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Gross but what’s w the oven placement??


That's just kind of how the house came. I don't have a better solution right now


Fair enough hahahaa


Well, if you want opinions you know where to get them. 😂


Yeah totally. The kitchen is small, doorways on both sides so difficult finding a place to put shit


I mean, sure. But how have neither of you used an oven in 3 weeks? How do you make an entire dish and lose it? WHY HAVEN'T YOU USED YOUR OVEN IN 3 WEEKS?! I have so many questions. Mostly about what you eat.


I normally use the stove. Only time I end up baking is if I have a date. I often grill at work, otherwise my breakfast is all on the stove and I often make pasta for dinner so it's all stove


So what did your date think of this meal?


Sorry you haven't had a date in 3 weeks 😕


It's been about 2 weeks but I was out of town during that. It's been about a month and a half here at home


😭 it’s crazy that you have to explain your life story to people on Reddit


"hi, I'm Reddit. You're a total fucking loser!" This sub, amirite?! You don't cook??? You haven't had a date in 3 weeks??? Geez, guys.


Dude... seriously? Oh, hey... that's right! It's Reddit, where folks get offended over the slightest offhand remark that has absolutely nothing to do with them. 😅


& when was yours pls ?


My standard meal rotations are chilli, curry, tomato based pasta, salads. I'm sure I've had three week periods where I've not cooked anything in the over itself, only stove top or in my slow cooker. Like, what do you eat?


There are other methods of cooking you know? It is summer. I will likely go over a month at a time without using it or my house will become sweltering hellhole.


I'm guessing you're a big pizza kind of person? Its summer. I rarely use my oven. I actually have a toaster oven for smaller things so I dont have to heat up the kitchen quite so badly


I personally very rarely use my oven; everything is either stove top, air fryer or microwave. I LOVE my air fryer, it takes so much less time to cook pretty much ANYTHING in it and is so much easier to clean!


I have a small countertop oven/air fryer that I use more than the full size one. Saves money and is easier and bonus: The full size oven looks brand new! Shiny. Clean. That countertop oven is in need of a cleaning. Edited to add: The OP's oven could use a cleaning also. At least scrape the big chunks loose and sweep it out.


Dude, is your stove just in the middle of the floor?!?


“What stinks in here?” “Let’s check everywhere besides our conversation piece appliance.”


They got suspicious after the oven became zombified and started slowly inching towards *The Living Room*. Coming this Fall.


Directed by Midnight Shallowmon


Staring my ex-wife. Still not entirely sure if she thought eventually she would like self clean the oven and all a weeks worth of cooking pans would clean themselves too.


And also my ex mil. Mind you she looked dead when she was alive 💀


You just made me think of the fridge from Requiem For A Dream.


“I’m gonna be on television!”


There was a game I saw Markiplier play where a red fridge slowly inches towards you


*The Living Dead Room\**


Rob Zombie's new song


New walking dead series. The walking dead: dead ovens. 💀




Dude didn’t open his oven for 3 weeks when he was trying to find the source of a bad smell. 4 year olds wreck OP at hide and seek


Imagine if they preheated it for something else 🤢


Ah man, I totally did that with some leftover pizzas once. The boxes were too big to store in the fridge, and I was rushing to clear the counters for something so I shoved them in the oven "just for a minute" to get them out of the way. 3 days later I preheated the oven for dinner and the smell... Hot grease-soaked cardboard hit the air first, which was odd but not really bad, so I was already headed back into the kitchen to see what was wrong. Then when I opened the oven door my face was hit by a wall of hot moldy pizza stink. I turned off the oven immediately and grabbed my potholders so I could toss the boxes outside. The bottom box disintegrated and the 'plop' sound of the slimy slices hitting my tile floor made me gag. I tossed out what was in my hands and had to rush back to stop my dog from eating the nastiness on the floor. My oven rack had a halo of fuzzy mold. It took me over an hour to really scrub my oven out, and it still smelled off for weeks, even after I kept it on the highest setting in the hopes of burning off any lingering pizza junk. Sometimes I microwave something on a paper plate and that hot paper smell brings me back and I want to cry.


