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My house was burglarized once. That's essentially what happened.


Our house was burglarized and the cop showed up 4 hours later. Accused us of stealing our own stuff and took 1 fingerprint. I did get a police report number a week later though.


>Accused us of stealing our own stuff What in the ever loving fuck?


Let nobody ever accuse cops of being smart


They're smart enough to accuse someone of stealing their own stuff so they dont have to do a lot of paper work...


They're also trained to treat every interaction as if they're dealing with a suspect, both formally and informally. Unless the person they're dealing with is rich and/or powerful, of course


Then where's all the stuff?


in the US we screen out smart cops on purpose.


Doing whatever they can to do as little work as possible while still looking like they're actually working


So you got the same talk I did. Dad gave me and my siblings a talk once we got licenses to drive. "Cops are like everyone else, lazy people who if it will make their lives easier will pin anything on you. So it's no sir, yes sir then shut the fuck up and get a lawyer." My PSA don't talk to cops.


No talk it just glaringly obvious from the past decade of police stories ACAB


We just graduated college a few months prior. It was summertime and the worst thing was we didn’t have renters insurance and I was still finishing up an internship for an insurance company. Learned my lesson that day.


To be generous, maybe the cop thought Insurance fraud? Alternatively, the cop just didn't or couldn't think.


That is exactly my experience some one smashed my car window and took my laptop while I was eating dinner in a restaurant. One cop said I should have been paying more attention although I definitely couldn't see the car from where we were and the other told me a story about how he'd seen this happen before and how it was likely the owner that stole it... Yea I get it it's gonna be hard to find, but I just needed the police report for insurance so stfu and do your job...


"I've seen this before, Johnson. This negro broke in, and hung up photos of himself and his family all over the place!"


My house got burglarized and a neighbor saw them hopping in the window, they got here fast enough to see the guys running away and actually got all my stuff back due to the guys just dropping it on the ground to run faster. Was some xmas presents all wrapped up, a bong, and a PS3. I was super impressed, the cops knew and were on the scene before I even got there and knew myself haha


So, the cops gave you back your bong?


They live in Washington, where it's fully legalized


Bongs are not illegal (at least where I am from) they are simply labeled as "for tobacco only". Beside the fact that he noted that the presents were wrapped, they would probably just hand it over with a certain look on their face


Yup! Legal here


People stole some stuff from behind my house, Cops were out within the hour, took statements, photos of tire tracks, etc. They did catch the guy within the year. He'd sold the stuff so we couldn't get that back.


Similar thing happened to my mother. Her van was in for service at a local repair shop which burned down. With zero evidence, the cops suggested that she set the fire to get the insurance money. There were a number of cars in the shop and somehow they thought my 50 year old mother was the mastermind. Schmucks.


I've been robbed twice, first time when growing up someone broke into our home and stole some electronics and the cops did nothing. Then in college a roommate stole my Playstation and pawned it for drug money and even though I had proof he did it the cop that showed up didn't care and acted super annoyed with me that I would dare to expect him to do his job. Hated the police ever since.


It's not that the police are unable to find out who stole your things, they just don't care. But if you torch a cop car, they will definitely track you down. This woman is a moron who did more to harm the cause than just about anyone. I mean, the fear mongers love this shit. Still, it shows what the police are capable of when they want to find someone. "A criminal complaint against Blumenthal shows federal agents tracking her down through social media, a t-shirt sale and her tattoos." https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/philadelphia-woman-accused-of-torching-cop-cars-held-without-bail/2440154/


That happened to me once. Went out of town 2 hours away for day trip. Got home and my door was kicked in. I didn't even go inside and investigate once I just saw the door had been kicked in because I thought someone might still be inside. I wait 2 hours for the cops, they go through the house, it was then I found out how extensively I was robbed. They also hammered through all of my interior doors and drywall and then the cops and I found where they tried to start a fire in my basement. The cops refused to fingerprint any of the stuff they left to unsuccessfully start the fire with. They supposedly took one set of fingerprints and then never got back to me until a week later they accused me of destroying my own house and then they reported that to my homeowners insurance, so not only did i never find out who robbed me or recover any of my things, i also got dropped by my homeowners insurance and they tried to charge me with fraud. So in the end I got my house robbed and my whole home destroyed with well over $100,000 worth of damage to the property, and they made sure my homeowners insurance wouldn't cover me. Absolutely fucked my life over. I couldn't afford to fix the damage, I ended up having to sell my damaged house for pennies on the dollar and to this day ive never even come close to financially recovering. I'll probably never own a home again. All because of some douchebag dirty worthless cops.


