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You shouldn’t have paid for this ☹️ I’ve stopped a nail tech painting before and left when they were doing a terrible job.


I think thé issue is that I haven’t gotten my nails done in years so I wasn’t sure I was right that they looked bad until my friends confirmed it afterwards. I actually did ask if she could fix them a bit, before taking this picture they were a lot worse. She did manage to get most of the nail polish off my skin. But I could tell she was annoyed with me and I felt like I was being unreasonable so I just paid


Get *more* polish off your skin?! Was your nail tech a 5yo?? You should definitely try to get your money back... Or post a review with this photo to at least warn off other people. This is just bad.


Ha, I was going to say I let my 4 year old paint mine and she does a better job


But did you pay her? She is at least entitled to an ice cream.


Yea Ian gon lie, I’d leave a review that’s crazy






Yeah honestly I'm shocking at painting nails I do it like once a year on my toes because I bite my fingernails and even I can do a better job than this.


Use this photo for your google review. This is totally unacceptable.


I’m so sorry this was your first experience of a nail salon in years. Unfortunately you can’t fix a bad paint job. It just needs to be done right. It’s important the varnish isn’t touching the skin. Oils from the skin lift nail products. Please treat yourself to a good set of nails when you can. Go from recommendation or find someone from instagram with a good following/review.




I gave up finding a decent nail salon that I could conceivably afford (even saving!) and just settled for DIY pedicures and no manicures period lol (I mean polish or fake nails)


This is what I do too. I struggle with toe nail fungus and I'm quite sure I got it or it was aggravated by a Pedicure once. I removed my polish and all my toenails were covered with spots! I've now switched to using only breathable polish on my toes and I sometimes use Colorstreet gel straps on my fingernails since that lasts the best.


Same. I got a pedicure coupon once as a present. When I took the polish off, several toenails were white. Feet ain't never been right since 😕. Podiatrist told me that over the counter stuff only cures it in about 10% of cases. The prescription medication works around 80% iirc but last I checked it was $300 a pill. Might be cheaper now tho.


I used to go to get mani-pedi's religiously every 4 weeks C0vid hit, and I used the money on CS instead... I also learned how to use poly gel. I can now get my nails done from bare to fully done in 40 minutes (instead of the 2.5 hours the salon took), and I save myself $200 a month!


I'm a guy who's never painted nails before and I'm confident I could do better lmao


The first time I did my lady’s nails, I watched like 3 YouTube videos on it and surprised her with all the stuff. She doesn’t get to get her nails done because she’s got a toddler and would either have to take him or get a sitter so she just doesn’t. My attempt looked WAY better than OP. And it was my first time.


I just want to chime in and say that it's so lovely that you took the time to give her TLC like that. I've let my partner paint my nails before and he was so gentle and cautious. His attempt was also better than this nail tech as well and he didn't have anything to go off of other than watching me do my nails in the past. Fellas, paint the nails of a lady in your life that you love (if she will allow it). Could be your partner, sister, mom, aunt, whatever. I bet you a thousand bucks you'll get a lot of respect and appreciation for it!


That was really sweet of you.


Couldn’t you watch the toddler while she gets her nails done?


He’s not allowed to be left alone with children.


The toddler could probably do nails better than OP’s


I painted my ex's nails with no knowledge on how to do it. I still did a better job than this, hell I didn't even get but a tiny amount on her skin. Which I cleaned up.


For $65, the *least* they could do is clean off the cuticles. That's not even touching how they didn't do the coating or base. Getting mad at you for having to clean it up? That'd be like a hair salon being pissy because you didn't want hair dye all over your neck and back. They don't deserve money to do a worse job than me after a couple of drinks using one hand. Yeesh.


