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Honestly, take a good look at the relatives you do have and if they’d be drama or if they don’t care. Thats a good start. There’s nothing wrong with liking this person. Go for it. Just keep in mind the potential complications that can come. Relationships are hard enough without extra family stress


Yes, go for it. You're not blood related.


Not related at all it’s fine. It’ll just be weird for your shared cousin. Especially if y’all get married and they end up seeing you at family reunions for both sides of their family.


Bruh. What the fuck is up with this cousin shit? Seen so much of it lately. Are people just out here fucking their cousins and cousin’s cousins?


You aren't related. It's fine. My family tree has a few times when two brothers married two sisters. That's the scenario when marrying your cousin's cousin is off limits.


***Edit 2: To the one who said that it sounded like I was a product of incest from the sounds of my comprehension skills ( I saw the comment through my email notification and that does include username), would you say that to someone's face? Specifically, someone who suffers head trauma from abuse or someone who did not develop 100% due to the mother taking not so safe things before birth.*** Everyone is saying go for it, but I'm not on board. Firstly, the way you explained it doesn't make enough sense to actually know how the cousin is shared and thus if it's safe. Essentially, I'm totally lost on how this cousin is related to them as the run down is hard to follow but makes it seem in my mind that your mother has 2 brothers. One is the father of your cousin, and the other is the father of the love interest. Who's aunt is the shared cousin's mother. Either you 2 are 1st cousins, 2nd cousins once removed, or a chunk of information is missing or not clicking. The worst case that popped into my head is that sibling incest took place. Cousin's mother is aunt.....to whom? How is this cousin shared? The father, your uncle? The mother? Aunt? Someone you forgot to mention? Breakdown of my mind: Mother's brother (your uncle) is the father of the shared cousin. The cousin's mother is "their" aunt (who is "their"?). Love interest was also phrased as if it were the cousin's mother. "His dad's full bio brother" just flat out doesn't make sense as to how it relates to the cousin's mother. *Time Skip of Stroke Inducing Thoughts* If the cousin is shared via the parents (your uncle and the love interest's aunt-in-law), then is the interest's father your uncle's brother and therefore your uncle? If so, don't pursue. Legally not allowed to pursue. 3rd cousins or more apart for most states. *Edit: Love interest is the niece of the shared cousin's mother who was never married to the OP's uncle. Now, to figure out what "His dad's full bio brother" is referring to.* *Edit 3: I'm not sure what was intended by the above phrase as the mother of the 1st cousin is the love interest's aunt as she is *her* dad's full bio *sister*


Just want to send you a hug because I likely have brain damage from neglect as a baby that never got treated and I have disabilities because of it. I can’t comprehend the relation either. I get it, it’s really hard out here with a less than functional brain. People are mean, im sorry. Feel free to message if you wanna talk at all and good luck out here


Yeah the comment is hidden somewhere. In less then a minute as well. I'm use to it and I think I figured out what threw me for a loop so there is that. The 1st cousin's father is OP's uncle, and the mother is the aunt of the love interest. If I understood correctly, love interest's dad is how the woman is their aunt. As it is, the shared cousin's parents never got married. So not only do they not have enough relations to worry out, but there there is no current marriage to connect them by law.


Three people are OP, Cousin, and Love Interest. Love Interest is Cousin's cousin on Cousin's mom's side. OP is Cousin's cousin on Cousin's dad's side. LI and OP share no family relation. Don't know why that was so hard.


Thank you, but I had already figured it out. Just for the future, "Don't know why that was so hard" should really be rethought. A part of communicating online is the chance to run into those who take longer to process things if it isn't fully explained in a way they can understand. Some of us are brain damage, and some of us are by birth for various reasons. You never know, and as such, shouldn't assume that just because you and/or the majority understood, that everyone does.


I do family genealogy and this one took some applied brain power. Something I generally avoid on Reddit because it is 99% wasted effort. Grin


I normally don't as well, but the phrasing threw me for such a loop. I had to figure it out to fully grasp what was being said initially.


I think I saw something supposedly like this on pornhub


Distant enough that you probably would be fine, but my rule is that if you can figure out how closely you’re related, you’re too close related.


It’s not weird to be attracted to any relative. If you knew they were your relative when you met them then you shouldn’t have thought about them that way. But if you didn’t know, then there is no biological warning signal that would alert you. Even brother and sister can fall into that trap.


