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What they need to do is put up “no stoping” signs on the 4 free flowing right hand turns at the big Walmart/Home Depot intersection, and coming off the highway onto Dunmore road in either direction. The fucking idiots stopping there, when there is soooo much room to continue driving and merge safely, gives me road rage like no other. Idc if me honking behind you triggers you. FUCKING MOVE!


This is my biggest driving beef! Good grief the amount of near misses I have with this, happens daily! It is a huge ass lane there is no reason to stop. I have no patience for this either!


Thank god I’m not alone! 😭 lol


A no stopping sign isn't going to help ~~if~~ because the cops won't enforce it.


I mean the sign already designating them as free flow lanes is info enough. I don't think adding another sign will do shit when people don't look at them anyways.


No, but you underestimate how fucking stupid the people are that live and drive in this city. Even if they’re turning right and not changing lanes at all, people will stop and hold up traffic for far too long before continuing. No Stopping signs are definitely needed.


Again, you can put up as many signs as you want. It isn't going to do shit if people don't read them. It's kinda the same way you didn't didn't read my comment, the info is there! Putting up a no stopping sign next to a free flow sign would be like putting a legend next to a traffic light. It's redundant and expected knowledge. I'm not a huge fan of my tax money going towards a sign explaining what the sign above it means.


It’s not. The little “picture” doesn’t say shit. It’s like the signs on the highway. Why do they need to say “keep right except to pass”? Because it works better than a little picture that people don’t even remember what it means after they take the drivers test.


Okay, by your logic, why bother having colors for lights? Why not just have them say stop yield and go? Whats the point of that big red and white triangle? Why don't we just have a sign that says yield? What if someone that doesn't speak English drives through? We use these things called "pictograms" to convey a message regardless of language. The purpose of traffic signs not just being written word are to negate any language barrier. "I forgot what it means" isn't an excuse. If you want to operate a motor vehicle, and this may be controversial, you should be sufficiently competent to do so.


It's so cute what people in Medicine Hat consider "bad traffic" Try having a 2 hour drive to get 10kms. That's bad traffic. some people here really need to get out of this city and experience the rest of the ~~world~~ Canada


You can't live in the Hat without leveling up your sense of entitlement. Oil country baby!


Ya. A two light delay gets ya going. There’s people all over that have that just to get out of their neighborhood




Bruh. We have two seasons here. Winter and road construction.


I grew up in Medicine Hat in the 1980s and 90s and it's heartwarming the same complaints exist.


I drive that route four times daily, it's not the end of the world lol And if you're really that impatient just use the right lane like everyone else does, how dare I have to WAIT!


i do deliveries and dont get paid per hour. delays literally cost me money.


I guess the world should revolve around you, if you see the traffic backed up just proceed another block and enter into Ross Glen from Carry Drive. No one has patience for anything except food trucks around here 🤐


i was literally the first car at the lights. I couldnt go anywhere. And no it doesnt revolve around me. There was also at least 20 other cars being delayed.


First world problems


that is 99% of the posts on reddit.


Yeah we have it so bad ya know


I spend the income i earn from delivering at local businesses. Delays mean I make less money therefor I have to less to support them. Why is pointing these problem areas that will get worse such a bad thing? Apathy of the problems solves nothing.


I agree with the nightmare traffic is going to be by McDonald’s. It gets super congested in peak times and events. Hopefully they will take out the street access as I don’t think the center meridian they put up is going to quite alleviate pressure efficiently. The exit should be the lights coming from the lodge. Before they put the concrete barricades up you already had people doing illegal u turns. If the exit that is right in the middle gets kept I can foresee people making u turns at the lights or accidents trying to get over into the farthest lane in a short distance. Also people lining up into the street for the McDonalds drive thru is starting to become more of an issue all the time. The parking lots often times used as a main road so to speak off the secondary road because you can only go one way, and to try and get in the turning lane to go towards the highway can be a challenge. I also am not looking forward to the Starbucks going up beside Earl’s. Like that parking lot is already kind of a nightmare at times between craters and bad parking and business at peak times. Truth be told I would be for reconfiguring dunmore road altogether because of the secondary road entry and exit points. Also agree with you on the lack of commercial and industrial opportunities in the Southridge area. You have 3 convenience stores, two within a couple blocks and nothing within the newer neighborhoods. I remember both the ones on Strachen being built and there was nothing to the trailer park and the dairy farm. That area has grown immensely. And any commercial in the area is limited. A car wash/preschool/deli in 1 neighborhood and in the other Accents and I am not sure what else is in that complex but someone with limited mobility has a long haul given our crappy bus service. The lack of secondary exit out out of the sunset area after so many years is ridiculous.


Many western Canadian civil engineering instructors use Medicine Hat as an example how NOT to design suburbs. Fact!!!


How long has this been happening that you’ve noticed? There’s road construction on Dunmore and division ave crescent heights right now, which is nudging a lot more traffic onto the highway, including at the intersection bottleneck that you described. If you’ve only noticed this congestion now, it’s likely due to the summer construction and drivers taking alternate routes to avoid it. Moreover, there’s still also plenty of distracted driving pausing after the light turns green, and super-polite drivers behind them that won’t honk. Only a handful of cars make it through the light cause the front driver wasn’t paying attention. I agree that the roads/ mass transit infrastructure is poor, but aren’t we also in a housing crisis right now? The more doors that we can build quicker, the better?


Maybe this city council should learn to plan construction phases . This is the most fucked up construction in a city I have ever seen and I have been around a few hot summers . You don’t start construction in one area and not complete it before you open up construction in another area . Or is this a ploy to screw up things cause you have a city council who are clueless and are taking lessons from trudope on how to screw things up so bad people are pissed and don’t see where there getting screwed the most . This all falls back on this mayor who is clueless on how to run a city .


You ever tried smelling the flowers? 🥲


What the fuck do the feds have to do with anything? 😂 folks like you are WILD.


Careful, all this talk of walkable neighborhoods is going to bring out the conspiracy theorists 🤣🤣


Every time I go for a cruise or an errand I see distracted drivers everywhere, people in vehicles that don’t need to take a wide turn are going into the left lane so they can make their right turn. People that cut out in front of you to do 5-10 under the speed limit and are constantly looking down???? Apparently the city is focusing on loud exhausts this year…. How about we focus on all the shitty drivers, literally a good mine of tickets yet never a cop to witness and do a traffic stop. Regular traffic I can handle, construction zones? Sure. Shitty drivers… get yours


I have to travel to cities in AB SK MB on regular basis. MH is by far the worst for distracted drivers on their phones


I’m a big fan of roundabouts, despite half the city avoiding the college just because of them. I think they would be great to consider if they could be implemented wide scale. Lethbridge and Calgary have already began adopting them into their planning and it makes traffic much nicer in my opinion.


>despite half the city avoiding the college just because of them. Or maybe most people in the city avoid the college because they have no reason to be driving there...


Oh man, a roundabout at the second set of lights would be amazing. I think those lights cause the majority of the congestion in that intersection.


Drivers blowing thru stop sign on 13 Ave from Southlands is already insane. Luckily due to drainage issues looks like only 50% of originally planned lots now available in Hamptons Phase 3. And the commercial space on corner of South Boundry/ Vista Dr will likely take years to develop lease. If anybody builds there they deserve what they'll get - The Hamptons Everglades.