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I don’t want to assume hand size here; so we might need another object in the photo for size reference.


If ever a photo was ever crying out for a “banana for scale” this is it…


lol good idea! I am going to do that actually! Thanks man!


I am 5 10, so the hand is pretty average size. 7.5 inch from wrist to top middle finger and 5 inch across. I think the sandwich was 3 inches in diameter. I had a good laugh about it all night!


Idk man I heard three inches is plenty....


They say after a divorce you should spend a year alone for every inch. Longest 2.27 years of my life.


Some say it’s too small, others like it that wide.


Yup. They shrunk them to cookie size but try to say they did not. Much like the nuggets are shrunk and less breading and the burger patties, they say they didn't shrink.


Perhaps a cylinder? 🤔


That might get stuck somewhere....






It’s not gonna run away bro you can loosen your grip


lol! It’s because I was laughing so hard! And taking the picture


that's their budget 'goldfish filet'


That’s basically a slider…which would be cool if they gave you 2 per order.


That’s like 3 bites




They’re making it SUPER easy to never eat there again.


Your first mistake was choosing to make a purchase from McDonals. Your second mistake was choosing to purchase a fish fillet from McDonalds. Your third mistake was agreeing to pay $10 for any single food item at McDonalds.


4th mistake.. posting it here and admitting first 3 mistakes..lol


Filet-O-Fish is GOATed, sorry not sorry




If a fish delight samich is good for trump, it’s not good for me.


Genuinely curious what you have against McDonalds. Not sure where you’re located but the last time I got McDonald’s I got a large drink, large fries, and a McDouble for ~$9. I had points saved up on the app so I was also able to get a free Big Mac. You can definitely walk out of Mickey D’s with a meal for under $10


Your whole comment is the problem with McDonalds. You're just the victim of perfect marketing.


lol at the concept of being a “victim of perfect marketing”, when I’m spending less money than the average customer by simply using a *free* app


Do you spend less than 0? Nothing is 'free', you pay with your data they use to analyze your behavior to enhance their marketing. You may not care about it and just look at the effective financial costs but in the end they nudge and perceive you to buy more of their products and not the ones from BK or other fast food chains or even cooking on your own wich is not just healthier but cheaper in every aspect. You don't make a good deal, they do.


Getting a meal for $9 isn't great to begin with and having gotten that price through loyalty and bargaining is even worse.


McDonalds must be running a social media campaign: I see this same conceptual comment alllll over Reddit. They're *really* pushing people to download and install the app, too. "Yeah I dunno why u hate McDonalds but I just ordered a large drink, fries, and [insert sandwich here] for [just under 10 dollars]. I had points saved up on the app so I was able to get [insert sandwich here] for free. You can definitely eat a meal at Mickey D's for under 10 dollars." There are a few variations between posts, but they *always* advertise the McDonalds app and points.


Maybe because the McDonald’s app is the only one (that I’m aware of) with an actual difference in price between the app and what you see on the drive-thru menu as well as beneficial coupons/discounts for simply using their *free* app Everyone likes to complain about the price of a meal being more than $10 (because I guess that’s the threshold nowadays) and then also cry foul when given a cheaper alternative that actually works. Personally, my wife and I mainly use the app because it’s the only way to get a large drink for $1. And when we get enough points, we’ll use that as an excuse to get a meal on a day when we’re feeling like eating trashy food, rather than cooking.


Their "free" app collects your data and the company turns around and sells it. Or do you think all those supposed perks are provided out of the kindness of McDonalds' corporate heart? Either you're a paid shill for McDonalds, which is most likely, or you're spectacularly naive.