I don't think I've ever microwaved a paper plate. Just get real plates my guy, it's cheaper in the long run. Won't bring back bad memories that way too.


We store leftover pizza in the oven to keep the dogs out of it and have that third day preheating box fire every single time. Living lazy is actually hard work.


Almost the same, the caterers for our wedding stashed the leftover pizza in our oven "just for now" and everyone forgot about it until a week later when we went to cook something. Was really good pizza too :(


will definitely add new flavor to the next dish, pie ala mould.


Bugs Bunny could hide his pal Rocky in there and the cops wouldn't find him.


(Sirens blare and tires screech) Alright Clancy, take the boys and surround the house!


"Let's use our oven once in three weeks and then forget about it."


At my house we've forgotten things in the microwave overnight, at least once for 24 hours.


It's an altar for sacrifice to the gods of bacteria and fungi, center of any follower's home.


You mean Nurgle. Except he's gof of all that and more.


They only use it at most every three weeks so...


Looks like there is a wall behind it. It might be sticking out into the opening between the kitchen and the next room, but it is hard to tell from this angle.


OP clicked in the wrong place in The Sims buy mode.


With a nasty casserole in it 🤣. Yeah, it looks that way


little john expanded his house using galvanised square steel


after he borrowed some pocket money from his aunt to buy galvanized screws


Someone modeled this home after my home in The Sims 1.




Wow.. what an optical illusion!! The stove is against a wall that ends behind it on the left.


That's not better.


Right?! Reddit OPs, always burying the lede


Lmaaaaoooooo 😂


I’ve always made it a habit to look inside the oven before preheating it. Nothing bad had ever happened leading me to this habit, but I have had racks in the wrong spot and had to maneuver them when the oven is hot. Well, one time I went to bake brownies and thought ‘there’s no reason to look, no one uses this oven except me’. (I lived with young males who didn’t cook much) I was wrong. So very wrong. Apparently one night while I was out one roommate decided to make himself a whole damn fish in the oven. And then instead of cleaning up after himself he left it all on a sheet pan and put it back in the oven. So a few days later I opt to *not* open the oven but just fire it up to 375° and minutes later I’ve got smokey old fish smell coming out of the kitchen. I’ll never get how people can just leave things in the oven. It will never make sense to me.


Being Hispanic, we always have to empty out the oven before preheating it >.<


careful storing things in the oven! It causes plenty of house fires


who in the fuck would store things in the oven? what


Hispanics. A lot of us use the oven as storage for pots and pans.


I do the same and I’m white. Don’t think race makes a difference for this one, just lack of space lol


Same. I have a big cookie sheet and a Pyrex in mine, they take up so much room I got sick of them taking up cabinet space.


I always used the warming drawer for this rather than the oven itself, now I'm seeing that I'm missing out on storage space lol. Though I have ADHD so maybe a bad idea for me, lol


Juat don’t do it with anything that can melt; cast iron and cookie sheets only cause ya, I always forget they are in there, lol


Nope, you're now Hispanic! /s


My family has allows stored our cast irons in the oven


My (very white) brother and his wife also store pans in there. Including their cooling racks, which I'm pretty sure are not safe to be heated in the oven...


Yep, lots of people do it. I was playing off of the comment that started this side convo. And today I learned that it’s actually unsafe!


I worked for the natural gas company in Texas. I was new to Texas too when I started and though years and years of service work at resident locations before I never looked in people's stoves. I was astonished at how many people used their ovens as storage. Then I began to notice over some time that a very high percentage of people that did were Hispanic. Socioeconomic class differences didn't make much of a difference really either. I asked quite a few people about it and most of the answers I got were they really didn't use their oven for much if at all and used it as kitchen pot and pan storage. It never really seemed to answer the question of why though lol, I just accepted it ha.


I am Latina. That is wild to me! Do you empty it every time? And where do you put all of pots and pans when using your oven?


I had the same question: Where does it all go when the oven is on? I couldn’t handle moving stacks of things around that often, personally.


We used to store our cast irons there. I kept preheating the oven forgetting they were in there until I went to stick my pan full of food in and yelling “DAMMIT” so my husband moved them.