Someone broke into my car and stole a bunch of random shit. I could clearly see where they pried at the top outside corner of my door to get at the lock. Cop shows up, tells me i probably left it unlocked and that it was "A crime of opportunity" and they dont bother with that stuff. Right before my mom shoved me in the house i got to ask him if leaving your hands at your sides means punching someone in the face is a crime of opportunity then.


Police are useless and only exist to protect the assets of the ultra rich, change my mind. 


Ex's house. They didn't even show up. When I called them it felt like I got the wrong number. They were like "and what do you want us to do about it?".


Government in general is like this. Case and point. Last week a person knocked a telephone pole down 2 houses down from my house. Electric company took 125 feet of this giant cable and just threw it on thr sodewalk in front of my house with a 50 lb tension bar attached to it. I give it 2 weeks thinking someone will come fix it when they come to tension up the elctrical lines. It stays dangling. Queue me calling att. Guy comes out and says its not att. I call electric ameren company, they come out, says its not me. I call spectrum, they come out, its not me. I finally call my municipality and they transfer me once and then to a vm. I leave a vm. 2 weeks later i get a return call with a director explaining to me this isnt his problem and i need to call ameren or the county to fix it (county doesnt list numbers for this). 2 days ago a scrapper came by and chopped the line, stole the metal, left the wire and duct tapped the dangling wore to the pole (looks like shit). Here i am today.


Honestly, Just steal the copper yourself next time.


There are agreements between the phone companies and power. So while it’s not purely one or the others usually the phone company has a process called a PMR request to get the poles replaced. Source: Work for a phone company.


Went down that hole. Phone company is att. Ameren owns the pole. Both companies came out and pointed at each other and left. They were not at the pole at the same time obviously.


Yeah it’s not a widely taught thing anymore sadly. So it’s really if you’re getting someone who’s been with the company a while and actually remembers it.


>Government in general is like this. That sounds like a company fucking up, not a government agency. Edit: that line was also absolutely the responsibility of the utility or one of the companies. They fucked up, and you absolved them of responsibility and blamed the local government that wouldn't even be in charge of that.


Right? Found the Republican! Private company messes up, blames government.


Last week they knocked down the pole and you waited 2 weeks twice?


Oh, yeah. Lots of, uh, temporal anomalies when someone knocks down a pole. One week becomes a month, 2016 lasts until 2019, July happens in June... harrowing stuff.




Lucky, the cops didn't even come to my parents' because I couldn't tell them exactly what was taken. Not that nothing was taken. But there was a Tv and some artwork missing with clear dust marks of where they used to be. But I didn't know what brand the Tv was so they told me to get back to them. I did and they still didn't do anything. Then the burglars pawned the Tv at a local shop. The pawn shop got his ID and fingerprints, and video of him bringing the Tv in with a unique sticker that my nephew put on it. Told the cops and they said it's not enough. I swear to god if I'd brought the burglar in with a signed confession and put him in the cell they'd just leave it open and say they did all they could. Two months later they called me because I'd reported a hit and run and was the only witness. They told me to hold to talk to the Sergent. I couldn't right then. So they told me I HAD to talk to him because "it's the law." I told them I'll talk to him later but I'm running out the door right now. They told me he'd *come to my work* to talk to me if I hung up. I just told him to call the next day because I'm free all day and ended the call. But like what the fuck, I just avoid the police now. ZERO accountability for these people to just lie through their teeth at me. "It's the law" No it fucking isn't.


Same. Except I knew who did it, and they still refused to do anything and even hung up on me when I took issue to their approach.


>Except I knew who did it, This is great but how do we prove it? Did you have footage of this person? Was there a witness? If you had evidence to prove it then a disservice was done. If there was no evidence then the inaction was appropriate. You "knowing" doesn't do much without evidence. "Trust me bro" doesn't go very far in a court room.


No, but driving to that person's house and investigating would be prudent.


