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I remember an ad from the 80s. It said, if you smoke, please try Carlton. It was so polite, I made up a song and promised myself if I were ever to start smoking, I would try Carlton because their ad was so considerate. I never did start smoking but thank you ad exec for being so thoughtful. Can you imagine if more movies were like - If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, please try watching this movie. We think you’re going to have a great time. Have a good day. I would probably watch that movie 🍿


Genuinely. Ads nowadays are so annoying that they largely cause me to actively avoid products based on the level of annoyance.


Is it just me, or have ads gotten more patronizing and mean-spirited lately. Especially for phone and internet. I keep getting these 15-second ads that are just like, "You've been using our competitor's service? What are you, a fucking idiot?"


In the future targeted adds will just be full sized mirrors on bus stops that say "this fatass loser uses the other-leading-brand of laundry detergent."


Some Snow Crash vibes incoming


If you don't smoke Tarryltons - FUCK YOU


Even better is when they shit on the former version of themselves. This product is TWICE as good as the one we just replaced. You're using the thing we sold you a *year ago?* What the fuck is wrong with you?


Hell, I remember seeing a Nando’s ad that was derogatory towards people who don’t like spices in their food. As someone who absolutely hates spices, it put me off going there for life


I reckon you'd get less reaction using a racial slur, than asking for lemon-and-herb basting. Everyone looks over the the register. Some people just have kid's tastebuds.


Arby's: we have the meat


I don't doubt Arby's still has the meats because only one thin slice made it onto my sandwich


No Arby, you don't


But we're not going to give it to you, fatso.


A person sees an average of 10,000 ads a day. I've learned to tune them out, and when I'm feeling extra vindictive, I'll refuse to buy from the advertised brand for months.


Only months? I’m talking permanently.


Sometimes you can’t tune them out. One time I was on mushrooms trying to put on a Shpongle video on YouTube, but ads kept popping up for TurboTax and insurance companies and shit. It was so unnerving going from good trippy vibes to some woman suddenly yelling with a fake-excited voice about how much money I can save. Ads seem even stupider when you’re tripping. I had to just turn off the computer and i burried it in my clothing drawer for some reason. Stay out of my headspace State Farm, you fuckin dicks.


The ones that ruin good songs from the 80s and 90s really annoy me. Oh oh oh ozempic!


That’s such a funny observation. I agree


Talk about burying the headline; we need to know the lyrics to your song! 😀


Reminds me of the ad for coke from the invention of lying. https://youtu.be/fhtTU-guW60?feature=shared


Don't ask why, but I have a very strong reason to believe that the guy in the coke ad showers with his brother.


I remember an ad for cigarettes in a 2006 movie. How did it go? “If you don’t smoke Tarrlyton’s, fuck you!”


Carls Jr: fuck you, I’m eating


"I'm Ricky Bobby. If you don't chew Big Red then fuck you" 😂


This is the comment I was looking for lol.


I saw a 19th-century newspaper ad for scissors that began with the line “The ladies of this vicinity will please take note”


No joke, more movies should do that. It’s really annoying when perfectly fine enjoyable popcorn films have to sell themselves as the most “important” or “groundbreaking” movie of all time when really it is just fun. It skewers expectations and initiates annoying discourse.


Then there’s Dan Cummins fake Whipple Energy Drink ads he throw into his podcast occasionally. He scream ridiculous ibsults at you about being too weak to try it while heavy metal drumming in the background and he always drops in a “FUCK YOU! FUCK YOUR FAMILY!” In each one. Usually the newest flavor contains meth or cocaine or some substance that will give you super human strength. Really makes you feel bad for not drinking this fake drink.


That's hilarious. Also, you really chose well buy never smoking. I have the other problem. The one where I look at people and I'm like "HOW COME Y'ALL DON'T SMOKE"? and the judge is all "Why are you sitting on the ground"?


Reminds me of how Japanese businessmen talk. It's very charming to me.


It made me think about how K-pop idols talk as well. They say "Please look forward to / anticipate our album" or something like that.


"we think you'd enjoy fascism, please give it a try and vote for us!" This could go a bad way...


They got my vote!


I diagnose you with poisoning of the mind caused by social media political discourse. Gonna write you a prescription for an anti-braintrot tablets, with a recommendation that you cut back on your social media usage. Also may want to consider touching grass if you feel up to that.


Done trolling? My point was that just because someone's polite doesn't mean you should accept what they offer. A lot of evil things get disguised with business suits and promises.


Don’t know if we don’t try it!


Salem was my parents' brand. Killed Dad at 48 and Mom at 54.


Killed my dad at 56. My mom quit fortunately and is still alive. I wonder if Salem or Menthols in general are worse for lung cancer. My dad did smoke a lot though, probably 3 packs a day.


My mother was a Marlboro lady and made it to 66. Smoke Marlboros for an extended life!


Himbofied epstein


I don’t mean to bring him up in the same thought but he looks like someone smashed Anthony Bourdain and Epstein together.


With a touch of Ralph Lauren.


Anthony Bourdain was no saint. He killed someone after all


He looks like he enjoys smoking


This guys 22 years old 🚬🥵




Good or bad? Because of the menthol/mint


I knew someone who smoked a lot (only methol) and he stank of tobacco, not a hint of mint.


Those Salem Black Label packs were cool as fuck.. the pack slid out to the side and there was always 1 green filter (lucky) one in every pack.. I know I know Smoking = Bad But I miss those Black Labels


Salem black label was the cigarette of choice of the semi-goth, Invader Zim obsessed, Nightmare Before Christmas loving girls I used to hang out with in my late teens / early twenties.


