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Have you considered marrying a rich woman?


Drizzle drizzle?


well well well


McKenzie Scott is an amazing woman. Jeff dumped her for a plastic bimbo. Da fuk, bro.


Yeah she was with him before he even started the project apparently. You'd have to be absolutely insanely dumb to have such a beautiful and loyal woman and cheat on her. She's ridiculously fine... Edit: By project, I mean Amazon


She also did a lot of work to get Amazon off the ground as well.


His new woman looks a bit weird and so does he. That said, we will never know what was going on in any of these relationships in private


McKenzie’s not hot though. His ego grew as his company did. He wanted a trophy wife, someone who would’ve been completely unobtainable before he was rich, and he could easily afford the divorce. I’m not saying he was right. I’m just saying it’s pretty easy to understand what was going on for him.


Let’s have a lineup of 54yo women who’ve had 3 kids and see which one you pick.


Plus, loyalty is hotter than any amount of plastic surgery. If my partner is loyal and has my back, I’ll do the same and I think that’s hotter than anything


Hell yeah. I am super lucky that my partner is a hottie but that’s not even in the top 5 list of best things about her. I was just saying even by the metrics the guy proposed (“bimbo-ness”) McKenzie also is no slouch.


Well when you never got balloons in you birth party, you grow up to…


Which one is she?


Bottom left


So she deserves 36 billion dollars. He did all the work. Why not like 10 million dollars or 20 million. Why 36 billion


except she is 40% chin, 30% gum and 30% crazy eyes.


Better than 75% plastic with nothing between the ears.


1. Valid  2. Tried to make a wife out of a hoe 3. Bezos cheated on her. Fuck Bezos. 4. So did Bill Gates. Fuck him too.  Lesson learned: get fucked cheaters. It’s a marriage contract - there should be punishments for breaking it. Fuck no-fault divorce states.


Thank you finally some sanity


Yes worst thing you can do is cheat on your partner outside of beating them or other abuse just respect each other if you want someone else break up before you do anything out of respect


Actually id rather be beaten than cheated on.


Yea same but both just shouldn't happen in a relationship


If 3 and 4 had cheated on their husbands, would they have paid 36 billion and 76 billion too?


You forget just how much they contributed to the success of the company their exes are known for.


Could you show me how they contributed? If you play a role in the growth of a company, you get your money from the company, not from its founder and CEO


When people are married then they normally share the money, often even have the same bank account. So she was payed by the company and in the divorce they had to decide how much each side ownes of their shared money.


The give and take of having someone taking on more household and childcare tasks thereby freeing up the other spouses time and energy for their career is a huge deal. Being able to go on a spontaneous buisness trip for a week to lad a big deal is only possible for most people if they have a spouse who can take on all childcare responsibility at the drop of a hat. Being the spouse that takes on more household and childcare takes a negative toll on that person's career because it limits options. The founder of a successful company unless they live alone and don't have kids or help with household tasks isn't 'doing it alone' if they're able to stay late at work for years while growing their company because their partner is taking care of laundry and childcare that's absolutely supporting the growth of the company.


U r right, household tasks and raising children is very important, and should not be dismissed. But is looking after a household really worth 70 billion dollars? Like it is important, so why not like 10 or 20 million dollars. Like 70 billion dollars is crazy.


Literally nobody is truly worth even one billion dollars. The amount of money the rich have is completely out of touch with reality. In general terms of divorce though for a vast majority of cases an even split of marital assets is fair. In most places divorce law marital assets is assets/wealth earned during the marriage, so not what you had going into it. Many people meet their spouses before having many assets and/or marry people of a similar income so unless you have a ton of inherited wealth you’re likely going into a marriage about as poor or about as rich as your spouse. Some people seem to disagree with the marriage = becoming a financial unit concept which I guess is fine, but that’s kinda what marriage is, you’re essentially choosing to pool your resources and deciding that you are partners who add value to each others lives, financial value is one thing but there are lots of ways for a partner to add value to your life. I’m currently the sole earner in my marriage, so if we got divorced right now then I’d be ‘losing’ more of “my” money in a split, but a few years ago it was the opposite. But if you ask us it’s all our money and we both add value to each others lives basically equally, my relationship makes my life better in many ways and only one of them is financial.


