• By -


She made the right choice. If she had made it sooner, she would be $300,000 richer.


This is how trump loses support. Not the idiot that was kicked out, he appears to be too stupid to consider that he might be slightly incorrect. But people that know this guy. They see what he has become, and they will watch closer and thus see more of the seedy underbelly (hint: it's orange).


Sure. The sane folks around him might balk, but this is also how Trump gains ride or die shock troops. If homie rode off into self reflection, maybe it has a happy ending. But if he rode off with his backpack of clothes to an Active Club or a Men's Retreat where Trump is God then he's now a zealot with nothing to lose.


sounds like he was already gone. (šŸŽ¶ and heā€™ll have to eat his lunch all by himself)


Like a steam locomotive, rolling down the track, he's goooone he's gone


Nothin's gonna bring him back.


And with that, nothinā€™ left to do but smile smile smile


Icon checks out


Tin roof - is rusty !!


How dare you! That song is already stuck in my head. But agreed.šŸ˜


These are the types that scare me to death, die hard zealots with nothing to lose because theyā€™ve already lost it all.


There's a lot of them out there and I agree this is the scariest part of the next election. With inflation and corporate profits both at all time records all those guy's are getting chewed up by capitalism and are blaming it directly on Biden.


Itā€™s just the money supply. Both are responsible. Every administration really. Or you could just say the fed. Money Supply: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WM2NS Checkable deposits: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGZ1FL193020005Q Also, demographics. And long-term bonds issued to corporations during the pandemic. Lots of things.


True. That's how they are getting the college age males. They spend too much time on video games and cell phones. They don't know how to talk to women. They become angry incels. These radical groups seize on this, telling them that they have a place.


That's both intelligent AF on the part of Fascist thinkers and sad AF for the young men getting pulled into that headspace.


Believe me, I'm SERIOUSLY worried about my son's because of this.


Yep, a group of men sitting around convinced that liberals and lefties donā€™t have guns.


From what we know so far, he was left pretty much with nothing.Ā 


The radicalization of US citizens wasnā€™t even insidious-it was overt and blatant


Agent orange, quite literallyĀ 


Iā€™m not so sure. The problem with admitting to yourself youā€™re wrong is admitting to yourself youā€™re wrong. Nobody wants to be wrong, especially when theyā€™ve been vehemently defending their position and fucked so bad theyā€™ve lost their entirely livelihood. Iā€™d say itā€™s far more likely he doubles down.


Especially for MAGAs whose whole identity is wrapped up in their political tribe. I am sure this guy blames the media, deep state and like George Soros or something.


Yep. Theyā€™ve also likely spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on the endless stream of trump merchandise. Theyā€™re not only emotionally invested, theyā€™re *financially* invested. Imagine getting to retirement age and realizing there wonā€™t *be* a retirement because you blasted through your earnings and savings every time trump asked for money, whether thru donations or buying his latest grifting brainstorm idea (ie, trump bibles). Iā€™d be beyond furious if I was the non-brainwashed spouse in that type of scenario.


Oh no. Are you telling me my golden shoes are worthless?!?!?!


That's pretty rich coming from a person who is also apparently so wrapped up in his own "political tribe" that he would post something like that. Your side always loves to play the "it's not happening to us, so we don't give a damn" card. The sad reality is that with every terrible precedent [of the DOJ ignoring due process and prosecuting its political opponents] that gets set, we are both in grave danger any time in the future.


I don't have a tribe. I just oppose fascism. Finding your identity in politics is lame. Identifying oneself as left or right limits one's freedom. It's like saying that a bus should only turn left or right. What nonsense. I am free to steer the bus left or right in order to stay on the road. My political philosophy is "whatever works." I oppose political violence. Because the Republican party has embraced Trump and his path of violence, I oppose them. I don't agree with Democrats on lots of policy, but they are the only non-violent major party so there is no other choice for me in politics. But in thought, I am completely free to choose left or right. But I will never choose violence. There is a huge difference between prosecuting crimes and rioting to overturn a democratic election. I would note that nobody is getting death threats for prosecuting Democrats. Fascists always say they're being unfairly persecuted. Grievance is part of the playbook because it is used to justify violence.


Ex wife should probably step up security too considering misogyny is fundamental to MAGA belief systems.


She has. Her brother is ex-Navy and him and some buds have been there all day and I suspect for the next few weeks. Plus I know everyone in the neighborhood will have an eye out. We all like her.Ā 


Please do. This story immediately reminded me of a murder that just happened in IL. Their divorce was only finalized last week.


I agree if I were her neighbor I would keep an eye out for her and tell her to get alarms deadbolts the best door security bars. And a restraining order. Im also armed but if she isnt comfortable with guns dont force the idea.