This is the problem with getting nails and even hair done now a days. Places post these immaculate pictures but was probably done by someone way more experienced unlike the rest of the staff and people get swindled into going to their shop. My wife stopped getting her nails and hair done after multiple failures of incompetent workers. For example my wife had been watching this one tik tok channel for awhile (an all blonde dye studio). She went in wanted to get the blonde hair that is advertised all over their page. She goes in gets quoted one bowl of dye based on her hair and length. At the end it wasn’t platinum white it was dirty blonde and splotchy and ended up taking three bowls of dye somehow and was expected to pay for it…


Fwiw it takes at least 3-4 sessions to go from dark to platinum. If you did it in one session the hair would disintegrate. Someone should have explained platinum is a journey not a destination.


I mean they didn't say their wife had dark hair? I have dark blonde hair and can blonde to platinum/white in one bleach at home. I've had it done at salons and they either can't do it right or it takes longer than if I did it myself while drunk.


Same. My gf goes to the same hair stylist who is a friend of a friend. They chat the whole time my gf gets her roots dyed (blonde on top, she does blue on the ends at home). Every single time, it comes out more yellow than she wanted and with streaks darker than the rest. These are over $100 everytime. She wonders why I grow my hair out and don't dye it.


A few months back, I went to a place that gave me a great haircut over a decade ago. This time it was shit and I still felt pressured to tip and then just felt depressed after because that was the expensive salon I was holding off for when I really felt like I had no other option. Now I have no idea where to go.


It looks like they added more cuticle?


Just soak nails in warm soapy water for a while and all the nail polish will wipe right off the skin easily.


Sure but I mean, I’m a dude that’s never had my nails done and I can tell those look rekt from a glance at the photo 🤷🏼😅 I’d go get a refund and an apology for wasting your time


I do not use nail polish. I occasionally appeased the curiosity of the kindergardeners and painted their nails with some leftover polish we got from a friend. I swear I did a better job than that.


These will most certainly lift. It’s considered a breakdown in service if anything touches the skin as it’s then not sealed to the nail


FUCK THAT BULLSHIT... Stand up for yourself!


Let me guess, you tolerate poor customer service, a lot. Even after several years, there’s no way you should’ve let this slide. You let them punk you because you ended up feeling bad and PAID for the experience. Let’s not do that again, on anything.


I don’t know why y’all put up with the bullshit you guys do man. Someone is doing a dogshit job, tell them. If you want to be all “Reddit cuddly” or whatever it’s so they can be better…idk. The service industry is where most of the economic inflation is and you guys go out and pay someone doing a dogshit job *while doing a service to keep doing badly while paying hyper inflated prices*. Then it’s all “I don’t know why everything is so expensive” with your ratchet ass nails not being able to buy eggs. At least try to be consistent.


Do you mean, when they didn't nail it?


This is not even nail design. It's simply a manicure done very poorly.


How much would a new set of fingers cost you?


even a man that never had his nails done knows this isn't acceptable


I could have done that for 50. You got robbed.


This is not how this work. She is under obligation to pay for the job done, even though she didn’t like the job. In a court, she would have lost if she didn’t pay.


This are the nails we can all do at home for free. You need to ask for a refund.


I agrée if i was still there. But in their defense, I did say I was okay with them in the moment. I should have stood my ground. So low key this is my fault


Yeah maybe you can leave a review with this photo instead, saying you though it looked fine at first but you were expected nails too look more like the top photo.


Okay I think this would be fair. Because I saw another comment mentioning reviews and I felt bad for that too. Bc how would you feel if you owned a small business, a customer said they were cool with their nails, and then they left a bad review? But I also want to warn other people I feel like it would be okay if I explained the situation in the review instead of just bashing them


Yeah definitely you can leave an honest review and also be polite about the whole thing even without the photo or email them directly saying this if they nice and offer to re do the nails for you free of charge no need for complain


Hey I just woke up and went ahead and wrote a review. Would you mind reading it and telling me if it’s too strong? https://imgur.com/a/dsyVCOa Tbh I’m worried they’ll get mad at me


That is perfectly reasonable and anyone reading it will agree and will be glad to have been warned, so they know to speak up if they get the same treatment (acting like they are a bother, etc.). I personally would have been more harsh, but your approach is better because it will be taken more seriously rather than some angry person with a vendetta. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself! You paid for a service and you deserved to get what you paid for.


