ramonda died in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. When Okoye was doing CPR on her and kept asking for her to wake up in Xhosa, and Shuri just sobbing in the background.


- Yondu’s death - Rocket’s animal friends - Tony’s death - Peter getting snapped - And since OP said to include X-men 97…..number one goes to Gambit


Spider-Man’s snap. When he came back in NWH, his appearance drew the loudest cheers among the returning characters.


I don’t usually cry at Yondu’s death, but his funeral scene rips me to shreds every time. I still cry whenever I hear Cat Steven’s Father and Son just because of that scene Also not really a death scene, but Rocket’s shaky “Can I come?” during his near death experience with Lyla followed by him finally accepting that it wasn’t his fault and that he has a right to live also destroys me


Does X-men '97 count?


Sure :)


Then its gotta be Gambit in X-Men '97 Tony in Endgame And then Aunt May in No way home.


Just thinking about Gambit in 97 makes me sad. He has always been my favorite comic book character (obviously, look at my username) and as much as I love that he got a hero's death, I'm still so hurt that he is gone


That first interaction with Gambit as Death and Rogue in X-Men ‘97 Season 2 is going to be rough


WandaVision and Guardians 3 are the only ones to really get me tbh. WV caught me off guard with how well done her sense of loss and finally letting go for the greater good hits. Ya know, like what is real love? To her and them it was real. Which is why MoM had zero impact with her part in it. There's the logic of it, she's corrupted by the book, but thematically and emotionally we'd already done it all and concluded she was able to let go. G3 just has this really palpable tension throughout. It's cute animals, and Rocket's not had a happy life, so even knowing it'd go badly, it just wrecked me when it actually does. And how much you dread it taking him too. It's wild how sad and impactful it is considering none of the Guardians actually die in that film lol. But it works so well cause it also has the joy of them making it, they don't lose Rocket, Drax has a happy, optimistic journey ahead etc.


Aunt May wrecked me. I heard a spoiler going into the movie that she was going to die but I didn’t know for sure. Then she gets hit by the glider and I got mad that I heard the spoiler, then she got back up and helped Peter up and I was this weird mix of happy and like smug for the spoiler being wrong, then she fell and the blood and the look on Peter’s face when he knows what’s happening but now has the make her feel calm. Oh my god! The roller coaster. I’m almost crying now.


Vision and Gamora. Their deaths are not only tragic but also seeped in dramatic irony, which makes them hurt more.


The part of the MCU that resonated with me the most was probably Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., spent so much time with it, so invested. * **3.-** Coulson had so many death fakeouts over the span the show (scoring his first before the show even started lol), but that moment with the Terrigen crystal had me absolutely rocketing through so many emotions. [Heroic Sacrifice? DENIED HOW!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtk9U5yGmHc) * **2.-** Simmons getting snatched by the Monolith made me scream * **1.-** Hope's (Mack's "daughter") death in the Framework shattered me emotionally, saddest scene in the whole show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QwMP5q5y0w


1. Tony Stark “You can rest now” 2. Peter Parker snap “I don’t wanna go” 3. Vision “I just feel you” Runner up: T’Challa funeral in Wakanda Forever


Vision: "I just feel you"


Tony, Yondu and Aunt May.


Phil Coulson, Yondu, Black Widow, Gamora, Tony Stark, Aunt May and Jane Foster. Rocket does not count since he did not officially die and the same for groot


Technically Groot did die. I believe James Gunn confirmed that the new Groot is basically his son.


Tony. I cry every time.


Bro where's Tony 😭 Iron man !!😭 where is he !emote:free\_emotes\_pack:sob


1. Aunt May 2. Rocket’s Friends 3. Spider-Man Tom Holland and Bradly Cooper nailed their performances. They’re the reason I’m ready to cry while watching these scenes.


I only cried during Natalie Portman's death scene. I know terrible movie, but the scene hit with me.


Rocket's friends Tony Stark Groot in gotg 1


The saddest scene in my opinion has to be Tony Stark's death.


Groot, Tony and Aunt May.


Peggy (I have a family member with Alzheimer’s and it sucks) Natasha Loki


Tony, aunt May and Peter’s Snap


1) Tony Stark 2) Aunt May 3) Peter Parker (if the snap counts)


Rocket actually made me cry like a bitch. I usually don’t cry with movies but man rocket got me. Not in the MCU as of right now but Logan dying also got me.


Peter being snapped - it’s such a stark reminder that for all his heroics he’s still just a kid. Tony’s death - who doesn’t cry at this? Aunt May’s death - Peter losing literally the only real family member he had left always gets me. And I don’t care what anyone says, Tom Hollands acting was phenomenal in this scene.


1. Tony's snap scene in Endgame 2. Gambit's sacrifice in X-Men '97 (if that counts) 3. Not necessarily a "death scene", but the whole tribute to T'Challa (and Chadwick) in Wakanda Forever


“Mr. Stark…I don’t feel so good.”


