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1) hope you are OK 2) hope you were insured


>2) hope you were insured I read this as "hope you were injured" and was trying to make sense of it or find the humor in it until I realized I'm just an idiot


Multiple choice


I feel bad because it wasn’t difficult at all for me to find the humor in it, but of course I’m not OP. Seriously though, your comment made me laugh out loud and that doesn’t happen often


If he has insurance, being injured even slightly would be a bonus


Insurance should go without saying. You require insurance to drive and you are a piece of shit if you choose not to. I hope they were insured for the sake of others, if not I hope the car is totaled and they get fucked hard


*You require insurance to drive and you are a piece of shit if you choose not to* You are correct but, sadly, there's a fuckton of people that don't. I got hit, head on, by a drunk illegal immigrant in a school zone @ 10 am. I had to drop out of law school and spent the next 6 years fighting my own insurance to handle my injuries and the damages. They dropped me after I was released by my doctors. Last year a 17 yo backed **into the highway** and broadsided my Mom's brand new Camry. No insurance. Instead, my Mom's premiums have increased. Plenty of people have ZERO qualms about being an entitled "piece of shit". Lucky for OP, deer are considered an act of nature.


What this can’t be real that’s fucked


It absolutely is and unfortunately there’s many stories like that 


Yep. My nana was hit by an uninsured car whose brakes had failed and they went right into her. Car was totaled, Progressive jacked up her premiums after.


How much did it go up?


It nearly doubled. She cancelled with them and hasn’t been driving. First it was due to shopping around, then she started having massive anxiety attacks when in a car. It sucks all around.


That's awful and shouldn't be legal... How can they jack up a price for something that's not her fault 😡 I hope she's doing better.


That’s what we all asked, and made the argument that the car was not insured or safe for the road and yet she’s being punished by premiums rising. Tbh I feel like it might be bias because she is older, but if you are at a stop light and someone smashed into you, you aren’t doing anything wrong. She got paid out at least so it’s a small nest egg for emergencies I guess.


It's illegal to drive without insurance, so that gave insurance companies massive leverage over us. In a truly free market, they'd have to provide decent service and try to keep you as a customer. Because we live in a nanny state, were captive customers. The few allowed insurance companies can easily talk to each other and agree to be collectively bad enough that they don't have to provide decent service, and we aren't incentivised to look elsewhere. Everyone's profits go up.


I’d sue that person for everything they have and love.


Someone that doesn't have insurance isn't gonna be able to give you shit in a lawsuit. A judge isn't gonna reward you a mill based off the fact that maybe this person that just fucked you might get money one day. My wife got tboned by a drunk driver and uninsured and the insurance adjuster we got luckily was able to pull off some accident forgiveness shit so the premiums didn't go up.


Many of those who drive without insurance don’t have anything to sue for. That’s why our rates go up - the folks without insurance causing the accidents don’t ever have to worry about their rates going up, or paying for the damage they cause. Really we should be locking them up because they are a public danger.


💯 this. If we are gonna pay for their negligence by our premiums being increased because they are driving illegally, then the act of them driving illegally deserves to be a punishable offense that includes jail time


Can you get insured to protect against uninsured drivers? Where I am it's like an extra few $ a month or something. I'm in BC and of course you have to be insured but it happens here too, ppl just are loser flakes. It sucks.


First of all, it doesn't matter who is ever at fault. If you're ever in an accident your premiums are going up. "At fault" is only there purely to put blame on a party so the other doesnt have to pay out. The facts still remain after: you just got in an accident. You just added to the statistics. You are now someone they are covering that has increased their liability, because stats are what run that whole industry. Insurance is a business and not a utility. They aren't here to be kind to us. Some adjusters are good people, but at the end of the day they have loyalty to their employer, especially because they can get in legal trouble instead of only being fired. The only time it doesn't increase premiums is if there is accident forgiveness, which only works one time and most companies don't offer it. That's why there is "uninsured motorist" insurance that is an addon. Maybe if you went through hell and back they might back down on it too. Regardless, insurance is a scam because no matter what happens your premiums will go up simply for using the service you pay so much money for. The only benefit is that you don't have to dish out cash right then and there for all repairs. Otherwise, insurance is a leach. I'm not defending not having insurance, I just wanted to take the opportunity to say how much of a scam insurance is. At least all the major companies. It pisses me off that we have no choice but to pick the least smelliest pile of shit out of a pasture.


it’s real. had a guy crash into my house and totaled my car that was in the driveway. he let his insurance lapse the year prior. been fighting our insurance for a year and we’re finally close to having it all done.