Itā€™s always what happens when children donā€™t get their way. Now they want to flip the game board when they canā€™t win. Total fucking losers.


(hint: it's also seedy)


I'm mean hating Trump is cool and all, hahaha. I'm on board with that but we still have Biden and shit isn't really going according to.....plan if they have one?


When the GOP won't even pass legislation to close the border, what really COULD get done? That has been such a GOP priority ( and rightfully so IMO). But trump shut that down... So what else could be done? I'm certainly not a Biden fan, but Congress is total dysfunction at the moment.


>So what else could be done? I'm certainly not a Biden fan, but Congress is total dysfunction ~~at the moment~~. Fixed it for you šŸ¤£


Congress is the real issue. While I would really like someone that isnā€™t a post-retirement age white dude repping our country at the top, getting accurate representation in Congress really needs to happen.


The whole right-wing thing is a giant grift targeting suckers who think "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." All those talk show dudes make bank pushing all kinds of crap. Trump's whole life philosophy is "screw the suckers." These MAGA dipshits don't believe the government, the media, scientists or experts of any kind. They define themselves by their skepticism of everything EXCEPT for the ideologues to whom they uncritically open their wallets. I can't imagine being married to someone who went down this rabbit hole.


Conservative ideology was born out of the French revolution when the noble class lost the fight but but wanted to maintain their power and authority. Seeing a bunch of rich assholes taking advantage of a bunch of suck ups and ignorant serfs seems to fit the history.


Trump said "i love the uneducated" Trump said he would "take the guns first, go through due process second" You could sell snake oil/poison to his supporters and they'd gladly buy it..... (oh wait. He did say inject bleach) the right wings, alpha males and fake religious people---- its alllllll one big grift. People too lost and too dumb and or bored/distracted (fake outrage/culture wars) to recognize the corporate/capitalist threat that is/has been shaping/changing/capturing the country


Good for the wife. Magats are the biggest rubes on the planet


WTG nice neighbor lady! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Enjoy your well-earned peace! (Having said that, I pray she has adequate safety precautions in place. As many women know, her ex is likely to be even more dangerous now).


True and with the SC about to decide on a case concerning dangerous loonā€™s right to have all the guns they want she should be careful.


MAGAts aren't the only ones out there who are gun owners.


Just like everyone else, she should arm herself.


lol Thanks for sharing this one, this perked up my day.


I love a story with a happy ending.


Lol I'm just scratching my head. I smell bullshit hard on this one, but yeah let's keep it positive. Love that.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


MAGA brain rot knows no age boundaries, unfortunately. They're indoctrinating their offspring as well.




Your comment has been removed. Do not direct insults or personal attacks at other users. Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


We've been saying this since I started voting back in 99.


it's actually improved. Jim Crow - Slavery - how far back do we want to go?


Jim Crow is returning. The SCOTUS just basically made it so that gerrymandering by color is OK, meaning diluted power for minorities. The new voting restrictions that are being implemented in red states will disproportionately impact minorities. Slavery is still legal in prison and America imprisons a larger percentage of their population than any other nation and has a larger prison population nearly the same as China, a country with 3x the population. So... Yeah.


But but but both sides are bad! /s Line them up on a wall. They arenā€™t interested in helping the species they forfeit their mandate to life.


Yesā€¦this sounds reasonable


Thereā€™s a reason the reddest states are also lowest ranked in education. Edit: I do live in Missouri.


sad, isn't it? we can't even make fun of arkansas any more.


I'm not sure where Missouri falls on that list, but not a whole lot of educated people here, including myself.


Iā€™d guess somewhere in the middle of red.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. ![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy)


trump ripped off students at his sham "university," he was ordered to pay them back $25 million to those he ripped off, however. These MAGA idiots think trump cares about them. Just mind boggling.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s not the first.


I hope he leaves her alone. Tbh, I'm worried about her.


Me too, I wouldā€™ve left HIM so he couldnā€™t find out where I live. Super scary having a violent man know where you are.


Jesus Christ these people are stoopid


If only my own family would wake up. Instead they are doubling down and more unhinged than ever.


I almost wanna text my stepmom and see if she kicked my dad out lol


Wild someone donated 300k and the fucking thing still failed.


Ope, ope hang on, let me get comfortable first.. okay I'm ready, keep telling the story.


Sounds like he deserves every ounce of misery he has coming to him.


MAGA is a damn cancer on society. "Be an asshole, everyone is doing it!"


Every trumper should be banished from America


Good riddens.




This is r/missouri


Iā€™ll take shit that never happened for $1000, Pat.Ā 


Yeah, DJT stock is up +170% since it started and just recently started going down. This timeline doesn't fit the narrative.