Great place to store cast iron skillets


lots of people, especially if you have a smaller kitchen!


Carrie Bradshaw ![gif](giphy|W54iSCLbU9cxW)


She’s immediately who came to my mind, too.


I hide my wife’s Christmas presents in the oven. She never looks in there! Hardy har har. lol totally kidding.


Learned this the hard way when I started dating my Hispanic husband and ended up melting his mom's placemats. 🫠


I’m black and we keep extra baking sheets & a couple pans in the oven 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m white and we keep ALLLLLL the Pyrex and oven dishes in the oven! (No space lol)


Have you filled "upwards" yet? I stuck a bunch of nails in the wall for large cooking utensils, primarily the grill stuff, and an extra container on the counter. It takes up less space than a keurig but it holds a surprising amount of utensils once they're stood up. My large cooking appliances - blender, griddle, crockpot, mixer, mandolin, big pots/pan, all go on top of the cabinets. That left plenty of space for the rest under the stove and in the cabinets.


It’s not my house to do so, we live with my in laws 😬


I thought everyone did


Russians do this too! All the Russians I lived with never used the oven for anything except cupboard space.


Lol. My mom’s Hispanic and we often store things in the oven. One time we stored a whole box of donuts in there. We forgot, and my mom preheated the oven to 375. It was a sad, sad moment when she pulled the flaming box of donuts out of the oven, threw it on the garage floor, and stomped the raging fire out.




What do you keep in it?


Sometimes I put things in the oven, so my cats can't get them from the counter; but I also lock the oven door when I do. My oven won't let you start preheating if the door is locked.


My oven (to my knowledge) doesn't have the locking feature, but I've had to thaw food like that a couple times, and I always tell my family when I do it. One time my sister (who was living with me at the time) didn't listen, and preheated the oven with a pack of chicken thawing in the oven.... Now I put stuff in the microwave to thaw away from pets


Don't thaw chicken at room temp (Or warmer than room temp). That's just asking for food poisoning. Thaw in the fridge or under cool running water.


My fridge is too cold to thaw anything within a reasonable time even though I have it set to the FDA's recommended temp. Last time I tried thawing something in the fridge, it was still half frozen 3 days later


Running water in the sink is much faster than letting it sit out at room temp.


Running water in the sink then, it’s much faster than thawing in air. 


I sometimes put things in the microwave to hide them from the cat but never in the oven.


My grandma used to store the most ridiculous stuff in the oven- usually food, like boxes of cereal. Shoes once, but she stopped that when someone turned the oven on and the shoes melted.


My father loves to tell the story of how 50 years ago his parents put his Easter basket in the oven then forgot about it when making breakfast.


I once stored a costco-sized pumpkin pie in my oven, because 1) I almost never used the oven back then 2) I had no storage containers to put it in 3) it didn't fit in the fridge or any cabinets 4) my fucking cat kept trying to eat it every time I turned my back So in a fit of "goddammit" I threw it in the oven to keep the cat out of it, and abruptly forgot about it for a month. Let's just say, pumpkin pie shouldn't be green. Never did that again though.


I have a bad habit of putting aluminum sheet pans and cast iron pans in the oven to dry, especially if it's still warm. My wife then picked up the habit, but we started driving each other crazy by forgetting them and having to juggle them while hot. We have a whiteboard on the fridge for recipes and notes and stuff, and my wife got us both into the habit of writing a note on the whiteboard when we do it. I still forget to make a note maybe 10% of the time, and another 5% or so of the time, I either don't see it, or I do and then immediately forget. It's still a vast improvement over the previous situation where I forgot to check like 90% of the time.


After my parents electric deep fryer broke, they would heat up the container on the stove and store the oil in the oven after use. Yeah, imagine how many times we had to maneuver a slick bucket with no handles full of 400 degree oil out of the oven after that brilliant decision. I learned after the first time to always check the oven first. My mom, not so much. And she was always "unable to get it out herself".


potatoes au'rotten


Heavily underrated comment


lol let me take the normal route , and not the start war with my roommate option , have you tried talking to this person for all we know they forgot too . Let’s say they are a nasty slob I can guarantee taking the route 85% of people in this sub seemly would take ( dump it on there pillow etc ) will work way more against you then for you , don’t get me wrong some people truly deserve it but remember you have to live with this person and if they are this nasty you think they give a fuck regardless of what you do , noooooo chances are they just double down like the child they are and make your situation worse .