Insurance companies are a scam, in case you didn't know. (I believe 100% that people should have insurance. I just mean that insurance companies will do anything to not pay)


I just got a new car and I added on “uninsured driver property damage” for an extra $40 bucks per year. That means if a driver without insurance hits me, MY insurance company covers vehicle repairs up to $30,000. Not taking any chances depending on other people being responsible enough to have liability insurance.


Wait, insurance don't pay for you damage if THE GUY WHO HIT YOU DON'T PAY FOR IT????? wtf is going on in US


The other guy is a Deer, they’re notorious for not carrying insurance.


Deer are notorious for being absolutely stupid -- the lack of insurance is just one thing that is manifested from that aforementioned lack of intelligence.


Yes they are extremely dumb and in my experience you don't hit the deer the deer hits you. Ask me how I know?


They are peak stupid, but they taste delicious, lol. Every year I try and do my part to prevent deer on car wrecks, and filling up my deep freezer is a very nice side benefit, lol.


So tired of the financially irresponsible deer!


Turns out most of them don't even have jobs! Deer are a bunch of goddamn bums. The average deer''s net worth is however much meat it can provide.


Well they have no pockets


idk about in other states but usually theres different levels of car insurance- the lowest one *only covers the other person involved* and *not you*, and the highest will cover any and all property and medical expenses of who is involved in the accident… this all depends if you can prove who is at fault ofc someone can totally correct me if i’m wrong ofc, but i’m sure it varies from state to state


Varies by state. Which makes it vital to carry un/underinsured insurance so that you are covered while your insurance collects what they can from the other party. In this case, deer is collision (maybe comprehensive), those riders cover the crap without liability like backing into a post, windshield damage from a rock, animals, your side if you are judged to have even partial fault, etc.


That's why you get a policy with Unisured motorist coverage. It covers you if you get into a wreck with an uninsured motorist or it can be used if someone gets into an accident with you and they drive off. Basically if your car is worth money you can't replace easily then you need to get full coverage + uninsured motorists. The uninsured motorist saved our asses when I rear ended a vehicle that came to a sudden stop on a hwy that was 55mph and they ended up driving off. They probably didn't have insurance so they drove off because in the state I'm in it's illegal to drive without insurance. Luckily my coverage covered the full value of the vehicle other than the deductible.


The state next to mine doesn’t require insurance and it’s a huge problem. The non insured people always miss the part that 1 I’d you’re not insured you need like 50 k I’m the bank to pay for an at fault accident and 2 you can’t drive in states that require insurance.


I do not know US laws etc.. but how can some be uninsured? You HAVE to have insurance where I live (Slovenia-EU). Atleast basic one. Then you can "upgrade" your insurance with all additional stuff


You are required to have insurance in the US, for the most part a car dealership won't let you purchase a car without getting a policy first. But a lot of people cancel insurance, don't pay, or buy private and just don't get insurance. You will be ticketed if you are caught without, but it's not well enforced otherwise. Edit: apparently there are states where you aren't required, which is ridiculous


I’ve known a guy for about 20 years now who has driven that entire time without registration or insurance. He makes fake in-transits which the police never pull him over for. If the car he was driving had a loan, he would get insurance and send the info to the bank, then cancel the policy. I think the later is getting harder to do because I believe many insurance companies now notify lien holders when policies are canceled or are not renewed.


I think it's all streamlined to one system now. I recently got a new truck and went to the DMV for tags and taxes, I had my insurance on my phone. The lady at the window told me that my insurance was online, not to worry about handing her my phone. When I asked her about it she said they will send a notice to your lienholder if you lapse your policy and it pops up onscreen, for the police, if you are in a traffic stop.


I hate insurance companies. My home/auto is dropping my state, and now i have to deal with my medical, potentially dropping my state on top of it.


We got hit at an intersection by a young girl. She showed the cop her ins card but when we went to file the claim, we found out it lapsed. Luckily we have a ram truck and she just scratched our bumper but her cars front end wasn’t as lucky.


