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Literally every gas station ever stores cases of water outside in the sun here in Phoenix.


Ever been on a U.S. Army base? That's literally the only drinking water there is.


Came here to say this. Every liter bottle of water I drank in Iraq for ten months had been stored on a pallet in the sun.


TBF, some pallets were in the 100 degree shade, which you could tell yourself made it better.


Ahh yes, memories of Kuwait. In the field with 100°F water in a black plastic jerry can. *... mmm, as hot as coffee and tastes like plastic, but I gotta drink it or I'll die.*




On the flip side, sometimes the water would get scooped up so fast that it wouldn't really have time to [ferment]. (I know that's the wrong word but I'm exhausted and that's the only term I can think of right now)


*deployed. The water on state side bases comes through pipes and filters, and has jet fuel leaked into it.


Does it make you go faster since it's got delicious jet fuel in it?


It certainly makes me “go faster” if you know what I mean. Everything slides right through at Mach 1


Came here to say this. Every liter water bottle that I drank from for ten months in Iraq was stored on pallets in the sun.


This has made me hate water so much....


This had made me appreciate good cool to cold water.


That’s not a flex … and explains a lot haha


I don’t think they said it as a flex?


It's amazing the amount of trust people put in warehouse workers and the shipping industry as a whole to believe that nothing happens to their items before they actually reach the store shelves.


Yeah do people really think that companies are paying to have pallets of water shipped in refrigerated trucks? Lol


We used to receive bags of candy that was all melted together at Walmart, I'd open a box and throw the entire thing back to claims. Happened more often than not in the summer months


There was that guy who peed on corn flakes at the factory. They caught him a month later. Don’t think there was a recall either.


That's.... not good.


All water was once left in the sun.




All air was once breathed.


All water has been through a dinosaur.


Did you know that fish poop in water?


i dont drink water, fish fuck in it


For a long time, I couldn’t figure out why they were censoring “shit” in that line, because I was convinced he was saying “fish shit in it.” Needless to say, I feel silly.


That makes it better!


So do i!




Thirsty ass dinosaur


But was it? That’s a very interesting question ngl


The important part is that the plastic the water is contained in was left out in the sun meaning it’s already begun breaking down leaching harmful chemicals into it. In case anyone wasn’t aware of that fun little feature of plastic water bottles.


I deployed to Kandahar 2011-2012. They stored pallets of water all over the place out in the sun so you could just grab them. They also warned you about your increased risk of kidney stones due to this. Since then I have passed 8 kidney stones and have several more that will drop at some point. Micro plastics man.


Huh I wonder if this is the reason I had kidney stones after Iraq? No history for 20 years then a year after Iraq I started having them. I’ll be damned. 


Well, that and the Rip Its.


Nothing comes close to the rip its . I went into a Peruvian supermarket and had a drink called the RAPTOR just to chase that high.


I buy those at the Dollar Store nearby. The camo one is pretty good.


Does it taste like real camo?


Flavor is “Active Mandarin Live Wild Lime,” but it tastes nothing like those flavors to me. I’d go with “tastes like camo” as it tastes like nothing else on the planet. Energy drinks taste like all that chemical shit they fed us in the 70s. Heck, the NOS energy drink smells like cat urine to me.


I can’t even identify what flavor Red Bull is supposed to be. It’s just sweet and sour with carbonation.


My husband is an Iraqi war veteran and had horrific kidney stones. I wonder if this is connected 😶


I'm not sure that plastics actually do that, but I won't argue. Calcium on the other hand is a major cause of kidney stones, so that bottled water might have had a touch too much calcium in it.


Immediately thought of the yummy pallets of unknown brand water left out in the Afghan sun. I'm still alive it couldnt have been that bad right?


I came to mention the giant lot just full of pallets upon pallets of water that I saw sitting out in Iraq… somewhere on the Victory Base Complex, I don’t remember where exactly. We’re full of plastic!


Kidney stones? Why? I've never heard of nor can I think of how that would cause kidney stones?


https://www.research.va.gov/currents/0617-melamine_can_cause_kidney_damage.cfm#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20from%20the,damage%20and%20kidney%20stone%20formation. Just in case that wasn't sarcasm


You say that like the water wasn't already contaminated with mircoplastics before it entered the bottle. Shits everywhere. It's already in your balls


Eh, the water is filtered pretty thoroughly before bottling so while there would be some microplastics in there the density would be pretty low. The vast majority of microplastics in the water would come from the bottle.


This is an unsubstantiated claim that persists.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772985024000061?via%3Dihub It’s not a very significant amount and unlikely to be a danger even with long term exposure but it is nonetheless very much a substantiated claim. If you have evidence to the contrary id be happy to see it though. I’m no expert.


All water is technically refined piss at this point right?


