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I think 1oom's game engine was created entirely from scratch. Meant to emulate MoO1 as closely as possible from observation and gameplay. I don't think 1oom is a sourcecode port - recompiled from disassembly and reverse-engineering of the original code - so I don't think it is or can ever be an *exact* match to MoO1. Bugfixes and compatibility updates for modern computers (ie: any machine which can run a modern C compiler) and upgrades on the clunky old UI aside, 1oom will always be an emulation instead of a port. I might be wrong. I'm hoping the 1oom dev(s) can respond here.


You are mistaken. The 1oom code is based on the MOO 1 v1.3 binary and is fairly easy to test if you know IDA5 and assembler. However, the author did not have the opportunity to make a high-quality port, so the exact number of translation errors is still unknown


The latest versions of 1oom contain a minimal number of undocumented differences from MOO 1 v1.3 compared to previous versions, not counting the improved main menu, however, given the huge number of liberties and errors made when translating binary code into C code when creating 1oom, it is not yet possible to say that all errors have been corrected and 1oom is 100% original. 1oom currently exists as is, but strives to minimize differences and turn implicit changes into options. I am not going to fully describe the differences at the moment, since the situation still remains complicated


OK, thanks for explaining /u/SomeoneWithMyName! Do let us know how we can support the 1oom development team!


Your feedback has been taken into account in the latest test version of 1oom. All rule changes that were applied by default in previous versions of my fork should now be allowed explicitly in the main menu. In fact, the game now defaults to version 1.0 or better in terms of being true to the original. You can help the project by reporting differences from the original or other errors. This is the most valuable investment you can make at this time, however if other options become available I will let you know


Sounds amazing, thank you so much!! :) Just to confirm is it the v1.9-testing build from commit 127c1e6 here? https://github.com/1oom-fork/1oom/releases/tag/v1.9-testing And yes please do share with everyone in case other ways to support are requested besides testing.


Yes that's it. And if something is seriously broken there, don’t be surprised, just write about it.