Are you not required to have at least 3rd party insurance in the States?


The type of insurance that is required is liability insurance. It pays for damages to those you injure (car, person, or other property) through your fault. Damage to your own vehicle is covered by comprehensive insurance. This is not required.




i understand where you're coming from. having no insurance in today's society IS scummy, but thats BECAUSE the insurance industry is basically big business running scams on people. A. you should have insurance B. insurance companies shouldnt have the right to drop you on the spot if you're paying your premiums.


*And yet, you're more mad at those without insurance than with the insurance company that absolutely fucked you over* Damn skippy I'm mad! He destroyed my life plans and slithered back across the border. I was driving a new car, with 11k miles *that MY insurance paid for*, my medical bills were in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars, fortunately I had health insurance but deductibles must be met AND I lost income for more than 2 years, from my job. I was a student, doing my best, and **I HAD INSURANCE** , I paid my premiums but the insurance policies always have caps and limits. The idea is for ALL parties to have insurance. Being poor is not an excuse to break the law and ruin people's lives!


>drunk driver in a school zone at 10 am >17 y/o backed onto the highway Yes. Are you fucking serious? Insurance companies are scum sure, but what’s your defense of these two things?


For a good reason


The insurance companies are the evil ones lol, they've just brainwashed y'all to push the blame instead of actually doing what you pay them to do. Having "uninsured motorist" clauses is literal scum actions, and should get people put in prison


The insurance of the person that is at fault pais


I agree. Where I’m at insurance companies are so expensive…. Insurance companies are one of the most profitable businesses. PROFIT. They could cut their profits down and make insurance more affordable but hey fuck the people, rich need more money and they know we need it legally. Everyone should be insured if you’re driving, I’m not saying otherwise. People who drive around uninsured are assholes but insurance companies are bigger assholes.


I doubt the Deer was insured


We all know the deer had fake tags and wasn't able to be tracked.


He was but only for collateral damage. In Canada.


Let's open a deer insurance agency


We could call it…. Oh Deer Insurance Agency!


I am in 70/30 because there is more deer in Canada


I hardly seen any whitetails up there but I did see plenty of moose


Trust me lol


There's nothing wrong with only carrying liability insurance, in which case if the fault isn't another driver's, you don't get reimbursed for the damage. If I hit a patch of ice and go into a guardrail, or if I rearend someone else, my insurance will pay for their damage but not for my own. I only carry liability because I'm a safe driver, don't drive very often, and my cars are worth very little. My full coverage id my dashcam.that will prove any accident I get into wasn't my fault. It's a risk I'm willing to take. So, if OP's insurance didn't cover them for whatever reason (e.g., only liability coverage), it's a pretty dumb risk for a new car, but it doesn't make them an asshole.


I mean it’s a used Mitsubishi Outlander, so it’s arguably borderline whether you want to pay for comprehensive on that. Pretty low value car - not a dig at OP, but I don’t pay for comprehensive on two of my cars due to their low value and cost of insurance.


Yep I was hit on my motorcycle on the freeway, ended up losing my right leg below the knee, lucky to be alive. The lady who hit me? No insurance of course. Fuckin beautiful lol


I'm so sorry. I definitely empathize with you. People have no clue how much this matters until it happens to them or a loved one. I'm sure it changed your life. I know it changed mine.


Thank you for that, that’s very kind of you! Yeah undoubtedly changed my life forever in the blink of an eye, it’s crazy how fast that can happen 😅


All that negativity because somebody said "2. Hope your insured". Bud yes everyone needs insurance but that's not even a topic here and then just to be all like "piece of shit this, piece of shit fucked hard that"......lol brother calm down


No, you are actually a piece of shit if you drive uninsured because of the way the policies work.


You require liability insurance to drive.  Liability insurance will not cover this. 


Not all states require insurance


You don't need full coverage if you aren't financing the car (depending on the state). In that case, you'd only be covered if you got into an accident and someone else was at fault. OP could have coverage for others, but not their own vehicle in a situation like this.


How does it work there? In the countries I've driven, there's a compulsory insurance that is either required for registration or included as part of registration, that covers personal injuries. But then you have the choice of getting either insurance to cover third party property or also to cover your own property. In this case, I took "hope it's insured" to mean "hope you have your own property insured again damage when no one else can be held liable".