Police: Hey guy, did you break into u/fogdukker's house? Guy: Nope. Police: okay, thanks for your time. Quick summary of how the conversation would or did go.


If only there was a way for police to enter and search a house. Wouldn't that be great?


Only with a warrant, and getting it SHOULD be hard. Otherwise, any neighbour that doesn't like you could call a search on your house.


"Nothing we can do. But how are you so sure?" "Yeah, I know it was him because he had his 'I hate the police' shirt on and everything, it's like his trademark" "I see... Okay, full SWAT it is"


He is a known thief and meth addict. He stole from someone else on my road right around the same time. And I have multiple witnesses who saw him with one of my stolen items. The cops refused to even investigate.


This is the very reason gangs and organized crime happen. When law enforcement can’t be trusted or is completely incompetent, someone will eventually step in.


You sound like a cop. A US cop to be more specific.  In the US, unless you are rich, property crimes are never investigated because they are a lot of work and don't often turn into a conviction. If you are rich, then the police take it more seriously, because police bosses need money to get reelected (corruption).   In some other countries, the police see it as their job to protect and serve the public, so they make an effort to investigate, even when a conviction is unlikely. But you wouldn't know anything about that. You only want the easy, low-risk arrest that definitely leads to a certain conviction and makes your bosses look good.  Never mind that most of your arrest are non-violent drug possession. Those are your favorite arrests because you don't normally put yourself at risk (potheads don't have much fight in them), evidence is easy, and conviction is assured.  We'll just let somebody else deal with the violent criminals (too dangerous), and the sneaky criminals (have to actually look for evidence 😭), and the rich white collar criminals (your boss needs those guys to get reelected).  Fucking loser lazy cop piece of shit...


Same here. I moved to San Francisco and my car got broken into the first week I was there. They were just like, "We'll log it in our system, but it's unlikely we're gonna find out who did it and you probably won't get your stuff back." I pointed out that there was a traffic camera literally within 100 ft. of where my car was parked and I just got a shrug.


"Thank you for your time officer, from now on I will simply shoot the person and call the non-emergency number to come to pick up the body."


The surveillance state always works against us, not for us.


Snitches should get paid because that like 99% of the detective’s job right there.


My neighbor shot a gun through our shared wall. Same reaction. Did absolutely nothing.


It takes time to eat and digest a dozen donuts


In my country, the police do the robbing.


In the US, we call that Civil Forfeiture.


So, "Mine too!"


Why that's a lot of money you have there. It'd be a shame if you did something bad with it. I'll take it so that you don't have to worry about it. Have a nice day.


"that's a lot of cash you have there. Better take it cuz it's suspicious"


Really it was a branding problem all along.


Oh also, once, I was just leaving a friend at their house late at night. 4 black motorcycles each with 2 dudes pulled up on my car. I was just inside the car waiting for her to go inside her building. As they pulled up, I was fucking terrified and tried to floor it as I thought they were going to absolutely kill me/ take everything I had. Well, turns out they were cops… no identification on their bikes or anything. Thankfully they all showed me their badges when I asked. I did everything they said, gave them my id and everything they wanted, but they still wanted to take me in and cuff me for “trying to escape”. Thankfully my friends dad and some of her neighbors came out and they dipped… Im still fucking traumatized about that.


That's fucked up. What were they supposed to be doing there?


Supposedly “patrolling”… In groups of 6…


Are you sure those were cops and not some trouble makers pretending to be cops?


Yeah, I’m sure. I called the next day and asked for the badge number of one of them that I luckily remember. Yeah, It honestly was a gamble and I should have floored it anyways but it just froze.


Sounds like you were super lucky not to be arrested for Resisting Arrest, the most bullshit crime imaginable.


Those couldn't have been real cops, they don't ever ride with 2 guys on a single bike. Not only that, but their motorcycles would be painted, and the shadiest part of it all is that they dipped when people gathered. Were there ever any flashing lights or sirens?


Yeah sadly its just the shitty reality of the country I live in. I have heard and seen way worse…


What country?


Dominican Republic :)


I’ve always wanted to visit DR. You have beautiful land


It is beautiful!! If you do visit, go to Las Terrenas or Samana, its on the North and even after going there 30+ times, I dont get tired of their beauty. Ignore Punta Cana lmao, its very overrated and the beaches aren’t all that.


