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can they lock off one door? at least that would stop the Starbucks traffic


Two doors to a nap room is so stupid


Some hospital or fire code might require more than one exit to the room. Just throwing this up there.


Good news! We mastered one-way door technology a long time ago.


*Shut up with your questions! I’m sleeping here!*


I feel like locking the door would lead to people loudly knocking on it, with the sole purpose of using it to cut through anyways, unfortunately.


Fire hazard


There are multiple ways to make a locked door work as a means of egress. A door can also be locked on the outside, but not the inside - see any corporate building lobby that needs a card to get in but just a push bar to get out.


Deter the entrance, not the exist. They could still run leave the building there, but they can't enter there.


It's not a fire hazard to lock a door from the inside.


It is if the connecting room is using the nap room as a means of exit.


the connecting room is the starbucks that already has a front entrance…


Not if it’s not a designated emergency exit.


People who use nap room anything else than napping or making unnecessary noise deserve to be in fire hazard situation


I think it’s totally ok to confront people in this kind of scenario. like a quick “hey, this is the nap room”, should be enough unless they are just the worst. A small amount of embarrassment solves these things with most people


This. A polite "excuse me, I'm trying to use the nap room to rest, could you please keep it down?" is completely appropriate.


I get the feeling that the people who do anything with their phones at full volume on speaker are the same people who will argue against someone calling them out.


At that point I've already been woken from my beauty sleep so I'll probably be just angry enough to argue about their ignorance


You'd be surprised how many of these people rely on other people being too shy to call them out. A lot of them think that no one will say shit to them but once you do, they cower with their tails between their legs.


Totally understandable, but they could also just be ignorant of how annoying and disruptive they are being, and if you are the first person to ever call them out they will respond better if you do it nicely. It’s worth a shot even if it doesn’t work out honestly.


That when you give them that stare and ask them if this is a "break" room or a "nap" room...


That's when it's time to get the boss involved.


Punch them in the face works fine once they start arguing


I’d say that “I’m trying to nap, shut the fuck up” is also adequate


I understand the frustration but it’s never in your best interest to make enemies in the work place, even if you don’t like them. Just generally good to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are just ignorant of the issue they are causing and are not actively trying to annoy you.


I'd say it's a cultural thing. Here in Australia you could reasonably be expected to be called a f****** a******* c*** if you used a nap room in this way and woke somebody up. So long as you are addressing the harmful behaviour and not making any attack on the person then it's usually taken without issue.


Interesting, I had not considered that. For context, I am in the united states. I see your point tho. The “c” word in particular would not fly in a professional setting here lol


It's contextual. Some places could be live streamed on kids TV, others are very fluid with their use of language. Hospital settings can vary in extremis.


I just found out I'm actually Australian 🤣🤣🤣


If you say it groggily enough, you might get a pass


Maybe if you live in a TV show. In a real workplace, people expect politeness.


So then why would they enter a napping area just to be impolite?


Ah, but that's why you have to really sell the "Just woke up" energy. Still too sleepy to really register where you are/who you're talking to. Bonus points for a sleepy blink and "Oh, sorry. Tired"


It’s still a workplace. When does swearing at your colleagues ever work out well?


Hell, I called a customer a stupid asshole over the loud speaker when I worked at Walgreens 20 years ago and only got a write up 🤣🤣🤣 the trick is to make yourself irreplaceable on short notice and you can do anything short of stabbing someone.


I'm not the one you replied to, but it worked great when I was in the Navy.


I was actually going to say in my initial comment, outside of maybe military and construction. 😂


It's also fine in hospo, retail, trades, mechanics, depending on the vibe of the place. Anywhere that's a bit rowdy it's kind of expected use, lil social conditioning to get the wankers to pull their heads in a bit. Also been fine in tech when it's the right (or wrong lol) group of people. I'm in NZ though, so maybe cultural differences to expect a bit of ribbing or not.




All the time, just have to know your audience 


The reality is you can ask as nicely as possible but people will still resent you for calling them out.


Yeah it is very situational, but I think it is worth approaching as nicely as you can manage at first because if they respond well it will lead to the best possible outcome.


The only way to get respect from people is to check them and there's no actual "nice" way to do that. Be nice to nice people, but if someone does something you don't like then it's best to just come out and say it rather than trying to find the best approach not to offend them.


I think you misunderstand me. I agree in calling them out. There is a polite way to do that. And if that doesn’t get results then turn up the heat I guess. Like “hey, please don’t do that,” vs. “shut the fuck up, dumbass”, will net you very different outcomes in the workplace


Y’all are a lot nicer than I’d be.