Not every country require insurance to drive. Some of them will ask for a civil insurance in case you hurt someone but nothing for the car itself. And there is a huge amount of people in the world who drive with only that minimal insurance because they just have no other way to go to work, and their work doesn't pay them enough to pay for insurance. That doesn't make them piece of shit. It just makes them poor.


I’m not American, can someone explain why I should be angry if another party involved in the same car crash as I is not insured?


Because if they're at fault nobody pays for your medical bills and vehicle damage


My friend got into a car accident two days ago with a 60something yr old white woman driving a 2010 Hyundai (he's in a 1999 acura) the accident was majority her fault as she made a right turn into the outside lane (this is canada on a four lane road two lanes one way two lanes other way) and then proceeded to brake when my friend was right behind her, smashed the front of his car in somehow only did cosmetic damage to it nothing structural or important besides headlight. Anyways my bro goes to talk with her about insurance and stuff, and she says she doesn't have it on her (hahahaha funny), so they go to her house to get her insurance (the one she currently has it expired) and she comes out after a while and tells him that she lost her 'new' insurance info I told him he should've fucked her over for not having insurance on her as his car took alot more damage and is a much nicer car than her stupid 2010 Hyundai (her car had a tiny little dent in the back bumper, but he didn't I really wish he had


You know there is a difference between liability insurance and comprehensive coverage, right?


I've been hit by 3 drunk drivers in my life and none of them were insured. The last one died shortly after, and you know what? IDGAF and wish the rest did too.


I don't think you can buy a car without insuring it, at least from a dealer


Depends if you buy it completely and don't finance it


Insurance won't cover the loss on it if he still owe unless he has GAP insurance as well if it's a total loss.


From my knowledge you have to be buying a newer car before taking it off lot


I work in the insurance industry as an auto damage adjuster. I would try to total this car. Mitsubishi parts are expensive and often go on back order, especially the airbags. While the other commenters are right in that this may not be a total and that airbag deployment does not automatically mean the car is totaled, a total loss would probably be the best route for you to avoid the hassle of a long repair.


I had bought a Hyundai Elantra back in 2009 and another car hit me and airbags deployed. They paid 10k to have it fixed and I had a rental car for like, a month? I was surprised they didn't total it but I guess the damage was less than the cost of the vehicle?


The economy post covid for cars was so weird, had a 2021 accord my family had been leasing, got t-boned hard, airbags, frame and body panel damage, back left of car was wrecked, parts were on back order for 6 months, and insurance still decided to cover the repair because the car was still worth 8k more than sticker with an accident that severe


In 2014 I hit a deer in my 2012 Subaru outback. It wasn’t as bad as OPs and insurance payed out 8 grand to fix it. Later that same year there was a flash flood and my car flooded, insurance payed another 8-9 grand to fix it. I’m pretty sure they hated me that year! But that car is still going strong!


> and insurance *paid* out 8 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If you’re only mildly infuriated, you are a better human than I am




Oh, dear.






*Oh, deer.




That ending... So curious about his story, and the deal he made. Can't wait for season 2!














Look at a Mazda 5 for the next car that will out last this Mitsubishi.


Any modern Mazda, really. They're about as reliable as Honda or Toyota but more affordable. Great designs and nice interiors too. I miss my Mazda 6. Underrated brand, imo.


Mazda is aparently expensive where I live


This 100%. I didn't get another one as after my accident I couldn't handle driving let alone a smaller vehicle, but I adored my mazda. Imo it's one of the best for crashes - impact above 55MPH and the engine took almost all the damage. Also just really fun to drive and lasted me a good while before that.


Can't park there mate


Really bad break


Or bad brake.


… or breaking bad!


Did you at least keep the receipt?


Box it came in should suffice


Why would you buy a car in that condition?


OP: https://preview.redd.it/f3kjes88x61d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e522bcea9bcbaefcb0f72a2b67d037ce45b03b74


It's a 2020's Mitsubishi. The deer who hit you did you a favor.


1990's +2000's Mitsubishi were so iconic. You had the eclipse, lancer, Galant wtf happened?


Some bean counter figured out that "iconic" costs too much and that the company could save a few bucks if they just make their cars look like everyone else's.


