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Looks like my car when I was bringing home bags of mulch in the trunk.


“Officer I swear it’s just the mulch”


“Know why I pulled you over?” “No” “You were swerving. How many bags of mulch have you had tonight?”


Looks like my car when I was bringing home bags of dead bodies in the trunk.


Put the bodies in the trunk, Put the bodies in the trunk, Put the bodies in the trunk, Put the bodies in the, Hwak Tuah, Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkk!




Ha, I worked for a pool company when I was a teenager and a guy had us load 1,000 lbs of sand into the back of his car. That’s exactly how it looked.


How will underage girls identify the groomers now? Stay safe sonic girls.


Bro I'm dying at this comment. It helps that I'm waiting at sonic while reading it.


I have a personal vendetta against the jeep jerks that hang out at Sonic blasting music making fun of customers and employees. I live in a college town, it gets ugly sometimes.




They'll still be able to tell by the fishing shirts, khaki shorts, sunglasses with floaties, and visors. At least in South Carolina.


You misspelled Tate fans.


If anyone here has ever driven through Rankin, you’ll have seen this dickhead in an older squatted 2010-ish white Cadillac Escalade with tag “SWERV1N”. I’ve seen this guy ride people’s ass and move in and out of lanes like a priiiiiick. The cherry on top are those stupid bright ass LED headlights he has blinding everyone and the fart cannon exhaust. Genuinely curious who drives that POS.


Went to Rankin last week, saw this guy driving around, and I 100% agree that this guy can go fuck himself.


Lol he's the motivation for the law and cops were just waiting for the go ahead. Hope the fucker pays endless fines


I’d prefer he gets off the roads, period


I swear i saw this guy today


Hopefully he was also ticketed for the headlights and exhaust. Or better, towed.


I had a white escalade squatted like this in front of me doing 10 under the speed limit in Pearl River County last week. I finally went to pass them and they gunned their engine, then swerved almost completely into the oncoming lane trying to ram me off the road before I could pass them. Luckily I had the takeoff to avoid it and smoke their ass.


Damn people in Mississippi can't drive. I had an 18 wheeler do something similar to me yesterday. They were going 65 in a 70. I got in the left hand lane and got up between 75 and 80 to pass them. When my car was next to their cab they swerved into my lane and I had to gun it to avoid getting run over.


Pearl riverians gonna pearl river.


Thank God.


Hell yeah… all those fuckers do with their squatted vehicles is shine their headlights directly in my eyes… so fuck all of them


If ypu're ever driving around camp shelby, there's fuckers in Jacked up trucks that will ride people's ass with their brights on at eye level.


Anyone know what the consequences are? Fine, Fix it Ticket, Registration revoked etc? Purely out of curiosity. I fully support this law.


First offense – $100 fine Second offense – $200 fine Third offense – $300 fine and a one-year suspension of the operator’s license




If an offense occurs after five years since the last one took place, it will not be counted as a secondary offense, preventing an additional charge from being added to the fine the perpetrator would face.


Currently it’s just a warning from what WLBT said this morning. I think they have a few months to get it fixed before fines are issued


Yeah I’ve read some more and at 180 they can start getting tickets and then Jan 27th there will be no more warnings


first offense is a $100 fine and a misdemeanor conviction; a second offense would come with a $200 fine; and a third or subsequent offense within five years would be a $300 fine and suspended license


I saw that pink yesterday and wondered if he was getting his last Joy ride out. Guess not.


It's always looked like a dog dragging its butt on the ground.


Yeah I call em wormy trucks for that reason. 😂




This makes my day thank you, I see this asshat everywhere. Wish they would do something about how obnoxious that piece of shit sounds.


Love to see it.


We used to call those "shitters". They are constantly squatting to take a dump. Don't see the appeal. Can't imagine it's safe, either. Already got monster trucks more than ever in Mississippi on the roads.


Finally the state did something good!


It was an accident. We swear!




I watched one of these idiots mow over a car like monster trucks during Scrapin the Coast. Had his front end so high he couldn’t see out the windshield, cruising. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Good times.


I despise cops & squatted trucks, so it's hard to cheer for one or feel sorry for the other.




my username # salutes your sentiment


Jail, directly to jail.