Thank you. The main reason I wrote the review was to warn others. But they have a lot of one star reviews already. I probably should have checked reviews before going lol. I just wish that I could go back and ask them to redo my nails. Bc it’s kind of wimpy of me to stay quiet then complain online.


Nah, you're not "wimpy," you were in an uncomfortable situation. It's understandable to feel awkward complaining to strangers, especially when you don't normally get your nails done and didn't really know what to expect. But use this as a learning experience to stick up for yourself next time! And no reason to go abck and ask them to redo it, because you already know they do crappy work so it wouldn't be any better. Just never go there again! And leaving the review was the right thing to do!


It is fair for you to be unhappy with those nails. They are supposedly gel, but they did so poorly it doesn't even look like a gel. $65 for that job isn't fair. You could try to ask for a refund or a partial refund, but don't let them do your nails anymore. Even if they offer a free re-do, the quality just isn't there. Find another salon with good reviews. A new salon might even offer you a discounted service to fix your nails now and earn you as a customer, just talk to them about what happened at the other salon. I have received 20% off before for switching salons.


Yeah I can’t imagine the pain of going back and having to sit through them redoing my nails after I said they didn’t do it well enough the first time. Nope lol. Getting my nails done is uncomfortable enough for me as is lol


I would absolutely go back in and have them fix it. That's a horrid job and you deserve better foe what you paid. I understand feeling bad for being "mean" but they did a shit job and you should at the very least get your nails fixed. Fk that nail tech though. I'd just straight get a refund if they're the only one working the business though.


Really it's crazy that they hired a "professional" who cannot perform as one. You're not in the wrong here


It's honest. They'll get mad, sure. But it's not your fault they aren't good at what they do. You seem like a nice person, but you didn't get what you paid for, and it's completely fair for you to be upset with the result.


This is an extremely helpful review as someone who reads reviews thoroughly! You don’t sound like a complainer but you sound like someone who gave them multiple chances to fix their mistakes. I hope you can find a new salon soon to enjoy pretty nails again!


Tell yourself this- It’s okay if they get mad at you because you never have to interact with them again


That review is perfect- polite and honest but not brutally so. If they get mad, it’s because they were criticized and that’s not your fault. They caused this by doing an awful and sloppy job.


Is perfect how you wrote. Don't worry if they get mad or not. If someone should be mad is you cuz you payed and got bad service and you won't go there anymore.


Great job with the review. Written in a very calm voice, which demonstrates how genuine this complaint is - and also pinpoints the biggest issue with the tech. She's not good at her job, and covers that by being irritable to force folks to sit through her poor services. Since you were bullied out of complaining on the spot, this is a very reasoned response.


Who gives a fuck if they get mad at you???? You got shitty service!!!! Jfc why are people so soft??


unless they’re blind, i’m sure they also know they didn’t do a bang up job. i get feeling uneasy about leaving a negative review and some businesses will be defensive about it too, but in an ideal world, they would just take this as feedback to improve and then could also have their nail techs practice more to prevent future incidents.


If I owned a small business, I'd probably want to have pride in the quality of offered work and have the price reflect that quality. You can't run a business that relies on the good graces of your clients. It's not malicious to leave a review with these photos, as long as you are not nasty about it. A good business owner will make it right.


Sorry but if your a nail tech and think this is acceptable, you need to be told


On the other hand, they thought this work was acceptable and charged you for it.


But you didn’t say that — you asked her to fix it, but while fixing it she seemed so annoyed that you were guilted into pretending you were fine with it. So, I wouldn’t feel bad if I were you. Unfortunately, if you don’t want bad reviews saying you don’t listen to clients, you make sure you _actually listen to clients_ 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or you could explain to them on the phone exactly what you are saying here: you felt bad complaining about the quality of the work at the time but really think it was not a professional job. Often a place will redo the work. Or, chalk it up to the school of life and promise yourself next time you will speak up. It's ok to advocate for yourself.