I miss old Mitsubishi when they were actually cool ☹️


I mean I chuckled at this


Cmon have some compassion.


No offense but if you thought a Mitsubishi Outlander was going to last you several years, that deer just taught you the best financial lesson if your life.


Idk how anyone can shop around for cars and not find out through minimal research that these are a terrible option. Honda and Toyota are ideal options but if they're out of your price range, Mazda is a great alternative.


Idk man it’s a hit or miss for many people. Many people really love them and believe they are reliable but many say they arnt. I personally believe they are reliable, at least to the point where engine fires/explosions don’t happen


My wife's 2017 cost is less than $20k 7 years ago and has 140k miles and going strong with nothing but PM stuff done to it. That is one car that I don't regret buying for sure.


Deer and bad drivers are only attracted three things: a new car, a car just out of a shop, and a car just paid off...


Good thing you hit the deer instead of swerving to miss causing the accident because then it be your fault not act of nature. Beat my record. I had a car 3 weeks. I gave up owning a vehicle after a lady cut me off on the highway last year. She lied to police so the supervisor officer overturned her citation because her conflicting statement went my word against hers without any witnesses staying around to report what happened. Yup. Cars are overrated


Oh deer me.




I dropped my new phone today and the glass on the back broke... Now I don't feel so bad about that.


It's a Mitsubishi. You're better off.


WoW is the OP's insurance rates going to rise after two accidents in a month!


damaged, sure totaled? don't think so sure, knowing how much insurance companies will do to avoid repairing something, but from that picture alone i'd say repairable


My car was recently in a wreck when someone blew through a stop sign and smacked me. My car was drivable away from the scene hers was not. She ended up doing over 13k damage to my 18k car and totaled it. It didn’t even look that bad but it was enough to cause it to be done. Only had it for a month too. In summary, you can never estimate overall damage by eyeballing it. Sorry about the car and hope it’s covered


Exactly! I “hit” or more like clipped a deer, tried cleaning some of the debris off the road and then drove off to a near by auto body shop. I looked the damage and thought it wasn’t bad and the mechanic also thought so. We both agreed a new fender, bumper, headlight and maybe frame needed but nothing too crazy and I should be able to get the parts for <$2000. Took it to a collision shop to be sure (and because the insurance company requested, obviously). The damages were over 7500 and my insurance company called it a total loss. It dumbfounded me, anyone seeing the photos would say it wasn’t that bad but there was more damage then met the eye at the time.


Just curious, what more damage? You've been kind enough to detail the initially apparent damages, but not the hidden ones.




Yes thankfully


Tis nothing but a scratch


Bikers fault


It’s not totaled. Sure a lamp, fascia, grille, lower fascia, and airbag might be a few thousand dollars with labor, but this is a 2023. It’s worth far more than the few grand in parts and labor.


I just had to drive a truck with no windshield wipers in complete fog with like 50 ft of visibility at best. Good luck buddy


If I were to live in an area where this is a risk I'd go for the cheapest thing that turns on


This is more than mildly infuriating still


Hope you got that GAP


I hit a deer. Well, rather a herd of deer hit me. With less than 5k in the only new car I ever bought.




Noooo I was seriously considering an RVR they look amazing. Happy I didn’t because just got accepted into a full time program in the fall. But damn that is brutal hope things go smooth!


Did you borrow it to my wife?🤣🤣🤣


Congrats on being alive, OP!


How is this mildly infuriating?! Your car is wrecked!


Desperately hoping you have gap insurance and full coverage. Work at a Kia Dealer and the sweetest girl ever hit a deer a week after getting a new 2024 SUV and we’ve had it for 2 months. Bill with half priced labor was almost 17 grand without tax


I’m sorry but that’s kinda hilarious with your story


I drive a 14 dart that I bought brand new. 3 years after I bought it a car in front of me that I was just about to pass hit a deer and tossed it in front of me. Went over it with the drivers side. I had the option of fixing it or giving it up as a total loss. There was $14k damage done to it. I took the fix option as I couldn't afford the loss option. Had to pay for a few parts which was dumb but got my car back and I've put another 150-200 thousand kilometres on it so far. I tell this because maybe your insurance can get it fixed as well since it doesn't look like as much damage as my car had. I have 265,000km on it now and it still runs perfectly.


