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As a Walmart employee, I can confirm this is our thought process.


At Christmas I was leaving Walmart and the guy in front of me sets off the alarm but keeps going. This 80yo lady comes running out saying she needs to check my receipt. I say hey it was the other guy that set it off but sure. She has on those back to the future all encompassing sunglasses and were outside in the sun and she says she can’t read my receipt and asks what it says. And I’m lmfao what is the point if you being here doing this job if you can’t read the receipts in the sun? She keeps staring at the receipt and then says ok you’re good to go. Weird experience for sure. Felt bad for the lady.


Yeah, elderly people working as a greeter or checker probably need the job since they can't physically do much else. Good luck to her.


Good thing we make our 80 year olds work. Squeeze every last ounce of labor out of them!


Like human lemons but instead of lemonade it’s blood and sweat and other secretions


Just put one to work making actual lemonade and send all that other stuff towards the drain.


It’s a good idea bout the lemons, as it would mask the smell of the cruelty and suffering


Yeah, then you can have a lemonade party with the old people afterwards. Yummy!


If you can walk, you can work


Yeah, my grandparents were in this situation until one got a job ironically as a front desk receptionist at a retirement facility. Not everyone has the opportunity to save for retirement so they end up fucked


I'm sorry to hear that. We should judge ourselves on how we treat the old/sick/weak not on the stock market. I hope they are doing alright.


A senior who has to continue working instead of settling in quiet retirement says a lot about our society.


Continues to work because she wants to or because she has to because she can’t afford a retirement


I have a hard time believing an 80 year old woman who admits to being unable to see clearly wants to work at Wally World while standing at a front door trying to check receipts. Then again, maybe it's her dream job, been dreaming of it since she was 7 and took her this long to get it!


Some seniors refuse to admit they are losing physical abilities so the job could be a matter of pride and saying “see I’m not getting old”


I bet that will be me at some point, not because I like to work but because I refuse to let anyone tell me what I can do and what I can't. Plus, I will be old, so I will say whatever the fuck I want. Either that, or I'll bury my ass in a VRMMORPG and never even speak to bone & flesh sprites anymore.


Fuck man thats my retirement plan


Poor lady. Yeah, I wish the best for her.


The self checkouts have an option for a text receipt. Do they really expect people to waste their time and pull out their phones and show them? I honestly walk right past them, but I'm kinda curious if that's the expectation.


Doesn’t matter what they expect. Once you buy something it’s yours and they have no right to go through your stuff. The only exception are membership clubs that you proactively agree with


Absolutely. Keep on strolling straight past these clowns and give them a "no thanks" on the way by. I'd *love* to see great grandma try to stop me.


This is the way


Yes, they expect the phone out with receipts pulled up. Source: I saw it.


Lmao they can expect with one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. I walk straight past those clowns saying "no thanks" every single time. What's the 80-year-old going to do about it, attempt to illegally detain me by force?


I don't think walmart employees are paid enough to have a thought process


I hate it so much it's so insulting because it's clearly profiling. I make over $115,000 a year and work from home so I dress like a lazy fuck and get treated like I'm trying to rob the place blind when I go to Walmart.


This is why I like Costco. They distrust and investigate everyone indiscriminately.


I legit saw 2 women that were trying to snatch some wine and crackers be caught in the exit line and were escorted back in the store like they tried blowing up an elementary school


We wouldnt escort a bomber back into the school


"First time in America?"


No quitters here, if you are going to do an act of domestic terrorism, do it right.


In Canada it’s illegal for Walmart to check your receipt, Costco has it as a clause in their membership agreement that makes it legal


Pretty sure it’s not enforceable in the US as well


Yeah the employee has no legal right to detain you for any amount of time, even long enough to check your receipt. If you just ignore them and keep going, they literally can’t do anything except follow and repeatedly demand it. Again, exception for Costco and stores of that nature because they actually have a terms and conditions you need to agree to in order to shop there.


