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To be fair, he was totally a fucking asshole.


Cuts in-front and hits the brakes


A masshole, even


The smooth jazz just really pulls it all together


It’s this- https://youtu.be/ywAg5UJGvfs?si=PI3VaAz-rp6FpqdD This song plays at the end of Castlevania Symphony of the Night over the credits. Some people hate it, but on its own, the song is great. Awesome sax parts too.


That's... not jazz lol


Imagine if he was listening to heavy metal O\_O The easy listening music probably keeps him from going postal


I think it's the opposite. If he got all his aggression out in the music, he'd be a lot more chill overall.


The music is killing me. So funny.


🎵Sometimes I don't like the person I've become🎵


It was the “🎶 🗣️ giiiiiive” *horn blares harmoniously. I lost it!


OMG it's killing you?? Do you need an ambulance?? HAHAHA


Gotta love the Boston Left... even with a 1w second delay. Who the fuck thinks this is ok to do... 1 if they don't have traction. Actually that's it. They should have known better. Classic example of how people forget how the fuck to drive after a month without snow.


Is there a term for it? Boston left? Drives me so nuts that people do this.


Okay first of all that's not a Boston Left. A Boston left is when you jump the light from red to green to beat opposing traffic to make a left. What we are witnessing here is "Drunk left" because the driver had a green light...waited and then decided to cut off oncoming traffic. The delay and pattern to me screams OUI (maybe they like opiods or pills?) Point is Boston Left is aggressive cutting you off when the light turns green so they don't have to wait to turn left. Very different vibe.


Phew he almost lost his cool there


We’re not called massholes for nothing


This is more New Hampshire driving. Complete unawareness. Masshole driving is understanding your surroundings completely and taking advantage of them at the expense of other drivers.


>understanding your surroundings completely and taking advantage of it at the expense of other drivers. This is the BEST way I've ever heard to describe our driving style. I'll readily admit to driving like this, not because I want to, but because I have to in order to get through my commute without going crazy.


I feel so seen.


I'll agree about the Mass part, but lol... New Hampshire drivers are unbelievably more safe than Eastern Mass drivers in every way. I would happily drive there for a living (and live there) if they weren't fucking aspiring New Texas. Driving in Eastern Mass is just never safe because you should always expect shit like this, mostly in intersections that are way more horribly planned and heavily traveled. Or on roads that were cut between farms when they were traveled by an average of a few cows a day and now they get thousands of people. I mean literally I think eastern mass gets to credit cows for significant urban planning. Western Mass drivers seem pretty similar to NH. Most people generally know what they're doing and drive safely most of the time except for heavily-traveled but under-policed roads where everyone drives faster than is safe, with the random sprinkling of reckless assholes and confused, stupid, and inebriated folks.


Massachusetts has the lowest traffic death rate in the country.


Only because we expect each other to drive like this literally every day.


This hit home like a motha fucka


And pedestrians, usually.


That's not what I'd consider masshole driving. It's more like when someone is going 90 in the left lane on the pike, but someone else behind them thinks that's too slow. So they swerve between cars in the other two lanes with gaps large enough to fit 1.5 cars so they can pass. 


Are you kidding?? These were pleasantries. This is how we greet each other in Mass. This guy was being nothing but a gentleman. I feel like in a diffrent state, or Russia, this would have ended with the driver getting out with a crowbar. I'm sure they exchanged information, a couple insults maybe & a 1 finger salute goodbye. As is appropriate in MA.


yeah, but he's just getting it out of his system. I've done this too. But then, you take a deep breath in, let out one really disappointed sigh to yourself, then open the door. Hopefully in that time you had your sigh of composure, you've thought a good opening line, like "guess neither one of us are getting anywhere fast today".


If you're already in the lane, you have the right of way. The guy turning was at fault. Justifiably getting mad doesn't make you a "masshole."