Hey I actually just wrote a review (y’all convinced me lol) would you mind reading it and telling me if it’s too strong? I’m worried they’ll get upset with me https://imgur.com/a/dsyVCOa


Call the place, talk to the manager and explain what happened and request a refund. If they won't give you a refund (and a coupon or some gesture of good will), then leave a bad review.


It's ok if they get upset with you. You were honest and polite. They still have a chance to do right by you. If they're a decent establishment, the owner will reply with an offer to redo or fix the work for free. If they don't, at least you gave others a heads up.


You have the right to change your mind after thinking about it. If it’s not too out of the way I think it may be worth going back to speak to the manager or owner, but be ready to really stand your ground this time


Not your fault for the shitty nails, but definitely some accountability on your part for not saying anything then. I know that anxiety too well and while popular opinion is otherwise I would have had a hard time saying something. Can totally understand how you could have felt pressured.


This is a $65 life lesson. Cheap price to pay to learn to trust your guts.


I’m so glad I’ve found another person who has been cursed with an autocorrect who thinks we wish to speak English in French. I feel léss alone now.


Omg I’m impressed you realized! L'autocorrecteur adore mettre des accents sur des mots anglais au hasard mdrr


Lesson learned...my friend and I also felt bad complaining that our favorite restaurant served us a dessert that tasted like the inside of a whole fridge. You just have to know that a polite bad review will improve the business.


My parents own a nail salon. This is NOT how it's supposed to look, and $65 was _not_ worth it.


Do you have any advice for how I can choose a better salon?


I know nothing about women’s care in general, but maybe ask a random person with great nails? That’s just how my sister found a good place she enjoys going to now.


Have a look on Instagram for any local nail techs, the good ones will have good photos of their work. You don't even need to go to a salon, a lot of nail techs (in the UK anyway) work from home or travel to their customers. My partner is a nail tech and she's boss at it, perfectionist to a tee, she would absolutely cringe if she saw these and she only charges £25-£35 ($32-45 roughly converted to USD).


Family salon is better then a big salon


I literally got the same mani today and it turned out as OP requested l.


They left your cuticle looking like THAT and you *paid*???????


They also cut her cuticle which is my sign to change salons immediately


I’m a dude and have never gotten a manicure and my cuticles still look way better than this hack job


What’s a cuticle 👀


It’s the part of the skin where the nail comes out, basically where the crusty bits of the polish are.


I'm not sure why you got voted down for that question. I have to admit I don't tend to care much about my cuticles until I get my nails done and that is when I see such a difference. I always think of them as the rough or sticky out skin bits around my finger nails. That's not quite correct but it's an easy description!


I've lost faith in nail salons, seems like no one knows what they're doing anymore while still being incredibly overpriced. I just paint my own nails now and if i want something fancy I'll use press ons.


This is tmi but I have something called dysgraphia. It affects my fine motor skills. Like I couldn’t tie my shoes under a minute until I was like 14. So I can’t paint my nails 😭😭😭😭 at sleepovers as a kid my friends would paint my nails bc I couldn’t do my own


tbh if you ever want to do nails at home, they sell semi-cured gel nail stickers that you can put on yourself and get it done really fast. Some kits even come with a UV light too.


regular nail wraps work too! Its the only way i do mine!


i like those too but i’m super hard on my nails and i’m a potter as a hobby so i find gel lasts longer than a week lmao


oh the gel is for sure more durable! im just too nervous to mess them up. they require smoothness that i will not be able to replicate lol


I feel like they have no pride in what they’re doing. They just want to get you out as quickly as possible to make room for the next customer. The salon near me is so convenient but the nail tech is losing her vision and won’t wear readers. I just invested $100 for the stuff to do my own damn nails.


Nailed the color at least, lol


That is true!


They also got the slight sparkle down




Nope, it was just an added bonus


I’m terrible at painting nails and even I would have done a better job. I would not have paid for this.


This is how I do it when I do it quickly in lazy mode (just 'whatever the stuff around it is gonna wash off anyways). Like how the hell does it look like this when a professional does it?


“Nail”ed it!