Yeah I just say “no thanks” when the Walmart worker asks for my receipt and keep walking.






It's not I told them to suck my dick the other day when they asked for my receipt lol


Why is that illegal?


After you have passed the checkout you are deemed to be in ownership of the items on your person. If a store has a self checkout they would need to catch you not scanning items in order to have proof you stole the items. Failure to produce a receipt doesn’t matter UNLESS the store has a membership agreement that you have signed. Hence Costco can check receipts but others stores can’t unless they add memberships. This was tried in court where a woman was stopped by Walmart security who wanted to check her receipt. She told them no and that she had an appointment to get to. They physically stopped her from leaving, took her to a security room, called the police, etc…so she sued Walmart *AND WON* for harassment and mental distress.


Just letting them checkthe receipt would've taken 5 seconds though. Still Good for her for winning that suit


For some people it’s the principle of the thing. Also some people throw away the receipt as soon as they get it because they don’t want to carry around trash


Because they can’t stop you, if they think you stole then they need to call the police, if the police determine you didn’t steal then you can sue the store for wrongful imprisonment


"Anti Discrimination Laws"


That had absolutely nothing to do with why its illegal for stores to check your receipt 


Then why’d they check my receipt?


Just because they’re not allowed to doesnt mean they won’t do it If they try just say no. Usually they’ll let you go, if not they have to call the police and if you didn’t steal something then you can sue them


Ok didn’t know


Costco is most fun when you only buy a single item. You still have to have the receipt checked whilst awkwardly standing there holding a heron garden ornament as the employee verifies that yes, you have indeed purchased a heron garden ornament


They check people's receipts for 2 reasons 1 to find shoplifters 2 to make sure you didn't overpay (i.e. items get scanned too many times) aka to make sure what you got in your cart is what it says on the receipt


Lol, there is nothing altruistic about it whatsoever. They just wanna make sure you're not stealing shit end of story.


I've never been to a Costco, so IDK the amounts you purchase, but I bet my ass they won't be counting the stuff in your cart, do they? Like "Hmmm 3 Hunt's diced tomato cand, and 2 Colgate toothpastes" and so on.


I somehow made it to the check out line before I realized I didn't have the Costco card on me. God help you if you ever end up in that situation because all the employees years of pent up anger and aggression comes out. At that point in time you are the actual devil in their eyes and must be purged in holy fire. They're pretty serious about the membership card.




I know Walmart has me on camera from either the parking lot or second I set foot inside (depending on store). I’m on camera at registers and in six angles at self checkout, in aisles, and at customer service. You don’t need to see my receipt.


I suspect that it's way easier for them to check your receipt than it would be for them to go review the camera footage.


It’s just their job


That’s a bs argument.


They're asking to see a piece of paper, dude. Fun fact, according to company policy (I work at the shithole), if you don't consent to showing a receipt when an associate asks for one, they aren't _supposed_ to press the subject any further and are supposed to just let you go


Exactly like it’s not *that* big of a deal. Idk why these people are so afraid of proving that they aren’t a thief.


Yeah, and again, they don't HAVE to show the receipt. Customers can flip us the bird & walk right out, and we aren't supposed to do anything to stop them, according to the CBLs we take at orientation


And I don’t even get the camera argument because the whole point of the physical confrontation is to actually prevent people from walking out with things they didn’t actually pay for. So even if you’re on camera nothing is stopping you from walking out with stolen items. Even with the people who ask for your receipts. I guess the original idea was that they would be able to prevent theft but a lot of the confrontations would get violent because people like this person think they deserve the world.