Thank you. I’m going to save this comment


> Yeah sadly its just the shitty reality of the country I live in. hahaha ok, thought you were talking about the US. You should hear the stories of what "cops" do to people in my native Venezuela, certified A+ shithole.




Whos gonna say theres no retrieving stolen phones when you show them the live map with gps tracking it


In Brazil they say: "Go there and take it back then"


From my friend's experience, it's because the police lock it up as "evidence" until the "trial", but then "lose" it after a year anyway.


I once had lotto scratch offs stolen from my store. The state lotto was able to track down exact store the person was cashing them in, told the police that it was literally happening as we are on the phone(at a place 3 blocks away). And they said they might look into it. They never did. State lotto was even able to contact the shop and help me get video evidence which I gave to cops, and they still never bothered following up. Fuck the police.


That’s what happened to my aunt. Called the cops while the burglars were still inside, took them 8 hours to show up so they could write her a ticket for her alarm system being too loud.


The alarm system shouldn't do the crime if the owner is unwilling to do the fine.


You are fucking kidding me??


I mean, they didn’t shoot her dog, so this is better than the average experience with the police in the US. 


Just call the cops they say. Don’t use guns to protect yourself they say. That’s a job for the police.


You don't call the cops so they can be detectives and look for clues and catch the bad guys. You call the cops so you have a police report to show the insurance company.


Hmm almost sounds like we can do without the cops entirely


And you might even be able to file a police report online, depending on your city.


Almost, yes! There's also a useful site (dontcallthepolice.com) that lists non-police resources for issues--some of it's obviously non-police stuff that people waste the police's time on, but importantly, there are numbers for if someone is having a mental health crisis, since the cops have an alarming tendency to use "shoot to kill" as a solution to everything.


Had my office robbed once. By chance I found the guy selling my stuff on craigslist. Was able to contact a person who bought one of my cameras from him, and confirm the serial number was mine. Reached out to the police and gave them all the details. Almost $10,000 worth of equipment was "not worth their time". ACAB


Hey, those guys are busy winning the war on drugs


I, for one, would like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


I don't know about other countries but the US has never won a war against a general concept. Drugs? No. Terrorism? Nope. Poverty? Crime? No and no.


Closest I know is Australia lost a war against Emus.


The roman empire lost against the ocean once I think


The Mongols lost to it twice. Ocean been on a killstreak since the dawn of boats.


*Poseidon brushes his shoulders off* “That’s right bitch”


Nah but like, Rome was the definition of "I didn't hear no bell." They lose like half a million dudes and DON'T QUIT.


Nah, they got boxes of lot and then tactically declared it a win


It's less about the war and more about the mechanism for securing support for the at best semi related thing they're peddling at that moment


The US' war on terror was incredibly effective at causing more terror attacks in europe 🤷‍♂️


Mission accomplished? Coalition seems fucked up now..


To be fair, America's heart was never really in the war on poverty.


They only won because they teamed up with the police.


They're busy cowering outside active shooter scenes


Next time, what you say is “I’ve confirmed who the suspect is and where they are located, I’m on my way there now to confront them” that’ll get a response


The good ol “don’t worry about taking so long, I shot them already” joke. When they arrive: “You said you shot them” “You said nobody was available “


Say "I'll be fine because I have a concealed carry permit" and they'll beat you there.


Wtf, in Spain if its woth 500€ or more they will at least pretend to care


I had a camping trailer stolen and when it was recovered, I found identifying items inside it. I contacted the person whose company name was on the items and they said it was most likely their son and they would turn him in. The cops then came to my house, gathered the items and said the kid (17 year old) wasn’t going to jail anyway and that I was never to contact the father again. When I reached out to the person originally, I didn’t expect it was the owner or a relative, I figured the most likely link was an employee or someone who stole the tools.


Sounds like they are related to the piggies too.


In many parts of the country simply owning a (brick and mortar) business is confirmation that you're friendly with the police


If their time is worth more than $10,000 they should just pay you the $10,000


Same story but an expensive bike stolen from by garage. Guy who stole it was even on probation and the cops didn't give a fuck. Fuck you Claremont CA police department you incompetent lazy fucks.