Miss ma’am. Why did you not stop them after the first nail?? Go back and get a refund


Yeah I should have spoken up. Tbh I kind of feel like it’s my fault now. I just second guessed myself in the moment and I felt rude/like a Karen


It is NOT your fault, but remember this is your money that you’re spending. There’s nothing wrong with speaking up, asking them to fix with whatever you’re not satisfied with and you can do so politely. I’m sure you can go back and let them know you’re not happy with the end product, see if they can redo it with a different nail tech or try to get a refund. You got this!


That’s kinda sad - people have been calling women who wants what they’ve paid for Karen for so long, that they’ve effectively scared women out of learning to stand up for themselves


I would’ve done those for you for two hard tacos with fire sauce.


Hahaha deal


Everyone has noticed the nail tech colored outside the lines. But the inspo photo seems to show nails filed into an oval shape and OP’s nail tech filed hers into round instead. Third strike was her being “annoyed” with OP as stated in Comments.


Stop paying.


Yea you don’t pay for service like this. Cmon I would’ve gone back and asked for a refund or left a review. I know children that do better paint jobs.


i would go back and ask to speak with the shop manager and show them your nails. that is just bad. i’m so sorry. the whole point of going is to pamper yourself and feel good about yourself.


Just a bit outside.


Yeah, I’m wondering if I get nail polish remover if I can fix it. The problem is I actually have dysgraphia which affects my fine motor skills so I might end up making it worse 😭


On the plus side the extra outside stuff on your fingers will come off in a day or two. Nail polish doesn’t stick to skin too long.


You got so scammed dude, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what can be done about that, but definitely make some sort of complaint


Did they give you fake nails or a gel coat? Because this just looks like a simple nail polish coat on the nail itself. I ask because the top one is clearly a fake nail on top of the existing nails with a gel coat or a uv nail polish.


Bruh, I can do better on my own, and I'm not a nail technician.


The top photo looks like gel or acrylic and your photo seems to be your natural nails. Did you ask for gel or acrylic?


Did you have to pay?!


Man, I could be making all kinds of money then! Even my home-done nails look this good. 😍


You probably could've done a better job at home.


This is EXACTLY why I invested in a small gel setup and just do my own nails now. Can be a bit time consuming, but I feel like I generally do a way better job than a lot of sets I’ve gotten in the past, I pay way less money, and I’m not sitting in a chair bored for an hour+


I suggest you find Eastern European techs in your area and go to them. I honestly don’t understand why manis/pedis are such low quality in the US, I gave up a long time ago


I’ll look into Eastern European places. Thank you!


That’s ugly.


Press-ons are $10 🤫 People dump too much money into something that is easily broken by just one nail.


Huh. I’m really surprised a nail salon did those nails.


Why weren't your cuticles pushed back first?


My 7 yo does a better job when she paints my toe nails.


My Mrs does better at home with one of those UV nail kits, should look into it, saves a ton in the long run.


If you paid for this, that shit is honestly on you.


You better go back and show the manager that’s a lot of money


Next time, hit me up. I can do a fucked up job for $25.


What they did is terrible, you shouldn't pay, in fact, they should do you another one until you are satisfied for free!


I think it’s a pretty good job. Assuming that one of you have Parkinson’s.


OP is this normal polish, shellac, gel, or acrylic? It looks like either normal or shellac


It’s gel! I’m not sure what the top photo is though. I found the top photo on Pinterest


Sometimes my gf asks me to paint her nails and I do a better job than that for free


Did you ask for acrylic tips??? You won’t get this look unless you do tips your nails are shorter than the top pic


Looks like my nails after my 4 yr old daughter painted them.


I do my kids nails better than this.. By a mile. Come on.. it would take actual effort to do them this badly.


Get your money back. That is ridiculous. Also, what's this color called?


That's looks how I do my own nails with 0 training. You really shouldnt have to pay for that


Oh honeeeey no!!!!


oh.! not bleeding into cuticles is step 1 in learning (after nail care/prep)! ':D


Man I should get into doing nails, I could do better and charge less 💀


They didn't nail it.