You should move west


Well technically everyone is related by blood. Anyone with European accessory would share ancestors by going back about 670 years or about 27 generations. At that time there would be more people that would be on your family tree then people on the planet. In this case it is a relative issue. In my case I have a similar relationship in my family, but she was around me a lot. My uncle married into my family. He had a brother that adopted his step daughter when he got married. Unfortunately he and his wife both died and my uncle and Aunt adopted her. (I think that is how it went) in the end, there was absolutely no blood relation, at the same time she was now family, and I would not touch that as it would be awkward. This case will come down to how each of your families look at it. In this case I don't think it would be an issue as it appears that your families seeing interact like that. It's just a random fact that your uncle married her uncle's sister. No blood relation.


So to be clear you guys are not related yourselves but you do share a cousin because of marriage? If that's the case then it's fine. It might be a little bit odd to think of for most people but there is no blood connection you did not grow up together so there shouldn't be any problems. Go for it


in my personal opinion family is family no matter what or how you are related... and if you are attracted to a cousin of a cousin to me that's still family but like i said its only my opinion


In like half the US you can marry your own first cousin. Creepy, but legal. What if this cousin was just your cousins childhood friend? Childhood friend could be socially closer to your cousin, but no one would have an issue with you dating her. Go for it. Assuming she’s down.


It’s not morally wrong but it’s definitely weird




You're not blood related and you never knew each other as family. She's as fair game as random person off the street


Fuck her 


There is no blood relation so you're fine.


Your sister? Yeah dude!! Weird City!!


In my grandmother's family we had first cousins marry and have kids. Nicest people you'd ever meet. All totally healthy and happy. Everyone is elderly or dead by now.


If you were a British royal you would be to unrelated to marry.


Roll tide


Go for it !!


You need to meet someone called last name Doms, first name Con.


Cousins cousin could be your sibling and that would be really weird


Ok if you are in the southern US region I’d say go for it


Do you think you’re related to your cousin’s cousin?


Everyone on earth is a maximum of 50th cousins, not sure if that's helpful but it's interesting. Source: Vsauce


You’re not related. Next.




I met and married my stepmother’s niece. It was never an issue while we were together. Since the divorce, I’ve been to family gatherings and my ex-wife was there. A little awkward but not too bed. This sounds like even at family gatherings, your cousin’s cousin would probably not be there. You should be fine.


If you are not blood related, it's not a problem. It wasn't that long ago that first cousin marriages were common. I sure don't promote that but once you get to about third cousins it's not a real biological issue.


Look, it may be a little bit odd for the family, NGL. I am a first cousin to two individuals who are in no way related (they knew each other thru my parents, my female cousin on my mom's side lived with my folks and they would visit with my dad's family every other weekend.) and dated for a period. It was odd. But I think that's partly bc they were minors and trying to make adult decisions and life choices. Honestly though, it seemed like *I* was the one with the biggest issue about it. Both sides of the family seemed to think it was great... Tbf I did grow up in Arkansas.... It had to be said.


Anything after first or second cousin is legal on every state, depending on the state. The rest is up to you. Do you want to tie the family tree in a pretty bow for all time? No,? Them go find someone else your attracted to If you don't care, then go for it. Again, it's legal.


"Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" This has been answered well already. There's no consanguinity, so the only thing to really consider is the social implications from those who can't see past the use of the word 'family', as well as how the other person might react if they have a different outlook.


We are all distant cousins.


I’ve never met most, if any, of my cousins’ cousins from their other sides. I wouldn’t feel any significant closeness to them nor have any relation to them. I don’t think most people would even think twice about this once explained.


They're called transformers


This is something I didn't know, even though my cousin's parents were never married? How would that make them my 2nd cousin?


They’re wrong. You have zero relation to this person.


This person is confused. A 2nd cousin is someone who shares a great grandparent. This person who you are interested in has no relation to you so its fine.


No. A second cousin is someone you share great-grandparents with. OP shares no close ancestors with the girl in question at all.


I need a flow chart


Green light if it's your step-cousin.


I mean. Are they YOUR cousin? How are they cousins? If through marriage. I dont see an issue. If its blood ties. Imma just gonna have to head out 😂


Through marriage no blood relationship


Oh. So then who cares 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


We are all related if you dig deep enough. No close blood means all good!


I don't think it's weird to be attracted to this person. If I'm understanding this right you're unrelated (married in) aunt has a sibling. Said siblings kid Is the person you're attracted to? There's no consanguinity in that case. Ie no actual kinship. So there's nothing wrong with being with this person or being attracted to them from any technical standpoint. I mean this might make for some awkward family dynamics though, that's the biggest consideration.