LTT (Linus Tech Tips) once was scammed out of 90k and were told their case wasn’t worth the police’s time either. Wild shit


profesional shoulder shruggers be like


*and shoot their dog…


Don't forget that 4 or 5 year old kid that god flashbanged inside a house the pokice were wrongly attacking (they fucked up and had the wrong adress) and he died because the house went up in flames. Or the cops that took that little girl's goat to a slaughter after she saved it to teach her a lesson. American cops are fucking bastards.


That goat situation was absolutely horrible. That wasn’t even a case of ‘oh shit, we fucked up’ and a fake apology. They went across multiple counties to retrieve that thing that the owner didn’t even want killed to kill it…


States even, if I remember correctly. It was just such an evil thing to do.


Idk man the kid one was pretty absolutely horrible too


Oh it is - don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s ok, but that one was at least a mistake (doesn’t excuse it in any way but intentions do matter.) The goat was intentional and those fucks literally went on a mission to kill it


Or that cop in New Orleans who took a 14-year-old rape victim to get a rape kit in a hospital when she called the police, then proceeded to [SEXUALLY ASSAULT HER HIMSELF](https://apnews.com/article/police-officer-rape-victim-assaulted-3ef773e521922572aeacee3523e8ecd6) after grooming her by presenting himself as a “friend and mentor figure” to her for months. …That poor girl is never going to trust anyone ever again. :(


> Thank god for the cops. > Who else is gonna show up and murder my neighbors' dog? > Who else is gonna write a report when you get assaulted? > Show up at the scene of the crime, take a couple pictures and then accuse you of lying? > We love the cops! Who wouldn't ever lie on the stand. > If you can't do the time you shouldn't have got that tan > We understand they're trained to be afraid of the sun > So, they should definitely bе allowed to shoot anyone > > We lovе the cops! > Stop resisting, try thanking him for his service. > Gotta be nice, you wouldn't like him when he's sad. > Staring down a barrel, why are you so nervous? > If I got mugged I'd just call [a cab.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fJB2Uvz6JU)


Funniest thing about this is the Nick Mullen tweet being used hahah. Edit: I’m gay.


Reddit doesn't know if they love Nick Mullen or if they hate him


Hell yeah dude




Dudes fucking rock


Boys only


Any FUCKING questions?


Hi, I'm famous gay actor Michael Douglas, and I for one think that my good friend Nick Mullen is incredibly gay.


It makes me so happy that my best friend, Nick Mullen, has so many friends despite his brief stint with veganism and Adam not properly washing his ass after shitting himself.


The bucket of soap was right there on the floor. Disagraceful.


You’re gay but is your dick small too?


Bad news Mersham, the doctor called and the test results are in, my dick is small. Happy Ramadan to you and your family!


he's got that thousand island stare


He's stuffed shell shocked


i fucked this guy


After me though i fucked him first


I fucked him first.


It’s because he made fun of their cat loaves


No love for a kitty croissant.


I’ve called the cops for help 3 times ever and they’ve always made things worse. I’m about 2 seconds away from being pro-vigilante justice.


Rule of thumb is never call the cops unless you want someone to be shot. No I'm not kidding.


I know. Lol.


But also only if you don't care who's being shot. Might be the bad guy, might be you, might be your neighbour's dog.


There is not a single situation that a cop makes better.


Agreed. My mother is basically Satan. At one point, she locked me in a basement with pedophiles for 2 fucking months. Right after I turned 18, I had a guy friend offer to have me come live with him and I said I wouldn’t until I could pay rent. I’d had jobs since I was 11 but she always took the money. I dared to ask for my SS card, so I could independently get a job with money she couldn’t touch. A huge James Bond style throw down broke out. Throwing each other into walls and mirrors, vases smashed over heads. I screamed for my brother to call the cops and he ran away, so I didn’t know if he had listened. I managed to get outside and thought I was safe. Nope. She’d gone to get the car to try and run me over. I ended up hopping fences in the dark to avoid her until the cops showed up. They took her side when she said she was scared that I was running off to live with criminals and hooligans. They told me that they felt I’d be safer with my mom who loves me than with some horny guy. Absolute fucking idiots.


If you have a problem and call the cops, you now have two problems.


