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Loosened the workings to biblical flood standards. Stuck to the protocol for three miserable weeks. 0/10 recommendations.


This was hilarious! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ as soon as I saw the pictures I said ā€œdefinitely a shitty situationā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ten out of ten do not recommend


Glad I could provide some useful snickers. šŸ˜


It was well needed!


Oh my god yes. And donā€™t get me started on the Metamucil my doctor had me take for high cholesterol. That was a gassy situation.




This is such an accurate description. My neurologist insisted that I give it four months. I hate him.


On the flip side, if you take Qulipta and get constipation, these help even it back out lol. I take 60mg daily of Qulipta so the magnesium does wonders


I took this for a week last week. Still dealing with this four days after stopping itā€¦ I have IBS, but this is worse.


Me! I went from 3 migraines a week to 3 a month after taking it for 2 months straight. No other changes besides addition of mg citrate. I go to the bathroom more often than before but never had diarrhea as they say.


How many mg you take?


I take 450 before bed


I take 500mg at dinner


Magnesium citrate has the unfortunate ability to cause diarrhoea. Iā€™m not sure how much your body actually absorbs, because it seems to be flushed out again when I take it.


Diarrhea will actually worsen migraines as well because of the severe dehydration


Constipation definitely does too. Gotta find the sweet spot in between! Lol


Can happen with any magnesium if it is too much.


Yeah my sister in law recommended I try magnesium citrate because it helped her migraines. I told him I already take the glycinate. Heā€™s like oh you need to try the kind sheā€™s taking, theyā€™re different. Iā€™m like no, unless you want a breakdown of the effect it has on me drop it.


Magnesium oxide is the form thatā€™s notorious for causing diarrhea. I havenā€™t had any issues with it though


If you take a CGRP inhibitor and have the standard CGRP inhibitor side-effects. Mag citrate is great! If not, discuss L-Threonate or Glycinate with your provider. Typically Citrate and Oxide are recommended bc they're less expensive. But we have enough GI issues as it is with migraine, why add more?


Gotta try it. I am taking magnesium aspartate hydrochloride currently, but it has no effecet whatsoever on the CGRP inhibitor & venlafaxine side-effect


Ok. then mag citrate may be helpful for that but not as helpful for migraine overall. At times GIs will recommend Miralax to counter the side-effect if you want to integrate magnesium glycinate or l-threonate and manage your cgrp inhibitor & venlafaxine sx. All things to discuss with your provider! šŸ§ šŸ’“šŸ«„šŸŒŸ


What are the standard CGRP inhibitor side-effects?


I switched to L-Threonate a couple months ago and Iā€™m loving it. It is expensive though and I would probably just be enduring the the morning misery if not for my employee discount on that shiz


same. i use a compound called "mag mind" and its been fantastic. pricey, but worth it.


I hear you - I'm switching back to it, not because of migraine but because Covid has affected my ADHD and inattentiveness so much. My brain is completely scattered out of control. I hope this will help rein things in.


What is the CGRP side effect? I do take Nurtec when I need it and havenā€™t noticed anything but relief from my migraines. Praise the lord for real, every time.


that's wonderful!! I don't like to discuss or mention side effects within groups because people with migraine are incredibly susceptible to both the placebo (in clinical trials) and nocebo (in support groups, etc) effect. If you have migraine, the less you know about a medication's side effect, the less likely you are to experience any. So, for the sake of your success, I'm going to keep it at "CGRP inhibitors were developed specifically for migraine prevention so, after Botox, they likely have the least side effects. Some people may experience GI side effects but this can be managed with supplementation or mild GI medication." šŸ˜€


Thank you and yes, understood. I would probably consider that a small price to pay relative to the benefit of the relief from the migraine. Iā€™m still not exactly sure which you mean but I manage some symptoms with Perrier (which I sip even during an acute attack) and probiotics. To get back on topic, I have a collection of magnesium supplements - malate, glycinate, asporotate, threonate, and blends. I canā€™t say if any are superior though I did find that glycinate was helpful when I was having anxiety problems. I tell anyone who asks to just not take magnesium oxide. Oddly enough, I donā€™t have an opinion about citrate but my husband prefers it because he finds it helpful for ā€œregularity.ā€


typically, glycinate & l-threonate are the best but providers are hesitant to recommend them because they cost more, which is why they typically recommend oxide.


In this situation I would think cost would be no object (if possible). These provided so much quality of life improvement for me.


