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Malls are an interesting concept. "Lets recreate the small marketplace where people walk everywhere inside a one building"


They were originally supposed to be in city centers, not a 30-45 drive away. Also with local art and music.


80’s malls were awesome for this as a little kid. Sometimes I feel I was born too late because I didn’t get to experience them much before they all started closing down


In many places in Europe, malls are still like that


Same in Asia, and even parts of New Zealand. I think its because we still maintain and modernize our malls which keep them appealing.


In Athens we have 3 malls. One of them is called “The Mall”


Yep, malls are awesome if they are in the middle of the city. Takes no space, and everything is within reach. The movies, lunch, and you can buy anything. This is the thing I don't understand about America. Everyone says that "america is huge traveling from one state to the other takes long hours, 90% of it is a wasteland SO BUILD SOMETHING THERE. Building a mall does not sound logical when you have 3 square miles of nothing around it, you can open lots of smaller shops there, or even better, make the shops in the middle and build the houses around that.


>or even better, make the shops in the middle and build the houses around that. It's literally illegal to do that in much of suburban US. Huge swathes are zoned solely for single family homes, no mixed use allowed because local councils voted that way. Americans really be complaining about gas prices and then voting down policies that'd reduce gas usage.


* laughs in european *


The mall near me is in the city center, right crossroads of 2 major highways. It's almost always empty, I'm surprised any stores are still open there.




Basically an indoor bazaar. Not too weird.


Lets also make sure 75% of our stores sell nothing but women’s clothing and shut down the one Game Stop


I don’t think it was the malls decision to shut down the game stop, lol. GameStop’s business model went sideways in the same way Blockbuster’s did. And women tend to like to shop more. It’s just individual stores meeting the demands of the population, the malls aren’t plotting that out.


Malls are great as I need that aircon in our 45deg heat waves


People should try walking for once


Malls are a great example of civil engineering gone very wrong. If you have a walkable city and they were implemented in the right way, they could work. The problem is, though, as they exist now, you effectively have more parking space than the actual mall itself takes up. They're Terribly efficient to heat. They're inefficient to cool. Downright predatory to independent businesses. I grew up in the late nineties and early two thousand. The last generation to experienced the hay day of malls. Instead of the monuments to the failure of physical retail locations that they are now.


You guys can afford to eat at McDonald's?


Mfs out here flashin mcdonalds money. While im over here sellin a kidney for a 10 piece nug. Smdh.


McDonald’s now direct trades kidneys for nugs. Save the gas.


Good luck out there, man ![gif](giphy|KgFHb3OjjrQHlKgKSo|downsized)


You guys can afford a house?


Pretty sure this is telling me that I shouldn’t just get the 20 piece McNugget, I should work there and make the McNuggets. And I should also live there and shower in the used fry oil. Because fuck cars.


I saw a comedian talk about how McDonald’s has forgotten what they are supposed to be. He made a great point that I think about whenever someone brings up getting McDonald’s. They’ve forgotten they’re supposed to be the cheap alternative to nicer things. Their food isn’t good enough to justify their prices.


You can't?


The only thing there that is easy to change would be the food. Mfers act like you can just quit your job, sell all your shit and start over with a snap of the fingers. This meme was made by someone young and naive, no doubt.


Also I don't do any of this and I'm still depressed and unhealthy


I see this more as a critique of the societal structure as such, not of an individual‘s choice


I might agree if they didn't start with "mfs actually" as if they're suggesting choice.


Because people don't understand why they are depressed and often point at other aspects of life outside of the systematic structure of society and labor. If you feel attacked, then maybe you missed the point entirely.


Nobody feels attacked, Karl.


Call it what you want.


well yes, it starts with the individual‘s acceptance that this kind of life is the norm, or even something to strive for. And because it is the „normal“, they may not even consider that other options might exist outside of what’s portrayed as this „normal“. Change usually starts when enough individuals start questioning, decide collectively (ha!) that no, they want something different, and actually do something about it.


It is a choice


Are you from the US?


No, so what?


yeah you completely relocate to new country and see how easy it is (or live in like the 1 town thats slightly better)


Or european


We have bicycles and good public transportation, don't worry about us.


Ooh that too lol


If you open your eyes and read the caption on the post....


The caption that says fuck cars 🤔🤣 what about it?


Or gay


Wow a lot of people didn’t get the reference (although I admit that my comment might not have been of the best taste in the middle of pride month)


Or both.




You can change all of the above, I certainly dont live like that in Sweden. Instead of taking your thought of walking, biking, or taking public transport. The workplace dont need to look like that. If you dont like a desk job work with your hands. If you dont want live in that type of house move.