>Their “free” app collects your data and the company turns around and sells it. *said on another free app that does the same exact thing* I think you’re the one being naive here mate lol Literally any and every website collects and sells our data. Unless you unplug from the internet entirely, you can’t avoid it so using that as your argument it moot at best Edit: also, I like how any time someone provides a valid argument in favor of any given company, they’re automatically a “paid shill” and not someone simply being pragmatic about the corporate/capitalist reality we live in


Sorry bud, we're talking about the McDonalds app, not other free apps. You're pushing people to download and install the McDonalds app on the basis that it provides discounts and coupons without mentioning the fact that there's a monetary reason McDonalds lowers prices on the app: they're collecting and selling your data. How much is McDonalds paying you to evangelize for them online? Or do you work for a third party contractor? Did you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement?


Again, the fact that you’re assuming I’m affiliated with McD’s shows how narrow minded you are. I implore you to check my Reddit history. If I’m out here shilling for McDonald’s you’d see it all over my profile. I’m not pushing anyone to do anything, you’re projecting that onto me. I’m giving my personal experience with the app and you’re the one saying I’m a shill. Go touch grass brother. Edit: note how I referred to McDonalds as “trashy food” in my other comment. Because it is. I don’t have experience being a brand or product promoter but I’d hazard a guess that flaming the company and/or product would be against any contract or policy.


I have against McDonalds that they dont give a shit beeing healthy or remotely tasty. And those App and Ads suck. Just give this trash to me for a section of the price and not tricking me with coupons to still pay 16 times the worth of this trashy food. Fuck McDonalds


Let's just say. Grocery list: 2 lbs Ground beef 80/20 $6/lbs = $12 Package of hamburger buns $2. You have ketchup and mustard and mayo at home. Head of lettuce and tomatoes $5 Everything is roughly $20. Go home and open up 2 lbs of ground beef. You can make eight 1/4 lbs beef patties on your own. That means if you buy eight quarter pounders (sandwich only) from McDonald's you spend $40+. But you just made eight quarter pounders at home for $20. Compare and contrast. Learning to cook saves you a ton of money. Now go to Costco and buy in bulk for cheaper and you can make even more for less. This is what people are talking about. Mickey's was never this expensive.


No one is arguing against being able to buy the materials and make more burgers at home for less. The whole point of fast food is that you’re not making it. You’re paying for the convenience of someone else’s labor.


It's price gouging. The prices were never as high as they are now. The quality of the food is not worth it either.


No it’s not. You’re paying for someone’s labor, as well as other business expenses. To pinpoint on one aspect: stop and consider that property taxes are on the rise and think about how that also affects businesses and what they need to charge to cover that specific expense. Businesses still pay property taxes and if the property taxes go up, so will the price of their good/service, as a very specific example.


McDonald's has gotten completely out of control with prices and portions


Food for ants


The last good thing a McDonald's was the McChicken. Now it's over $2 and they changed the recipe so it tastes terrible.




Unless things have changed, McDonald's doesn't even put a full slice of cheese on these. Only a half slice.


must suck being forced to eat mcdonald’s fillet o fish


There are "garbage" foods from my childhood that I still indulge in from time to time. lol Fillet-o-Fish was a "special occasion" in our household during Lent.


burger king croissan'wich


Lol. Hopefully, this wasn't before 1990...


It’s so cute and little


"It's bigger than it looks, I swear. I just have big hands"


This comment need more upvotes


Your hand is huuuuge!




Less calories, better for you :/


Need a banana for scale, maybe you’ve got giant hands 🤔


That’s a ‘slider’, not a sandwich.


that is so expensive! Here in my country, I can buy 2 cheeseburgers, a large drink, and medium fries for 8 USD


What are you, a giant?


Whitecastle slider???


The last time you had one was before puberty, huh? You could one hand catch a yoga ball with that mitten.


I did play baseball in high school! No my hands are not that big!


Damn, they really are shrinkflating the most vanilla food they have.


https://preview.redd.it/dhy5zk3dl65d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1036ee7617239825cc3b9b4aa39665e86c800a38 My hand isn’t that big, so, I give you the shrunken Boston Crème donut from Dunkin. Shrinkflation is real. That filet o’fish is ridiculously tiny.