Thatā€™s actually not even functionally a form of magnesium, itā€™s colonoscopy prep as an undercover agent. itā€™s incredible reallyĀ 


I wish I knew that before I drank those 4 liters of salty ā€œlemonā€ sludge. Iā€™ve had a colonoscopy without sedation, and can honestly say drinking all that nasty prep drink is worse than the procedure


Prep is definitely worse than the procedure.


It actually helped me a ton with sleep quality. But it didnā€™t work well with IBS-D




Mag citrate is very commonly used as a laxative so be careful and start small. I take a blend of oxide, citrate and glycinate, but I also take it for cardiac issues.


It helps me with my ibs-c hehe


I have had very good success with this protocol from my neurologist: Magnesium ā˜ Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) ā˜ Coenzyme Q10 Recommended dose 400ā€“600 mg of elemental magnesium per day 400 mg per day Comments ā— The most recommended form is magnesium citrate, but any form can be used ā— Can cause diarrhea; if this happens, reduce the dose if possible, or stop ā— Can cause urinary discoloration and frequency ā— Please note that this is different from vitamin B complex and vitamin B12 100 mg three times per day ā— Can cause nausea/diarrhea Sorry about the formatting


I take the same every day and I've just decided to reduce the B2 intake because most of it just seems to be excreted anyway (if the colour of my urine is anything to go by!). Reduced my migraines a bit but I still get them, though less frequently and if nothing else it makes me feel as if I'm doing something.


The morning after I took this for the first time, I was an HOUR late to work, because my asshole wouldn't stop. (Also, I had taken riboflavin for the first time and my urine was bright neon orange and I thought I was dying)


Ha! I'm taking a B supplement (give me all the Bs!), and I pee highlighter yellow.


I forsure thought I was about to get some kind of cancer diagnosis first time I saw that šŸ˜‚


My doctor specifically told me ā€œfair warning, your urine will look radioactive so donā€™t freak out. However bright you just imagined it right there when I said that, imagine it 10x brighter.ā€ I laughed when I pissed later and saw how right he was


Ya went dayglo!


Not my asshole wouldnā€™t stopšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is classic


I remember reading or being told the citrate form was good if you need to get Mg++ into your system quickly.


Yes. I take 400 mg daily except the week leading up to my cycle I take 800 mg. I'll have loose stools one or two days when I start the 800mg butĀ  I don't mind.Ā  I have had a huge decrease in migraines! I still get them, but not nearly as often and they went from lasting 2-3 days to 12-24 hours.Ā 


I donā€™t tolerate other oral forms of magnesium well so my headache specialist recommended magnesium citrate. I started on a lower dose and while it can function as a laxative I didnā€™t have a big issue with that as I upped the dose gradually. It works very well for me. Bluebonnet brand is my fave but itā€™s recently become harder to find so Iā€™m on the hunt for another brand. Either way I do recommend mag citrate!


Magnesium citrate has been very good for me!


I like malate the best. It helps my joint and body pain, too.


I take magnesium citrate regularly. It helps if you slowly ramp up your usage, prevents the diarrhea. I find that regular usage not only helps migraines, but helps with the side effects of CGRP drugs, constipation. I take half mag citrate and half mag glycinate. My doctor says the glycinate form passes the blood brain barrier.


I took that exact brand for years with no issues. I can't remember the dosage I took, 3-4 pills/day, at bedtime. No digestive issues. If I missed a few days, I'd get a doozy of a migraineā€”but it definitely wasn't a miracle cure. Now I take a blend of oxide, citrate and glycenate, 1000 mg a night, and I have magnesium lotion.


Rule of thumb when taking magnesium for migraines is basically find the amount that *will* give you diarrhea then lower the amount till you no longer have it


Lmfao so true


My doc recommended Oxide for migraines. I can say with some confidence that at the very least the pain severity of my migraines is somewhat less. B2 is great as well. Past that I have no useful information.


Mag citrate works fine for me. 250 mg in the morning & 200 mg at night! The other forms gave me nausea &/or diarrhea.


Do you need your bowels blown out? If your answer is ā€œnoā€ then throw this out haha






I use mag citrate because I need the laxative effects too. I donā€™t know that magnesium helps my migraines but I take it every night because my neurologist told me to.


I take it to help me sleep (and the laxative effects are useful too.)


Just not both together šŸ¤£


Magnesium Shitrate


Made me housebound. Glycinate is where itā€™s at


What does that do? Magnesium is essential. Perhaps took too much? TMG trimethylglycine dissolvable is naturally sweet and aids methylation give clean energy boost. Take with Methylation Plus which is methylated folic acid (methyfolate, methyl-B12 and P5P (methyl B6).