But they already woke you up, some people once they got interrupted in their nap can't go back to sleep.


People are fucking assholes. I was in a meeting today. The office space is open. Four people came over from where they sat to talk and laugh with the person who was sitting two desks away from me, one of them sat in between (the empty desk between us). They were so loud. I told the guy who was 3 feet away from me "can you keep it down, I'm in a meeting" he said sorry then literally moved 2 feet and continued. They became louder. Was muting my mic every time I wasn't talking. Told the guy I was in a meeting with to hold on a second, told the person who was now next to me for the second time "I'm in a meeting", she gave me the stink eye and rolled her eyes! Eventually they lowered their voices. Like what the hell, you see I'm in a meeting (Teams open, me talking, headphones), and you guys leave your workstations and start laughing and talking. Bad enough that I have to stand some of them playing foosball 4 times a day, outside of lunch time, and all the racket and cheering going on, sometimes each game could last 30 minutes. I get distracted easily (ADHD) and people are entitled and rude. So the moral of the story is that some people don't respond well to being told common sense, even when you say it politely.


I think it is good that you tried to be nice and did the best you could. It is ok to get more firm if they continue to ignore you. Some people are genuinely rude but it’s good you did not assume so before interacting with them. Good on you


Thank you for validating me. It's rare to find people with common sense, ❤️


A polite confrontation is enough to send a lot of people off with their tail between their legs. The other day I was reading in my local bookstore when some 60 year old lady sits next to me and starts watching TikToks on full volume. I gave her a minute to stop on her own, before walking up to her a politely saying, “excuse me miss, I’m trying to read here, could you please wear headphones?” She got all flustered and immediately left the store. It was great.


I was thinking of a big air horn, one of those screaming chickens, or ringing a bell and shouting "Shame!" every time someone walks through. However, that probably wouldn't make you any friends in the workplace...


"But.... I can turn it into a morgue if you don't stop with the noise"


This is Reddit. You think anyone would dare to raise their complaint face-to-face lol?


It's almost **always** okay to confront people. Just say "this is the nap room, there's no phones in here". Don't phrase it as a request, but don't be rude. Inform them that they're breaking the rules, don't ask them. If you ask someone they can just say no and then you have to escalate, and now you're escalating.


It should have card key access for employees only. Employees that abuse it have their access removed.


Contact HR. "I am trying to utilize the space to ensure I am rested for my shift, others are ignoring the posted signs"


That's how our lavender room was closed


HR isn’t there to help the employee. It’s to protect the corporations.


Which is why a hospital HR department might appreciate the "I want to ensure I am rested utilizing the space you've provided" line. Malpractice is expensive. Sleepy practitioners make more mistakes, it's why hospitals have beds on site for employees to sleep. Why do you think HR would rather protect random people who listen to videos too loud in the quiet room over people who are using the provided space as instructed by the employer?


Because it’s the standard parroted response here any time someone mentions HR in any capacity. Probably posted by people who have no actual experience with HR.


On the other hand, do you think any hospital actually cares about well rested employees like *actually*. It's common practice for medical professionals to have absurdly long shifts with only the bare minimum legally mandated breaks, if that.


Like, actually care about employees? Absolutely not, especially no in America. Like, actually care about minimizing malpractice lawsuits? 100%.


True in a general sense but doesn’t mean HR wouldn’t ever make a notification like “stop misusing the nap room”


Although if the room is there for a reason. Like if you alert HR that everyone is overworked and underslept. HR would probably blink if they knew their employees were not getting enough sleep and it could cause lawsuits and deaths. Maybe the 6 seconds for starbucks isn't worth it to management.


That is super infuriating. I'm sorry. Just a thought, but if you put a sticky note up or something saying, "Do Not Disturb, I am napping" do you think that would make a difference? I know there are signs up already, but having a new one when it's actively being used might get people's attention. They probably have blindness to the original signs at this point. Beyond that, I think you just need to find the courage to speak up and tell people using TikTok or whatever while you're napping and asking them to please go somewhere else as you're attempting to use the room for it's intended purpose, you're on a really long shift and you desperately need some rest.


Most people won’t read a sticky note. Most people ignore warnings and signs in general.


Might not work for everyone, but if I saw a bright sticky that wasn't usually there on a door, I'd probably stop to read it to make sure it wasn't informing me of something important before I opened the door. It would also give OP more of an excuse to glare at the person coming in and say, didn't you read the note? Not a full proof solution, but it should cut down on some of the insensitive idiots.