I get where y'all coming from but my experience is different. I've tried walking by silently, and I've tried saying "no thanks" politely. I've been yelled at as I'm leaving the place. I get that it's not a big deal and I've thought about just doing it. For me it's the principle though, I hate being treated like a criminal especially after I just dropped $200 on groceries and a lot of time on your store. I just want to leave without being hassled


Not to sweep your experience under the rug, but I think you just encountered some poorly-trained associates who take their job way too seriously


Oh that's definitely what's happening. I'm just pointing out it's not back and white like others are saying


No? You get hired and told that your job is to make sure that all of the items in a shopper’s cart are on their receipt to prevent theft *before* they get away with it. Imagine every person you walk up to just saying “No thanks” and “No you don’t need to see my receipt” dismissively and rudely, before walking off. Imagine getting in trouble for letting people walk off without doing the one job you were told to do. Just imagine.


When they ask if they can see my receipt my response is always "No, but thanks for asking", and I just keep walking. No need to rude about, I just simply don't stop.


Lawful evil


Lawful evil is more like what I do. As I continue moving, Huh? What? I can't hear you What? I can't - I'm sorry I can't hear you. The longest I've trailed someone along is back out to the parking lot, and then they let the whole upcoming line go as they went back to their spot. If I just walk past them, they'll generally just ignore me back. This way is a lot more fun.


oml... 🤣


Chaotic good*


I think they both fit the bill


What is evil about not wanting people to look through your possessions? I’ve already paid at that point they can fuck right off.


Idk, it's someone's job. I get it if it's in a high theft area, the Walmart downtown always has police and door checkers, they aren't open 24/7 either like other Walmarts in the area.


Honestly, I don’t see how any of that is relevant


Theft prevention, that's it.


then Walmart turns your licensed plate number in and you get to have a 48 hour chat with the cops (seen it done)


Bullshit. I’ve never stopped for the receipt check, always just say “no thanks”, and have never once had anything happen beyond that.


Yep it's absolute horseshit.


They are specifically instructed to NOT go try to get license plate numbers from people who shoplifted.


The only way that MIGHT happen is if they also had video evidence of you shoplifting


No you haven't, so stop with the bullshit.


Its their job 💀 they need to see because it’s a way to determine theft and whatnot


Reinstate normal cashiers to run your groceries then. They aren't saving nearly as much money as you'd think by using auto tills.


They lose more to their own logistics than theft. Especially when it comes to food. 


Add on top of that all the wage theft that occurs and the fact Walmart has many employees receiving Medicaid and food stamp benefits. They steal MUCH more than the unscanned items leaving their stores. People really need to stand up for themselves and think just a little harder. It’s like watching a battered wife stay because “he’s a good guy”.


Work for grocery logistics/delivery company. Can 200% confirm. And zero fucks given unless it's concerning cigarettes. Cigarette shrink is the ONLY shrink they really give a shit about. Oh yeah, and the random searches that never turn up anything because wouldn't you know, my lunch/snacks are the same damn products that fall off the line all the time so 🤷. I hate it here.


And I do t give a shit about their job or Walmarts theft. Seems we’re at an impasse that I will casually walk buy every time


At my Walmart, 3 cops were called to subdue a man who bought 2 items and had a recipe for it. He was tazed for not resisting arrest as the 3 dog piled him. He's suing the department and Walmart.


I’m sorry, tazed for *not* resisting?


He wasn't resisting, and he was pinned down by 3 cops.


Stop resisting ….Continues to shoot in the back. Yep, that about sums it up.


“Ahhhh! I’m hit! I’m hit!” -Acorn Cop, despite there being no one else with a gun anywhere around


* proceeds to roll on the ground like a dark souls character *


* like a dark souls character with level -3 agility **


Bro is stuck in ds2 and doesn't lvl adp


Fat rolling


Anti-Resistance Tool goes "RATATATATATATA"


It’s a very common thing in the US for cops to seriously injure suspects regardless of whether they’re resisting or not.




"AtlEAsT wE CaN hAVe GuNs"


“Stop not resisting!”


they dont even ave ps4's or ipods anymore


It's PS5 these days


Actually, they recently just stopped selling the PS4 at our store. And I do mean like we sold our last one last month. It was that COD bundle PS4. It was part of the last batch of PS4s that Sony made.


