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Yes that happened to me years ago now, I suspect it was someone who saw me moving out, as the place hadn't been advertised yet. I'd vacated the apartment early due to a neighbour who had severe anger management issues. Ended up paying rent on two places AND getting my bike and vacuum cleaner stolen. Awful experience.


Not uncommon around my way for someone to creep on a property for lease. Sometimes just to be a sticky beak but have had people break in and squat. If you’re in a flat or unit, most of those rental boards are generic with a sticker advertising the flat number. I now remove that kind of sticker cause people just passing by do not need to know which flat will be/is empty. Good luck with the move and hopefully you don’t have anymore more creepers


What the hell is wrong with some ppl? smh


Yeah... I'd put this more into the category of potential break in rather than weird. No one does a window knock at 9:30 just to inquire about what a place is like and why someone is moving out. Id you've got cameras, keep them on and if you've got a dog, blu tac a picture of justin beiber on your front door.


I'm confused. What did i miss with "if you've got a dog blu tak a pic of Justin Bieber on your door" ?? Also what does OP mean by "why did the guy knock without opening the front door"? What tf am i missing


You've never heard of the security method of getting a dog and blu-taking a Justin Beiber pic to your front door? Get with the times!


I am So confused… But I dig it enough to ask, should it be a pic of Young Bieber or skanky Old Bieber?


Bieber's stage of looking like Ellen DeGeneres i believe


Yeah I’m with you on this.


I had this happen while I was living in regional VIC. People kept wandering around my front yard, looking in windows, filming over fence, all that. One even tried to open my side gate and enter the backyard, just told me “it’s alright, everything’s fine” when I went off at her through the security cameras and threatened to call the police for trespass. The same woman came down the side gate on an inspection day before the RE was there, waved to me in the kitchen as she thought I was the estate agent. Tried to placate me again when I went nuts at her for entering without permission and trying to break in previously. The RE said they’ve seen this all the time and there’s not much they can really do. It does happen but it’s mighty fucking annoying, especially if you live in a dodgy suburb and have to be on some kind of alert


"There's nothing we can really do!" How about not putting giant For Lease signs up for starters


Funny thing is, I didn’t have a sign out the front at all. They’d just found the address online and came round for a snoop. I did ask the RE about taking the address down but no dice, they were apologetic but I have heard of no address being listed if there’s stalking or DV concerns


When we put our place up for sale with a board out the front we had heaps of idiots knocking on the door, peering in the windows, and wandering around the front yard looking around. I'd just stand at the door and tell them to contact our agent and please leave now. I ended up getting some business cards from the REA to hand out.


When we were selling, I was gardening out the front, house was not open for inspection at that time. The front door was open so my kids could come in and out. This very sketchy woman rocks up, walks past me straight into the house and was beligerent and insisted she be allowed to look around because "ya selling ya fucking house aren't ya?". Wouldn't leave until I got my phone out to call the police.


OMG that’s crazy


I would have drug her out by her hair. Fuck that shit.


Yep, had the same thing happen when we moved out a few months back. Came home to a mother and daughter walking out of the backyard, obviously sprung, “you don’t mind if we have a look around to you?”, to which I said “yes I do, I’m still living here” which she rolled her eyes at. Had multiple others poking their heads over the fence, pretty invasive but shows how desperate the rental market is.


9:30pm sounds sus. He was probably casing the joint to see if anybody was home or not. This happened to me a few years back when a seedy looking guy knocked on my front door just after midnight "enquiring" by name whether a certain person lived at my house.


Ohhh I had that happen at 2 in the morning, the unit next to ours was burnt out due to a fire previosuly, and this woman was asking if I had seen her husband or if she could use my phone to call him, but she didn't knock on the front door she knocked on the window on the street side of the unit - creeped me out as my ex was working away at the time and the cops were no help


Anyone know what our rights are for making a trespasser leave? After you've asked them to leave, how physical can you get without getting in trouble? I'm assuming a light push to guide them to the footpath and off the property is acceptable?




That’s happened to me before. I was in my room minding my own business at 10pm until some random man just walks into my room then quickly shuts it. I’m confused and mildly concerned so I head into the hallway and notice that my room mate had just let 3 guys into our house because they missed the inspection that day. I told them all to leave immediately and to contact the agent and literally pushed them out the house. Then turned around to my room mate and asked him why he thought it was a good idea to let 3 random men into the house!


Wtf that’s cooked


Normal, unfortunately. I was moving out of my unit and it was visibly being vacated and cleaned / tidied. I had no less than 6 people accost me and my partner while we were working out the front, or knock on the door to ask if it would be for rent / when it was available / who the leasing agent was.


I had the same thing this morning! Just about to leave for work and someone drove down the driveway blocking me in. Wanted to know all about the house etc. Kept it friendly enough but told the rea to remind people when they go through the house to respect our privacy. Told my kid to not answer the door at all in the mornings. Was weird to say the least.


While it is possible this person was casing your place, it is more likely this was just a clueless and/or mannerless donkey.


I was recently looking at rentals and some ads actually tell you to do a drive by and check out the place to "make sure it's suitable" before coming to the booked inspection. Made me feel ick.


I mean, a drive by is really different to knocking on someone's window. I've definitely done a drive by at different times of the day to find out about noise and traffic, but I've left the person in the house well alone


I agree, its almost like trying to break in. I am not sure if its too harsh, but…


and there is big sign with numbers in it.


That happened to me when I moved out of my old place too. Bunch of yuppies/hipsters rocked up and were like “it’s listed, we were coming to look” in the most twatish tone possible. I hated that place anyway but that and the owner leaving my parcel *inside* the house before I had finished moving my stuff felt like the universe rubbing something in.


I had the same thing this morning! Just about to leave for work and someone drove down the driveway blocking me in. Wanted to know all about the house etc. Kept it friendly enough but told the rea to remind people when they go through the house to respect our privacy. Told my kid to not answer the door at all in the mornings. Was weird


It's a tough housing market. People are trying all kinds of stuff.


I think people are being dramatic here. The rental market is pretty farked at the moment, people wanna get their foot in the door.


Ain't nobody wants someone getting a foot in their door while they're still living there tho..


Yeah, it's definitely rude, but come on, they're not trying to boost the place.


At 9:30pm? Definitely suss


I agree, and it was pretty scary when you hear people wandering around your house.