A couple underrated moments in the MCU I don't see mentioned: 1. The end of GOTG1, between star Lord seeing his mother asking him to "take her hand" as he's dying, for the guardians to finally become a family and defeat Ronin together, to immediately being followed up by Peter reading the letter from his mother where she says her goodbye and calls him Starlord. 2. GOTG3 moment I dont see talked about too often is the final goodbye between Star Lord and Gamora where they acknowledge how fun they must've had together and accept their future is not to be lovers(my partner and I were doing long distance at the time so that line of "I bet we had a lot of fun together) especially hit home for me, and then listening to the dog days are over as the guardians go their separate ways and the era of our GOTG ends, oof. 3. Shang Chi, which in my opinion is the most underrated MCU movie as a whole, had a really emotional last act where we see Shang Chi model the teachings of his late mother to defeat his father, only for his father to sacrifice himself to save Shang Chi after years of neglect and Shang Chi being there to save his sister after abandoning her in their childhood was also a very emotionally charged ending. Honorable mentions: end of wandavision season 1 also paired with 'what is grief, if not love persevering(top quote of all time??), Thor L&T where Thor breaks down at the hospital bed telling Jane she's not allowed to help because he can't stand to lose her too after all the loss he suffered throughout his life and admitting he loves her(I don't care if this movie was a let down that scene rocked), and I would also say the end of BP2 where we are introduced to T'Challas son who is named after him.


Top 3? I don’t even have a top 1.


Quicksilver and Ultron. They totally stomped on my favorite villain in that movie


Aunt May


Aunt May’s death really got me because I did not expect it


Yondu's death in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Lylla's death in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 Nadeem's death in Daredevil season 3 (this one is kinda cheating because its not the death scene alone, is mostly the death scene combined with the video of him saying goodbye to his family because he knows he's gonna die)




Escape scene of Gotg3. Every f****** time. May's death from No Way Home. Natasha's Death, from Endgame


Actual death scenes for me would be May in No Way Home, Rocket’s friends in GotG 3, and Tony in Endgame. Peter’s snap (not really a death) and Yondu’s funeral (the funeral gets me more than the death scene) are up there too.


I think these movies are old enough that you don’t have to mark it a spoiler anymore😂 But still, good on you for taking the precaution either ways👍🏼


Aunt May is the very first one I think of, and nothing else comes close. Going into the film I was one of those who was expecting her to die. After she got attacked by Green Goblin, I thought she was a goner. But then she actually stood back up amidst the debris and almost looked like she was fine. So I thought, oh maybe I guessed wrongly and she would be fine. And then what happened next absolutely crushed me. It was like they gave me some hope she'd be fine and then very quickly crushed that hope. Now that's cruel. 🥲🥲 And she's basically all Peter had at that point, and yet Peter didn't even have time to mourn and had to quickly leave her due to the Damage Control arriving.


Tony Stark - Avengers Endgame Rocket Raccoon - Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 Queen Ramonda and T'Challa - Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever


Ramonda. She gave a speech about her entire family being gone when Shuri was missing and now Shuri is all alone. Mainly cried because of how shocking it was, when we already lost T'Challa. Also Okoye was left on bad terms with her and it never got to be resolved. It made sense why it happened for Shuri to parallel T'Challa's Black Panther journey, but it was unexpected, shocking and like real life her death was sudden and left relationships unresolved


Does TChalla’s count? We never actually see him but fuck me if it doesn’t hurt like a fucking bitch still


There’s a whole lot of cringe in the MCU with their sad moments, but the Yondu flashback with young Peter and then the scene with Killmonger in the ancestral plane actually got me.


“…Lylla?” Rocket’s “death” breaks me everytime. And honestly it’s not even the death, it’s when it cuts to Peter refusing to let another member of his family die


"Mr. Stark, we won. You did it sir."


“Suga…I can’t feel you…” is that MCU cannon? 😬😭


OK, HEAR ME OUT. In Black Pamther 2 when Queen Ramonda dies. Was it my favorite movie of the franchise? Nope... Not at all. But after having recently lost my own mother and also foolishly believing they'd give Angela Basset some plot armor because of her Oscar-worthy performance in the earlier scenes, I was really caught off guard. And yes, I teared up like a baby whilst watching it*.


Aunt May doesn't die? She moves to that farm Peter can't visit so she can be safe.


Guardians volume 3 made me bawl my eyes out in the middle of the fucking theater 😭😭😭😭


For me it’s Yondu. Guardians Vol. 2 made me really like the guy. He was not a perfect man nor was he the ideal father figure, but he truly loved Peter like a son, making him more of a father than Ego could ever be to Peter. His true colors shined through in his final moments, where he put his boy’s life over his own. Everything, from him getting to feel Peter’s face one last time to Tyler Bates’ amazing “Dad” theme plays in the background…it just breaks me. 


Rockets first words being “Hurts” will never not fuck me up.


Floor, Lylla and Teefs. I am a MASSIVE animal lover, and I am getting teary eyed just typing this out now, but seeing them die made me (and most of the theater) cry.


When Thor murdered Thanos. Here’s a “man” who has fought his whole life to achieve a goal that brings perfect balance to the universe at the cost of his own daughter’s life. He liberated countless planets, assembled an army and a fleet, and traveled the cosmos to bring the infinity stones together. His goals were achieved and he was peacefully tending to his Garden when Thor and the ungrateful Avengers cut his retirement short by murdering him.


Rocket is dead?


Black widow only movie that made me cry.


Don’t do this to me


Can you spoiler tag this?