I bet that mean someone got the wrong PS as a present.


That's because this meme is old. Walmart has been checking receipts for decades, definitely before the self checkout popularity that so many people dislike


I made this meme a few days ago. I just forgot that the ps5 has been out for so long


Next time they ask to check the receipt. Hand it to them and walk away, leaving them with the receipt. They either get confused or upset. Either way you win.


Walmart people ask me for my receipt and i say no im good. Walk right past them. Nothing they can do. I dont steal shit and the stuff is mine when i pay for it. Ever since this asian woman there accused me of stealing 4 things i had in my bag because she couldnt read the receipt and i had to show her where they were on it i dont stop. Took like 5 minutes to get a manager over.


I just tell them the cashier already looked at it.


I am the cashier. God yes i have my new line for when they see me in self checkout. Gunna use the register right near the door and stare into their soul the entire checkout.


They technically could ask you not to come back to the store, or if they have reasonable cause to suspect that you've stolen something they could detain you under "shopkeeper's privilege" laws. It's fairly unlikely that they'll do either of those things, but they COULD


Connecticut has a law that they can not detain nor claim you NEED to show them your receipt. We love our criminals here. All they can do it get your plate if you are driving and show the camera feeds to police. (Source: paralegal and used to be the manager of our towns target.)


The old man shouldn't seem so suspicious then


Saw guy getting harassed over an apple he brought in. And they were accusing him of stealing it


This is true and I am aware of it happening to other people. To mitigate it * I don't go to the Superstore. Sometimes the "Neighborhood Walmart" \[like a regular grocery store\] * I order online if I need Walmart Superstore, send someone else, go elsewhere in town, or do without. * I don't use 'self-checkout'. There is a 'quota' to fulfill shrinkage investigations, easier to blame an old person who forgot to beep every beep than to blame a group of lithe, active, youngsters. Youngsters, who may or may not think they have anything to lose. The old people will be compliant during their arrest. And the quota is filled. So what if they later drop charges, it's about short-term quotas.


As a Walmart employee, if your receipt check is missing an item, I believe the protocol is to just ask you to go back and pay for it. We’re paid hourly, not per shoplifter caught


Actually even if you catch the costumer stealing Walmart employees aren’t even allowed to stop them. The costumer can just tell you fuck off and steal the shit anyway. In that case management will just call the cops and give them footage/plate numbers so they’ll still be arrested, but employees can’t actually do anything to stop a costumer. It’s both technically illegal and against store policy.


Actually, that only applies to hourly associates. Asset Protection employees are salaried, and trained on detainment.  There’s nothing illegal about holding someone who committed a crime, just consequences for holding someone who’s innocent. 


rookie shoplifters imo just dont bring your car to the shop you are gonna shoplift and dont do it in a local area IE near where you live and nothing will happen bring ski mask if you want extra security the police arent gonna hunt you down over shoplifting if all they have is a face or nothing at all


Fuck Walmart 🖕🏻


They're only looking for unbagged items, like a broom, and if they're actually doing their job right, will look for 'BROOM' on the receipt. Your bagged items were never in question.


this 10000000%. that’s what we’re trained to do + told to do. I’m not sure why the general consensus is that Walmart employees are out to get you. I assure you, we aren’t. Though, our managers are.


Honestly- it’s because ppl think that they are more important than they actually are. I promise, no Walmart employee gives a shit about the customers. We have other things to care about


"i don't get paid enough for this" vs "boss wants me to "look busy""


They don't get paid enough to run after a group of teenagers


Here in California, theft is pretty much legal since anything under 950 bucks is a misdemeanor, and the cops don't even care enough to do anything about it. It's pretty cool, actually


Could I cut a Lamborghini into a bunch of pieces, all worth 950$, and then steal one piece every year so that I can stitch them back into a lambo?


yes officer, this redditor right here, they're the criminal mastermind


If I remember correctly, Walmart loss prevention keeps a file of video on frequent flyers. They won’t report until you’ve stolen so much it’s in the felony range. Then they call it in and bust you for that.