There are some situations that can be improved by introducing a mentally unstable bully with an authority complex, a gun and a license to kill with little to no consequences. In those rare cases, please feel free to call the police.


lol this reminds me of when someone broke into my car and stole all my stuff. I told the cops that they stole all my stuff and they asked me “do you have any footage on your dashcam?” To which I replied “they stole **everything** which includes the dashcam.”


Funny. I have video evidence of the guy that stole my motorcycle and the cops said that they don't accept video evidence at all.


A cop probably stole your motorcycle.


That was my experience when my apartment was burglarized years ago.


same. They did call me once a year for like 3-4 years to ask me if *I* found my stolen rifle tho


Have you looked behind the sofa cushion


I would cuss them out every time


They’ll tell you this is because of “defunding the police”, but this is always how it’s been.


I'm pretty sure the funding was actually increased.


Yeah none actually got defunded lol


I watched a woman be beaten by her boyfriend in a McDonald's parking lot waiting for the police I called Eventually he forced her into the van and took off; I stayed for about 30min more in case the cops would come and I could give them license plate, make and model, etc but they never did When I called back I was told by dispatch that it was not up there on the priority list and someone would be there when they could I also had a stalker years ago and was basically told "he hasn't done anything wrong yet" so they refused to even talk to him and tell him to back off ACAB


the stalking thing is so annoying. i watch sm true crime and the amount of times ppl document and report stalking and nothing happens until the person is killed is too fkn much.


There was a screaming fight going on a couple in our apartment parking lot. Both of them were very drunk and it looked like he was going to start beating her. Called the cops, the showed up and hour later and asked if I still saw them. No they’re gone know and for all I know he may have murdered her 🙄


I had some drunk asshole spit on my pant leg as I left a store, there was a cop in full view of it waiting at a red light. I gave him a wave to try and flag him down. To avoid having to talk to me he ran the red light, almost taking out a woman pushing a stroller in the process.


And shoot your dog🙄


The dog, the human victims (especially if they're black)...it's like they arrive on a scene with one hand on their gun and just start looking for things to point it at. You don't even have to be a crime victim to be...a crime victim. You can just be walking down the street. Or sleeping (not just Breonna Taylor--we had two people and their dog killed in my city in a no-knock raid as well). It's almost to the point of who do you fear more, the non-police criminals, or the police? FWIW, violent crime is going down. (Actually, I'd like to see the numbers--is violent crime going down while police violent crime is going up? Because that doesn't work.)


Quick, someone link the black business owner who got arrested and brutalised on sight after calling the cops about a robbery.


...do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


You know, it was the one where he held his hands up and said "I'm the one who called" before they started punching him.


...do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


You know, the one where afterwards the chief of police made a statement that the cops responsible would be investigated and they got given paid leave before being transferred to a new department.


The "wait till you get robbed/call a crackhead instead " bootlickers always make me think of [this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@onionmansam/video/7153492921851989291).


that is literally the only job police are fit to work, giving you tickets so that whatever county you live in can make some money on the side. Outside of that I feel like your better off on your own tbh


Whenever pig apologists use that argument it just shows how fucking stupid they are. "Oh you say the roads are shit, but you still use them, interesting..."


Honestly? If you still got some crack on you, the Crackhead is both more motivated and has a more relevant skillset to solve your problems.


For real, there’s a homeless dude that hangs out around my dumpster, always bring a bottle of cold beer and some loose change when I take out the trash. One time he told me he saw some kids playing and a football hit my car, no damage but it’s good to have eyes around for this kind of shit


Lmaooo this is hilarious


I had somebody break into my car, steal about $2k worth of equipment, had it all on video (camera in the parking lot) the faces of the people, the car they were in, and the license plate, and when the cops got there 3 hours later they said “we don’t deal with car robbery”


Fuckin love Nick Mullen


He’s my best friend. So great of a friend that he doesn’t know it.


Hello Mersham, I have great news.


Thanks nick mullen


When I was robbed the police showed up before I even expected them. They got my Xbox back because the thief sold it to a pawn shop, and I still had the box with the serial number. 


I'm unironically glad that there is at least 1 good cop story in here among the dozens and dozens and dozens of horror stories that have been posted in this thread.