Housing market is shit here, I already do blue collar work over a desk job and doing something that I enjoy doesn't pay the bills, my area does not have public transit as I'm in a relatively rural area that requires me a 30 minute drive one way just to drop the kids at their babysitter. Like I said changing how you eat as a US citizen is the mostly likely thing to change for people that have already been trapped by the system and that in itself isn't easy given healthy food prices in the states 🤷


Move, migrate.


😂😂 You assume things are just so easy. People have different circumstances friendo


I didnt say it was easy but its doable if you want and have the will. Don't complain when you can work to improve your life.


Again you've got zero understanding of circumstances in the US or my individual circumstances. Have a good one ✌️


Again if the circumstances are so shit in the us that you have to eat fast food, drive to work, work in a unpersonional officespace, and live in suburb where its only roads and the same houses.


It’s still true though. It’s more a statement about modern society and less about preaching what you should be doing. At least in my mind it is, and that’s the important part.


The food is probably not easy to change either eventhough it’s the easiest here since you would not have enough time to cook nor do you know how to cook + good food aren’t cheap either lol


I don't understand how do people get by without learning to cook. Ordering food costs about 10-15 times as much as making food at home where i am from


It's not so much that they CAN'T or don't know how to cook, it's more about not having the time or energy to do so after working, in my case, 12-15 hour days.


I'm sure we can agree that most people don't work 12-15 hour days, let alone every single day. I'm also not sure why you are working yourself to death Regardless, i am a student at the university with a very busy life and i spend 2-3 hours once a week to cook food for the entire week ahead.


And depressed people don't live in those houses. They live in apartments with rent so high they can only dream to one day buy that house. Car? Try a urine stained bus.


Or by someone who wants to ban building these places and start building nice places.


Not everyone works in a place like that, lives in homes like that, or commutes in traffic like that. Those *are* choices. The choice you made about what job you do, the choice you made about what kind of house you live in (and that looks like a fairly expensive cookie cutter neighborhood no less), and not all jobs are so far from someone's home they get stuck in highway traffic. To boot on that last point, not everyone drives to work, with the options for buses, trains, bikes, and carpooling, depending on where you live, which is also a choice. All of that is changeable based on choices one makes in life.


Preventable* all of that is preventable. Would I have prevented some things had I known better growing up? Sure. Can I change it now? Maybe when the economy gets better and my kids get older 🤷 time will tell but I can tell you, I and many others didn't intend on getting stuck in these cycles. Someone's inevitably gonna be the worker ants of our shitty little system. It's is what it is and all that. I know my kids will certainly have a push from me in the direction to make their journey about more than just surviving in monotony. For me that's all I really care about anymore.


You say preventable as if all of that is horrible. You have a ton of comments here alone of people saying they'd love that life. And I could see that. A good steady job, a nice home, a car you can drive to work, money to afford food (yes even fast food as it's not all that cheap anymore). However you make it sound like it's terrible and is what it is. Meanwhile you have people living in run down apartments, unsafe neighborhoods, no car, and can't buy food like that because maybe they're living off of food stamps and it doesn't qualify. There are much worse things than what's in that meme. And I'd say having what's in the meme is much more of a choice than those living in hard times because you don't fall back to nice homes in nice neighborhoods, you don't fall back to having a car, you don't fall back to having a white collar job. Those are things most people strive for. One can maybe argue that the worse situation is preventable but the life in the meme is still a choice when you can work other jobs, live in other homes, and commute other ways, including ones that are much less expensive.


I don't think that was the premise of the meme, more so to have a better understanding of unhealthy aspects of our lives. I'm not sure the poster is the naive one, seems you missed the point entirely.


Yeah, I got a little spot in a rural valley. 10 minute drive into town and no fast food places in 50 minutes an hour. A great life for me, but drives others crazy.


MFs should be grateful, I wish I had life like this


Depression dropped to 0% If only they just weren't sad


Depression is not just a feeling you know ?


Funnily enough my cars are really the only things keeping me going sometimes. Friends come and go, Im single and live alone, I got a number of years left in college assuming I try for grad school. Whether its my daily driver or my project, I only feel good about myself working on one of my cars. Not to mention where I live its cold as shit and cars or preferably trucks are an absolute must to get through the day.


Op only took away f* cars from this? That suburb is beautiful, I'd love to live there. Yes offices suck and why I'm blue collar. Yes fast food is disgusting and why I bag my lunches Yes, freeway driving sucks, but it beats living in a crowded city.


Its because all of those things are car centric and built to support cars. We have buildings people commute to despite being able to do that sort of job ostensibly online. Those neighborhoods mean having a car is a necessity to get things like groceries and stuff. Fastfood is prevalent because we can go through the drive through and be done quickly. You don't have to like the sentiment but it definitely makes sense that they'd bring up cars when talking about those things.


