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Just reading this helped. Such a sweet message, thanks. I wish you the best as well <3


Here to spread as much positivity as i can :) Here for ya if ya need me


Thats super sweet, thank you for this message Currently on a mental health development journey going on just about 4 years now. Lot of unnecessary dramas knock me down quite a bit before that. Lately, I felt like I finally hit the spot I needed to be but recently started regressing a bit and trying to hold on. Honestly, I understand why the older generations avoid this kind of subjects and development where I'm from. It's super painful especially since no one taught me about these things. But that doesn't mean I'll do the same. Keep moving forward. What about you man? How things?


I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I want to let you know I'm really proud of you, here for you whenever ❤️ stay safe!


Currently in a bad environment, I need to get better to leave, and I need to leave to get better. I don’t have the fortitude or skills to survive and pull myself up from the street or else I would have headed to a shelter years ago. Worst part is in the last couple years I’ve begun to understand myself and the abuse/trauma I’ve suffered, so my mental state has worsened severely, I’m less ignorant to what’s happening and I just want change/out. Thanks for the thread it feels good to vent sometimes


I'll be here for you whenever you need me, I'm really proud of you and i care about you<3


That was really sweet :) Honestly? Not great. I’m having a hard time doing anything, especially things I know I have to do. I feel like none of it matters. I have someone who loves me but I’m still lonely even though he does so much for me and could not be more sweet, understanding or helpful. I guess I feel like a burden. I’m burnt out from being tired like this all the time, but what else is there? I’ve never been any other way.


Love even if things are difficult right now i know things will get better, might take a while but it will happen. I'm here for you if you need me, stay strong lovely I'm proud of you


Thank you friend :)


For sure!


Thank you for writing such a sweet post! It’s been a struggle lately in several areas of my life - looking for work, caregiving for my mom, having chronic health issues myself, wanting to pursue a career that I can’t afford to do so right now. But today was ok. I had some chronic pain and helped my family pack for moving houses later this year. It was nice seeing my brother and spending time with my parents though. And I’m having pizza and pumpkin pie tonight! :) So it’s ending on a good note. How are you doing? :)


I'm doing okay, thank you for asking! Glad today was okay and hope the pain will lessen over time


Yesterday was miserable; today is bad; tomorrow will be worse. ​ And that's just the way it is.


Dude for real. I'm ready to burn this mother down.


So sorry, want to talk about it?




That sucks, I'm so sorry that happened. I'll be here if u need me and yes i am okay! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Feeling even. Nothing exciting but nothing depressing. Went in to work early got to the shop by 5:45 only to have forgotten my keys. Drove back to the house and back to the shop. Still started working by 6:30, had a little alone time which was super nice. Didn't get much progress on what I was working on, but overtime is overtime. Relaxing on the couch now and the only thing I can focus on is leaving my state, and working for my old brand at a new dealer. Thanks for asking, I actually feel a little better.


Not everyday can be good, but I'm glad it wasn't bad either:) proud of you and I'm here for you whenever ❤️


I've had better days. Thanks for asking. How about you?


I'm okay, you wanna talk about it?


Thank you for posting this. I feel loved and valued.


You feel like that cuz u are ❤️ Here for ya if ya need me


I'm feeling very sad. In a depressive epi rn.


I'm sorry love, want to talk about it?


Im feeling very bummed. Coworker wanted to hang out, said to meet up at 10 pm. At 9 pm he said he was already at the place. I immediately ubered over, ordered a couple drinks, couldn't find him. He texted said he went home to sleep already :/ finished my drinks alone in the corner, closed my tab, went to my usual place. Am currently having my drink, also in the corner alone. Feeling bummed. I would love nothing more than to turn into a puddle of goo and seep into the ground. Doing everything i can to hold in tears. Guess i should uber back home. Maybe after one more drink. Its a mocha hazelnut martini at a place called wallflower. Very delicious


Thats really stupid of him to do, hope you're feeling a bit better soon. Glad the drink was good tho


I’m doing well today! I went to a family member’s birthday party and didn’t feel overwhelmed or stressed about it at all. I recently started taking medication again which has been helping TREMENDOUSLY.


