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Part of me hopes they hit a meth head who's full of energy and ready to go. Not to harm them, but to give them the scare of their life.


There's a good chance of that if they're near Flinders


Some of these little rats might actually learn a lesson if someone were to harm them.


What do you think they grew up with?




He’s at MGS which is nearly $50k per year (and good deal more, after that, with all the add-ons).


Just because they pay 20k pa doesn't mean they are necessarily good parents or good role models. Kids from underbelly parents wouldve gone to $$$ schools.


They should send them to the church across the road with the priest. Now that would harm them


Why not to harm them?


Because nobody needs that shit?




The military has entered the chat


This is completely insane


Some people do


There’s a particularly bizarre Melbourne subreddit brain disease active at the moment where people seem to be actively cheering for children to be harmed. It’s hugely concerning and extremely weird


Hardos on the internet. It's crazy.




Pretty much. Just because they're a child doesn't mean they get a free pass. I wouldn't want them maimed or permanently injured but a good kicking might teach them the error of their ways. Eventually they're going to grow up and if they start this shit in the wrong place at the wrong time then *really* bad things could happen. A short, sharp shock now could save them that




Dear God. How do you function in the real world? Do gooders like you make my teeth ache..


Maybe these kids could squirt the bloke who likes to shit there sometimes. Scare him off. Then we could enlist the homophobic eshays at outside the 711 to scare them off. Then maybe we import cane toads?


Or use the water gun to clean his bum.. can be a social service idea, mobile bum cleaning


I’m getting a pen.


I have seen one of those landmines outside Sea Life once. One of the biggest himan shits I have ever seen!


Or a great Dane?


At this point, everyone needs to start reporting any fucky stuff going on in the city to the police, the mayor and their local state member. No matter how small, report it. Everyone is tired of being subjected to this shit. Make them do their jobs.


The issue is the complete lack of police in the city - you either call 000 because it's a serious emergency or you don't report it at all. I walk down from Melbourne central to Flinders every night and in 2 years time have only seen police officers on foot a handful of times. On Fridays you might see a police car drive past but that's about it. Police officers actually need to be walking around, interacting with the public to make the city safe.


There's been a police car parked there every morning i have walked past this week. But, compared to a couple of years ago, ( pre covid) precious few foot patrols.


Yeah correct. Like I realise being sprayed with a water pistol isn’t a huge deal when there’s much worse shit going on about it but it just seems like maybe if they were even 1% more proactive even just in this zone it would tidy things up.


Yeah, definitely not a huge deal in hindsight when you know it's water. My issue is that it could be something gross like piss, or something really dangerous like acid. No one should have to rely on the "better nature" of scum to spray water instead of something more serious, but we are forced to because police won't do much and no one wants to fight back lest they be charged with assault instead.


Well. Now you mention it. I didn’t know what liquid it actually was but hoping for the best!


Pretty sure you'd get off on self defence if you clobbered the person for pointing a toy gun in your face... though I'm no lawyer so ... As someone who grew up in a country with violent crime, you set my PTSD off and it's your fucking problem what happens to you afterwards...


That’s not how mental health works. Source? I’m in hospital with PTSD.


How do you know it's water though... And when some fuckwit starts putting other stuff in, then what? That's the problem with the "just ignore it, it's a bit of harmless fun" crowd... sooner or later, it isn't...


Are you sure it was water in this water pistol?


Careful, seizure man might be into yellow


I do wonder how many people that complain here bother making actual reports


And those who report I'm sure you'll be labelling them as snitches ay?


why would you be sure of that


Okay maybe not you but someone might


What if it was piss or bleach? Will you say "oh it's kids being kids"?


Even getting hit with fish sauce ("this stuff stinks... it's funny... derp derp") would very unpleasant untill you can have a hot shower and change your clothes.


Don’t give them ideas!


Clean them up with a gurney spray! They'd never forget that lesson!


There are kids that are home the next day after being arrested for involvement in stabbings and car jackings nothings gonna happen




Exactly, any time someone mentions how shit it is to be walking around Elizabeth and Flinders at any time (late at night in particular), some dickhead pretends that crime isn't an issue. Crime can be decreasing overall but still be an issue in one or a few specific locations. And judging by the posts on here on a weekly basis, a lot of people are seeing and experiencing this shit and not reporting it, so we can't have complete and total faith in the numbers.


What crime is happening here exactly


Heil my fuhrer. Absolutely commissar, we have eyes everywhere. However, They are little shits


“Hello, Sally Capp? Yeah it’s me, the kids with the waterguns are back again.”


Seen teenagers or young adults on hire scooters opening car doors waiting on traffic. Bored idiots trying to get their 15 seconds of fame it seems


Just seen that on dashies. Gotta keep the doors locked whenever you’re on the road now eh


Do people not lock their car doors when they are driving around? I’ve been told since I first got my Ps 20 years ago to keep them locked for safety- maybe because I’m a woman though.


do people often try to open your door while you’re driving ?


Doesn’t have to be often. Only takes one car jacker.