Your cousins cousin isn’t related to you, it is kind of weird though


Can carpool to the family reunion.


As long as the cousin’s cousin you referring to ain’t your sister.


Yeah its wierd but its hot tooo


So once upon a time many moons ago when Bill Clinton had yet to stain a dress, and Battleships were just retiring from the USN for the last time, I met this cute girl about my age, things were going well, took her out a few times on the little daysailor I had, and had a very good time. As teens alone on a boat with a nominal amount of a cabin are want to do... Well a bit later my parents were having a cookout and yep... Quite nearly filled up the back of my draws when my father went " you wouldn't be s niece would you.... Yep... That's a thing that happened... Stopped right quick after that but... Yeah... Low population density man, it's a bitch ..


Yup. Live in NH, can confirm. Got weird once for a moment. I had repressed it but now, fantastically, the awkward nightmarish shame just came rushing back. Terrific. Fantastic. Memories. Gotta love em.


It’s absolutely fine. You’re not biologically related in any way.


I think it’s quite weird. I recently hung out with my cousin’s cousins at a wedding and they looked just like my cousin. I think it’s socially weird and risky to pursue this woman without significant backlash. I know it’s not the same, but I was hit on by my half brother’s half brother and was significantly disturbed even though we are not technically blood related.


So pursue her. Here's a logic path that may help. Bill and Myka are siblings. Mary and Bob are siblings. Bill marries Mary. They have a child Chris.(shared first cousin) Can Bob marry Myka? Of course. But they don't like each other. Bob marries Madison and has Carrie. (your future GF) Myka marries Bruno and has Calvin.(you) Carrie and Calvin are fine to marry - their parents could marry each other. They share no grandparents. Carrie and Chris cannot - they have parents who are siblings and share 2 grandparents. Same for Calvin and Chris. As to the people saying it's "wierd" - no, it's only weird if you make it wierd, and even then - it's not wierd.


It is nice to find someone who loves family relationships... I have a problem. A father and a son got married to a mother and a daughter. Father with the daughter and son with the mother. Both couples got a baby.... can you describe to me the relations between each of them? LOL.


I CAN describe the relationships, but I'm not GOING to. (Too much diagramming.)


Excellent wordsmanship, old chap. Side note: I often sing *it's only weird if ya make it weird* as like a joking way of gaining agreement to things people are dubious of. Never anything sexual. I mean, so far.


Yes, it absolutely is. Are you from the South of the US perhaps ?


You'll be fine. She is not your cousin. In lots of cultures, second and third-degree cousin relationships are encouraged. First time I heard of it among my Middle Eastern classmates I was like "What? Really?!" but it came up as a topic in our science class and our teacher laughed and said genetically it was not anywhere near any kind of deal, let alone a big one. And here (Australia) it's entirely legal. You're much further away than first cousins, so the risk of genetic issues is no worse than for the general population. So go get her number and ask her out for a coffee. If she says yes, good for you.


As I recall, even first cousins only slightly raise the chance of genetic problems **unless** your family has already made a habit of it. Potentially big problem for isolated communities and royalty trying to keep the wealth in the family, but so long as it's *generally* avoided, any specific couple is unlikely to have problems. Heck, ignoring the psychological risks, even siblings are only a *potential* genetic problem - Inbreeding doesn't actually *cause* genetic problems, it just brings the recessive problems that were *already* hiding in your family's genes up to the surface. But start with good healthy stock without such problems hiding away, and there've been several well-documented cases of extremely inbred communities descended from only one or two households, that were all still perfectly healthy, intelligent, etc. many generations later. Though it no doubt did them a world of good to re-integrate with a wider population before any harmful mutations appeared.


Correct on all counts, as I understand it.


Problem is in the Middle East they also marry first cousins. Two of my high school friends had parents that were cousins, and both had genetic disorders lol. 50% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. 20% to 30% in Saudi Arabia and Jordan It is also SLIGHTLY riskier to marry your second cousin vs someone completely unrelated. Then on a philosophical level I’d argue that dating your own family normalizes more risky forms of incest and judging by the countries where it’s normal, I’d say it’s a good thing to avoid it as much as possible due to the genetic risks


First cousins are legal in Colorado, USA.


Yes and that’s terrible, but it’s also not culturally the norm there like it is in other places


Why is that terrible though, from a philosophical/ethical standpoint? If you weren't going to procreate.


Read my comment that you initially replied to I already explained it


In a disturbing number of states in the US, you can marry a first cousin.