I'm glad you're doing well :)


Thanks a lot for asking, after joining work, the first few days were quite difficult to cope up with, because I started working after 6 months of staying at home post college. But after that I learnt to make work stress free, by taking occasional breaks in between, talking with co workers and even taking small walks around the office. Even met up with a friend who's agreed to help me make work a small but happy experience. Small because this is just a temporary stint before pursuing my ambition to become a filmmaker. EDIT: I'd also love to know more suggestions on how to make work a nice experience. Thanks :)


Working without stress is the best, proud of you!


I’m currently sick with bronchitis so feeling pretty crummy but otherwise doing alright. Just a bit bored but anything I do makes me tired 😂


Ohw get well soon!!


thank you for asking my day was a short rollercoaster. I stardet slowely because i didn’t sleep s lot and i felt alright. Then i went for a short errand and on my way back home i met up with my gf and we decidet to have tea. I was feeling like she didn’t really want to spend time / was snubbing me and at this point i was sad, tired, hungry and overwhelmed. So i said i wanted to leave but it was hard to actually do it although i had already figured out i wanted to go. I became really disregulated and cried in the cafe. Still crying during the bus ride & during walking home. I canceled the movie date i had planned with a friend and endet up crying for a good 3 hours until my chill pills made me take a nap. Now i am more regulated and i give this day a 2 out of 10 would not recommend


So sorry you had a bad day, i hope tomorrow will be better for you!


Honestly not that great. I was having fun with friends but slowly as the night progressed I am now laying in bed crying my eyes out for no reason. It just feels like all of a sudden I am the bane of the world and I feel like I don't belong in it anymore that I am or have caused so many issues that I don't deserve to be here. It sucks honestly. But I'm trying.🫠 But thank you for the kind words.


So sorry you're feeling that way dear, anything i can do to cheer you up?


Can I have a hug? I just feel bad for feeling like this. I'm always the friend who is always happy and cheery and so when I have these feelings I feel bad cause I feel like I'm letting everyone down by being sad. Or I'll feel like they're going to say well you can't be sad you're always the cheery one all the time. And I just don't wanna be told or you're just faking it or something.


Sending hugs your way, so sorry you're feeling down, remember you're feels are valid and i love you :)