Yeah, but can you imagine living in a packed city where everything is walking distance? sounds great until you realize it isn't. I think cities should have more motorcycles and scooters and less cars, The only problem is winters, which I guess is still doable if the city is good about snow removal.


They have those all over the world man. According to you, people flock there to make it crowded. It sounds like the reality is YOU don't like that which is fine, but most people seem to. It's more expensive and they still chose it.


More and more people are trying to flee the hustle and bustle of city life in America. Not having a car is very confining, some people like that, some people don't, some people are just afraid to drive especially with the young people. Some people live in expensive cities so they can say they live in an expensive city even though they hate living there (New Yorkers in a nutshell)


This seems to be what you wanted to talk about, cities, and not why this post was about cars. Have a good day.




That suburb looks awful what?? The same monotony of houses and lawns and no store in sight


Looks safe and a forest behind it. I grew up in the suburbs kinda like that ( definitely more soul, or at least to me) vs my gf who grew up on the west side of Chicago. She always so jealous and reminds me how lucky I was that at age 13 I could just take my bike and go wherever for the whole day without my parents knowing. Every kid should be able to adventure and be outside .Don’t take safety and mundaneness for granted.


Many people in the world wish they had that problem. It’s a matter of perspective.


Well. I live in a concrete apartment building. I drive to work, partially on highway. It takes me 18 minutes. I can easily swap to train if I wanted and it'll tkae 35 minutes. By bike it's 45 minutes. I prepare my foods myself and seldomly grab take away meal. I work at cosy and quiet lobby. No depression, no health issues. Just find a combination where your work is close to your home.


Yeah, people are idiots like that, it takes me 15 minutes to get to work driving a car. It would take me at least 90 minutes going with public transport. And that’s living in a European city that has all modes of public transport open to you. Public transport just sucks because it’s public, the only way it wouldn’t suck is if there was at least one metro station for every one square kilometer between you and your destination.


That 15min vs 90min isnt the fault of public transport, its the fault of your city's shit service and planning


OP has a room temperature bank account balance and no responsibilities


Or giga rich with no responsibilities


Thats a bold assumption to make based on pictures of traffic


What do cars have to do with any of that besides the traffic?


Perpetually making planning more car centric and less human. To the point that you have to drive to get anywhere. Instead of having freedom to choose walking, cycling, or public transport that actually frequent, on time, and clean.


I'm confused by this because when I was in college and lived in a city I easily biked everywhere, people don't bike because they choose not to


We'd live in the same houses/apartments, eat at the same shitty fast food places, and go to the same job. The only thing different would be the mode of transportation, and I can guarantee you that I'd always be in a far worse mood if I had to share transportation space too. Public transit crime is through the roof, and driving is the one time that I can reliably be alone. As it is now, I have no health issues and my baseline mood is closer to "good" than anything else. Based on that, I can tell that your issues with cars are personal. In that case, you're more than free to sell yours and only take public transit. We pay millions in any given city/town for them, someone may as well take advantage. An added benefit to you leading by example, there's one less car on the road. Traffic is that much better for everyone else, helping their overall mental health.


Whenever I am fed up with my environment, I just take my car somewhere open like a 15-20 minute drive , grab something to eat , switch on music and relax. Can't get that level of privacy in public transport or even at home some times.


You are a motherfucking ungrateful prick op. I live in a 3rd world country and would do anything to live like this. Majority of the world would kill to live like this.


I feel you bro. Yes that is true, most of us would do anything to live like this. I'm so sick of Americans and Western Europeans complaining all the time about how their life "Difficult". Some people really don't appreciate their blessings.


Well tbh those complainers themselves don't lead life this becoz they earn a minimum wage and have no talent or skills.


American here, this post has to be from a teenager or something who has never had anything BUT that their whole life. (And for free). Lots of Americans would also kill to have a nice house with a yard in the suburbs, a cushy office job, and a car. The McDonald’s part, however, gross. If anyone actually eats McDonald’s every day yeah that probably fucks you up.


Well that explains a lot. I agree with the McDonald's part too. Once or twice a year could work as a treat or something, although I'm pretty sure that not many people can afford to eat there every day with prices like that😅


Thats the human condition bucko, we always strive to better ourselves even in third world countries. I guess you'd be the ungrateful prick to the people that think you have a higher standard of living. See that's meaningless. Literally said from the internet, dog there's fucking people that don't have electricity that think you are the biggest chode for being upset someone said something into the air, 1 million fucking miles away.


Its basically mr Incredible's life


I'd disagree. My cousin's family recently moved from a suburb into a big city and he doesn't like it. He has to look over his shoulder more, can't bike ride everywhere without red lights stopping him, and his school is an hour drive too. I think it's a matter of preference. Both suburbs and urban areas have downsides and upsides.