Why are you on reddit if you're not going to recommend either petty revenge or divorce?


So many questions. Why is your oven in the middle of the floor and why has no one used the oven in 3+ weeks?


This is my favorite comment. Like seriously wtf is up with the placement of the oven? And I used to cook all the time but now not so much. But even still I use the oven at last once a week 😂.


When it's just for one person I'm WAY more likely to use the toaster oven. I also cook on the stove much more often than any oven. I've absolutely gone three weeks without using an oven. No need for most things.




You're confused that people can cook without using the actual oven..? I'm amazed they never thought of checking inside the oven when they noticed a smell, but cooking without using the oven isn't exactly some new thing.


Especially in the summer


For real. I mainly use an air fryer if I’m cooking these days, especially because it’s just for my wife and I 99% of the time.


We didn’t even have an oven until I was like 10


I think they're confused that it was in there for 3 weeks, not that they didn't use the oven


im actually more surprised how often my roommate used the oven in uni cause my asain ass almost never uses the oven, its more of a frying pan storage lol


I do a lot of stovetop cooking. I also have a pressure cooker appliance that doubles as an air fryer. While it definitely depends on the recipes, I can go quite a while without using my oven.


With my air fryer, I have only used the oven only 3x in the past year. Thanksgiving meal, Christmas meal, and baking salmon one time.


My mom and I rarely use our oven. We have a countertop convection toaster oven and that's what we mainly use. Less electricity, less heat, and we don't have to bend.


There is a new craze called an air fryer.


I havent used my oven in over a year


no one used the stove for 3 weeks?


This is what I want to know. How are there multiple people in a house and the oven goes unused for 3 weeks. 


Just heat it back up and tell your roommate you made dinner lol


How has no one used the oven in 3 weeks…


Maybe they mostly cook on the stovetop. And/or in the microwave.


I use my oven about once a month. Between my toaster oven, stove, and air fryer, the oven is only needed for huge stuff. And as a single person, that’s not often.


Not OP but my oven gets used very rarely, as it takes forever to heat up and heats up half the house in the process. (usually to my detriment, being in the parts that doesn't get that heat) so I got a toaster oven that gets used far more often. My bigger question is why was food left in the oven? Even as a 'keep warm' I'd always at least leave the light on as a reminder.


I am from a Thai family, we only really use oven when cooking western food once in a while. Most thing are cook on stove top. So not too weird.


I use my air fryer for most things


Especially an oven in the middle of the room.


Considering all of the “McDonald’s is too expensive” and “DoorDash charges more than the food cost” posts I’m not surprised lol


I very seldom use the oven. Cooking for one, the stovetop is sufficient for nearly everything I cook.


roasting veggies, baked potato, or even searing a pork chop/steak and then baking it ... baked breaded chicken, for healthier fried-like chicken - or homemade nuggets... baked salmon. toasting bread that doesnt fit in the toaster and then cookies brownies, cakes, etc.. plenty of stuff to make in the oven when cooking for just one


>plenty of stuff to make in the oven when cooking for just one Sure, plenty I *could* use the oven for, but I usually don't. Especially in the summer.


I cook 3 meals from scratch a day and could easily not use the oven for a month. Stove top, air fryer, pressure cooker etc...


Look it hasn't been 3 weeks! It's only been 20 days... I'm just letting it marinate properly


The whole things getting thrown away, I’m not even cleaning the pan.


Sometimes this is the answer. I’m all for Reduce, Reuse, upcycle, Recycle….but as a disabled individual I have to carefully plan out how I spend my energy.


should post it in the moldlyinteresting sub


Ditch the appliance, get a plug in hob or 2, lose the biohazard. By biohazard I mean housemate.


You haven't used your oven in three weeks? It took you three weeks to notice rotting food?


Did anyone else get the Taco Bell burrito ad when they opened the post? Confused the hell out of me for a second.


