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RAT?! WHERE?!?!?!!




Damn you tinnitus, you are a cruel mistress!










[Like this](https://www.alpinehearingprotection.com/products/motosafe-tour)


I use alpine also, but does anybody know the difference between your and the sport version


Race version takes away more noise


17 vs 20 dB noise level reduction.


Aha seems logical, thx!


This, the pro includes both versions but i run just the Tour model and i can hear my packtalk super!


Those earplugs reduce noise by only 17dB. That’s better than nothing, but very poor compared to the best foam earplugs, which reduce noise by 33dB. I use these but there are tons of other earplugs in different sizes and shapes: https://www.earplugstore.com/earsoft-yellow-neons-foam-earplugs-large.html


Yeah, that's the point of these. You can still hear the engine and surrounding traffic, emergency vehicles, your comms without the wind noise. Foam plugs isolate too much, which is a good thing when it comes to using an angle grinder for example, but not for riding.


I’ve been riding with foam plugs and you can hear emergency vehicles just fine.


I can still hear all those things enough with 33dB NRR earplugs. The dB scale is logarithmic, so the difference between reducing noise by 33dB vs. 17dB is just massive in terms of hearing protection. You might want too try foam earplugs, they’re cheap and if they end up working for you, they’ll save your hearing


1000% I have the alpine pros, so both sets the touring and race. Alpine earplugs are just the kind of thing you have to try to believe. I have since bought 5x pro kits and have them in each bike, and in my travel carry on as well. Worth every single penny 3x over!


I can hear the engine and important stuff in the surroundings just fine with NR33 earplugs.


Wind noise from riding most helmets produce noice in excess of 110-120 db without earplugs long term permanent ear damage will occur even on electric bike. The problem is the wind noise, reducing the sound to 80-90 db


I dunno, I have the tour (lower spec) version, and it cuts out the wind noise almost completely up to 130km/h, and even above that it's barely audible. Meanwhile, I can still hear pretty much everything else perfectly. I tried foam plugs, they just muffle out everything to the point of being uncomfortable. They are also physically uncomfortable for me, so I'll stick with the Alpines. They work wery well in my case.


Disposable earplugs. Better sound reduction than most reusable options on the market. ~$25 per season isn’t bad to protect my hearing. I usually use 1 pair per day.


I agree. I bought and tried a couple of re-usable brands and they weren't for me. The basic foam disposable ones fit my ears comfortably and block noise really well. Have yet to try custom molded plugs. But see no reason other than being a bit wasteful to move away from foam plugs.


I have very small ear holes. Foam are difficult to get in and a bit uncomfortable after a long time. I tried custom earplugs but the did not work for me. They some how did not block enough noise when my helmet was on. I was very disappointed.


I thought the same before I knew how to use foam earplugs. You have to squeeze, roll, and thin them out before inserting. Then they expand in your ear canal and provide a perfect, comfortable seal.


I do all that. They do seal well and are quiet. But they become uncomfortable after a couple of hours. More so on a multi day trip.


I getcha. In my experience the Howard Leight Laser Lite pink and yellow foam earplugs are absolutely the best. Have you tried those? They’re so comfortable. Other foam ear plugs begin to hurt my ears after an hour or two too. If you haven’t tried the laser lites I would give it a whirl and see if they’re comfortable for you!


The green low pressure ones offered by Howard Leight are even better. I got my tool store to order a box in for me.


I’m going to try the green ones again.


thx for the tip


Yes, yes indeed. The Howard Leight model is the best for me. Been using them for many years in every possible riding situation. Top best, no doubt


Yup, I use the foam disposable ones


There's no reason you can't reuse them multiple times. Until they are dirty and/or the foam loses it's resistance (when you roll them down before insertion, they feel mushy and not firm) you can keep using them. Single day use is wasteful. Yes, I know in bulk they're cheap but still: reuse! I'm partial to Moldex Goin' Green ear plugs, 33dB NRR (the highest rating in the US). A box of 200 pairs will last a l-o-n-g time.


i got custom ones cuz the disposables are abyssmal for the environment and nature. tiny foam pplugs that don't biodegrade.


Eargasm ear plugs. They still allow use of a com/you can still hear your music just fine, but you don’t get deafened by the wind/exhaust.


surefire sonic defenders ep3 Outmotherfuckingstsnding ear plugs. I used them for six years as an army helicopter mechanic and another 15 years of riding.


They look a little bulkier than normal plugs. Any issues with your helmet trying to knock them out when you slide it on?


None, the stay within your ear, super flush. Not nearly as bulky as they look


Nice, I'm gonna give them a try


I use the ep4, both for riding and for work. My only problem is a need to replace every month. But i think that's more my body chemistry than the earplugs. I have to replace all the rubber on my oakleys pretty often too.


I work in manufacturing. I take earplugs home for free and use them


Lol yup. They keep the earplugs by the time clock for when people come in. But I grab a pair on the way out lol




Love my loops! They come in a great little carry case as well for putting in your jacket pocket or tank bag. Highly recommend.


I wear loops too, they work great. Can easily hear my comms, and traffic, while keeping me comfortable.


3M foamies


Yup! Did those until I swapped over to the EAR 3M tubes and never looked back.


How do they compare? The regular foamies are already super comfortable


I had to wear ear plugs for 12-hour rotating shifts as well (manufacturing) and found that the foamies caused me ear canal pain over time. The EAR one’s gave less pressure on the walls of the ear. Plus if I remember correctly they’re slightly better noise reduction rating. I never thought they would be better because they look kind of crazy but I always recommend them haha.