Hahaha got what he deserves.


This man will blame Obama for his divorce and the failure of Truth Social.


Just wait until WW2 starts.


What does this have to do with Missouri?


Someone salty?


This sub is hilarious




Lmao. Good riddens


Love that for him šŸ˜Š


*riddance I hope she sues him for the money, garnishes his wages, etc.


He has no money. He was retired. She held all the financial strings. Word on the grapevine is she got what he did have in terms of property since it was determined apparently he stole the money from her that he blew.Ā 


mfker. still hope she sues, takes half of anything he gets including SSI


Good riddance




He will just blame Biden.


Who group texts with their neighbors?


close knit neighborhoods are often friends.




I donā€™t think so. Youā€™d have to ask u/daddybearmissouri.


Probably an older person - my mom lives in a predominantly older neighborhood and they all text each other and have group texts. Itā€™s actually helpful for her - theyā€™re all old and help each other.


You dont talk to your neighbors? We watch each others kids, and everyone talks to each other. We watch out for each other, thats what a community does.


Of course I talk to my neighbors - but, they all work M-F and we really just wave and exchange small talk. šŸ™„ PS - why so aggressive?


People that are liked by and like their neighbors. Guess you donā€™t count.


Yeah lmao, I was about to say "people who aren't afraid of socializing, leaving their houses, and forming good relationships with the people in their community."


Whatā€™s sad is they really thought they said something worth hearing.


What are you so upset about? Youā€™re replying to every comment with such aggression. Are you the ex husband from the story?


Yup, thatā€™s me. You got mešŸ‘


I'm guessing the older crowd.


Iā€™m by no means old and I have the phone # of all my neighbors surrounding my house, some of which I can t stand, and a few more on my block. You live in a community. Itā€™s what you make of it.


Who has a neighborhood text chain? I donā€™t even make eye contact with my neighbors


Our community actually has a very active Facebook page updated constantly about things for sale, lost pets, folks needing help with things, Summer/Holloween parties, etc so its not that far fetched. Not everyone is an anti-social recluse.


This is exactly the kind of stuff I want to see following the Missouri subreddit. /s


Me too buddy. I can't wait for more of this in Missouri! FUCK JOSH HAWLEY!!


Hahaha poor guy sounds like a real loser


1. What does this have to do with MO? 2. This doesn't sound like it actually happened.


The fact that the "orange blob" can generate so much hate among so many people is mind boggling.


Yeah well, traitors tend to do that....


this is just and proper.


Troth cential


Hell yeah. Sounds like she made your neighborhood a better place. Y'all should throw her a neighborhood "happy divorce" party.


Timeline doesnā€™t make sense but itā€™s a cool story.


I'm calling BS. DJT stock high was 66.22 on Mar 27 and the low was 22.84 on Apr 16. Other than that it's hovered around 45, up from 17 at IPO. So unless this guy had the worse luck ever and bought and sold during the worse 3 week period, this just isn't true. Not to mention, 70 days ago was about March 20th, before the spike and crash. Sounds to me like the Karen's and Kevin's in the neighborhood stirring up the rumor mill I know you all want to blame everything on Trump but this is getting to Babylon Bee levels.


Y'know it COULD just be that he went behind the woman's back and took money that was placed in a diversified portfolio and went solo stock. It COULD be that she never liked Trump but was go along to get along until the hush money trial.


It could be that he took the money without consulting her, but the story doesn't get fake Internet points without the part about Trump. Without that is just a boring, husband and wife are getting a divorce story. Add in the fake part about Trump, and Reddit piles on. And OP gets more Internet points.


Divorce court is explicitly stacked against men. Regardless of what type or person he is, I support him liquidating assets so his wife couldn't have them. If he is willing to spend time in jail for that cause, so be it. There is nothing you or anyone else can do about it but whinge. Have a nice day :)


You support him liquidating his wife's assets?


I have to respect this interpretation. Being the exit liquidity for a bunch of losers in your political club to spite your (angry word) wife is actually fairly heroic.


Right! this day in age (and with the 20years of dating experience before landing one of the few good ones out there) in what reality does a woman have the ability to save 300k let alone the ability to make the 1.8m "or so" needed to save the same 300k. OP needs a better hobby or so you think she's to Sheeple...


Couldnt happen to a nicer fucking traitor.


Fun thread. Only thing Iā€™ll add is if you look at the stocks history (available on google) it doesnā€™t really fit the story presented. Who knows, maybe the wife doesnā€™t understand the stock market either.


You're a teacher, your salary is irrelevant.