I couldn't go more than thirty feet from the toilet with citrate, if that. Forget leaving the house.


My right dose is about 2-3 of scoops Gilliamā€™s powder. Taking 5 scoops once I was on the pot all night and was miserable. Wouldnā€™t ever repeat. Drinking a whole bottle is part of colonoscopy prep. Supposed to increase slowly until stools are slightly loose.


Magnesium type matters for bioavailability- how well your body uses it. Citrate is inexpensive, but not good for migraine! It is for colon cleanse. It will make you poop and not help migraines.


Didnā€™t work for meā€¦I took 400mg of riboflavin daily and after one week I went almost 3 weeks without a migraine but then it stopped working


I take 400mg of magnesium citrate with 400mg of B2. I still average one migraine a month. Iā€™m due for another. I also take 10,000 IUs of vitamin D and 100mg of vitamin K. And calcium and probiotics and phytoestrogen. Sigh.


I take magnesium glycinate to sleep but I only take 400 mgā€¦I feel like I need more for migrainesā€¦anyone take more than 400 and did it help?


Gilliamā€™s raspberry with stevia sweetener powder is the GOAT. Itā€™s tart and goes well with ice tea or orange juice. Donā€™t overdo or youā€™ll get the runs.


A little less than 1000mg magnesium citrate a day, keeps my migraine attacks around a handfull a year instead of weekly, and sometimes multiple times a week. Been doing it for 10 years now.


I'm on Qulipta which causes insane GI issues, and for that mag citrate has been amazing. If I go off Q for even a few days, I can no longer tolerate the mag citrate. It is powerful stuff, lol. No wonder they use it for colonoscopy prep


Definitely check with your doctor and/or nutritionist before taking. These are a strong laxative.


In personally take mag citrate because I have migraines and chronic constipation, so it helps with both my migraines and my gut issues. You have to be careful not to take too much so start with the lowest dose and work up from there until you find your sweet spot.


If you find it's causing diarrhea, try taking it when you haven't eaten before and don't plan on eating after for a few hours (ie first thing in the morning or right before bed). Also, take it with less water. It draws water into the bowels, so if you eat a lot or drink a lot when taking it, it can cause issues.


citrate is basically used for bowel prep mixtures. dont let anyone here knock it- migraine meds, esp CGRP blockers can cause some nasty constipation and bloating, of which mag citrate is amazing for. I personally use a magnesium compound daily so im sure theres some mag citrate tossed in. no complaints on my end


The diarrhea citrate (also known as shittrate) gave me was ungodly šŸ„² highly recommend trying glycinate as thatā€™s worked for me. Donā€™t make the same mistake I did


No my friend. Mag citrate is what we give in hospital to clean out your bowels. Donā€™t do it unless you want to spend all day on the toilet. Although if your goal is to poop clear liquid, lots of mag citrate is the key with lots of fluids/electrolytes. Really donā€™t recommend this. At all.


Magnesium citrate is similar to oxide. Both donā€™t absorb well (although citrate absorbs slightly better than oxide) and are thus likely to cause diarrhea or treat constipation. Glycinate is one of the most highly absorptive forms of magnesium. It wonā€™t have much effect on your gut but should have the most impact on migraine


Citrate gave me the runs like crazy. Glycinate doesn't seem do bad. It was recommended to me to deal with the muscle tightness I have that leads to my migraines, and it seems to help somewhat.


Same here! I switched to 400 mg of glycinate to help with my chronic muscle tension, which leads to migraines.


I take 375mg (3 gelcaps) of the Kirkland brand before bed. They are gel caps with MCT oil and Mg citrate inside. I feel like the GI side effects are lessened bc of MCT oil. Perhaps slower absorbance? Hasn't done much for migraines, but helps me sleep well and helps with restless legs.


Magnesium citrate is pretty fine. It gets faster into your body than other forms. So you can also take it as soon as you get an aura. It can help to ease it. You will have to take citrate slowly to find out your fitting amount of mg. It is easy to find out: as soon as you take too much, you will get diarrhea because your body gets rid that way of the amount you took too much. So you can just take less again. Taking Citrate doesn't lead directly to diarrhea. So you can go for it.


Yes. I just take one pill at a time with plenty of water. Never ever take more than 2 at one time or you risk getting the D. Bonus is that it helps heartburn! It was some Dr or pharmacist back ages ago that recommended magnesium citrate to me. Iā€™ve also heard from my GP that you can take the combo magnesium & calcium supplement and itā€™s supposed to balance out the side effects. I donā€™t supplement calcium though so I donā€™t know if this is true.