Thank you really. It means a lot <3




I used to cry at random commercials. I'm bipolar and on a crap load of meds which has helped me a lot When I was little I used to be the one who asked how my friends lives were going but shared very little about my own I have come to find that I used that as a way to keep myself safe. In asking how others were they never asked about me My psychiatrist recommended going for walks I've got a pretty cool job where the VA pays me not to die so I've got a lot of free time The walks have helped me to remember that life is external and okay. That I don't need to pass judgement on life; to tell life my opinion of its macchinations Not having a running commentary about my opinion of the good/bad things about life has really helped me find peace Plus, who doesn't mind endorphins? I think it is okay to recognize that you are okay, flaws and all I used to listen to these dhamma talks by this Buddhist monk He once said that the only constant in life is change. What we have, we will lose; what we lack, we will gain Or, as my Indian psychiatrist put it, the impermanence of life You feel like shit now. This will pass with time The more you focus on your problems, the slower it will be for the change to occur. The reason for this I've found is that when my focus is on myself I'm focused on a world of chaos When I accept myself as being okay, that what I'm feeling is a direct result of who I am interacting with life and that my positive or negative feelings are natural and to be expected it means that I am not in a fucked up place; that... reasons have brought me to where I am at because how could I be anywhere else? Symmetrical relationships are healthy. Maybe if you are okay with the fact that relationships focused solely on others may not appear, but are actually as unhealthy as relationships where the focus starts and begins with you What I have found is that the more I can accept myself and where I am at, even if I'm in a bad place, that the intensity of the suffering is reduced You will get through this. You will feel better again. Then there will be a time when you feel worse. Then back to happy The more I can accept myself it lessens the amplitude of my mood swings They switched my meds and I got suicidal for a couple of weeks at the beginning of the year. The thing I kept clinging to was that my feelings would change. I just had to wait until life brought me to a better place Accepting myself, strengths and flaws, is the important thing in life I used to think that I could force changes in myself through sheer willpower. That puts an expectation on life which would make me happy but all too often frustrated with myself and life Now I think the best way to change is to orient myself in the direction I want to go and let life do the rest I get it is easy to say when I am not in the dark place you are,I get that I would recommend googling the Taoist Analogy of the River. We are all just drops in the river of life Sometimes the water moves fast; sometimes slow. Sometimes the river is placid and at others times it is turbulent At the end of the day the river is just being a river. In much the same way, life is just being life. Good or bad are simply opinions on which course you believe the River should take The river is okay, it is just being a river In the same way, life is just being life The course of the River then is perfect. Just as you are perfect where you are at I have found that the more I can accept myself the more I'm okay with the course of the River I have found that the past is only useful for seeing outcomes for different actions The post does not exist. The future is always being created as a function of an evolving present There is no past. There is no future. All that exists is the present moment. In this moment, you are perfect. It is okay to feel bad. It is okay to feel good. You are just navigating the river Expecting life to be different is a destination to madness The more you can accept yourself as being okay, even when feeling bad, the more you will let the river just be the river The more you can accept that life is just being life Why are you hurting? Because you've had unhealthy relationships and in that, an unhealthy relationship with yourself You are okay just where you are at. How could you expect to be anywhere else? Just make peace with yourself. I have found that my darkest periods in life were the impetus for the greatest gains I have made in accruing wisdom The process though is not a lot of fun You are perfect. Even in your suffering you are perfect The more you can accept that reality, the more peace you will find I get that it sounds batshit crazy to assert that in the midst of suffering you are perfect You are however. Given everything that life has thrown at you how could you expect to be anywhere else? The takeaway is that it is okay to be in pain. It is natural. Where else could you be but where you find yourself? Perhaps in this moment of pain you could endeavor to try and have more symmetry in your relationships. Hear and share with your friend If they are your friends they will accept you for where you are at If they do not, then your friends were just using you for someone to vent with. This is not a good friend, only a patriotic parasitic friendship Such friendships are unhealthy for both parties Again, I cannot repeat this enough. Even in the midst of suffering, you are perfect just where you are at As the saying goes: this too shall pass It just takes patience to let the river move you in a different place Whether you feel good or bad, you will be perfect in every state Again, easy to say from a place where I am not feeling crappy. It is still the truth though The more you can accept that life is just being life and that is okay, the more at peace you will find with who you are in the moment It just takes patience. Things will change. When is life static? Use this moment to accept yourself where you are at. At least then you can reap some benefit from your suffering You are perfect just as you are Be well my friend


That's really sweet of you to ask. I'm currently going through a dilemma between leaving a loved one behind or prioritizing myself. Also being dreadfully sick because of the flu. I hope things are well for you too, if not, I'm always here if you need a friend. :)


I'm here for you, take care


That's really sweet, unfortunately the morning started in a way I wish it didn't. I guess I had a panic attack or something. Sudden increased heart rate, feeling dizzy as if I'm gonna faint or die right there and then. It has passed but still the worry continues. Parents said it's because of stress but I don't know how to deal with it. Well, it's over now so no need to worry about it -at least for a while.


So sorry that happened that must have been really scary, if you ever wanna talk I'm here for ya!


You're so sweet for this! I actually am feeling a lot better. I decided to get my life back together after sulking and being miserable for months. I decided to create a routine, try harder and remember to enjoy things. You guys can do it too! It's in your brain, if you don't do it for yourselves, no one can do it for you! It's like a small switch in your brain that's like, "okay, enough of that. Let's go out and enjoy things now And if not, we can try again tomorrow". I hope all of you reading this have a wonderful day and do a little something for yourselves today. Remember you matter and things will get better, it's up to you to make the start <33


I'm glad you're feeling better now! Healing IS definitely possible!