You know how it's standard at restaurants to wait at the "PLEASE WAIT TO BE SEATED" sign? You would be absolutely astounded at just how many people completely blow past this sign damn near tripping on it all because they say they didn't even see it. Now replace that with a tiny sticky note.


Years ago when I worked in retail, the store was upgrading the credit card readers. All the manned registers were done but there was some kind of software issue with self check outs so for a few days they were cash only while it was sorted out. We had a big red sign at the self checkout entrance, a red sign taped over the pin pads, and the self checkout would tell you it’s cash only when the transaction started. People would still ignore all that and pull the sign off the card reader to swipe their cards.


I worked in a store and our exit door was broken. Since the entrance still worked, we could stay open and we put a big neon yellow sign at the till and a big neon pink sign on the exit door and people still walked into the door. I started telling people as I was ringing them through to go back through the entry door. Some STILL WALKED INTO THE EXIT DOOR. We literally had to use caution tape to cordon it off, and some idiots went under the tape. This was a liquor store, so all of these people were over the age of 19.


Again, I'm not saying it will stop everyone, but it might help cut down on the amount of people coming in and out of the room. And it will also give OP another talking point for speaking up against the people being insensitive and disrespectful.


I work in a medical setting similar to OP (attached to a hospital but not quite *the* hospital) and I can tell you NOBODY reads signs here either. The worst is I have our wifi info taped to my computer where everyone can see in a massive font, and I still get asked multiple times a day


You mean the dark brown sign with gold lettering in a dark restaurant?


The one you have to trip on to miss? Yes.


same, granted i am an overly anxious person who always has the fear in the back of my head that WHATEVER I AM DOING IS WRONG BAD INCORRECT so my paying close attention to any signage might be more related to that hehe


Obviously, the hospital needs to put a secondary sign up detailing the rules. "Cell phones on mute only. No talking. Not to be used as a pass thru." These people are too stupid to be trusted to understand what behavior is prohibited in a nap room without being called out.


I'm gonna be honest, i used a piece of equipment with an out of order sign on it at the gym this week. It had a big sign saying such right on the seat. I used it as I regularly do and nothing was wrong with it. When I went to sanitize it is when I noticed the sign. I thought to myself, "congrats you're the problem". I'm gonna give myself a break because I'm usually hyper self aware, but even if you live your entire life trying not to be an idiot it's still gonna happen. My point being is even if you're not an asshole you might still miss a sticky note.


They may ignore a sticky note, maybe try a sticky door handle (jam? Honey‽)


People can’t even follow directions at self check out that requires a little bit of reading


If you stick it to the door handle, they do.


People are too self-absorbed to care. I also work in a hospital that had a 'zen" room with 2 reclining massage chairs and a couch for relaxing. Signs stating to be quiet, and use earphones/buds. The number of people who did not care or just did what they wanted was outstanding. A little posted-it note will not deter people unfortunately.


guy at the library took out his phone and began a conversation in normal voice. The "no phone calls in library" sign was literally on the table in front of him. I took the sign and moved it close to him. As I walked away he was perusing the sign and he continued talking. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’ve been trying to get my workplace to change the locks on the bathroom stalls to the ones that go green to red for years now. I guess there is no reason when you can make eye contact through the half inch gap in the door I assume but this would solve a portion of that.


You have to call them out on it then get into a full blown screaming match before management will step in. Then it will be to discipline or fire you.


People have zero respect for others nowadays and it really sucks


I asked a while ago about nap rooms in hospitals for staff and they dved me to hell and told me I was delusional. I literally…just asked if they were a thing. 😐


They usually exist for doctors that are doing long shifts


Not nurses?


Generally? No. I’m sure it happens some places but doctors are more commonly doing 24 hour shifts than nurses. So they have a space for them to sleep and they are alerted if they are needed for the care of inpatients


... Hi, not a medical professional here. Why the *fuck* is *anyone* doing a 24 hour shift?