A lot of good points.


Or it's just a way to extort some free money in the case of the 3 and 4 because they knew love died and they accepted it but went out with a bang *wink* *wink* . I don't believe there is a tax for those divorce money .


Hey grandpa, your doctor told you to stay away from facebook remember?


Prenups are a beautiful thing


Get forced out when they claim they signed it under duress


You don’t just have them sign it. You have them sign it with witnesses, lawyers, on camera, etc. there are several ways to show there wasn’t duress


Does saying 'he wouldn't marry me unless I signed it' count as duress?


Good question. Anyone know the answer?


If this were true nobody would bother with prenups to begin with. Literally makes no sense. Do you just repeat things you hear without critically thinking?


Lol reddit moment


Prenup only counts for the money before the marriage. Anything earned after the marriage begins is still split. In the case of Bezo's, thats all of it.


There are ways around that


Only where they work.


I mean I think it's fully okay to stole billionaires money


Y’all acting like you have tens of millions to begin with lol


People acting like MacKenzie and Melinda were gold diggers, but fail to ask themselves what Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates did. MacKenzie said Jeff is not the man she married, turned into a greedy monster, like just look at how Amazon functions. Bill Gates cheated on his wife and had relations with Epstein. Yeah, I'm more sorry for these 2 than those "poor" men who had to pay a fraction of their questionably made wealth to the women whom they lied to. Also if saying that "whemen bad" for "marrying for their money" than it implies that these men were so dumb that they married a gold digger anyway. Can't really feel sorry for them. In a marriage you are equals, you support each other, the wealth you make is from the work of both the man and the woman in the marriage, I only see it fair they get paid some back if the marriage doesn't last. With billionares and the questionable things they do....man, it's even more true.


It’s usually virgin gooners that post the most BS on this topic


Amen brother this subs starting to get pretty guckin neckbeardy


Amen brother this subs getting pretty fucking neckbeardy


I mean it wouldn't be an issue if women didn't advocate for equality. I don't see the equality here.


Oh yeah, because MacKenzie and Melinda were gold diggers and not because fucking Jeff and Bill cheated. Fuck around and find out.


I think people are misunderstanding my point, it doesn't matter if they did something wrong or not they still can get that money by divorcing em


And Bezos got his wealth because his wife sacrificed her career for him by staying home to take care of their four kids while he was away making a fortune. You're really saying she deserves no compensation for taking a huge hit to her career to raise their kids so her husband can chase his dream? She also did a lot of early legwork for Amazon and got them their first freight contract


No I'm not saying she deserves no compensation, as I have already said in other replies he deserves what he got, but what about the normal guys that didn't do anything wrong? Tbh I couldn't give two shits about the rich people, it's only really an issue for people that don't have mad amounts of money.


So if the situation is that the guy is just middle class with a housewife who stayed home to raise the kids, she turns from a rightful recipient into a leech?


Idk why you keep bringing kids into this not everyone wants them but you do you


Because the most common situation where the court rules the man has to pay the woman a settlement when divorcing is that she puts her career on hold to be a stay at home mother and thus enables the breadwinner husband to focus completely on his career You commented on a thread about women who pretty much went through this exact thing saying it's "not equality" they got a chunk of the husband's wealth as if the true equality here would be that the woman is just fucked with no means to seek employment because she gave years, maybe decades, of her prime career time to take care of their home and raise their kids while the breadwinner could use the time she freed up for him by doing this to better his position in the job market


Have you ever had a divorce where you’ve given up your wealth?


I refuse to get married so no


Yup! It’s always the virgins that have nothing to do with a woman that moan the most about feminism.


Tell that to my gf of 6 years, I have nothing to prove to you but you are just plain wrong. And the fact that you still use virgin as an insult really sheds light on what kind of person you are, you can't have a simple discussion without getting offended like are you okay?