Your proof is not a proof, we need more proofs


Old people don't hit as hard when angy


All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me


Picture this. You're a Walmart employee getting paid to be at Walmart all day. This is already dreadful, do you really want to get mixed up in some nonsense? Or just check the people you know are following the rules to meet quota and not get fired?


They're not allowed to foricibly stop people. They literally can't do anything about teenagers sprinting out of the store. And the guy with bagged groceries is probably getting stopped for the unbagged case of water or soda at the bottom of his cart. It's protocol to check receipts for unbagged items. Now, a little fact a lot of people don't realize... if the people at the door ask you to stop, and you refuse, they're supposed to say "OK. Thank you for shopping at Walmart." The AP people will have already called the police if they've caught you. They'll let you keep walking around the store until the cops get there. They might even let you get out the door where the cops will meet you. But nobody at walmart is legally authorized to detain you without your consent.


In some states/cities APIs are licensed and legally allowed to detain, in those states if an API makes an approach to detain a suspect and they decline, it would be an additional charge by PD. Just to be clear, wal-mart won’t tackle you down but you could incur additional fines/fees and ticketing if you choose not to be cooperative.


Out of the 7 walmarts that are an hour or so from where i live, only one of them checks


Me and some friends used to play tag in a few different walmarts, no one ever said anything to us


Lemme see that receipt👨🏿‍🦳


I'm not stopping. You can kiss my ass.


Wait.. Walmart still sells ps4?


I had a greeter try stopping me on my way out of a Walmart recently and I just ignored her at first. She persisted, so I did my best old man impression and went "huh" a few times as I kept walking. After she asked to see my receipt for a fourth or fifth time, I just told her "no thanks" and kept walking. They can't stop you. Walmart's policy (as long as they follow policy) keeps them from saying they suspect you of stealing anything, they legally can't demand to see your receipt, and as long as you aren't actually stealing, they won't call the cops either. Just ignore them when they ask to see a receipt or tell them no. Unless you're at a store where you need to be a member to shop there. They are allowed to ask for your receipt. Not that it matters most of the time, they look at maybe three items and call it good.


I don’t like when they check my receipt or my bag. It makes me feel dirty and like a thief. It’s rude of them.


I had their security guard ask to check my backback once, after cleary watching me buy cat food and a cat toy. Told him he can tackle me in the parking lot if they wanna treat me like a criminal.




Ps4? How old is this post?


Sorry lol. While making this I forgor that they don’t sell them anymore


As a previous Sam's Club employee, all you're really allowed to do is yell and tell them to stop. If you grab them or the items to stop theft and they hit you or otherwise hurt you, you're completely on your own. The company "trains" people to not put themselves in harm's way so they can't be held liable for any of your medical expenses from getting stabbed or something. It's far cheaper for the company to lose a product than pay your medical bills, if you do somehow successfully sue. Besides, it's not their stuff, why would they care. They check receipts (at Sam's and Walmart) because sometimes people actually forget to scan something, and other times they'll intentionally not scan something in an attempt to steal it. This happens far more anyway.


I hate this


They can track that PS4, they can’t track that shampoo


Whenever they ask to see my receipt I just say "no thanks" and keep walking.


Just ask your grandson to go do your groceries. There, problem solved forever.


I’m not blind to this, though I’ve never seen someone with a big purchase. Usually it’s just groceries being taken. And I assume it’s for a reason so I let it be. And no I don’t harass old people.


Yesterday was my first time ever going to a Walmart and when I was leaving they stopped me because I was carrying a full gallon of fruit punch outside a bag. She said that she has to see a receipt for not bagged items so I was like “What if I put it in the bag?” She didn’t like that one.