I wish just JPD would enforce any law in Jackson.


Oh look, he pulled over the dude with smallest dick in the world


So I’m gonna need you to take the thimble and place it right over your, yeah you got it. OK, yeah that is really really really really really really small. No, you keep the thimble it’s fine.


Wonder what this means for scrapin the coast…


Not much, the guys that run scrapin hated the squatted trucks as much as anyone else does.


Truth everyone hates squatters even scraping


Scrapin’ was like a week ago. Let’s just keep it to the low riders from here on out. ;)


Can’t wait to hear all the crying about it next year. Fuck those trucks and scrapin


Hell yea.


My truck looks like that after 3 yards of whatever.


They should impound those trucks and crush them. Yes Im serious. Yes I also know that isnt the law and isnt going to happen.


Thank you local law enforcement! I hate these vehicles and would love to each and every one disappear. They're dangerous and fugly.


What’s the purpose/point of jacking up the front like that? Except to show the world what a douche you are.


It originated from wanna be country boys making their truck look like it was squatted from carrying a heavy load. If you put a heavy trailer or a heavy load in the rear of a truck it will squat similar to that due to all the weight in the rear. People discovered they could emulate that look without actually needing to load anything into the truck by raising the front suspension, lowering the rear, or more commonly doing both.


Thanks for your response! That’s also the dumbest modification I’ve heard of. And hello from Vancouver BC :) not sure why this post was recommended to me, but happy i learned something new! Have a great day!


I’m sorry that what you learned today is probably one of the dumbest facts you’ll ever learn but now you know something new. Have a great one!


That user's day can only go up from here! You're doing the Lord's work! 🤣☠️


Actually it originated from people trying to impersonate KOH type jeeps & trucks then to further exaggerate they started lowering the rear end. I’m so glad they started to do something about these idiots


Call the mechanic and ask for a pill to get rid of your trucks worms his ass itches.


Looks like a toddler needing a diaper change 🤷‍♂️


I hope they enforce this law in every state


What would convince you that squatting your truck would be cool?




What’s the squat law


Any front bumpers raised 4 or more inches compared to rear is illegal starting today.


This makes me so dadgum happy.


Yup! Now we just need a decibel law for all the trucks/camaros/mustangs/bikes then we can finally heal as a nation lol


Exhaust doesn't bother me. My truck is louder than normal, but not obnoxious. These squatters just look flat out ridiculous though.


Why ? I’m genuinely asking by the way.


Ever since I saw a dude almost flip over backwards at the leaf river boatramp my disdain for the squatted truck lifestyle was sparked.


Thank god now please ban wheels that stick out greater then 6 inches and overly excessive headlights/light bars. I love getting ran off small roads by trucks like this https://preview.redd.it/mzw3ay4oq4ad1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e2f2333b9d78a730a5af2fe6f104ca16476e59


Is this a new Mississippi law, or do we need to encourage our lawmakers to adopt something similar?


New law. Been in the books for a couple of months. Just became enforceable on July 1


Why does it look like a it's Carolinas law?


It's a Mississippi law outlawing the Carolina Squat


Carolina Squat is what the style of modification is called because it originated in the Carolina’s or at least became popular there


Thanks for enlightening me. ![gif](giphy|8jwhiniIzsWfJP8C69|downsized)


Wish this was illegal in FL.


So I’ll start with I think a squatted vehicle looks ridiculous, but can someone explain why this was made illegal


Poor driver visibility and headlights pointed in drivers eyes


Because it’s unsafe. The drivers seat is not realigned to compensate for the increased angle the front of the vehicle is now facing. You quite literally lose a lot of your vision of the road and anything or anyone approaching your car. Also bumpers are designed so that when you get into a car wreck you hit another bumper. Saves damage to vehicles and the people inside of them when a bumper collides with another bumper instead of any other part of the car. Raising your vehicle like this basically means if you collide with another car you’re going to go straight through their windows. And for that reason, lifted trucks above a certain height should be illegal too, but that will never happen in this state because of the parking lot princess truck mentality that is popular here. A senators kid will have to be killed by a lifted truck for that to happen.


Anecdotally I heard a small child was ran over by someone driving said type vehicle because of poor visibility.