I drive a milk truck of a ford van loaded with wire and tools. People loooooove to last second split decision gun it! My time to go! I must! I dunno what it is. I expect and prepare for it all the time because it’s most of the time. People will die to save 3 seconds.


I had a car that I got winter tires for. Thing was awesome in the snow. Still avoided driving in snowy weather because no matter how prepared _you_ are, there is a mountain of assholes who will turn left in front of you and spin out. The biggest driving risk during storms remains other people.


Yup, that's Eastern Mass. Gotta beat everyone to dunks or your gonna get stick behind some lady who can't decide her order... If you're not the first person through the intersection, you're practically the last, and that's just embarrassing. Might as well just stay home. I heard from a guy wearing a green Sox tee under a bridge in the Fens that drivers who don't rush through intersections before the first honk were literally the cause of the Red Sox curse. (Ok I made the last part up but let's be honest, I'd believe someone if they told me that. That's like 1/10 on a scale of "Boston being Boston.")


Can anyone place the intersection?


Maybe it's by my house. My neighbor has that car and he's a fucking asshole 🤷‍♀️


I was looking for the appropriate obnoxious bumper stickers, but it looks like the truck is too new and they haven't gotten them on yet. Probably tried to slap them on without washing off the road salt first.


All of them. Any of them.




No and it’s killing me.


I had some old lady pull out right in front of me from a parking lot the other day.. I had to slam the brakes on to avoid a hit and then she just casually drove along like nothing happened


They need to include the interaction 2 minutes later "Hey how ya doin, glad no-one got hurt, that's the important thing" Gets back in car "You stupid mutha fucka"


All this needs all this needs is a Dunkin’ Donuts in the background and a Sox vanity plate and it’s complete.


There actually is a Dunkin right on that corner: https://maps.app.goo.gl/J9NfYUjXJaES7mPFA


Hey buddy I'm just going to squeeze right in here. Tapp oh gee willy looks like I hit something. Wait do I have insurance? do they have insurance? Gosh I don't know what to do here. Oh they're moving? Okay I guess I'm safe to keep going then . Wait nvm they're stopping, well shucks maybe I'll get their number. *Not sure why I decided to narrate in a country voice to be honest. Lol




Hahaha 😂


I was waiting for a Baby Wheel.


"We gotta call the adjustah or somethin'!"


And then sit there and block traffic like it’s a crime scene and accost one another instead of pulling into the closest parking lot to acknowledge an avoidable accident has just occurred and exchange information like civilized human beings.




For a second there, I thought that was me driving that car! I would’ve use the same words. Typical, moron driver drives in front of you and stops. WTF? If you’re going to pull in front of me, just keep going don’t stop. Good thing driver had that dash cam. Proof that truck failed to yield.


Wait…how’d wherever this is get away without having at least one Dunks at that intersection? I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement.


This has happened to me more than once. Why are people so stupid?


My headcannon is that the driver is 60 years old and once barged into his kid's room and asked "are ya winnin son?" when his son beat Symphony Of The Night cus how the hell else did this dude find this song


Isn’t everyone trying to stop and just can’t?




Coming from a Granite Stater who lived here for 7 years, this is more than accurate. New York fits this more though. You just need a more Italian accent.




He seemed pretty calm to me especially with the way people drive around here.


My favorite part is that his BACK BUMPER IS HANGING OFF ALREADY. (You have to catch it in the last split second and I can't share a photo, but you can clearly see that the right side of the bumper is way lower than that brake light than the one on the left is.)


The most Massachusetts thing about it is the dude turning left. Do people think the left turn has right of way or something? It happens SOOOO much here!


Massachusetts is the armpit of the USA


*"No school in Foster-Gloucester!"*


If only there were a page dedicated to idiots in pickup trucks.


I watched a driver in Acton cuss out the driver ahead of him for NOT making a 'Boston left' into oncoming traffic and getting involved in a head on collision.  I don't think I've heard the word 'cunt' so many times in a row outside of Australia. 


I follow that same exact script for when someone is a little slow hitting the gas at a green light.