Some of y’all probably have drunk my piss and y’all don’t even know it


I'm gonna sue you


The issue is that these bottles have a low melt temp which can cause microplastic leakage into the water bottles If they are selling the product expressly knowing that (which is evident by the store labeling) they could be liable if anyone were potentially injured by that water in the long term


The causation would be impossible to prove


How is this a potential lawsuit?


Something about the plastic releasing chemicals when left in the heat. I’ve heard about this more so when people open a bottle and then leave it in the car for a long time and drink it. Don’t quote me though haha.


But where is merit in the lawsuit? I can understand there is a merit if they did not disclosed it, but since they did, how???


There wouldn't be a lawsuit. If you happened to get sick from this, it wouldn't be immediate and would be damn near impossible to link back to Tractor Supply.


Yep. With most chemical exposure issues, it’s either a long period of exposure to something mid-impactful, short term exposure to something extremely impactful, or something in between the two. Some UV-irradiated plastic bottles aren’t going to be on the radar whatsoever and it wouldn’t be a short term exposure to the Tractor Supply bottles that impacted heath more than every other similar plastic anyone encounters on a day-to-day basis.


I mean plastic is bad to drink from period (personally I think it tastes funny) but in 20 years of grocery and retail ops I have never heard of the sun tainting water.. at least short term if it's still on a pallet. If you are stocking up for the apocalypse glass is always the best option.


Hint: UV/Sun degrading the plastic and hugely accelerating the leeching is the reason. The sun isn't magically tainting the water.


So… is it actually the light that is bad for the water, or the heat? If it’s the heat, I don’t think it would get any less hot traveling around in some trucker’s trailer on a hot summer’s day.


Bad for the plastic. Though that probably doesn't matter as much if you plan on using the water for something else.


When you heat up the plastic the particulates disperse and you’re drinking plastic bits on a microscopic scale. Leave a water bottle in your hot car and few weeks and drink it, you may notice a distinct taste difference.


It tastes like how the hose use to.


Which is refreshing as all hell.


Agreed. To this day I still drink from the hose!!


No greater joy than drinking form the hose.


I disagree respectfully. Hose tasted like rubber, this tastes like plastic.


Your dad must’ve bought the nice hoses. My dad bought the ones that were cheapest at Walmart because he’d run them over with the lawn mower after they made him mad kinking up and being stiff.


Needs to not turn them on if they are getting kinked up and hard.


Haha maybe so


Apparently I'm the only one in this thread not thoating hoses at home...


But why be concerned? We can’t escape it no matter what we do. There’s already plastic in my balls. And my sperm. And every newborn baby. We already have the plastic in us from conception. We are the plastic. https://www.reddit.com/r/science/s/TMvVBH2QwG


From the moment i understood the weakness of my balls, i craved the inevitability and toxicity of plastic




Today this is funny but it's gonna be really sad when the younger generations start turning 50-60 years old and getting cancer en-masse.


It does suck but I don’t think things are gonna change for the better until long after we and our grandkids are all dead. It’s gonna take a long time to deplastify the Earth.


You can embrace your plasticity if you want but I’m good. I’ve seen that article though, crazy stuff.


There was literally something on the news a couple of days ago about the chemicals leaching into water from bottles left in the sun.


I worked in food distribution warehouse. We had so many pallets of water we couldn't store them inside because they couldn't be stacked and they didn't like being in racks. We kept them in trailers, out in the sun for months at a time. All your bottles of water have been baked in a trailer. I guarantee they are still storing them outside.


They're not transported in climate controlled trailers.


But it’s the UV specifically that breaks the bond in the plastic, not the heat. The black wrap you see pallets wrapped in blocks the Uv and allows the pallets to be exposed to the sun for longer periods without issue.


The heat is actually not the problem here, it is the UV light breaking down the bottle that is the problem. There aren’t many things in this world UV light won’t destroy given enough time.


All of us GWOT vets: /yesssssssssssssss


I was about to comment the same thing, like all the water we drank over seas was just out on the sun all day.


For months. On Victory Base, we had the one little water plant by Z lake. Thousands of pallets sat there for months just chilling


I swear some of that bottled water tasted like it came right out of Z Lake.


That's why I strictly drank Rip-Its... for safety.


Bro between the dehydration and the Rip It's your piss had to be some kind of unearthly color.


Some would argue that brown is the *most* earthly color...


It’s supposed to be the color of what you drank right?


They don't call it a Bloody Mary for nothing.


Orange ones ftmfw then red. I tried some a few years back from Dollar Generale. Idk if it’s cuz my taste buds changed or they changed the formula but it was horrendous.


Yea... I'll be asking questions next week during my cancer treatments to be sure...


You mean foreign plastic bottles sitting in the sun for months wasn’t good for us? The f /raised eyebrow


Wonder if there is a VA claim there


LOL. precisely what I'll be asking.... And yes the VA is already taking really good care of me. for all the VA haters at there.