Going off of the wording on the bill. Couldn't they just lower their front fenders ? Or raise their rear fenders? Or bigger wheels on the front small wheels on the back? https://preview.redd.it/li3ctflzd4ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4b7a1b74416f17f33bb1d10055fad8bc6e385f


It’s not a perfect law and if people are finding loopholes I’m sure the law will get amended




Will this void my 60k mile warranty?


To think anyone who does this has a vehicle with less thank 200k miles


What is a squat law?


Is that what it's called? I keep seeing these 70-90k trucks with their butts on the ground and their lights facing the sky. What the hell is the point, it looks stupid and makes the utility of having a full-s8ze truck useless.


Yeah, but how do we know that's actually why the cop has him pulled over? (Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping it is.) Also, why is it that they can't ticket someone for "texting and driving" unless they can find a different reason to pull them over first? Yet they CAN pull someone over for driving slower in the passing lane, but NEVER do?


So for example a factory 67 mustang is illegal to drive? They were made nose high squatted rear.


Is it a factory 67 mustang if the suspension has been modified?


Actually they were produced stock nose high. Not a performance package or anything.


4 or more inches high?


No. Just an 1 to 1 1/2 diff.


So then it would be fine


Thanks for the info. I just wanted to understand the law better. In concept I like the law, but the devil is n the details.


Good. I hope they hammer every last one of them. I have no sympathy for these idiots. 


Good. Now go after the stanced-out fucktards that can’t do anywhere near the speed limit


We would always say they could only afford half of the lift kit




Would not take much to have that vehicle mysteriously go up into a ball of flames while parked somewhere...


I'm conflicted. The same legislation that prohibits this also prohibit me from having limo tint. I dislike laws that step on personal freedoms. It's not like banning squatted trucks and tint are gonna fix anything. BUT I also hate these peckerheads and I understand how unsafe a squatted vehicle can be. So fuck them.


Fines do not start until 1/1/25. Warnings can be issued until that time.


Pretty sure the fines started when the law went into effect 7-1-2024.


Fines start 180 days after July 1 unfortunately. https://legiscan.com/MS/text/SB2250/id/2914687


1-27-25. They should have started fines at the time the law went into effect.


I agree but it’s better than nothing


Negative. 1/1/25. Gives all owners a time period to fix their shitbox and gives visitors to state time to learn about law. Specifically Cruising the Coast patrons. I’m certain of it.


So certain that you missed the date by 26 days. Good job. 1-27-25 is 180 days after the law went into effect and the day fines begin.


Wrong. 12/28/24 is 180 days from 7.1.24. Fines are authorized by that date but LEO has discretion to issue warnings. From and after 1/27/25 LEO shall issue citations with fines (no more warnings).


(5) The penalties for this section shall take effect one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date. For a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date, state and local law enforcement officers shall only issue warning tickets for a violation of the provisions of this section. From and after January 27, 2025, state and local law enforcement officers shall issue tickets that assess penalties, as outlined in subsection (3) of this section, to drivers of squatted vehicles. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2024. This is from the text of the bill shared here by the OP.


Yes, to repeat, Effective date is 7.1.24. Penalties take effect 180 days from Effective date, which is Dec 28, 2024. So fines MAY be assessed between Dec 28, 2024 and Jan 27, 2025. From and after Jan 27, LEO SHALL issue fines (not MAY). All clear?




I'm all for it but curious as to what exactly constitutes "Motor vehicles equipped with high clearance fenders to allow for increased front suspension articulation" which are exempt.


Something like this, it’s not a modification to the suspension. The law is to ensure that the driver still has visibility over the hood of their vehicle. Fenders alone don’t hinder visibility. Since the law measures fenders, this prevents vehicles without the “Carolina squat” from being ticketed just because their fenders height might be mismatched https://preview.redd.it/5wj18qzky3ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1d81a4561cfe6d74f007082bfcd7d84242359b


>(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a passenger motor vehicle on the streets or highways of this state if, by alteration of the suspension, frame or chassis, the height of the front fender is raised four (4) or more inches greater than the height of the rear fender. >(b) Motor vehicles equipped with high clearance fenders to allow for increased front suspension articulation shall be exempt from the provision of paragraph (a) of this subsection. As written - the law doesn't ban vehicles with high clearance fenders in and of themselves; it bans vehicles with a discrepancy in fender heights of 4 or more inches with the front fenders being higher. So that jeep you posted would be in the clear without the exemption.