You’re taking the high road after bitching about equality being an issue. I feel for your “gf for 6 years” that she has to put up with a man who doesn’t understand patriarchy. But a person in a position of privilege will never give up said privilege because he considers it an oppression.


She is a feminist, what do you except from it? For sure nothing smart


Go outside sir. If the sentence "it would not be an issue if women didn't advocate for equality" sounds like a good and convincing argument to you then please, go outside.


If facts do not persuade your thought then I don't know what to tell you mate, feminists don't care about equality when it takes shit away from them. I just think marriage laws need to be reformed.


Which facts are you talking about?


The fact that women want equality, but you never see them talking on this subject or others that generally benefit them, infact its the opposite, if you even suggest a prenup they get defensive over it.


Someone certainly seems very secure and not fragile whatsoever






What if prenups hold no power in court? Would you still call them crazy.


No one reading this is ever going to be that rich relax


It's even worse for non rich people actually. Billion dollar losses won't make a dent in the wallet of Jeff Bezos, but if you're an average Joe and you go through a nasty divorce without having signed a prenup.. good luck


Doesn’t matter.


If you’re not rich she still gets half and now you can only afford a rented basement and a hot plate They want to maintain *her* lifestyle not yours


The whole Chris Rock bit about how poor people are the ones who need prenups


It's symbolic


Okay Jeff Bezos


But Amber Heard gave the money away to charities! /s


It's kinda funny that the most sensible one is Kim, only getting the child support.


No. Because I'm gay


My wife is more important to me than my bank account. I think that’s the same for most people who aren’t public figures.


Bezos new wife objectively dresses like a whore and it's gross. Like .... Keep it at home man!


As if the wives were the only ones to blame in a divorce. Men f*ck it and are toxic just as frequently as women. 3/4 there seemed to be the case. Besides, this is a billionaires’ problem that you won’t have to worry about in your life. You won’t have that kind of money buddy.


And it's always crusty ass men with a salary of 1500 usd a month that share these memes lmfao


Incel posting


I'm poor and have no property. Try that on me


Why did I have a stroke reading the caption?


Jokes on you. I'm poor af


to be fair it should be possible to pay more than double the average salary of your average person in child support. That is one of the most abhorrent things ive seen


If you consider a woman a financial decision it doesn't surprise me at all you ended up divorced


Y'all remember what Jimmy Soul said about how to marry the right person?


Just… what is that face the person on the bottom left is making. I might get nightmares


There is no beneficial reason to get legally married. Have the ceremony just don't sign any paperwork. If you're religious I doubt your God cares if you're married in the eyes of your government as long as the commitment is real.


Amber Heard is on a whole different level than the other 3, even Kim Kardashion


Hell yeah!


The incel energy is big here


The meme is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. Choosing your partner is probably one of the most important decisions you will make. But, it should be noted it’s for many more reasons than just the financial.


> 200k child support a month I'm sorry but in what situation would that much be required for child support? what, is buying Gucci clothes and sports cars now considered essential for a child's development?


Can we have a maximum number of sad incel memes per day in this sub? It gets annoying.


Or don’t legally get married. That’s the best financial advice you can get as a man. Have the ceremony if you want but don’t make it legal w the govt. you have everything to loose and nothing to gain. The woman has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Unless she earns 2-3x what the man makes then by all means get married, she’ll kill you before she divorces you because money and her way of life is more import to her than you. Facts just landed in meme world


Common law marriage goes brrr


It doesn't have shit to do with gender. Whoever makes more money is the one that stands to lose. It's just that traditionally that's the guy. Two women get married, one of them is probably at a disadvantage.


