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>I was overindulging in lifestyle videos and I realised.... all of them say the same thing. I know what's good for me. I know what is a good morning routine. I know what is the best thing to do before sleeping. I need to stop wasting my time watching these things or listening to podcasts and actually practising what I learnt. I feel you! I catch myself regularly watching videos and reading blog posts about those things, even though I already know everything about it. Sometimes I do need the reminder but most of the times it's just some form of procrastination and I would be better off implementing them instead. So thank you for the real reminder I seem to have needed :)


I unsubscribed from a ton of websites. My inbox is less crowded and I can actually see the emails I'm interested in. I also unsubbed from about 100 youtubers that I no longer watch and or they no longer post.


I do this from time to time when I see too many names on my sad bar. That's my next step too. It's been 6 months since my last email, RSS Feed and Youtube subscription cleanup. thanks for thanks for the reminder


yeah I'm right there with you on "watch later" youtube and pocket articles (I was at 2900). I set a goal to remove 10 or so a day (doesnt' mean I read them) and then read one article a day from that. I also set a goal similar for youtube watch later. It makes me choose what's actually worth putting my time into. I add far less now to my "laters" lists. I think the issue with all these formats - blogs, vlogs, youtube subs, podcasts, email-zines, etc. Is that each content creator is incentivized to produce SO MUCH CONTENT to make a living at it. It's impossible to keep up. And god help you if you start a podcast sub a year or two after they started, you're already 100-200 hours behind. Youtube videos I feel like I have a much clearer picture of what I'm watcing or what the topic is so I digest those much faster and the speed control on youtube has been the best thing ever, I'm always at 1.5 or 2x speed and I skip parts when I need to. Podcasts I feel like it's much more of a time investment and I got burned out on trying to keeep up with those and frustrated when people would just talk about nothing for 40 minutes out of the hour I listened (see the Minimalists podcast for an example). I don't listen to any podcasts at the moment, way too much filler and time wasting in there for me and I hate being so far behind in something that tends to be very topical/current. IMO we need less quantity and more quality. I go out of my way to give props to those who are efficient and concise in their vlog/blogs.


Exactly. You need to get really picky about what you consume because of you try to consume it all you'll never catch up. Yesterday I went through 3 pocket articles and tried the audio feature. It's not 100% accurate but very close to the real thing. Maybe you can try that too if you want to listen to all article while working out or something


cool, thanks for the tip!


I did this and the feeling was liberating! Doing this shit felt like it was some sort of meditation. In addition, you won’t feel crap anymore for having tons of stuff that are left unattended. Well done OP


Exactly. I don't feel like crap anymore for leaving so many things unattended because when i thought about it, it was just digital clutter. Not relevant. Thanks


Yes! I just gave up and closed 400 mobile Safari tabs recently. It felt good. Phone battery life is much better. Re: podcasts, I went to zero, but then back-peddled after getting stuck in an airport. Now I keep a few "classic" episodes of a couple of podcasts.


Awesome! Way to go :)


Holy sh--! My battery life jumped 3x!


Get Google Photos. It's incredible.


Aren't there privacy issues with it?


In what way?


Well, they take all the data from their users and make a profit out of it. Google and Facebook have been continuously accused and tried for these issues.


I understand that, it's not a concern to me.


Don't put things online you wouldn't want to be seen publicly.




Horrible advice ? Read it the way you want, I am not just saying that without knowing the subject. Have you read the TOS of Google and Facebook ? (Only to name those here) If not, that could be a great reading.




I get your point. Anyway, that's something that could be talked for a while ...




To make profit they access the photos stored. I'm not comfortable letting a stranger see all my photos without my consent. I guess that's all it is




It's not just photos. They access all kinds of data including location and there are cases against them for selling it to other businesses. It's just that Google doesn't respect privacy so much and all we can do be mindful of what services of theirs we use




It can be used as marketing strategy depending on what kinds of photos you take and store. That's the general purpose. This topic is really vast. If you are interested in pretty sure there are YouTube videos which will explain the whole thing.


anything except the recycle bin on my desktop and I'm fucking up.