Lol!! I don't get any advertisements on anything, my router blocks all of that in addition to just the ad block in the browser so, I don't think I've seen an ad for like a year and a half. I don't even get YouTube ads


How the hell do you block ads on your router


....what *was* it?


I'm not sure, potatoes some kind of veg stuff and maybe chicken?


Put them up for adoption.


Close the door. Turn it into its highest setting. Not hot enough, light a fire. Incinerate the whole fucking thing. OH SHIT I JUST SAW IT MOVE.


I hate to be a backseat cook, but it looks like those need another 12 to 15 minutes in the oven.


This reminds ne of the fly infestation there was in my house some time ago, I bought everything to get rid of them, traps, improvised sugar poison things, spray poison, and an electric racket. Can you fkn believe one day that I was helping a new flatmate move I found it... I fkn found IT. An abandoned by god sack of potatoes, that no one had clamed for around 3 years... I grabbed my gloves and a lot of disinfectant...


Put it in his room and close the door. That'll teach them.


Is it me? Or is the stove in the middle of the floor😭


First year of university, friend/roommates mom brought us a big cooked turkey for thanksgiving. We didn’t have space for it in the fridge and just kept it in the oven as we slowly picked away at it. No idea how long it was there or what we did for cooking food in the meantime. Eventually when I’d walk in the kitchen I’d get this foul (fowl?) whiff. Sniffed it out and discovered this green fuzzy turkey carcass. Absolutely disgusting.


Any longer and that stuff is going to come back to life.


Just close that back up and turn the heat to 500.


I'm sure if you scrape off some of the crust on top it might still be palatable with some milk or orange juice.


I hope you threw the whole thing out pan and all!?


At least you found it before preheating the oven.


Put that nasty shit in their room. Also, the oven is in serious need of a deep clean. 😬


No one ever wants to talk about the elephant in the room... until it shits on the floor or something. The stove is the elephant


My brother used to keep his pizza in the box in the oven instead of the fridge. I once almost set it on fire because I didn't know it was in there when I turned the oven on.


I must admit to having been this roommate... with seafood medley...


Who doesn't like Aged Potatoes Au Penicillin?


200°C for 20mins and it should be eatable again


Like a Ganymede rock lobster


wtf happened? I’ve forgotten overnight cause I got high. 3 weeks????


Wait wait wait wait. You haven't used the oven in three weeks?


That rug really ties the room together.


You haven’t used your oven in 3 weeks??? You have an air fryer or a crock pot??


Why has no one commented on the complete meal on the bottom of the oven?


I feel for you. I’m going through something similar right now, but it’s a situation where I’m going into the roommates room for the smell source and missing dishes. Long story short, roomy has some serious mental health issues. It sucks, and it leads to some conversations I’d rather not have. It is making me grow however. Not just mold.🤣


Thanks for the reminder that I'm not a shitty roommate 😂 I needed this.


What was it though?


I would have put it on their bed….


Should put that in their bed


you use your oven less than once every 3 weeks?


If it makes you feel better a few weeks ago I found a pumpkin pie in the warming drawer from Thanksgiving


You haven’t used the oven in 3 weeks? What the hell have you been eating?


So you haven’t cooked in 3 weeks?


You guys didn’t use the oven for 3 weeks…?


You should use your oven more


wtf was that suppose to be?


Scallops, me thinks. Would definitely explain the horrible smell several weeks later.


I'm betting that it was a chicken dish with a bunch of trimmings but just got left in there after he pecked away at it


That’s nasty yo


Make your Roommate some "Kombucha" with it???


W-were you preheating the oven then smelled it?


…um… I have never forgotten to eat dinner before…”here is the salad and garlic bread…wait , I feel like something is missing…nope! All good let’s eat!”


One time my roomates put muffins in a box that was then wrapped in some plastic in our oven and forgot to text the group chat (we put stuff like that in the oven so the cats don't eat it). And i turned it on to bake something n smelled burnt plastic i had to throw all the muffins away lol


Secretly feed them until it's gone.


Someone uses the microwave all the time


Throw away the entire dish with the food in it. Contamination at it's worst.