My friends that moved here from South Africa do that, but they had legitimate reasons to learn that skill. And, if we want to minimise all possible harm this is probably a good habit to get into. But it's not typically something that I would say is "required" in Australia. That isn't saying it wont save you from a 1 in a million problem, and it certainly doesn't "cost" anything to learn this habit so I can understand maintaining it. But most people in my experience don't.


This is kind of incorrect. The drivers door at least should be unlocked in the event of an accident, someone is able to get in without smashing the glasd if you happen to be unconscious


Eh if I’m unconscious I wouldn’t care if they smashed a window to get in.


You down voted?? Ok. Whateva. If you had a massive wound, im sure u dont want glass in it


I started locking my doors when a homeless person in Fitzroy tried to carjack me at 3am while I was waiting at a red. Knowing my experience, in my case, locking my door is not a requirement nor a gender thing but a reflex now.


Oh wow- how terrifying.


Yeah pretty much though i suppose thanks to those idiots maybe people might start locking their doors just in case


Surely this isn't a trend but a once off. Fucking horrifying if there's multiple accounts, so much that could go wrong.


If they had police there they would catch people, then they would have to charge them, and that would involve paperwork, and a court date and, if somehow they don't screw up the case, jail. Which is really all a lot of bother, the shift is less dramatic if you post somewhere you aren't needed.


It shouldn't be jail. Parents are fined a series of fines, depending the severity of the crime.  Kids get community service (rubbish, cleaning).


Nobody is going to go to jail for squirting people with water. But you're right that this is a matter of police priorities.


I’m not saying there should be cops there to jail them of course - it just seems this corner is constantly full of stupid units doing stupid things and perhaps some presence may I dunno, make them rethink doing that?


They will just do the same stupid things somewhere else.


They don't have yellow pages anymore. Can't do what they used to do to kids when I was young.


What’s the offence for squirting someone with a water pistol? I dunno if if it’s even against the law, let alone jailable.


Pretty sure it's under the public nuisance laws. But it's a waste of time and money. They'll never be punished until they do it to the wrong person at the wrong time.


So what offence? At best I say offensive behaviour and that’s a modest fine.


AFAIK, Common Law, endangering the comfort of the public or, if they're stupid enough to endanger safety, that. Not really anything you'd see done in practice or the fake seizure guy would be fronting to a magistrate on the regular.


Well you’re making laws up so there’s that. Sorry.


Normally I'd respond to you with a dismissive masturbatory gesture. However, I have a burning need to deepen your educational puddle. Who says I can't do both? In Victoria, public nuisance laws can be addressed under civil law or criminal law. Now, I'm lazy and you don't warrant full attention so I'm just going to copy/paste the criminal part and be done with it. "Public nuisance is a common law offence, which means that it is not set out in the legislation. Under common law, a person is guilty of public nuisance if they: Committed an action which was not authorised by law or that they failed to discharge a legal duty; and The action endangered the life, health, property, morale or comfort of the public; or The action prevented the public from exercising their legal rights." There. Information conveyed. What you do with it is up to you. Perhaps you've learnt something and will be less of a dick to people in the future. Sorry.


For kids squirting water pistols??? Fucking lol. That common law offence has been dragged out for Corey Worthington or shit like that when they couldn’t find anything else that fitted the circumstances. You’d be lucky to find another prosecution for it in the last 10 years. Same with the weird common law one they used for Pusey. And squirting a water pistol would be a million miles away from completing that offence. Try again Robert Richter.


Why is this corner so dodgy? Is it the strip club, or something else?


has of a lot public transport, 24h food, large open areas, high foot traffic due to the station and underpass


Exactly that. Many public transport hubs seem to attract the worst of the worst. This corner is where many trains/trams terminate, yet technically it isn’t the responsibility of Metro Transport, and the city pass the buck too, so tis a bit of a ‘no mans’ land’.


It never ceases to amaze how many bored police sit at suburban railway stations meeting commuters in from work whilst there’s no one visible at flinders at these hot spots


Its only going to take them choosing the wrong person and they will see the error of their ways. Play stupid game, win stupid prizes


Unfortunately the victim here would become the aggressor and end up in the shit regardless.


I pray it’s sooner rather than later


Let's shame them all like the kid that threw milk


Police are aware of what's going on. You know who isn't? Lord Mayor and local council. They refuse to acknowledge there is an issue in the area. Just like the homeless in Hosier Lane.


What we need are costumed adventurers to patrol the intersection and beat up troublemakers.


I shudder to think how much they’re gonna charge taxpayers / ratepayers for a giant bat-shaped beacon on the roof to Town Hall.


Definitely a punch in the face is needed


Or a slap across the back of the head.


TF is wrong with these kids.


Almost certainly they are filming it. They also know they can't be touched legally by an adult. Plus the ridiculous social media aspect of it.


Too busy taking sniffer dogs to music festivals so they can strip search people and an overall massive focus on non-violent drug offenders which means they have other agendas to pursue. What a bunch of absolute flogs!