Yessir, but it doesn’t happen as often as in other places where it’s the norm


Marrying your first cousin isn't *that* bad, genetically (https://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/04/us/few-risks-seen-to-the-children-of-1st-cousins.html) The big problems arise when first cousins marry first cousins over many many generations.


Bruh. Good luck with that.


I say, if there's no chance of genetic bottlenecking, it's alright. You're not committing incest, just make sure that it's mutual.


There's no consanguinity. The two cousins (who aren't you) are only related by marriage. So I wouldn't think it's weird.


what in the name of mississippi is this shit...


Pretty distant, I say go for it


Odd way of asking if it’s weird to be attracted to your sister. Jk Not weird at all. You aren’t related to her.


From a genetic standpoint, having children with a second cousin or beyond is fine. Morally, that’s up to the individual. You aren’t even related by blood to this person, for me it wouldn’t be an issue.


I wouldn't do it simply because it might cause problems in your relationship with your cousin if things sour. Choose a different fish.


You are not family lol. This isn't weird at all. Your not even a title to one another.


Aside from butt-touchin' cousins. And to be fair, who among us hasn't dabbled at least a wee bit in the incest wading pool? I needed braces. We all did. Life uh. Finds a way.


I dont think you are doing very good with your high school word problems if you are calling them Cousins. They share no blood relatives. FFS


No yea that is absolutely clear. I was just being obnoxious.


Seems pretty distant. Did you meet at random and find out you're kind of related? Or were you hitting on people at a family reunion?


Reminds me of a wedding I was at last night my cousin ( let’s call him moe) said he was going to get him a girl but moe’s sister was the one getting married, I thought it was weird tbh




Just completely random. I only found out because I was asking my cousin some random questions. Here's the crazy part. Our mutual cousin is over 30 years older than us and if this cousin was not alive, we might not have ever found out. Everyone from my cousin's other side have either passed, are 3rd or 4th cousins who don't know about each other or live in another state. 


Nah not weird, and no blood relation so what could go wrong


You and her are not, biologically, related at all. There isn't really a moral dilemma here. Just an interpersonal one. Maybe your mutual cousin thinks it is weird, but whether that opinion is worth missing out is up to you.


my parents became cousins by marriage after they were already married. i am the only one in the family who ever even brings it up (because i find it novel).


The chat is kinda lame, just go for it that’s not family in my books and I’m a pretty smart guy


Go for it. I know people who have dated and who are married to a sibling's half sibling. 0 blood relation.


I knew a girl in college whose family always had big Sunday dinner that they would invite a lot of people to. One time there was a cousin from Mom's side and a cousin from Dad's side. They hit it off big time. They got married. Everyone was thrilled. Why would it be a problem?




If I’m correctly understanding the relationship, you’re not genetically related to them to a significantly higher degree than any other random person on the street. You would not (genetically) committing incest or doing anything that would increase the genetic load of your offspring (i.e. inbreeding), which is what the social taboo against incest is intended to prevent. Basically this comes down to whether you’re prepared to deal with the social consequences of how your family will react, as well as the social backlash that will occur every time anyone finds out that you two are (legally) distant cousins. If this was posted in unethical life pro tips, then the hack would be to disrupt one of the legal relationships that make you related (i.e. provoke a divorce), thereby making you legally unrelated. That is a humorous observation, not a sincere recommendation. Please don’t break up any relationships to do this. In summery: is it weird? Yes. Is it unethical? No. Will there be social costs associated with pursuing this? Yes, and you’ll see fresh waves of consequences every time someone new finds out. It’s ultimately up to the two of you whether that’s a cost worth paying.


To be clear, everyone is a distant cousin of everyone else.


Did my post suggest otherwise? Not everyone is closely enough related that you can map all of the people in the relational tree in a single breath like OP did.


No - not disagreeing - just emphasizing the point ;)


I honestly don’t even think it’s weird, but yes, some people would try to make it “weird”. Can’t stand those types of folks. Usually nosey and judging anyone but themselves. OP just pursue the person and think of some other way to explain how you met for the sake of your sanity.


I appreciate your response. So my cousin's parents were also never married. They were the only one from their parent's relationship. So none of my cousin's siblings are even blood related to this person.


This is a very distant relation. I wouldn't worry about it. Though you should probably put distant in front of cousin and by marriage after if you tell people so its clear ypu aren't genetically related


Provoke a divorce is nasty work


We can’t control who we are attracted to. We can though control what we do or don’t do about it.


