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You need to go visit your council homeless department and they will temporarily hotel you


This. Was homeless before and sofa-surfing. Was put into a BnB within a week.


Wow...not sure they have that in my piece of shit America...


We don't. Here in Arizona we don't even have enough beds for a victim of domestic violence, who has finally mustered up the courage to call for help from the Fire department/Police department. WTF?


Yeah definitely avoid the sofa surfing or they will just leave you at that for as long as possible


I've been on to them twice. And to citizens advice and against the advice I was given. I'm told no, they will not help me. I've slipped through the cracks


You need to be persistent. Long as you're genuinely homeless they're obliged to help if your a Sunderland resident are they not? I was offered a b&b for a while then once I did find a place my council helped with my furniture and alike too


I'm not a resident anywhere. I've been kicked out by an abuser. The only family member I have left. Im living in the back of a car. My only other connection is in Durham but they won't consider her a real connection. I'm trying to get some information from universal credit regarding rental costs to go private. I only need to find a simple home to have a bed in and somewhere to wash. This is my fourth night in a car and I'm in incredible pain from it. My spine is worse than ever and I'm worried this is my life now


Fight until you can't anymore. That's what I am trying to do every day. Been living out of my vehicle since October. It doesn't get any easier, but I hope a miracle happens for you.


If I had a pillow, something soft to be comfy on. That would be incredible right now


😔 were you not able to bring one in your car from your home? Minimalizing and prioritizing what is necessities is very difficult. I lost everything, but I made it a priority to have the bare minimum. What kind of car do you have, maybe you can remove some seats and build a flat platform to sleep more comfortably


Do you have the ability to receive mail?


Yes, but I'll have to travel 45 miles to collect it


Try posting on /r/assistance. Make an Amazon wishlist, put a pillow on it. People will help. It's just harder to get people to donate cash but you can also put your cashapp or Venmo or whatever up and maybe some people will help.


I understand the feeling of nowhere to turn to. I wish I could do something to help.


Can you do food deliveries for work maybe until you get on the feet again? Think about it.


I'm physically disabled. I can't be relied on for actually being able to work. If I could, I'd go back into engineering. I'll be lucky if I can stand up tomorrow. I'm in the back of my car tonight


Got it, keep fighting my guy, and see with your government to get some unemployment or disability.


A little update. I've been turned down help by one homeless place already and I'm confirmed as homeless. I'm going to citizens advice in the morning


If you're in the UK there are several benefits you can get to help you back on your feet, disability allowance or if not job seekers, housing benefit or universal credit. If you go to your local council they should be able to help you. There are also homeless charities that can help you with the forms and just in general help you, I don't know the names off the top of my head but a friend of mine used to work for one in London, definitely worth looking into. Also things seem bad now but your mindset will change and its 100% worth working on your life. I wish you the best


Check is there's any local services that can help you via facebook etc. Might sound silly but some towns/cities have local projects that help homeless people. We have one called the Light Project that helps people who find themselves homeless and they've helped quite a lot of folk.


I have no advice, but stay strong. This too shall pass.


I was homeless for a solid year after my house burnt down, it’s not an easy time for sure but you got this just keep on task and I found surprisingly just doing a couple good deeds for people per day helped my mental health during that. One commenter said to check with your council homeless dept, I don’t know what that is cause Canada lol, but that seems like a great option if it’s available to you. Best of luck brother !


I was homeless a couple of years ago for seven months. Felt like the end of all things, but it wasnt. Life will get better, things will improve, but it may take time and there will be periods of hardship. Im sorry this happened to you. Go to the council offices in your city and speak to them, even the jobcentre will be able to put you in contact with the housing support offices. I know you can get thru this.




Is that a serious comment?


Whats specific your disability? And what was you doing before you mention engineering?


I've got a herniated disc, arthritis and nerve damage, horrendous mental health problems and gastroaesophagal reflux disease. I can barely stand up today after trying to sleep in a car. I was a service engineer once upon a time I worked with compressed air systems. I'm also a time served senior bicycle mechanic. I'd love to do either of those again if I ever find my feet and health


Did you have CES? I had it after a herniated disk exploded and caused nerve damage. Was paralyzed in the bowels and had no sexual function. So I know how it is man. Do you have a laptop or any computer access? Do you have a bank account? Maybe try opening a GoFundMe? Or post on /r/assistance


There's plenty of help you can get you just haven't reached out to the right people yet, get to any humanitarian organization, hospitals, local council, if they can't help you they will tell you where to go. My advice is to organise your thoughts, reach out to people, set up a plan and act accordingly. I know life is pure shit right now but nothing stays the same so it will get better sooner or later!


Contact your local council and citizens advice, the council have an obligation to put a roof over your head and citizens advice will assist with benefit applications and access to food banks and fuel/heating vouchers


Find a local council to help Apply online housing jigsaw


I have applied to a council I want to go to. Housing is cheap and plentiful. Hopefully I will be accepted


Hyde housing is the easiest housing association to apply to. Less people bidding especially out of London or locata


Try posting in r/LegalAdviceUK they might be able to help


Just echoing what others have said. You qualify for assistance- head to the local council and at the very least they can put you on a waiting list for a housing association accommodation. May I ask where in the UK you are?


I'm in the north, around the border of Yorkshire and wear valley I think.


Dude if you're in the UK this is a non issue. Its easy to get rehoused on the council, especially if you have mental of physical disabilities


It certainly seems like an enormous issue for any help at all. I'm waiting to hear back from the council and housing solutions have turned me away. I've been to citizens advice and apparently housing solutions are wrong in doing this.


In that case I sympathise with your situation massively. The council by law in our country, UK, have an obligation of care. I hope you get something resolved ASAP


I requested a review of their decision and was told to basically go home... the home I was thrown out of by the abuser. The actual response was they have no obligation to offer me any support. So the obligation of care is totally out of the window. What's to stop me taking the full box of 120 tramadol I ordered to end this because it seems like I'll get no help anyway


Praying for you. I hope you can start feeling better soon.