This kind of shit is absurd to me. Imagine thinking all police resources are in stopping pingas at a festival that they can't stop kids with water guns.


same logic as "we can put a man on the moon but can't do _____" they're not the same thing, ffs


We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t compare things to putting a man on the moon.


Focus on non-violent drug offenders and you wanna send them to Flinders/Elizabeth Streets. You cunts can’t decide if you’re bleeding hearts or not.


The problem with that corner is the violent offenders not the non violent ones. Other areas like part of the awnings at Queen Vic have bigger homeless populations hanging out and it’s a lot more chill in my experience. Police and governments in Australia have their heads up their asses when it comes to drug reform.


No offence but you seem to want the police to be proactive where you’d like them to be, but distant from where it suits you. It’s kinda like someone who thinks ACAB, but moans about their response times or response when they need them. For the record I think flinders/elizabeth is a disgrace. I’d love to see more cops there. But I’ll bet you 10-1 as soon as they start cleaning the joint up this sub would be first to scream about them being heavy-handed.


I moan about their response time when people need them. I feel that’s fair because often I’m the person who ends up doing something about the reason they’ve been called. They don’t need to be heavy handed, they just need more presence in high risk areas (rather than having sniffer dogs at a rave for example which doesn’t reduce risk taking and most studies show encourages risk taking). We have a ridiculous situation where anyone who’s articulate enough can convince a doctor to provide them medical weed but people are still getting criminal charges for a couple of plants. Ad to this things like the crack down on vapes which will just make the current black market increasingly mirror the type of scene that the cocaine business attracts and it’s ridiculous and out of touch. I’d like to see a return to Community Policing and things like the PYC boxing gyms I benefited from as a kid instead of seeing them as a ‘goon squad’ at festivals and events.


Well for the record it’s the government that has banned Vapes. You do realise police don’t make the laws. They enforce them.


Yeah I know but they can ‘manage up’ as they do on many other issues.


I would love to know about all these times you are the person that "ends up doing something" So, you want police in heavy high drug areas on corners in the city, but not in high drug areas like raves. Ok Cops also don't care at all about a few plants. Vapes are banned, cops have to follow the legislation, probably like they already do with cocaine. And, honestly, so glad I read that to the end. "Community policing" and I dont know what PYC is, but boxing gyms? My old man took my family out of Doveton. I know exactly the kind of person you are.


To hear about that you’d need to buy me a few beers. Yes in places where street violence is an issue not in raves where it isn’t. Some do apparently. Well they don’t have enough officers to respond to restaurants in Southbank being smashed up by thugs on a Saturday night so have fun with that… PYCs were the old Police Youth Clubs and they had boxing gyms which connected naughty kids like me with local Police who trained us and we made friends. I’m a highly productive sparky who did a 13 hour day today (no drugs before you assume that!). My old man gambled everything we had and sold my Xmas presents to support his habits, so I guess I can’t compete there but I live in a nice place in Bayside and have my shit together which I did off my own back.


My old man took my family out the shit. Sorry yours had a lot of demons. I also never questioned who you are as a functioning member of society, and sparkies dont on the gear until Thursday's so you're in the clear of any assumptions. Glad shit worked out for you mate.


Hang on. Yet you are against drug sniffing dogs at live events?


At least it isn't milk...


is it school holidays or something? i swear to christ i was in the city today and it was FULL of kids, almost none in uniform


This might be one of those horrible signs you're getting older. A lot of Unis started O week yesterday, so lots of kids starting Uni out out and about!


The police are busy guarding Starbucks. 


Damn, did anyone ask them what type of school they go to ? I’m aching for some outrage


Possession of an imitation firearm charge seems like a good fit. It may not function as a real pistol that fires projectiles but it can still cause fear because of its resemblance. Have those kids arrested, charged and incarcerated.


Least reactionary take


God I miss being a teenager 😂


I think the police have a whole lot more to do than oversee a corner because kids with waterpistol and getting sprinkles on your Armani suit or your Louis Viton scalf. 🤣🤣🤣👔💦💦💦🔫🔫




Don't need to know.


Fair enough 👌


> Why for the love of god do they not just station police at this corner 24/7. Every day it’s a new issue. Oh, you expect police to do literally anything that requires any effort? Are you new?


Oh no not a water fight... How dare kids have fun. Shame on them




A kid outside Marvel stadium told me my shoe was untied. I looked down only to find it wasn’t. I immediately dialled triple 0.


mate i hope you got trauma counselling!


Boomer dogs go off in the comments


Oh yep because people doing shit things only effects boomers 👍🏻


If this was the 90s, the cops would have immediately shot them for holding “weapons”.


Don't the Police/PSOs have a permanent mini station thing like 10 metres from that corner? I know they are all useless, but they could at least pretend to give a fuck.


I swear there is a on the corner of Elizabeth and Flinders every day.


I don’t understand the issue, their water pistols not real ones… when teenagers are breaking into houses,killing the occupants and shit like that. is squirting strangers with a water pistol that big of a deal


Dickheads reproducing their garbage dna


Bro I was so confused as I saw "teachers squirting..." In the notification


Woohoo! I’m on my way.