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You shouldn’t ever feel trapped at work, it’s still a just job regardless of FIFO or not and you’re free to leave whenever, just be upfront with management and tell them you need to go home. You can choose to be honest with them as to why, and they may able to assist you with whatever is going on, or just tell them it’s for personal reasons if you’re not comfortable saying so.


This is the answer. When I was managing a bunch of fifo workers a few years ago I would have no problems sending someone home no questions asked.


Sorry to bother you, but I'm not Australian and I'm going on a working holiday. I would like to know more about working in mines, what do I need to join without experience? Without experience, can I work in something that pays more than housekeeping? What courses should I take before applying for a job? thank you friend


You need to fly home? Or you want to fly home? If you need to fly home, talk to your supervisor or foreman. Generally speaking, They’ll sort it out for you. You want to fly home? Go talk to the medic / doc. They’ll sort it for you.


Tell them you need to leave for family reasons or you quit. Other than that a broken tooth or anything dental will do it. Sounds like you need a new job if you have to ask this.


This is the one - dental issues will usually get you off any FIFO site lickety split


Feeling homesick? I get it bud, never do you miss family more when it's 2:30am on day 18 of a 3 week all night shift cement mill reline 3 states away from home in the freezing cold


There is something depressing about day 18-21.


Absolute torment is the evening of day 20 😵‍💫🥲


Did a 3 week swing once, never again. I struggle with the entire second week of my 2 week swings lol


Depressingly specific. Feel ya


Lucky you weren't around in the construction 4/1 days or mining in the 80/90s


Runny bum


I'm in Karratha on a FIFO project and just yesterday a guy said he can't do this anymore he told his supervisor and a hour later they organised him a flight that afternoon, mining companies are scared you will off yourself in your room so they will get you off site asap if they think you're a bit loopy


If only maritime was like this.


Love how all the responses are very positive and assuming that these are mostly from Australian FIFO experience.


90% of posts normally are


Death in the family (but you may be asked for info on who it was and when they died and what their relationship is to you), or someone in your immediate family is seriously ill. Illnesses and injuries that require medical treatment beyond what can be given on site (this is why the one mining company I worked for reconsidered getting rid of their nurse practitioners, because they realized it would cost more to have to fly out people for things like UTIs, stitches and wound care, gastrointestinal illnesses and other infections, and minor sprains/strains and other injuries that didn’t require diagnostic imaging). Also things like having to deal with your mental health, marital breakdowns, and if you needed to deal with some financial or legal matter that couldn’t be done remotely, though this would be more frowned upon than the above.


Get a family member to ring the office and tell them they need you home. They will send you home no questions asked


Death in the family


Are you okay? Plenty of advice above, just wanting to check in on you.


“I have a family matter that I have been discussing with the EAP, and I need to leave site ASAP to attend to it”


My grandma died etc


So this is why we have low productivity lol


We are not slaves. If someone wants to leave then we have no right to stop them at all and should help them. Too much can go wrong with someone working that actively dosent want to be there.


This… so much this. You’re a liability if your head isn’t in the game, and it’s not like an office job where if you mess up it’s far less likely anyone could die as a result. The medic on my site has a policy - if you’re not feeling it today, tell them that and they’ll put you off for the day with essentially no questions asked. If you’ve got shit going on that means you need to be at home, tell them and they’ll back getting you off site. What happens after that is between you and your employer.


This. I deal with the same in Oil/Gas sector. If we have a lad even slightly off during the day brief, he's sitting in the truck with me or the customer until we get him on the way home or has talked with someone and determined not a threat to site or personal safety. But, most of the time home bound and made redundant after the second week.