Cause some guy who was a coke addict is the one who set the precedent for md residents unfortunately


It’s not extremely common these days where I am to do 24 hour shifts. Doctors are expensive and there aren’t enough of them so they work long hours and make a bunch of money. The hospitals can’t afford to hire more as most of them are barely hanging unless they are your giant conglomerates that owns 10+ hospitals. The risk of changing doctors is also pretty high. Everyone you ask is going to have a different approach to treat a patient so sometimes you have this problem when a patient has a bunch of different doctors they end up with a bunch of different care plans that are not very cohesive. The risk for errors for changing doctors is also generally considered to be higher than the risk for the doctor to be tired. This doesn’t exactly apply to all aspects of healthcare and is more commonly applied to hospitalist care for inpatients. May happen for on call specialties surgeries


Oh. Well I’m glad doctors have that but I’d love for nurses to also. I know they often have to do double shifts.


Nurses don’t work 24 hours in a row. A lot of MDs who utilize the rooms are on call for a day or more and it is easier to sleep in the hospital. Nurses don’t really need to be on call or working for 24 straight hours.


If they do a double shift then yes. They do. Shifts are 8-12 hours in Canada so it’ll be 16-24 hours for double. And with the massive nurse shortage in my province, it’s pretty common.


My hospital has a nap room. You have to reserve a spot, but anyone from any department can use it. But the on call doctors get their own space on a different floor. When you're on call, if you live far away, it's probably easier to just stay at the hospital than drive home, just to be called an hour later and have to come back. I've worked plenty of doubles, but no one calls me when I'm at home in bed and wakes me up, so I don't really need a nap at work. My longest shift I think was 22 hours and I'm a lab tech. It was rough, but I got to go home and sleep uninterrupted.


Usually in the US there are laws or union contracts to protect nurses. Doctors in residencies don't have the same labor protections. Are nurses being held over against their will and forced to work for 24 hour shifts?


They don’t even get to eat lunch most of the time so I wouldn’t expect the room to see much use


I work in a small, rural hospital so we don’t have anything like the bunks on Grey’s Anatomy. But we have places for the ER doc, anesthesiologist, and hospitalist to sleep. Those are the people that are in the hospital overnight and potentially on 24s. I’m a NP on the hospitalist team. My sleeping space is a pull out couch in our office. The ER and Ana have “call rooms”. They have a bed, TV, and work station. As an RN at an even smaller hospital I used to take my “lunch” overnight sleeping in a recliner in an ICU room. Others napped on lunch in the lactation room. When we have weather emergencies and nurses or other staff may struggle to commute or have to stay because others couldn’t make it we rent rooms very close by or just find space in the hospital. At the even smaller hospital the city snow plows would provide rides to necessary staff. lol


It definitely is infuriating. After going back to Japan it makes me realise why I hate other people so much. The constant disrespect from the simplest things is outright disgusting. I know it's always kind of been somewhat bad, but I honestly think it has gotten worse especially after COVID. I know some areas it is the same, but overall the amount of entitlement is crazy.


People say it's COVID but I'm not sure that is exactly it. I'd say it's the lack of community fellowship and comraderie which we're on the decline before COVID but COVID made worse  Fewer people go to social events and gatherings, they wall themselves off in their dwellings, and just generally distrust others in public... Social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit are replacing face to face community interaction 


I mean it definitely wasn't COVID, but it's an easy identifier of the gap of interactions and social behavior. It definitely had some perspective changes on a lot of people.


I’m exhausted by self-absorbed rude people. EXHAUSTED. Nice to know I’m not alone at least. Sigh.


They're so entitled


From watching Grey's Anatomy I know this room is actually supposed to be used for sleeping around with various coworkers, so all of you are misusing it.


This sucks. You also need be speak up and call people out. It will make them think twice.


Then u get ur heart rate up having to confront people and u definitely won't be able to nap


My heart rate would already be up because they pissed me off. 


If someone woke me up watching tiktok, I would scream until they fucked off


Management need to do something to increase the friction of using the nap room, so that people only go in if they really can be bothered to jump through the hoops. I’m thinking a sign-in system with a key code entry. You need to sign in with the nurse reception (or whatever) and get that shift’s key code - would certainly stop the Starbucks traipsers and probably the TikTok video meeting people too as their name would be logged for any complaints.


I'd lose my job, I am not a nice sleeper. You ever see the video of the tiger that wakes up and attacks the boy tiger because he got too close to her? That's me


"hey I was sleeping, get the fuck outta here"


I remember back when my Dad had a major heart attack and I was pacing the Hospital back and forth going crazy. I found a room like this and did not know any better, a janitor was taking a nap on the couch so I sat in the corner chair waiting for an update. My phone started ringing and I felt bad because it startled him awake, I apologized and he told me the room was for employees only, but he noticed I was in shock and asked me what was going on. Coolest Janitor I ever met, saved me from a panic attack and let me know exactly who to ask for updates.