That’s good. My experience has gone both ways really.


You all deserve so much more than the after care currently provided. Thank you.


The VA earned that hate, until the recent reforms.


That may be true, my experiance differs greatly


Patriot’s choice baby


Yup I think about this all the time. I actually saved a water bottle from Iraq with the water in it for some reason and wonder how plasticity it is now.


Only in America could a poster think this was lawsuit worthy


lol and if they were just throwing it away, Reddit would still find a reason to whine


Amazon throws away their returned products all the time because it's cheaper than reselling


With the amount of clearly used, broken and missing parts items I've received from them, I'm pretty sure they just resell them as new without even checking.


I get routinely get opened shit. If it’s under $15 and it works fine I don’t really care but one time I ordered an expensive ass coffee grinder that still had beans in it from the last owner lol


If they would *at least* do the open-box thing that Best Buy and other retailers did, I'd be a little more lenient, but if I'm paying full price, I want a fully new item.


Lots of places do that just because the product has been out of their control but they are still liable if anything goes wrong with it. Not worth the risk.


Really? Cause it seems like amazon just tosses returned product back into the same pool new product comes from, see trading cards and toys. I myself ordered my son a $100 nerf gun and when it showed up somebody obviously swapped their old broken one with sharpie written on it into the package and took the new one then returned it and I somehow got it. I don't doubt that they throw some stuff away, but amazon for sure will resell returned products


Amazon Warehouse exists, indeed! There's a few companies here who sell/auction "Amazon returns" but when you look at the pallets it's nearly all the no-name Chinese dropshipped junk. I think some companies will add a brand name item conspicuously to the side of each pallet to dupe people into thinking it's more valuable than it is.


Explains why they refund 1 second after UPS scans it


to encourage you to spend that money as quickly as possible ... they always note that it's an "advanced refund" and they'll charge you if they don't receive the product


Amazon sells them in pallet loads. Check your Amazon.


Right? Like no fucking lawyer is gonna take on this case lmao. Redditors throw out the L word way too much like they have a magic wand and don’t cost tens of thousands of dollars (and no, they wouldn’t take this on contingency either lmao).


It’s almost like there are a lot of people with a lot of different opinions on Reddit or something


Good for the Harkonnens, but not for the Fremen.


Yeah, all those pallets of water we drank when we were in Iraq that sat out in the sun for days…. Who can I go sue?


Too much to pay for water still when crystal geyser is just filtered municipal water.


Most bottled water is filtered municipal water.


Jimbo's bathtub water


You're buying the bottle, not the water.


I can get bottles free from the ditch


Syringes also.


I can get the water for free from the ditch too


Municipal water often comes from springs, reservoirs, watershed areas, etc….


Yup. The city I'm from gets all its water from an artesian well under the city.


“Artesian well” that’s a fancy way to say groundwater


No, it means groundwater that isn’t pumped up with well pump


The term simply means it has its own pressure so doesn't need to be pumped... not sure how that's especially fancy.


hand crafted, organic ....


You’re confusing artesian with artisan 


"Portland Dumps 38 Million Gallons of Water After Man Pees in Reservoir" [https://time.com/66459/portland-reservoir-pee/](https://time.com/66459/portland-reservoir-pee/)


It’s supposed to be spring water


Once a year it is


Lawsuit? For what?


What lawsuit? Huh? Its water…


Good luck proving anything worthy of a lawsuit out of that.. OP done lost his mind


Lol yeah this won't be a lawsuit


Wow, irradiated water. I prefer 100% exclusively never suned cave water


Americans love threatening lawsuits for things that aren’t actually lawsuit worthy lmao


so what does sunlight do to water 😂😂


Lawsuit by whom? Uneducated fools?


What lawsuit?


I count at least 11, so $22.


I used to deliver full pallets of water, they'd fit 84 cases of these 24 packs. There's just 11 left, but probably started with 84


Imagine all the extra micro plastics your body is going to ingest.. yummy!


That's not how it works.


From a Newsweek Article dated 6/21/24 - “Water Bottles Left in the Sun Release 'Toxic Compounds,' Study Warns” - The bottles emitted a complex cocktail of different chemicals, with significant variation between the different water types. Among these many chemicals was the highly toxic cancer-causing n-Hexadecane, along with several other known carcinogens.


Then don't buy it - they warned you. I could understand there being an issue if they left it out on purpose then sold it saying it wasn't.


Yes...but at what concentrations? cause...look...everything is toxic and going to kill you, but some more faster than others based on concentrations. If the Newsweek Article finds that a toxic compound in a water bottle, it maybe also found naturally in fruits too. The "Scare" articles are all just sensational stories unless they ACTUALLY state if it would kill you, or how much you have to be exposed to is really a danger.