I remember there was always this old guy who would stop me and basically shake me down any time I would leave. The worst part was he would see me walk past the self checkout and go to one with a person at it, then he would just stare at me the whole time. Finally when I paid and walked away he would bolt to whatever door I was heading towards. He never did it to anyone else and it pissed me off to the point where I just stopped going there. No I'm not a woman he thought he could try and sleep with, I'm a guy with a big ass duck dynasty beard, and no I don't have anything against self checkout I love it and prefer it, I got paid in cash and would always stop by to get some snacks after payday because it was on my way home, it was just easier to go to a person than mess with the machine.


One time I bought like 300 worth of make up, skincare, nail and hair products I had my receipt and everything they took my bag and told me I stole it even tho my receipt was there I even told them where I paid at. After they checked the person who thought I stole everything said they assumed.i lied because a young person doesn't have much money ( I was like 27)


As a walmart associate, yeah.


Just say "Nope" when they ask if they can see your receipt and keep walking.


They just did that shit to my dad a couple weeks ago. Kept him there for like 15 minutes because he threw out his receipt.


Fuck em. I just keep walking.


As someone who worked at Walmart before, if you refuse to show an employee a receipt they can't stop you and are told to just let you leave.


When I was in America they was always a disabled person saying hello to me at the door what’s that all about? Checking my receipt when I left madness lads


Me, getting flagged **3** different times by the self checkout camera AI in the same transaction, despite never making any errors.


Who’s stealing a ps4 in 2024


Well yeah, they don’t want to actually catch anyone.


Fr tho 


You guys don't _have_ to show us your receipt. If you don't consent, we can't press you for proof of purchase


Tell that to the walmart guy


You tell it to him, since you're the one interacting with him lmao


Who am I to take the job of the rizzler 69


Nobody's stealing a locked up PS4 💀




Teenagers have nothing to lose. If I see teenagers running I get out of the way, whatever they're doing is none of my business.Also, as an employee, if they're running out the store with a PS4 I'm assuming they purchased it because it doesn't have the spider on it and you need a key to get it. If someone in another department didn't do their job it's not my fault.


This isn’t Costco. I never agreed to having an item check. I politely but firmly decline and leave. You’re doing your job, so I won’t be rude. But I’m not wasting my time either.


Do you expect us to stop people who are stealing like we're security guards? I work in another retail store with similar policies. We are literally told that if we react to thefts in any physical way including even approaching them in most circumstances, we could lose our jobs. Most people, policy or not, are not going to risk their lives for some corporate overlord that doesn't care about them.


Don't know why you were downvoted. It's true. One of our greeters was fired because they grabbed the cart of a person trying to run out the door with groceries they didn't pay for. It's very much against store policy for employees to detain for theft. I refuse to get hurt or lose my job.


I was downvoted because people don't like to be wrong


I'm mixed of black and white but mainly look white as I don't go outside much and keep to myself when I do, but Walmart was the first place I saw blatant racial discrimination. I was leaving with a full shopping cart of groceries and Infront of me was a black guy who, I can somewhat see through his single bag, had a pack of boxers and several packs of ramen. The old guy at the entrance/exit asked for the guys receipt and looked at his bag. When I approached with my receipt out he just said I'm fine and waved me on. I looked at my roommate of the time and we both agreed that felt racist as hell.


there's this employee at my local Walmart who I watched one time when I was getting my hair cut in a Walmart (don't judge me times were tough,) she only would ask black customers for their receipt, let the white ones pass.


It's actually illegal for them the ask for a receipt, unless it's a paid membership store like Costco. You literally don't have to show them a receipt. If they try and hold you, you can sue. Paraphrased from my walmart district manager uncle.


Except my Walmart, where it's the opposite. *Every* time we leave the Walmart they always need to see our receipt. My fianceé thinks it's because she's got piercings and tattoos. At this point I'm starting to agree. They'll lot older people slide without so much as a look, but will stare us down as we are leaving. As if we weren't watched enough by the "hovering" hall monitor in the self checkout area.


"I'mma need to see your receipt."