A truck that has been converted with pre-run suspension (ford raptor/ranger) presumably with white fiberglass fenders (cuz they just wanted to see how it looked) some of these will be missing the bed and have a spare or two ratchet strapped to a welded “frame stiffener” where the bed was.


Proving, once again, it’s about revenue generation. Nothing more.




That was. It was issued about 2 months ago


I was about to say the bill passed in like March




you should worry about getting run over by one these douschebags because they can't see anything in front of them. That is a legitimate concern.


Yup, talked to a guy who had one, I didn't let on that I hate squatted trucks and talked casually about it. He eventually said something like "yeah, but I get really nervous going over hills, I actually can't see anything until I get over the top"


I posted above and I’m too lazy to repeat the story, but I saw a toddler run into and bounce off of a monster tire. The driver had no idea he was there.




it’s just downvotes dude calm down




Well the law just became enforceable July 1


Why do people hate squated trucks so much ? I never hear anything about them unless it's someone bashing them Edit - Okay okay I see you guys don't like to be questioned, my bad


It’s very unsafe. You can’t see over the hood nearly as well so they pose a greater threat not only to themselves, but also other motorists. There’s the pavement princess argument too I guess but if you have the money and desire to make a vehicle that’ll never touch grass then go for it, as long as you’re not putting other motorists in danger, I personally don’t care. Everyone needs a hobby


I saw a truck one time that was raised very high up on both ends and had humungous tires. The truck was huge and the guy driving it was ridiculously high up in the air. Anyway, he was in the Target parking lot going over a speed bump so he was going slow. I was driving the other direction. Right then, a toddler in front of the store ran way from his mother by dodging in front of a square pillar so mom couldn’t see him. He ran out and his entire body bounced off of one of the front tires and he fell down. He was shorter than the entire height of the tire. I started to react and thank god, his mother someone appeared and snatched him up. She had not seen him bounce off the tire, I think she just assumed he fell in the street. The truck driver had no idea he was there until his mother dragged him away crying. I will never forget the driver’s face turning white. He looked at me and I just nodded to indicate that what he thought happened had in fact happened. I wonder if he gave up that very dangerous vehicle. Probably not.


They look stupid and they are pretty dangerous for other drivers and pedestrians. Rest in piss, squatted trucks.


I genuinely do not understand why my comment is being downvoted for asking a question. Thank you for the support, if you answered.


Me either, I was just curious lmao welcome to reddit


I’d like to know too, but I’m thinking the hate stems from having no logical reasoning for a truck. Like a Camaro with 26” wheels. It’s the ultimate pavement princess.


The hate is because you greatly reduce the visibility out the front and because most people think they look dumb. The law was created because of the safety concern


Well I come from the hood, seeing trucks on big wheels is honestly just common day for me. Not squated well at least not like in this picture, but yeah always the huge rims, and subwoofers


If what someone does with their money bothers you this much, you need to re-evaluate your life. Bunch of bootlickers and Karen's in here. With that said, I think the squat looks dumb but it's their truck and their money. Don't come at me quoting safety as a cop out. You know you are just mad because you think it's stupid and have an insatiable need to control others.


Cope and seethe




It’s kind of a safety issue too. Someone’s gonna get run over by a 16 y/o looking at the sky


I was driving down a one way street the other day when one of those stupid trucks turns onto the one way street going the wrong way. I pointed at the one way sign but these douche canoes don’t care about anything else going on around them. Truck was damn near vertical.


I could be wrong but I think it’s a safety issue…obstruction of view by it being raised up so high and it seems like the headlights could become permanent high beams, if that’s the case just imagine when their actual brights are turned on 🙈😵


Its actually, genuinely dangerous. It impedes the line of sight and can lead to accidents, pedestrians being hit, etc.


We are all gathered here today to celebrate the life of Kaitlyn. It's so unfortunate that poor Brayden couldn't see her hot pink Miata because his squatted truck was lifted but only in the front, we know he loved her and no blame on him for driving something he couldn't see clearly in.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Feel free to read those sub rules. We don't allow ad hominems - not even blanket ones.