i think the universe might be saying it's time to stop driving


https://preview.redd.it/ackx23ybi91d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ff0b1c8feb5ca2baf316ea1f4b8a330cfed7d3 I feel your pain. Insurance covered it but I wish they would’ve totaled it. The hood was discontinued and replaced by a newer model that sits askew. I’m the only person who noticed. Can’t see in photo where he rolled up on the hood and his antlers scratched all the way to the window with me in passenger seat. Terrifying. Then he bounced off and hopped away like an asshole. 😂🤣


Big props to local hunter enthusiasts who help maintain deer populations so shit like this doesn't happen as often as it would if they weren't culled.


So what you’re saying is you suck at driving?


If it’s totaled you get an opportunity to shop for something that will actually last you some years. The Mitsubishi was a horrible choice. Avoid Jeeps and Nissans on your next venture.


There was no deer. You just hit the wall.


Bro I literally nearly hit a deer yesterday in my brand new Altima because the fucker decided to just bee line into the middle of the street. It was less than 10 feet from hitting my car after I slammed the brakes. Fuck deers man lmao


I feel your pain.


Hope you got gap insurance if it is indeed totaled.


Rule of thumb I like to live by whenever I buy something expensive brand new, is to just damage it first so life won't do it for me.


I know your insurance payments are insane


Lawyer up. Take that dear for everything they’re worth.


I’m glad you’re ok. I’d like to meet the deer that does give a second warning before jumping onto cars.


This is BIG ONE infuriating!


I’m so sorry. That sucks so much. I hate deer.


Deer don't like Mitsubishis It was intentional..sue that deer And I hope you're ok


I’m glad you’re safe


that must have been one big deer. jeez.


Some imbecile hit me in my work's parking lot 3 months after I got my car. No note, nothing. Looks like we both have bad luck.


Oh deer


There hasn’t been a Mitsubishi look so bad since Midway.


I'd break down so quick, hope you're alright


Not totalled.


That truly sucks I’m sorry 😞


What did you do in your previous lofe to "deserve" this bad luck?


Next time go with a Toyota. /s


totaled? Nah, man, the car is perfectly fixable.


Same thing happened to me three years ago. Had literally just finished paying my car off and got brand new tires that month, was going 35 to the store, and a huge buck jumped onto my car and rolled over it, and one stupid little dent in the roof totaled the car. The deer lived and ran away, and my husband looked me dead in the face and said “the suckiest part about this is that the deer took off before we could get his insurance information.”


Bro I swear to god my mom just traced the exact same car in on Wednesday or Thursday I don’t remember


Buy it back from the insurance company, get a salvaged title for it and repair it. That's completely fixable.


This is NOT mildly infuriating. I would be outraged.


That's one expensive headlight and bumper


*Doe*n’t be sad, Opie.




Man that is awful luck. Hope you’re okay


Jesus, you sure it was a deer. I thought it would have been a fricking moose 💀


Some people don't deserve nice cars ...lol


Insurance in America isn't real.


Oof, first, I hope you are well & good after the collision. Second, silver lining, be happy that you can just go spend another $87 and but a new Mitsubishi!


Mitsubishi should stick to making electronic devices.


Bought a new vehicle after hitting a deer on a highway with my old one. The ink wasn't even dry on my new car's insurance policy when a f*cking deer hopped out in front of me and another ran headlong into the driver's side door.


Fucking deer! I’m so sorry 😣


You're alive, now take the hint and never drive a car again. I'm joking of course this sucks and I'm sorry for you


My grandpa did something very similar to this with his at the time brand new 2021 Cadillac, except it was 2 weeks instead of a month. Shit sucks, hope you were insured


Are Deer Suicidal or Something? A Deer Smashed into our SUV a few weeks ago and another almost hit my mom a few days ago.


Might be fixable. I had more damage than this from a deer while going 70 and they repaired mine. Depends on the model and pair availability and if anything major broke. I had always heard they don’t repair once airbags deployed, but mine did. Also, I had only had the car a few months… purchased it after someone t-boned me and totaled my dream car (that was also only 5 months old). Sometimes it feels like you can’t catch a break.


i work with those brute pick ups, theyre so good