You're right! I didn't think I'd ever be myself again but looks like I'm going back to the real me and I'm so happy to see her again! Hope you're doing amazing as well :)


I am doing better aswell, just had a bit of a tough day today but I'll be okay :)


Wtf um no




yesterday was a little crap, so im trying to make today better. i don't really know how, i just know i need to keep myself as distracted as possible. it's my 16th birthday on tuesday and im both excited but not excited, it's a weird feeling. just trying not to think about it too much, but there isn't a lot to do to distract myself until then.


Happy early birthday! I hope you'll have a wonderful day 😊💗


thank youu~


I haven't been having a good few days. I came on here to see if it was truly a safe space to post/vent, but I took a look around and saw quite a number of mean comments, so I'm not really comfortable posting what I had wanted to say anymore. But in a broader sense, I'm wondering if people here have experienced depressive episodes triggered by absolutely meaningless things before? I've had legit depressive episodes before, but currently my life is objectively pretty good, I'm happily married, have a stable job and a friendly work environment. And yet I suddenly find myself in the midst of another depressive episode that was inexplicably triggered by... well let's just say some online nastiness/toxicity that really should have had zero impact on me at all. I can't understand why at all.


I've had some depressive episodes triggered by small things, sometimes even when things don't go as planned, hope you're feeling okay tho!


Thank you, I hope to get over it soon. Hope you're doing fine too!




Hey there. It's 6 am where I live, I haven't slept all day.


Nahww get some rest dear


I can't sleep, shit is hard lol


Feel you, hope you can sleep soon


I'm not feeling very good tbh. I'm starting to study soon and I'm very afraid of it. Since I've graduated from my school a few months ago I didn't do much and it honestly wasn't great for my mental health. I'm scared that I've chosen the wrong thing to study and I'm like constantly overthinking. I just don't know what to do, I'm very insecure atm


I'm so sorry you feel this way, try taking some small steps, maybe 3 questions, then a break of 5 minutes, 3 questions, break and so on! You can do this, i believe in you!


This is lovely Thankyou! ❤️😭


Well today has been better than other days recently. I’ve been a lot tired and pushed myslef to do more than I’ve had the energy to, but on Friday I just kinda told myself that this weekend I was gonna take a break. That didn’t really happen yesterday as I had decided to join a photograph-workshop and afterwards went to a friends place for a Spanish assignment, but today has been nice so far. I just kinda started with watching the series I’ve been bingeing recently and then I went to get some food before finding out I was gonna exresice today. So atm I’m at my gym for the third time this week actually, but it’s a good way of disconnecting for me tbh. Then later after I get home I’m gonna bake. It’s something I really love to do, but don’t really do often. Thanks for asking. How about you? How are you feeling?


I'm glad you're having a good day today! My day has been kinda tough as customers at work don't really care about our feelings, but its okay, I'll be okay :) just need some rest after my homework


Getting there thanks. After a month of homelessness. Sleeping in my car and sofa surfing. I am getting the keys to a house on Wednesday. An abuse free space of my own. Times are good


I'm glad things are getting better for you, I'm proud of you


Thank you. I hope your positivity can help others feel a bit better too


That‘s so nice :,) Tbh I‘m doing pretty badly right now. I have a very hard exam coming up and I had months to study but I just can‘t start. I‘m just now trying different meds (I have ADHD) but they have no effect on me and make me even more tired. I‘m trying to be patient with myself but it‘s so hard.


Hey if you need help on planning to study for your exams i could maybe help u a bit, I've passed my exams with all good grades last year because i was able to study! Take care!


You‘re so kind! I think I‘ll manage to somehow pass and then hopefully find the right medication, but thank you so much! And kudos to you for passing your exams!!


Thank you and I'll be here if u need some help!


This is nice :) Today I finally caught up on my sleep, went for a run and did other healthy shit. It’s the most relaxed I’ve felt all week. I still have big problems to solve, but I’m not putting myself through anything unpleasant today.


I'm proud of you! Glad you had a nice day :)


I cut 14" of hair off this week. I think that tells you just where my state of mind sits.