How common is it for people to eat fast food every day?


Here in america, very common. Anywhere else... not as common


That is very unfortunate...


And also some people like to drive


Well what the fuck are we supposed to do? Do you want me to uproot the system and reshape all of human civilization? I'm just trying to pay my rent.


Yeah...cars are the problem


If you wanna live with the Amish then by all means go for it


What exactly is so bad about the first two ?


The second picture is fast food, AKA poison. It's tasty, but unbelievably unhealthy. OP is conflating cars to why we eat there; but it's actually because they're everywhere, so it's a fast option for if you forget to pack a lunch in the morning, and they used to be cheap. For the first picture of a single family house, I can only assume that OP wants to live in a big city and rent an apartment in a high rise. They're incredibly young and nieve, either mentally, physically, or both.


The first one: 1. In NA zoning is single use, so suburban dont contain any comercial, often removes the third place (place where you can meet people like pubs) 2. Suburban makes places too far to walk to. Isolate non drivers, children and the elderly. 3. Suburban has narrow socioeconomic demography. Creates segregation.


idk man I live in a "suburban" neighborhood and within 1-2 mi walking distance is 2 mcdonalds, 4 gas stations, a walmart (neighboorhood not supermarket) a mini smiths, uh, a starbucks, and a bunch of little non fast food resturants. It might be the exception but my "suburban" neighborhood has all that


There are atleast 4 starbucks within a 2 mile radius of my house... one is in the mall. The other 2 have drive throughs and the 4th is in target


what does this have to do with cars? just live in a rural area dumbass


Cars are awesome. Fuck trains


Trains are cool, though. If I could just watch a YouTube video and then I'm at work, I'd like that.


How do cars tie in with this. Just sounds like big city living to me . I live in bumble fuck nowhere and love it barely anyone on the road my commute to works usually pretty peaceful, I enjoy driving both my car and truck, and it's usually pretty quite at home , back when my wife was just my girlfriend we used to go out for drives at odd hours on old gravel mine roads in my old shitbox truck for fun


Fuck the suburbs?!?!? But the PIZZA DUDE is coming?!?!?!?




I am mf


What does this mean? Every normal person is depressed? What is the point of some of this "if you are normal you are trash/should go to hell/is depressed/is brainroted" and then the meme is the most mundane shit ever?


You f**k cars? Weird




I live 2.8 miles from where I work, and walk there and back intentionally. Honestly, changed my life a little, lost a fair amount of weight, better mental health. Its not a cure-all, but it helped me. \*user experience may vary


how is this cars fault? cars are fucking awesome bro


I look after my boyfriend, I treat him with understanding


It's not necessarily about cars at all. OP among many other people in this thread missed the point. I'd say OP missed it the worst though.


I absolutely hate people who complain about this. I want this so bad I can taste it. I drive trains. I work on-call. I cannot describe how badly I want a 9-5 daily grind. Instead I frequently go without sleep, work back to back 12 hours shifts without having any idea how long I will be at work any time I get called. I'm on my way to a hotel for a layover, and I don't know when I will go back to work (which is how I get back home). A bridge washed out in one part of the country. Big sections of track washed out in Canada. These are all wild cards for my life. I just want to be able to help my kids with their homework and go to bed at a regular time.


Real, after visiting Europe, it’s much better here


Wish I had one of those houses.


But, but, american dream… it is perfect


The second third and fourth pics would all just be the traffic pic for me bro... travel all over the state doing construction. I love driving, but hate idiots on the road


I like driving, but hate traffic.


You think people traveling on the subway are singing kumbayah?


And then there's you in your grandmother's basement, eating food where you take a dump , work 24 hrs as reddit mood and go to sleep in between all the wrappers and monster energy came. Jk btw


Sounds like a first world problem to me.


Live in a box, eat out of a box, work in a box, and locomote in moving boxes. Maybe we're just successful cats?


Try living in eastern Europe during winter, and you'll see why we don't smile that often.


And that's why I'm scared to get a drivers liscense. Not because my mom failed 3 times noooooo...


what living in turbocapitalist hellscape does to a mfer


I love cars.


I rode the bus and rode a bike for years. It sucked. Cars have a controlled climate, they are always leaving exactly when I want, go to exactly where I want, and aren't full of strangers invading my space.


“What’s good for GM is good for America.” Yes, they actually said that.




i hate driving so much


I wish I could live like that, fukken rich purple


Imagine driving 3hrs in one direction and never leaving the city


What's wrong with cars?


Yep, look at Canada and Europe. Their infrastructure is walk and bike friendly unlike the USA.