Needs one of those “vacant/occupied” locks!


Point out to your HR the significant liability of strangers coming and going from a room with sleeping people. Or, if you're friendly with an attending (better a chief), get a formal complaint from a physician in the mix. Hospitals listen to physicians an awful lot quicker than they do anybody else...


Agreed, the vulnerability of a sleeping person takes priority


she watches tiktok play moose sounds. people barge in play moose sounds. do it enough you'll be the person who just plays moose sounds. if sent to a psych explain it's a long game to make the quiet room quiet.


I need a work nap room


You need some fart in a can to clear the room.


The sleep rooms at my hospital are assigned by specialty. I wouldn’t talk to hospital management, I’d talk to the chief of whatever specialty it is and name the person that was violating the quiet rule.


Time to start slapping offenders.


You need a sign that reads: "If you use this room to get to Starbucks your drink will be made dead last".


Have you considered telling them to shut the fuck up?


We have nap rooms at my work but if someone isn't having a full on conversation outside the door they're knocking on it to see if it's in use EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE SIGNS THAT SAY IF THE DOOR IS CLOSED IT'S IN USE. So I sleep in my car on break.


Door should open inward. Apply doorstop, rest peacefully.


Ugh, that is the worst. At my work, we have a mothers room and I have an older guy (probably in his late 50s, early 60s) that always take a nap in there. I’m HR so I’m constantly chasing him out. When I brought it to my Chief People Officer, she takes pity on him and says he probably needs an accommodation. Like wtf, I’m not giving him an accommodation if he’s not asking for it. He needs to stay the heck out of the mother’s room.


How is it that there’s access to Starbucks through there?? That’s horrible. I’m sorry.


I have extensive hospital operations knowledge gained from years of my mom watching St Elsewhere and ER that taught me the nap room is the most important one in the whole damn building!


Get a squirt gun and treat them like a bad cat


This is in the wrong sub. I would be PISSED.


Shush them.


My place of work has a gym, but it's the defacto phone call room. Whenever I'm in there working out, people come in already on their phone, then turn around annoyed that I'm in the gym... Working out.


I'd confront like an ape. Fuck those people. They're wrong. Power naps are to regeneration. I'd be kicking them out and report each one. Don't be the victim.


Did you perhaps... Say anything to the woman watching tiktoks? I understand it's labelled, but people are stupid, however things start making sense when they're called out.


Try “hey bitch I’m sleeping here” and see if it works


porn as background noise and noise cancelling headphones 👌


They don't have locks on the inside of the doors to/from the room? Seems like they should since it's an official nap room in a hospital....


We also have a nap room. People also use it to watch videos on their phone, annoying AF.


please, bring this up to HR, they’ll get behind you


Move the cot in front of the door they use to get to Starbucks. No more cutting through!


The only thing I think I would be able to say is "really?" Or "are you serious?"


I'm not surprised. I work in a field where we were also provided nap rooms before/after our shifts. Of course it was abused until it was taken away. My advice? Confront them and protect the naps before it's taken away! DO NOT GO TO MANAGEMENT. That's how it gets taken away. You gotta be a self righteous ass because they're in the wrong and they know it! Tell them to shut up or get out!


Hang a sign that says “Needs Bedbug Decon”. That’ll keep them out. Or “pumping in progress” if you want to play it straight.


Enforce it yourself, especially if you're nap or planning too. Youre in the right so thr hospital will have to back you up.


Start napping naked.


Become the nap enforcer. Become what you've always wanted to. You will be despised by all, but satisfied that you are right. You are vengeance.


Remove every light bulb from the room. People are less likely to stay in a room that has no light and it makes it a better place to nap in.


Report this to human resources.


Loudly talk behind them or tell them to get the fuck out. People uses to do that in our medical school library and I bullied them into being quiet. Sometimes bullying is okay. If your hospital administration gets mad at you for harassing them, then you're kinda SOL :(


Time to hang up a sign threatening disciplinary action and sign it with “- Human Resources” Assuming you aren’t seen hanging it up yourself, the worst case scenario is that it POs the actual HR team and thus the issue is escalated in visibility.


A better sign needs to be hung. “Sleeping bears. Not responsible for lost limbs if you wake them” Or Start taking Polaroids of the offenders and posting them on the jerk wall of fame


"Do you fucking mind?!?" And they report it? "I was in the nap room. People don't respect it and of course I get snappy when trying to sleep or get RUDELY waken up. They have no respect"


The. Fuck. I love that your jobs has a nap room. I am also angry on your behalf that people don’t respect it.