Ahw, hope you'll feel better!


Thank you for your post. I wish I could open up more, but since you're checking up at least, no, I'm very much not okay.


I'm so sorry that you ain't feeling well, if you ever want to try and talk you can always dm me, I'm proud of you


I'm feeling good. I made my laundry and tonight i will sleep in fresh clean sheets. I folded and put away all the clothes that i didn't during the last 3 or 4 weeks. I made a banana bread and 10 stuffed tomatoes, so i have food for breakfast and lunch this week. Tomorrow a new week starts and i feel ready for the challenges. I have a new job since july, sometimes it's hard when my manager is stressed out or frustrated. I alway feel like i'm not enough or that i am reponsible for his frustration. One day in particular was very hard - but the next day he told me : "yesterday was hard, but in the end we worked it out - don't worry, it wasn't your fault at all and it's normal that you can't solve all the problems, you're still learning". I want to remember these words forever. I'm so grateful for this job. I hope i won't fuck it up.


I'm so proud of you! Glad you're feeling good :)


I'm struggling. Chronic health issues that nothing seems to help. Can't sleep well. Can't eat well. Can't live well. And, it's really wearing on me.


I'm so sorry you're struggling, I'm here for you if you need me, hopefully the pain will wear off a bit


The pain is mostly mental. I have OK days but have been feeling more down the last few weeks. I'm hoping that when I can finally get into to see the right specialist (which unfortunately probably won't happen till March) things will improve. I'm just worn down after 2 years of this.


I know but mental pain is still pain


Thank you.


Hope you'll feel better


I’m not ok


So sorry, you wanna talk about it?


Such a sweet comment 🩷 Currently on every anti depressant under the sun and still can’t stop myself from crying every single day. I’m so lonely all the time even if I’m surrounded by people. The love of my life left me a couple of weeks ago and I feel so lost. Trying to think positive but finding it very challenging!


I'm sorry you're having a difficult time, if you ever wanna talk you can always dm me!


It's so sweet of you to ask :] I think I've been doing pretty okay, I've been able to relax a bit during the weekend, just do some things I enjoy. I didn't go to school on Friday because I was sick (I still am, but it's not that bad), and I honestly regret not going, it was so boring just sitting at home and doing nothing. And what about you? How are you doing?


My day was kinda tough but I'll manage, thank you dear!


I like your post. So kind from you. I'm having exams now and also experiencing withdrawals from quitting my SSRI meds. I wanna try other methods than pills for my mental health... How are you?


I am okay, had a tough day but i am okay!


I am proud of you. You went through the day that is big ;)


Thanks love :)


I've been feeling a bit restless for a while. I can't really figure out what's wrong, but I feel distracted, and I'm longing for something, but I don't really know what it is. But I'll be okay. And I hope you're doing okay as well (⌒‐⌒)!!


Ahw, u can text me whenever! Take care dear


Aw thank you, you're so nice(*^-^*)


I try to be :)


Sweet message. Everyday is just numb. I think what bothers me about life is the monotony of it. It’s a repeat everyday. I do not think I am equipped with being able to do this another 40-50 years. I wake up, go to work, leave work, come home, make food, go to bed. Repeat. Today is no different, tomorrow will be no different. I’m not saying this in a crisis kind of way but I would 100% rather take my chances on the other side…this life blows. The only thing keeping me here is my twin daughters. I mean this can’t be what all life is right? Is there more to just the repeat? I don’t know anymore. Hope everyone is doing well


So sorry you're struggling, you can always text me when you wanna talk!


I feel really sad, i have no money, and just came to realise how hard the past year was mentally, financially and family related. All these hardships have led to lower grades in university. I wasnt able to pass one course so my masters has been prolonged for a few months extra. I guess this is the lowest point in my life. But i feel liberated to finally admit this to myself and to finally express these emotions. So on one hand really sad and on the other free.


Sorry you're struggling, I'm here for you dear!


Thanks a lot, i hope you,re doing fine as well?


