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Looks like a molded oatmeal cookie😁


ok, glad its not just me


I thought it was a veggie burger patty




What did I just watch? 😂


A clip from Black Books S1E3. "Some kind of delicious biscuit".


I would splash some more of that green you used on the outer edges of it. Right now it looks like it is more of a wasteland theme. Which personally I would love to use that base for some of my Fallout models. But if you are going for a more "alive" forest look then I would try to splash some more green in there.


I honestly thought I was seeing a post from r/trees pop up in my feed for a moment lol. Maybe try minimally splotching on some green here and there? looks great though! What did you use to make it?




I think if you had some fuller leaves on it it would read more as forest. You can get a leaf cutter from GSW that might help, Also agree with the others that some more green would help break it up. Some moss or something.


I’d say it does but could maybe use a little vegetation, maybe even just a little brushing of green over small areas to give the idea of moss or small weeds. Definitely looks like some classic dirt.


I would say tell me how you did this because I’ve been trying to figure out how to get this look. Pleaseeeeee. It does look like a forest floor but depending on the season maybe add some greens or oranges?


Kinda looks like the underside of a hoof to me


I was just thinking this. Too many hoof repair videos on the timeline.


Yeah, but like directly under a tree or a older gross one.


I thought that was a really dirty oatmeal cookie before I read the title.


Couple of green leaves or other small plants would absolutely sell it, the ground texture is really good for a forest but it could also be a thousand other things, so it needs a bit of green to completely sell the setting just at a glance


It’s hard to say I’m afraid because the photo quality is absolutely dreadful.


Reads more swampy than forest. Try some actual pieces of stuff from nature like bark or rock to bring in the forest element more


I’ll be honest with you, I thought it was a cookie. It does look forested enough tho and would read as forest even more with your mini on. People will never see it from a top down view so don’t worry


Not really. It needs something to be small foliage, this just looks like cat barf


It imho looks like really good, realistic dirt, but lacks clearly recognisable, foresty signifiers. Just add a few leafs/bark/twigs.


No. Take a better picture for starters, from a top/side perspective like you would get off your miniatures.


It sells as forest floor to me but some loose foliage or a small plant on top would really make it great


Looks like stuffed artichokes. Yum.


I thought this was a big chunk of actual dirt and vegetation when I scrolled by, so I'd say yes. It looks like the forest floor behind my house during the summer, just with less ferns.


Dude showing me a piece of dirt with rocks and moss and dying vegetation on it, trying to tell me its a base he painted. Yes this absolutely gorgous piece reads as forest floor. I'm a German Witch living in the Forest so I know what im Talking :D


Funny that your post appeared just above a picture of a pizza on my feed 😂 https://preview.redd.it/6raqw5zvbswc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33091a191a8581cb28ca1e41789c0853307926ae Yours looks more appealing 👍


Probably but I don't know how much you'll get for it.


I'd recommend zooming out a bit, about 12-24 inches away and get another picture. Close up, it looks like a green-brown blob. Zooming out will help you determine if the details look proper when used on the table.


Nah son this speaks bog to me


It made me think of a hot summer afternoon in an eerily silent forest. It was really creepy because it was the middle of the day and very hot but absolutely silent. All those cookie seeing people just have to quit their diet and eat a healthy cookie. It would probably also help to have a good foto with the subject in focus and good lighting. 




I would add some leaves from a leaf puncher. https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/medium-135-143-148/310-miniature-leaf-punch-punches.html?SubmitCurrency=1&id_currency=2&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBleuuV1P8v_Ptsqgi5vjQI3c-wG8br-j481ZHHIrjwe2_DCbbUaILKlYaAqFYEALw_wcB


That is so cool!


It looks perfect to me :)