Would have guessed cloves!


That's funny. I think every Millennial including myself knew a girl or three matching that exact description; goth, Invader Zim & Nighmare Before Christmas fan, and smoked cloves.


First time i tried one was in highschool at a party from a dude wearing a trench coat. Looking back on it, maybe DON’T try a cigarette from a guy in a trench coat.


It's those lessons you learn along the way


Smoking does equal bad. Drugs can’t be bad, they’re not people. Honestly cigarette ads are no different from alcohol ads.


Why do I enjoy heroin and you don't? It could be my brand of smack. I like black tar heroin, it gives me the feeling I like and the fresh cut keeps things interesting. /S


Lmao. This was me, unironically, talking down to the other junkies in rehab. Thank God for recovery.


*in the voice of the Dos Equis guy* Stay strung out, my friends.


And the model’s age? 26


Funny to think how novel and crazy this must seem to the younger generation; I've seen so many ads like that I could easily have told you it was a cigarette ad in you'd cut it off at the chest.c They all had that kind of style in the photos. I remember regularly smoking on airplanes (at 13 and 14! No one batted an eye) and in restaurants and hotels too. In the mall.... so crazy to think of now but it feels like it was yesterday!


Yeah, this post was a /r/FuckImOld moment for me. Took me a minute to figure out why someone found this mildly interesting, and then I realized it’s because they’ve never really seen any cigarette ads. There was an ask Reddit post a while back along the lines of “what things do you remember that don’t exist any more?” and someone answered “smoking sections in restaurants” and my first thought was: wait, those were just an interim step from the time when smoking was allowed everywhere. I realized I’m older than most redditors. Should not have been a surprise.


No wonder my father started smoking at 11yo


Cause I’ve seen the chest X-rays bruh.


How come I enjoy breathing and you dont?


God I can taste these still. The unpleasant memory of Salem Menthols and E&J.


How’s the nursing home?




Pitbulls just shouldn't be a thing ... You don't have to go around and kill them all if it would be illegal to keep breeding dogs that are created to maim and kill others. There are enough dog breeds around, without Pitbulls. And smoker shouldn't go die ... but they just do. lol. But sadly we all have to pay for them and their illness.


My grandmother remembers she was prescribed cigarettes by a doctor after she gave birth to my uncle. She was stressed about some complications and the doctor said “it’s terrible for the health of your baby to see and feel you stressed, smoke five cigarettes a day to relax”. And cut her a prescription for cigs. Unreal.


The problem is that cigarettes are a slow killer, so it took decades for people to figure out that smoking was causing so many health issues. Even when it was first suspected they might be linked to health issues, doctors started telling people to smoke filtered over unfiltered instead of quitting. The first Surgeon General warning didn't even appear until 1966, which honestly isn't even that long ago. It's amazing how far we've come, but sad to think how many pointless deaths had to happen to get to this point.


My Uncle said he remembers the doctor asking my grandmother if it was ok to smoke in the examination room


They now cut people prescriptions for methamphetamines and fentanyl... how is a script for cigs unreal?


Unreal like what we know now about cigarettes. I can’t wait to see in another 50 years about all these other drugs we think are ok to prescribe and their side effects.


The response to my logical comment let's us know how many idiots dislike the truth or having their prideful parade rained down on. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me it took 50 years to see the detrimental effects of these "medications" and how many people still die even from legal prescriptions. Lots of times from drug interactions of the combo of drugs the doc gave them


Wonder if he’s still alive


I mean he had grey hair 1 year before the first Star wars movie came out.


Reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio doing the ad reads in the end credits of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Great way to end a funny movie.


Those were Ted Bundy’s preferred cigarettes


That dude is dead for sure.


>19 mg. "tar" In inverted commas. Might be tar. Might be something worse. Might even be yummy chocolate sauce.


Wow this makes me want to smoke honestly


No sir, I don't think I would actually.


Best Salem ad was the floating head with bad teeth.


Did you just drive by?


Giving big satirical “why am I rich and you’re poor?” Ads from whatever skit show that’s blanking from my mind.


I have an unopened pack of Salems, one day I will smoke them


Erm... Because I was nto dumb enough to get myself addicted to nicotine?


If you don't smoke Tarrlytons... Fuck you!


Icl I wanna buy a pack of Salem now




What does this have to do with capitalism?


Making it legal and "sexy" for companies to sell highly addicting, cancer-causing products?


That has existed long before capitalism, and existed in modern "non-capitalist" economies.


Weird take


That's not a take. That's history.


Agreed. Look at the smoking in former communist countries. Rife.


Well none of them were communist, they were just dictatorships or oligarchics, and in some state-capitalists.


Ah yes, the nations that followed communism to a t weren’t communist nations. One yes they were, two people have been smoking since 5000 bc about 1000 years before the first civilization and any governments. In other words, it’s neither communism nor capitalism’s fault people smoke


Ah that tired old excuse.


You mean history? People like to call themselves all kinds of things in the world, it doesn't mean they actually fit the definition that exists. And people get gullible and follow others easily when they make grandiose claims before they become tyrannical.


A reminder of how evil and narcissistic capitalism is.


A reminder this Ad is literally illegal today.


I just imagined the robot you don’t always die from tobaccoooo voice reading this and now I can’t stop laughing.