I'm trying to think of a weirder place to put that *though* and it just straight up doesn't exist.


even if ur related by marriage dating another relative just seems strange. you do you bud


You ain’t kin to them. Go for it… stop letting the worry of what others will think hold you back from happiness.


I smashed my cousins cousin. Good times. I woke up one day and I was in the shower eating ass after a celeb filled bday party at the Indian res.


Plot twist? It was *not* by marriage. The child's eyes are very close together. But they love him anyway. Because he's family, dammit.


My cousins cousin on their other side not related.


The fact that you are questioning it, just drift away. In my culture, this person is still a relative. Even their xyz cousins count.


You lost me after, “So”


Oh God lol


You are your cousins cousin


How is that weird?? You’re not related at all! My cousin’s cousins are all strangers to me. You just have a family member in common.


Bro just find someone else there’s legit mad people in the world. She don’t gotta be the one respectfully.


No, that's so distant it wouldn't even matter. There are usually no genetic issues even if cousins have kids together unless there's been a lot of inbreeding already. Look at any European royal family, all they did for ages was fuck their cousins.


It's a fairly common experience people have.


What's creepy is when people use the word pursue in this context


I dated my cousins cousin before. My biological uncle is married to her aunt, so absolutely no blood relation. It didn't work out between us, but we ended things amicably, thankfully, because we still run into each other at larger family functions and we're still good friends.


You’re not even related. I wouldn’t worry about it. It seems odd but really it’s not


Genetic attraction is a thing


And exactly where is the genetic attraction between your cousin’s cousin? You do understand they share no blood


OH. sike. Misread that


You're not blood related, you're all good.


I’ve been through this before. Breaking up is awkward as hell because there’s always a chance I’m going to have to see her at my cousin’s parties and that makes me feel like I never should have dated her in the first place


That’s just weird bro. Family is family, if you thought it was ok you wouldn’t be seeking validation from Reddit.


It’s not even really weird though? They met independently of family relationships and hit it off and they aren’t even related to each other they aren’t “family” You must be on that fourth grade reading comprehension grindset


They’re not family though. This is like if my nephew (sister’s son) met my niece (husband’s brother’s daughter) who I have zero genetic relationship to and they got married. They have no genetic relationship and live in entirely different states, and I don’t think even know the other exists. Nbd.


I am my cousin's cousin and I feel like I look great! Just saying!


Meh...my dad's cousin and her mom married/had kids with brothers. The family tree is kinda wacky but they're not outcasts by any means. But when they started dating, it would have been similar circumstances, i.e. the mom would've been dating the brother of her "son"


I can literally hear the guitar riff in my head as I read this... BIG WHEELS KEEP ON TURNIN


nah you’re good that’s not family family lol


Congrats, you’ll be saving money on the smaller wedding


I don’t think it’s weird you slept with your 4th cousin. It is odd you’re keeping count though. 


I mean you’re not related at all that’s not really weird like maybe your family would be weird about it But it’s literally no worse than meeting a random person and finding out they are friends with some of your family


I would never and it’s very disrespectful at least within my family and how I was raised to have a relationship with friends of family and I would definitely extend that to family of family.


I do not know ask r/alabama or r/arkansas


itll be weird. Imagine going to each other's families functions, but within your situation, yall would just be going to the same place for events (if it is a family event). There is plentaaayyyyy of fish in the sea, far away from home :)


Just read zero cons and all pros in your statement.


not blood related, happens all the time when people meet at weddings


Attracted? Nah. Acting on the attraction? Maybe… bc it’s “in the family” and that’s not always acceptable to everyone. I’m sure you know this since you’re asking this question in the first place. It’s your call and whatever you choose, stand on your decision. :)


I’m going to write a song about this.


You're not biologically related. There's no "the cousin of my cousin is my cousin" rule.


Cousin's cousin is fine. Don't worry about it


That’s just self love baby


You’re not related at all. No problem.


You are not related. Not weird.


No blood relationship, no problem. I barely know the second cousins that I actually share a great grandparent with. I am actually more closely related to my wife. [Ancestry.com](http://Ancestry.com) says we are 5-6th cousins. We share an ancestor sometime in the 18th century. Our ancestors came from the same city in Scotland.


Personally, if I were your cousin, I would find it hilarious and maybe a tiny strange but more in the what a coincidence way


You mean yourself?


Yeah she’s far enough removed in the family tree. Not like it’s a cousin you know. You didn’t even know she’s distant family so go for it!