It's because people work 12-24 hours shifts. It's not like an 8 hour gig during the day with a nap room to nurse your hangover. The fact that there is a nap room is not something you should strive for.


TY. Very good context to know.


![gif](giphy|l4EpiOkpPRPx3U49O|downsized) Maybe you gotta get LoriBeth on them.


Setup pranks for when they open the door. They’ll learn quick.


Tell them to get the fuck out, it’s your nap time


Isn't this something HR might take care of? It's at least worth a try.


To be fair they aren't eating the sign that says "do not eat." So at least, they follow some of the rules.


You should have yawned loudly and said " I sure wish I can take a nap!"


I'd put up a lot more signs.


I nap with ear plugs.


Wow that is rude. We have a quiet room at my employer and no one does anything in but rest. I’m sorry you work with rude people. No one even uses their phone in the quiet room. There are reclining chairs.


My dream job is Nap Room Shush-er/Bouncer


When I'm woken from a nap I get very confused and angry and if it were to happen to me there is a high chance of things getting confrontational


They suck. But damn, I wish the hospitals over here had those. 😖


Keep a supply of throwable ammo (pens, other stationery, etc) in your pocket


You have 2 options. Gorge yourself with spicy food and then let the nastiest grease fart loose next time someone misuses the room. Or keep a small bluetooth speaker on you at all times so you can play a recording of a train whistle at full volume until they leave.


Oh I would have yelled at someone by now for waking me up




The way I would be in HR the next day for the things I would have said to that person waking me up


I would loudly say go somewhere else this room is for napping. If they ignore you I would say it again and again. They are being immature I would match it especially since I’m super cranky if woken up. There’s many quiet spots in a hospital they don’t need to come in that room


I'm mean as hell when woken up, I'd be very much "excuse me were you unable to read the signs, do you need me to read them to you."


Wrap the inside walls and create a Faraday cage ...


See if admin will allow a sign that can be placed on the doors when the room is in use. Something like, "Nap Room in Use, Please Enter Quietly."


Wedge the door when you go in to nap. Sleep, play dumb, lather, rinse, repeat.


We need to normalize slapping phones out of hands! Unless you are in your own home there is literally no reason to be watching or listening to anything without headphones or being on speaker/FaceTime.


I'd lose it on people. Don't mess with my nap.


There to be sign that says “Occupied - Napping and flip over for “Available” otherwise how are people supposed to know to not enter.


Just throw a bucket of soapy water on the floor. If they slip and get hurt. They're already in a hospital.


Have we tried, I don't know, saying something?


Listserv reminder to like, the whole hospital? Would that be feasible?


BIGGER NAP SIGN! Lol! But yea definitely say “This is a nap room”.


No fucking way.


The reason it keeps happening is because no one says anything.


Maybe someone should teach them a lesson


Go over the the offending person and be obnoxious as fuck whilst loudly explaining why you are doing so.


Ask your floor manager to manage it then block people who break the rules.


the hospital i worked in abused and killed patients. one time i found a bag of crack on the bathroom floor. sturdy memorial: where people go to die painfully.


If it's being abused it needs to be reserved for people with shifts longer than 12 hours only


People won't even respect the people taking care of their loved ones. Not letting the people caring for your family rest will only hurt the patient in the long-run


Is NAP ROOM clearly spelled out it is it an assumed nap room? A nicely worded sign might keep the Starbucks riff raff out. “This is a room devoted to sleeping during long shifts, please be considerate and enter/leave quietly”. Forge -Management


People who don't use earbuds / headphones while listening to their phone at full volume are an annoyance to others and should have a health warning ⚠️ as they are the most annoying. Try putting earbuds in while resting add your own sign or a few on the walls ,to ask people to be considerate to others in the rest area,and definitely ask management to close the other door ,there is no reason to have it like that.


Got your resume all up-to-date? Could this be the impetus for a change-of-employer?


Two things:  1. I am jealous. I also work for a hospital (though in a non-clinical role) and wish our hospital had an official "nap room". I work overnight and usually on my first couple nights back I'm extremely tired and I have to get creative with finding a place to sleep.  2. That really sucks. I totally get it. Blows my mind that people are so ignorant and uncaring. I guess the only thing you can keep doing is sending emails and messages to bosses or department heads. Maybe after they get enough emails they will try to do something about it