I'm okay, just exhausted from today


Hey, I’m not too bad. Today was my last day of my notice period at work so it was a mixed emotion of sad and good. The new job is making me anxious, I don’t know if I’ll be good enough and having second doubts. I don’t wanna feel like this, I wanna feel confident and make sure I stay in this job for a long time. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. How’s you?


I'm stressed cuz my teacher gave me 4 whole Chapters of homework that I'll have to finish by tomorrow


Nah everyday getting worse life pretty bad


So sorry, wanna talk about it?


Thank you for asking🥰 although my mental health is absolute shit as of lately I decided that today was going to be a nice day. So I slept in, made a nice breakfast, put on makeup and clothes that makes me feel nice and went out to enjoy the sun. Went to a coffeeshop and got a coffee sitting outside reding my book, going to the botanical garden after just walking around, and ending my outing with some nice gelato before heading home. So overall an enjoyable day where I got a little break from my thoughts and doing things I wanted to do for a while but haven't hade the energy for. Hope you're doing well😊


So glad ur day was good!


Feeling alright, I have had better days. But still going strong. Thnx ❤️




No. Not okay


So sorry, wanna talk?




Wanna talk abt it?




Sure! Lets dm


Thank you! I deleted my post earlier because I assumed no one really cared because we’re all here for support. I am not feeling well today and appreciate the internet stranger support


Not really, I’m spiraling in every which direction but up. Idk what to do, I’m so stressed I can barely tell the difference between a panic attack or whether I’m about to die on the spot. My heart feels weak, my hearing seems weird. Brain foggy. Health mentally and physically is trashed. No social life. Apartment I’m renting at risk. Elderly mother to take care of. I just want this to end. I just want to feel normal again but while I say that, I don’t even know what that means or what that is to begin with. So much regret, so much hatred for myself, so much worry for what is coming next. This isn’t what I wanted as a kid, but then again I don’t even think I thought I would make it this far tbh. Now I’m left here wondering what’s coming next? When will the next anxiety attack strike? When is the next failure going to implode before me? Why am I like this? Idk, I’ve really been trying to soul search and get to the root but I feel it’s so buried and neglected to the point of no return. I’ve thought about killing my self so much in my life, being too scared to do so and finally follow through. I think my brain is doing the job for me at this point. Idk how much more I can take of this..


Right at this very moment I'd like to slit my own throat. And film it as I bleed out. Nobody would even notice for a little while. But there are other people around, and they don't deserve to see something like that, or even hear about it. So even though that's what I'd like to do. I won't. Not today. However, I hope that you all are having a good evening.


I wasn't. I was walking to my death but my cat went further from our house than he ever has on foot to come check on me.


My longtime gf told me she had sex with someone else. I’m at an all time low right now


Anxious about the future. Constantly chasing that dopamine high


No I'm not ok. I'm wondering how I can suck so hard at something I play so much. I'm tired of getting stomped bro. Think I might just quit. Tiddlywinks is too fuckin tough. Competitive tiddlywinks is too crazy to get into.


Thanks. I have a brain injury and am part of a brain injury charity. There are three under 30 ladies- myself, friend (H) and another friend (R). Unfortunately we were told friend H died of circumstances we don’t know on Monday. Fast forward to Saturday and in part of a brain injury chat I’m part of R texts in a very panicked manner saying phone the police to my address. I have just been assaulted. I phone the police, police come 20 minutes later, assaulter is arrested, her parent watched the assault and did nothing (parent agreed on the reason for the assault) and she runs to the police car. He did many things to her body including throwing her on the floor and punching both her eyes. I saw her in hospital today and she’s off to a refuge centre soon. So yeah I’m doing brilliantly. I won’t see her for months as she’ll be protected in case there is another assault. She may not be able to text us. My other friend C is dead. I have no brain injured friends to talk to any more. Yay. Also I hope you (OP) are doing okay.


I'm not great. Been dealing with sh for way too long and I'm only 14 and have attempted multiple times


So sorry you're going through that dear, I'm here for u. You can dm me anytime love