Looks like every other Fliet o' Fish, ever. You paying $10 was your choice.


Nah, these things used to overhang the bun on 4 sides to the point the corners would break off when they wrapped it at the mcds down the street. A few years ago though.


Exactly! I remember that!


I have cravings man! I just couldn’t stop laughing at the size though, were never this small 3-4 years ago!


They haven't changed in size. Edit to add: they've always been served on the same bun that the hamburgers and cheeseburgers use. The only difference is that the Fillet O Fish bun is steamed while the hamburger/cheeseburger bun is toasted. But the bun size is identical to the one for the hamburger.... and since the hamburger hasn't changed size either (despite popular misconception; it's currently a 1/10 Lb. patty of beef, same as it's been for a long time), neither has the Fillet O Fish. Memory tends to exaggerate details, so when you think back, you tend to think of the size as much bigger than it actually was. It also doesn't help that portion sizes have across the board inflated over the years, making what once seemed like a normal size portion back then seem absolutely tiny now.


You are delusional


Don't gaslight me. I literally remember the moment they rolled out the smaller hamburgers at my mcdonalds - it was a very WTF just happened here in 2021, and I knew the moment I got it it was smaller than the one I got like 2 days prior. The big tell? The patties got small before the buns did. It was a wild time, and I don't recall how quickly after that the filet o'fish changed but i was sad and shocked when that did to. I'm on to you, Ron. You can try and change history, but no red haired bastard is gonna change what I've witnessed with my own eyes.


You think I could have paid less? How do I negotiate ?


Dang. Time to go buy a rod, bait, travel to Alaska, catch a cod, filet it, bread and shape it into a square patty. Then make some cheese, bread and tartar sauce. In the mean time, you should have made sure to also grow some potatoes at this point. You'll probably need about 2 or 3 depending on how many fries you want. Make sure to skin, sliced and pat dry before cooking in oil. Save time by buying a bottle of Coke though. Do all this, and you could save $10.




Is that the new Fish Slider from White Castle?


Well they can't make it any bigger than that rectangular fish they serve it with. So it's not their fault.


They only use a half slice of cheese on them, right? I last had one about 15 years ago and it was cold and wet on the inside and only had a half slice of cheese. Never again.


Yes, they have always been made with a half slice of cheese.


Damn you have large hands!


What is this? a fish fillet for ants?


Oh cool, they selling sliders now?


I’d need two. One is nothing more than a teaser.


To small


What do you expect, it’s McDonalds. It’s not real food.




Why so aggressive with the thumb mash??


considering the diet..i think the hand is huge


It’s McDonald’s, what were you expecting?


Shrinkflation & Greed = BOYCOTT


I think McDonalds has jumped the shark.




Either it is tiny, or your hand is just massive


Shrinkage is a helluvah thing.


I've heard it got smaller from a friend thar loves filet fish from Mc ds and the price went up. Love inflation


Maybe you have big boy hands


why would you go to mcdonald’s and then be surprised they give you crappy food?


Cheese on fish? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


mcdonalds keeps scamming you because you keep going there to eat anyways




Haha anyone who chooses to eat at McDonald’s and then complains about the food is just ridiculous imo. Especially if they buy FISH. FISH FROM MCDONALDS.


I am not complaining my dude/gal! I just found the size of this sandwich super hilarious!


Wtf. Did they fry a goldfish?


Classic ShrinkFilletion!


I had one of those for breakfast! Use the app and get it for free, add a coke and it’s $2.00 for a meal.


Don't support restaurant apps.


I’m not paying 7 dollars for the fish if I can get it for free on the app.


Yeah, they have gotten tiny. And more expensive.


They've gotten tiny


It would piss me off too if there were only 1 McDonald's in my state.


I've always thought the filet o'fish was tiny


Didn't use to be


Shrinkflation at its finest.


Stop giving McDonalds (and all other cash grabbing junk food companies) your money.