Aside from speeding tickets (which I'd be unable to dispute), I've never had a bad cop experience. Although, if I had one, I might not be here to talk about it...


It does make you wonder, I've also never had a bad interaction with the police, and I've been both victim and criminal, in fact they were even kinder to me when i was the one breaking the law. I typically deal with them 1 to 2 times a month working at a convenient store and have always been respected (though some times they do show up waaaaaay too late for the smaller issues). I kind of assume all the people with 'good cop' anecdotes just prefer to keep their mouth shut and not post in fear of the ACAB horde ganging up on them Id also make a guess, that much like any restaurant, most reviews are negative because only the slighted people ever feel the need to speak up and complain (not saying people here aren't justified in their anger, I know some have been absolutely torched by our police system, and even if the ratio was 10000 to 1 of Good cops to bad cop interactions, shit still needs to absolutely change)


Oh look! My best friend Nick! Also, I'm gay..


Their to busy cooling down a Karen situation


Cops are just tax collectors


We were having a family BBQ at my sister’s house years ago. Our family truck was parked on the street. It was a Nissan hardbody with nearly a million miles on it. My dad bought it from the company he worked for in Hawaii and had it shipped to California where we settled (my dad dug tunnels so we spent our childhood moving from one state to another). The neighbor directly across the street hopped in his truck, threw it in reverse and promptly rammed his rear bumper into the side of the Nissan, basically totaling it. Hours later, the cops finally showed up to take the report. Shortly after, the neighbor came home and was visibly drunk. The cop talked to him for about two minutes then the neighbor mentioned he was ex-military. The cop came back to us, shrugged his shoulders and basically said there was nothing he could do.


I went to the police because my ex made (and likely distributed) pornographic material without my knowledge or consent and they asked me what I think they should do about it, and then said if I don't have any evidence for them I'm wasting everyone's time 🤗


I've needed cops twice for myself and both times they were useless. Once I had my car vandalized in the parking lot of a big box store that had cameras that definitely recorded what happened, but they wouldn't even bother looking at them. Another time in was at a bar and right at closing time we were leaving when another person who had been in the bar ran up to us. Him and his friend had been robbed at gunpoint and his friend had been pistol whipped and was laying pretty much unconscious on the ground. It took the cops and ambulance forever to get there even though I don't live in a big city, there's not a ton a major crimes, and the hospital and ambulance station are literally on the same road within a mile of each other. The cops are always patrolling the road because of the bars and I can guarantee you an armed robbery was to worst crime going down in the city at the moment. I'm sure that they heard there was a gun involved and wanted nothing to do with it so they waited.


One of my absolute favorites ever. Guy I know, his wife parked her car near a corner but was parked along the sidewalk correctly and still far enough from the corner. Construction takes out her car and keeps driving as it didn't feel the impact apparently. It pulled the car away from the curb. Police get called and say its her fault for parking so far from the curb with he smashed up car. Instead of you know maybe not having construction equipment flying down the street. He needs to get insurance sorted out so she can get another car. Weeks and weeks go by of him going to the police station to see if there is any update with the getting it sorted. Months and months go by with still no answer. I think it was almost a year later he finally gets an answer... the police figured it out sometime in the first few weeks and just simply didn't even try to help him at all.


Dude, the other day I watched a drunk driver on the highway, just held back and was calling the cops when he randomly smash-totaled his SUV into the guardrail for no reason. Cop answers the emergency 911 line and tells me to slow down and spell my name for him… during an emergency? I’m like ok… so I spell my name and resume: “well he just took exit 38b is is now northbound on route ***.” The cop says “you want me to like call the guys over there?” I said, “sir, I can’t spend my afternoon on this and am on my way home after he took the exit… when I was spelling my name for you.” Silence… “YOU should care!” And he just responds “alright” and hangs up. So yeah there’s a major issue w policing


Strange, my apartment got robbed and that's exactly what happened.


Which is why you need a gun


When I was a kid my uncle was supposed to come visit one day and he never showed up. My grandmother eventually called the police in his town and requested a wellness check, and a while later she got a call “you were right, ma’am, your son’s dead”


My moped got robbed in broad daylight on a high street while I was getting a haircut. Police didn't do shit I got mobbed and robbed in Wembley, police didn't do shit But they did confiscate my weed sometimes 👍