You're right, but I think they already said that here: >Unless she earns 2-3x what the man makes then by all means get married Followed by how she'll unalive you before she divorces you because her money and her lifestyle is more important than you or something It's fine that their comment had an emphasis on men But your comment was very useful in making sure that no one just went on a "woman evil woman bad" tirade in their heads >Whoever makes more money is the one that stands to lose. It's just that traditionally that's the guy this point >Two women get married, one of them is probably at a disadvantage. and this point Good points Solution: Get a dommy, sugar wifey that's 6'5 with enough strength to toss a wooden barrel of water around as if it were a crumpled paper ball You couldn't possibly go wrong with that What's that? Why the muscles and height and extreme strength? ....It's very important for...uh...financial reasons, yeah, definitely.


Those billions got you a million of beautiful hookers


To be fair, Bill Gates is a pedo


Never agreed why your partner deserves so much of your money, make your own.


They worked together to make their wealth. I don't work currently (in university) and my partner insists that his mony is our money, because we are a pair and I support him to reach his goals.


And that's brilliant he is doing that for you, and you supprting him, top people!, but if you get married and divorced would you then try and get half his wealth? Because a lot of women do and its not right. You do things for someone because you love them but this gets forgotten when it comes to money with most people. Like the woman who got over 700m for being raped, why does she deserve so much money when it happens all the time and the women don't get hardly anything, why is she so special? Just because the man was rich. Personally i think it should of gone into a fund for all women in that situation, but its all down to greed and what someone can get out if someone else.


We plan on getting married sometimes and we talked about finances. We won't be having different wallets, his and my future income will go into a joint account. I really don't like to think about divorce, but in this theorical case we'd probably go 50-50, because we both worked hard and built what we had ***together***. He's a programmer and I'll be a researcher, both a really high paying field, so it's not like one would use the other or get less for their work with the 50-50 splitting Honestly I'd settly with less than 50-50 if we'd end up divorcing, because I'm a peace loving person and if a marriage is beyond saving and my partner would end up a money hungry person (highly doubts), I'd be like f\*ck this, get me 30%, sign the papers and just let me leave. You phrased "half if *his* wealth", but I'll be in the work force in one and a half years after I graduate. I plan on doing my masters alongside of working. IF I'd be a stay at home wife (not for me, but let's just imagine), I wouldn't go for half of the wealth. But since housework is also work, I'd probably expect 25-35%? (Funny thing is that my mom is a stay at home wife and my dad said if they'd get divorce, they'd split evenly with 50-50, because they agreed on this when they got married. He works away, she works on the household and he views that it's equal, since he was the one that offered her that she can choose to be a SAH wife instead of working.) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I didn't know about such r@pe case, but I'd agree to split the 700m with all those who've suffered through it. Or just donating it to such organisation that supports victims of abuse/r@pe.


That's great for you and I'm honestly happy you get on that well you can work together like that. It's rare these days, I was a single parent as mum wasn't interested and went off so I had to put the history degree I wanted to do on hold( she had no interest in anything really so totally different kind of relationship) but now he's at school I'm thinking of doing it this September. Tbh being a stay at home parent I don't see as a job or deserve money for as if a couple did split, the child is both yours and it should be a pleasure bringing him/her up, agreed the is a lot of housework and cooking but I did all that on my own anyway so an extra person (unless they are messy) isn't much extra work. But yes 25% I would be happy with getting if my wife was the breadwinner but that doesn't work that way as I can't think off the top of my head a famous rich woman that lost everything (or a considerable amount of money) in a divorce, and if the is the is the is not many, it's very much one way unfortunately.


It's kinda amusing in a way that the richest female made her money by simply divorcing someone, in my eyes there really isn't any benefit to marriage.


And the girls are also thinking the same. Choosing a husband is the most important financial decision they will ever make.


It's almost like marrying for wealth is a stupid fucking idea.


I dont have money they cant rip off your money


I mean, if you marry Kim Kardashian you cant expect anything good. You had to be pretty arrogant and attention seeking to marry her just for her contrversial celebrity status.




And that's why everyone on here will stay single, and die alone, paranoia.


Who put Bill Gates ex-husband in here? 🤣


You can avoid it by getting a prenup.


Melinda sure looks like a dude, doesn't h... She?