Did they also put that cut on your cuticle as well? In any case, I would be livid. Absolutely change salons, and maybe get a refund if you can.


Oh yeah my finger did begin bleeding bc they were pulling the skin off and I guess they pulled too much


Why did you walk out of there with the nails fucked up like that?


You got ripped off


I’m a 39 year old man, and I could do a better job than this….


Nails are so hit or miss, it's maddening


I hope it was only 65 rupees


Did you pay them? Lesson learned. Never pay ANY contractor before you're satisfied. This knowledge will save you thousands.


You could have done this quality on your own and saved $65


You showed that as a "design"? I don't get my nails done often, but surely that's just a coat of varnish?


Wow, that's unacceptable. Did they do anything to your cuticles before hand or to prep the nails? I'm not a nail expert by any means but I've been getting my nails done (shellac manicure) with some friends every few months and they always prepare the nails first and then paint and it always looks flawless like the example photo. This looks about on par with how well I could do myself...


That's absolutely awful, it looks like what I could do on myself with my less dextrous hand ><


I have terrible muscle spasms in my hands and do my own nails better than that!!


Nailed it


Not your fault (obviously) but that looks like s\*\*t. I wouldn't have given them a dime


Ow. There is a better way to have their nails done. I am contented to cut my nails using my teeth


I can’t believe this was an actual nail salon! It’s literally worse than what the average person just does themselves.


They_are_the_same_picture.GIF /s


Paying 65 for Nails is weird anyway


Did they not put any fake nail on ? In the inspo pic it looks like a fake nail with acrylic. It looks like they just painted them ? 65 is ridiculous screw them. Finding a good salon is all about trial and error , find the one that works for you.


Ask around too! I get lots of great recommendations from coworkers, friends , etc. It’s a great conversation started too lol


Omg they charged you $65 for this?!? The audacity!!


bro(gender neutral) that looks like you payed ME to do that not an actual nail technician i could probably even do it better if there was 65(presumably usd?)on the line hope you left a review with that attached


Looks like you were overcharged $64.99 for this


Oh no


Top ones are obviously gel nails, what you got definitely was not that.


No what I got was gel bc I had to put my hands under the lights between every layer


I take it you showed them the picture and set out your expectations, right?


My 13 yo daughter does better than this!


I’d have asked for my money back. My seven year old does a better job at nails 🙃


You actually paid for that!?


What kind of nail tech charges $65 for that.


nailed it!


Looks like a simple enough job that you should’ve done it yourself?


Nailed it!


Did they trim your cuticles or did they use a drill?


You didn’t pay them, did you?!


I never understood how someone can pay another being $65 to glue/gel plastic onto your nails when you could just grow them out and paint them yourself


Do not pay!!! Omg


Definitely leave a review. Don't let them get away with that. They'll just do it again to somebody else.


I mean… the colour is great. Thats about the only positive thing. Very messy job. Cuticles not contained and polish on skin. Ask for your money back and if they refuse, blast them on social media and attach this photo to the review. If you’re not the type of person to confront them, then chalk it up to experience and look at reviews before you book next time. I’m sorry you didn’t get what you asked for, hopefully your next visit to the salon is a better experience!


Hey this sucks for you but I 100% understand why you didn't say anything, I've been there. You're just trying to keep the peace and put their job Infront of your needs. It's like crying when you get home after a bad haircut I've thankfully learned over the years that silence is no help to anyone and now I am sooooo honest at the start of any treatment and say my worries or concerns and what I want. This makes making any requests or minor complaints throughout so much easier ' sorry I was look for x instead of... ' ' as you know I was worried x can you do x instead ' ' I'm not sure about x ...' ' I've had a bad experience before, do you mind chatting me through what you're going to do....'


You could have done a better job at home yourself. That is insane.


Top photo is acrylic and you got polis and the shape of a nail is 3D and you can’t make your nail do that. It’s like when someone brings a picture to a hair cut and you hair color and texture will not look exactly the same. You can’t expect an exact copy