Thatā€™s the stuff they give you before a colonoscopy. šŸ’©šŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠ


Donā€™t forget your d-pants.[https://youtu.be/dEwjogp4wIo?si=Hwcfd4SAeCWnxYhz](https://youtu.be/dEwjogp4wIo?si=Hwcfd4SAeCWnxYhz)


I take mag malate!!! Probably not the most common form, but after doing some reading (ie: shitty internet ā€œresearchā€) it seems to work the best for me!! I have IBS-D and no issues


Cove a migraine website has a great formulation I use. Iā€™ve used it for years and it has helped me greatly.


Cove a migraine website has a great formulation I use. Iā€™ve used it for years and it has helped me greatly.


no luck for me


Citrate is my favorite one. For a long time I took 800mg a day in split dose morning/night. I actually need the laxative effect so to me this was a pro


as per my doctor, it's the fastest-working form of magnesium so it makes sense to take citrate as a part of acute treatment (I asked her why IV infusions of magnesium help me while pills don't)


I have used magnesium citrate in many forms. I find the gummies take effect instantly versus the gel pills or tablets. The pill forms gives me the shits. When I have a bad raynaud's flare up that gives me headaches magnesium citrate works best because it's instant for me. The gummies don't make me poop as much.


Dang, apparently I should take this just to relieve the chronic constipation/pebble poop I've had for the last year


All forms that are oral give me major cramping and diarrhea. And they also didnā€™t help. I can handle some diarrhea. I cannot handle the cramping. Itā€™s like something dies inside of me when I take magnesium. And epsom salts donā€™t do shit.


Headaches and magnesium, very thorough ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551876/


I bought this and it didnā€™t change much. I was told to take different types of magnesium for different things and couldnā€™t seem to pinpoint which one would help me with migraines and insomnia so I broke down and bought the expensive BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough supplement (because it has all the types in it, not just one). When I ran out and bought a random type of magnesium at GNC, I ended up in the hospital with a magnesium deficiency (even though I was taking magnesium EVERY DAY). I was speechless. I hate the bioptimizer website. It comes off as really scammy looking so I buy it through Amazon. One thing though, the bottle say TAKE 2. I did and got stomach pain and diarrhea. I went down to 1 a day and Iā€™m fine now. Edit for parentheses


i shit enough on 1000mg of magnesium oxide i am terrified of mag citrate


I've had good results with CogniMag. Recommended by my doctor for migraines.


All these diarrhea comments. If you take it with your evening meal, you'll be fine. The only time it ever gave me that issue is when I took it on an empty stomach. It has helped me with headaches and sleep.


I keep bottles of it (in liquid form) on hand for when my system slows to much but I'd never take it daily. It makes the poop slide right through me. Liquid poop.


I use magnesium glycinate because I think itā€™s more bioavailable? So itā€™s not going to pass through you like citrate and oxide. I used to take oxide, but I donā€™t need a laxative and it def acted like one! I take 800 mg and works as well as it can for me :) Edit: I take Nurtec as preventative and Botox. Magnesium was a lifesaver when I was figuring out what was going on with me and migraines. I take riboflavin and CoQ10 too, but magnesium is the big one I wonā€™t give up.


Why not just take the oxide form?


I did. Right now Iā€™m just seeing what form works best for me. In this sub, youā€™ll see different forms work better for some people


This is whatā€™s in Migrelief and it helps for me. I will notice if I donā€™t take it just one day.


Oh god no, worse GI issues of my life. Team magnesium glycinate all the way lol


It doesnt hurt, but I dont know that it's had a major change in my headaches... but the IBS-C is better and I haven't had an "attack" in quite some time šŸ™ƒ I take 400 mg at night.


It worked for a few months, but quickly started making things worse. It started to induce vomiting during my migraines, only making it worse.


If you want to shit yourself, go for it. I take magnesium malate. If you can't find it in stores, look online. Zero poop issues.


Citrate and Oxide work for migraines but they have laxative qualities. Bisglycinate and glycinate have less of a laxative effect. Of course there are other forms, but these are the most popular.


Maynesium Oxide is not absorbable. Itā€™s useless. Donā€™t take that. Magnesium Citrate is used for constipation relief and it works really well. Magnesium Glycinate is the most absorbable magnesium for bone and muscles, tendon, ligament, and organ tissues. Magnesium Threonate is the only kind that can cross the blood brain barrier and get absorbed into the nervous system and brain tissue. I have spent hours researching the 10 kinds of Magnesium.