I get that, but I would honestly be surprised if any bulk water wasn't left in the sun at some point in the logistics process. I feel like outside of cold storage, nothing else to truly closely monitored


Vast majority of pallets would go from warehouse to warehouse by truck and never see daylight at all


Dunno if it matters if it’s direct sunlight but there are plenty sitting in non refrigerated trailers in 100 degree weather for days.


I feel like a big part of chemicals leeching is related to how UV from direct sunlight breaks down plastics (which it is notorious for doing). Heat is one thing, but UV is much different


ever been to a music festival? all the water is sitting around in the sun on pallets for days before its iced down and sold. Source: worked beverages at Lollapalooza for 8 years


I don’t think you understand the burden of proof that a claimant would have in a lawsuit here. “But a newspaper article about a study said so, your Honor!”


Then I'm screwed. My only water source for 6 months in Iraq was from pallets of bottled water left out in the sun.


does the heat fuck it up or just direct sunlight?


And every chemical known to man had been proven to cause cancer according to California. If someone is already settled for drinking bottled water, they've already accepted this.


I drank from a hose as a kid.


We are all filled with microplastics anyways. Might as well save a couple bucks.


I saw a pallet of water at Kum & Go right now that was almost completely sun bleached. Those Fulkerson have been sitting there for a year +


That's an awful name for a business. Unless it's some kind of "fast-fuck" brothel.


Should I start driving around and giving every gas station with waters outside a summons letter?


Just like in the desert.


Not at all a potential lawsuit. This is done all the time.


I would have bought all of these


I’m failing to see how this could be a lawsuit? They purchase the water at wholesale cost, they can then sell it for however much they want. I’m sure most of this product is left in the sun during transport. Or comparable heat in tractor trailers. Does Crystal Geyser’s secret cabal control us all from afar?


Anyone who's been deployed is like ...... ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


So what you think it turns poisonous when left in the sun ? Wouldn't the manufacturer be liable for this ? Wouldn't people have to be ultra careful like it was some kinda puffer fish like water? Don't let the media's fear mongering rule your life...


Wtf would this be a lawsuit? Hate to tell you but outside in the sun is lower temps than in a freight truck in the sun smdh...


Food safety specialist here!   This is totally fine, there's no way in hell a lawsuit would succeed.   It probably doesn't taste great, but it's safe and pretty normal, it's hard to avoid during the summer.   


What’s the issue here ?


..... that's not normal?


Sorry to break this to you but that water has also been through a dinosaurs arse.


This is one of those health risks a lot of people are unaware of, and really we're unaware of the damage microplastic is doing to our bodies . Give it a few more years . Might be why all this bowel cancer is being found in young adults


Bowl cancer?


Bowel, I am guessing.


Honestly, I respect Tractor Supply's honesty. Many places would have just shrugged and mixed it in with the rest.


People are so stupid.


I see everyone has heard one way or another that bullshit on tiktok about plastic waterbottles. If moderate sun exposure over a day or two could degrade plastic causing it to "leach" and breakdown then we wouldn't need to worry about the plastic in our environment. The biggest source of microplastic is synthetic fabrics from fast fashion which are agitated in a washing machine atleast a few times, then tumbled dried.


Lmao cause most of this water isn’t transported in hot trucks 😂


I’d buy it. That’s a great deal. People that work in the sun like me don’t care how poisonous the water is.


I drank bottled water in Iraq and Afghanistan for over 3 years of my life. They’d just set pallets of bottled water out near our working and living areas. A couple years after my first tour, I found out that sunlight degrades the plastic. Yay. Too late.


It might degrade, but that’s a process over months. If stored in the sun for 2-3 weeks, nothing should happen at all.


It’s just extra electrolytes right?


Poison water beats no water though 🤷‍♂️ we don’t have a fountain or anything at work so I bet I drink a case a day. It’s a bummer but at least it’s free


Agreed. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve been exposed to far worse in my life.


The irony is this water op posted is the water we get lol. Its $7.99 a case


Using the natural UV light of the sun is actually a common disinfectant technique used in the underdeveloped world. Unless these bottles are still *warm* from being in the sun I don't even begin to understand why they would be on sale for this reason.


Oh yeah, the problem isn't the water itself. It's the bottles. They break down and release microplastics and chemicals into the water when exposed to sunlight for a long time


I'd still buy it 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's $2.00 for an entire pallet!? AND it's been sanitized by the suns great power!?! AND IT'S AT TRACTOR SUPPLY!?!?!?!


Isn’t leaving water in the sun a cheap and effective way to kill lots of bad stuff in water? I remember seeing something about this on some infomercial or something where they would take filtered water and then purify it with uv from the sun.


I wonder how they charge the discount on that pallet only when the UPC looks unchanged.