Things That Didn't Happen for $500 I realize this is supposed to be a feel good story to get upvotes from liberal Reddit, but unless the neighbor in this story bought in at the 52-week high, there's no way he lost enough money to precipitate a divorce. The stock is still trading nearly $40/share above its opening day price. Bad karma bot, you get my downvote.


Iā€™ve been following this stock when my friend told me about it. I didnā€™t invest but he did. The stock tanked but went back up as a ā€œ meme stock ā€œ and from the supporters of DJT. My friend made his money back, kept shares after the sale and still in the red on the stock. Itā€™s in the low $50ā€™s now. Something doesnā€™t add up on the story unless he shorted the stock or bought when the stock was in the $60 plus range. Then I can see the 300K loss.


I'm as liberal as they get, and I hate His Orangeness as much as anyone. But yeah, just based on the timeframe alone I have my doubts. You don't get a divorce that quickly, especially one where the wife gets everything. That stated, as a liberal I would upvote this a thousand times if it were true (which, again, I highly doubt it is).


BS you're left side


Could have bought OTM calls that expired and not rolled them because noob


I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this information.


Gain wisdom and donā€™t be a dipshit that falls for the orange blobs shit maybe? Or do you need to find out for yourself to learn anything?


I'm confident that I'll never be in that position personally.


Well then the post isnā€™t for you so no need to comment? Main-character syndrome is tough and all but come the fuck on.


It's a public forum that invites anyone to comment, just like how you felt compelled to comment on what I had to say. If you want to control who posts comments and who doesn't, go start your own Reddit-like website.


> Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette While you certainly *can* comment things that add nothing to the conversation, that's literally the original intention of the downvote button.




Hey, I wanna needlessly add nothing to this conversation too, yall!




You win


Be nice




Be nice


>I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this information. Are you under the impression that every one of the thousands of posts per minute on this site are specifically for you and intended to give you some kind of actionable information?


Check out the news subs. There's always some idiot like this guy who comments directly at the article as if the whole internet is just for them.


Had a friend whose sister is a die hard Trump supporter. Sister said everything Trump touches turns to gold and wanted to buy trump stock. Told her to tell her sister to avoid it like the plaque since the business model made no sense right now. Virtually no revenue but a lot of expenses. She ended up not buying it.


The stock still hasn't completely failed. Depending on when he bought it he could still be up a good amount. It defies all logic but it's still $15 above what it initially was available for.


It is Trump's personal slush fund. It will remain strong until nobody thinks he is worth bribing anymore. He either needs to die, go to federal pound you in the ass prison, or lose the election for it to drop.




Be nice


Time to bake some treats and take them over to the neighbor.


Great Riddens*


Wow, way to blame trump , and I'm glad neighborhood gossip isn't on truth social. I would assume this post is bull šŸ‚ crap since Trump is to blame, he who points fingers, is the one who needs the finger. Just from this post, I understand why the guy was so pissed. Along with how you said he took THEIR money then changed it to "it wasn't his" good luck gaslighting others.


Learn how to use the keyboard correctly before you make such a slow comment.




Be nice


Sounds like a parasite-congratulations for having it exorcised.


Well.....stupid is as stupid and ignorant does... ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)




There's so much hate & rage here.


Thatā€™s really too bad. That Orange Asshole will probably be the Former President that caused the most divorces. Biglyā€¦


Sounds fake




A fool and their money are easily parted šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This sounds like some made up fan fiction by a really hateful person. Embarrassing rant by someone who probably claims to be the bigger person in life.


How did this dumbass lose so much in truth social? Last I checked the stock is up 192% YTD. Seems like you are not hearing the whole story. More likely he lost the 300k gambling. *


I bought 800 shares in mid April as a meme stock and it has more than doubled in value. Keep holding. No paper hands


Sell right before the election, if you are willing to risk your life betraying his majesty.


I will probably pop out in October


Mind your business for fucks sake


Depending on when he bought it, it could have been a good in investment * s. Then agai, your hate outweighs everything


It's just good to see justice, both justice against the shitty husband and justice against the shitty ex-president.


Ummmm, I'm not particularly a fan of Trump. I've never understood the worship of him nor the hatred. That being said....djt stock came out a year ago at 12.84. Now, it's up to 53.88. 300k investment in June 2023 would be worth 1.25 million. Down-vote as you see fit unless, of course you put 300k in djt and are sitting on 1.25 mill.


Assuming he bought it in June 2023. A lot of people waited until it was over 50 to buy, so they never saw those returns. If he bought in March 2024 and sold in April 2024, he would have lost a lot of money.


I absolutely agree. Timing in the market is everything.


Gonna go with This Didn't Happen.


Never happened


Itā€™s spelled ā€™good riddanceā€™, Moron.


Iā€™ll take things that didnā€™t happen for 200