Go for it. That wouldn’t even cross my mind if I were interested in someone. I have a friend that I think of as a cousin. He has two half brothers who are my cousins, but he’s not. (He’s the product of an affair). He’s married to a woman who is the cousin of a woman who’s married to my wife’s cousin. Nobody cares. It never even comes up in conversation. Never let what you think others might say get in the way of going after what you want. You’ll never be happy trying to make sure others happy.


You aren’t related to your cousin’s cousin. Proceed as usual.


That's a stranger 


I've actually seen this situation before! My boyfriend has cousins, one on his mom's mother's side, and one on his mom's dad's side. He's related to both of them but they are not related to each other, and they actually got married last year. I don't find it weird at all as they are not in any way related. Now there will be jokes of course, but I don't see why jt coulf be a problem.


The people who are saying that is close are very much mistaken. I went back and did some back of the napkin math. That is a 6th degree relationship, which measures how closely related people are. 0th is you, 1st is your parents or your children, 2nd is your siblings, 3rd is aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. This person shares one great grandparent with you. That is a very distant relation—typically in law, we only work on the 4 levels—that is out to great aunts and uncles. Beyond that, it is a pretty distant relation. This is two levels beyond that—and not even included in my chart on degrees of relationships!


They don’t share an ancestor at all.


I mean you live in Alabama so that’s nothing compared to what most people there are doing!! ☠️


Don't hit on family man, that's just lazy


But I had no idea they were related to my cousin. My cousin's mom passed away like 25 years ago, so Ive never met anyone on their mom's side before. We share no blood. How do you know that's never happened to you before? Lol!!


Hmmm, fair enough. I don't think it's weird, as long as you're sure your kids won't have to ride the short bus to school


Or be born shaped like a blob with a cock or vagina


The chances of birth defects even from siblings interbreeding are almost nill for one generation. Americans are paranoid about this stuff, your cousin's cousin is a stranger genetically speaking. If you trace it far back enough were all eachother's cousins.


*Banjo from deliverance in-fucking-tensifies* Joking. Nah, I say get in there. Edgar Allen Poe hooked up with his cousin. Are you more rad then Edgar Allen Poe? I should jolly well say not. What? Well yes she was 13. I don't think that's relevant to the matter being discussed.


Please explain how people not blood related would be at risk of incest related complications?


Is reading hard for you or???


A cousin’s cousin is not related by blood. So what the fuck does a short bus implying complications by incest have to do with anything?


I'm starting to think you road the short bus 🤣


Family is family, there are MILLIONS of people on this world


I've had two cousin's cousin get a crush on me and it was awkward trying to ignore clear advancements at me, the worst ones were in front of our mutual cousins 💀 they weren't ugly I just didn't want that stigma on me.


I say go for it!


I would say this is totally fine unless you met at a family reunion


Only if you're north of the mason dixon line lololololol


In high school i was in this same situation. My first cousin was also her first cousin, but we weren't related by blood at all and we didn't grow up together. It was totally different families so we never saw each other at family reunions. To me and everyone around us it was never weird in any way. We dated for like 6 years. No one ever thought it was weird because it's not weird. Don't worry about it. If yall click and like each other then go for it.


Not genetically weird… but have fun explaining that everytime.


"Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me." -Obiwan


Since you don't share any genetic material I would say go ahead and pursue it. Hell, even if it was your third or fourth cousin, but you guys didn't grow up together, I'd say pursue it. Throughout history intermarriage between cousins has been very common. It's only recently within our culture that it's become taboo. Unless it's your first or maybe second cousin the chances of your children having birth defects (assuming you plan on having children of course) are very low. If you feel in your heart that there is something real there, it would be a shame to not at least try. Imo.


I mean it’s not weird to be attracted to any particular person. For instance, OPs mom is really hot (sorry had to) But for real, this is pretty distant. If you’re not blood related you’re good, but expect to have some tough convos with your cousin about whether it’s cool or not with them. Obviously they don’t control you, but depending on your relationship with your actual cousin you may want to tread carefully


That weird, cause i never thought about it. Until now i didn’t imagine that my cousin have other cousins other than me


Isn't your cousins cousin, you? Self infatuation?


I'm my cousin's cousin!


I mean… how badly do you want this person?


I was very attracted to my cousin’s cousin. That cousin’s sister happened to be married to a famous musician, at the time. Both cousins were cutie pies! I only met the cousin one time at my cousin’s graduation. So, it was just a physical attraction only. Never went anywhere and have no idea what her relationship status was anyway.