Good to know. I'll check them out


I thought those were part of some kind of controversy regarding their actual noise reduction effectiveness.


Are you referring to the [Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs](https://zaneslaw.com/3m-defective-earplug-lawsuit-lawyer/what-was-the-defect-in-the-3m-earplugs/) ? I didn’t realize they have so many types, I meant these ones [EAR classics](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi4vPLP0IKAAxWKEa0GHRmMBzkYABAEGgJwdg&ae=2&sig=AOD64_3wbAB6bnxy8qAvuaeRmzaee2-N1A&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwil3enP0IKAAxVyEUQIHT4uCW4Qwg8oAHoECAUQGA&adurl=)


Yes that’s the one! My mistake.


Any earplugs will do. My favorite are Earpeace Moto Pro; I can wear them all day long. I also use one of the quietest helmets, Schuberth C5. As someone else said, have a good muffler in your bike (loud pipes damage hearing).


Second the Earpeace. Works quite well and I am still able to listen to directions or music.


I just ordered some the other day, good to hear outside an advertisement that they’re a good purchase.


Yep, they're annoying for me to really get in but once they're in they are really good. It's like someone halved the volume controls but you can still hear everything clearly


Earpeace user here too. They work very well.


I've been using custom earplugs for years for everything, it's amazing.


Same here. Had some made at a rally one time and when they wore out after 10+ years I went to a nearby shooting range and asked if they knew where I could get customs done. They did and this time I splurged for two sets. One regular and one with the “headphone” option. Pretty great.




What you ride with your walkman?! Honestly I'd be terrified of fucking it up. But damn your starting to inspire me.


Earpeace Moto Pro. They’re game changers.


Touring helmet, balaclava, earpiece earplugs


Someone recommended alpine ear plugs on here and o just got a pair, highly recommend. I especially love the carrying case with lanyard


Instead of hearing the thump thump thump of my klr I listen to the skreeeeeeeeeeee of heavy metal


Earplugs especially in fall and spring to prevent bells play. That cold wind.


Decent helmet, bespoke earplugs.


Airpods pro with noise cancelling enabled. I have a pair of Loops on the way to try out, too, mostly for if the airpods' batteries run out.


Tried fitting them under my helm, but they won´t stay where they need to be. Putting on the helm will result in the airpods gone missing :/


I'm not sure how I've had so much luck with them not getting moved around by my helmet, but somehow it just works! I pull the helmet straps out to the sides a bit as I put it on.


I wear my AirPods. Noise canceling and I get to look like a moron visibly jamming at red lights. Win-win.


Airpods are not designed for hearing protection and they do not have a **NRR, or Noise Reduction Rating.** Tinnitus is a serious issue. Earplugs+a comm set if you want to protect your hearing for years to come.


I love visibly jamming! Can't wait to jam together at lights, someday you jammy bastard!


Me and you are gonna jam so god damned hard. Kiss you right on your beautiful jammin forehead.


Hold up....aren't you the software engineer guy off another sub I was reading? If so, great to be jamming on two subs with you my friend!


Honestly this is the best option. You get music and noise reduction as well. I personally use my Galaxy Buds 2


Noise reduction is not hearing protection


I'm not sure if this is correct, but don't earplugs just create a "seal" so less sound enters the ear and damages it. Wouldn't an earbud provide the same effect, just not as good?




It is [hearing protection for pilots](https://www.flyingmag.com/guides/best-noise-reduction-headphones/), why not for motorcycles? Your ear doesn't care _why_ the sound waves reaching the eardrum are smaller. **Edit:** I should add: there's two good reasons why ANC isn't good _industrial_ hearing protection: 1. It doesn't handle loud sudden noises (hammering, nail guns, things going "clonk", shooting, etc). which aren't a problem on a bike 2. Mostly because of (1) it doesn't meet OSHA requirements, which is a showstopper for using as PPE on a job site But if you find something saying "ANC doesn't protect your hearing", find out if it is because of those reasons, because it definitely protects your hearing from consistent _droning_ noises like engines.


Wait I’m confused on how you would be able to use comm and have earplugs in? My Cardo is barely loud enough to be able to hear over my pipes, wouldn’t plugs take that out completely?


I use my Sena with earplugs in. The earplugs actually make it better because the voice and music sitting right next to your head make it though, but the wind noise and engine don't.


Helmet speakers are right up against your head, earplugs reduce noise that's transmitted via the air to your ear holes but your skull still picks up noise! Generally earplugs make it easier to hear helmet comms.


I personally don't use a cardo or similar stuff. I assume you would have to take the earplug out.


Earplugs make it much EASIER to hear comms at speed. Without earplugs, wind noise drowns out everything above 40 mph. With earplugs blocking noise I can hear my comms unit much better (the Sena built into Shoei GT Air 3)


Yeah. It’s shit with earplugs on. I just use an in-ear headphones with my cardo so it protects my hearing at the same time


Yall need plugphones if you dont want a comm system to hear music. I have not personally tried it but my other friends that have like it enough.


Keep your exhaust stock is a good start. Then earplugs.


How fast are y'all going that you need hearing protection? Serious question my bike goes tops 100km/h and sound is never that loud really. Or is it because of your pipes?


The wind noise alone at 40mph is enough to cause hearing damage over time. At 50mph, just 25 minutes of exposure begins to damage hearing. By 60mph, damage is occurring in under 10 minutes. Speeds depend on the area, but 55-70mph roads are part of my commute or recreational routes.


Interesting, I never heard that from motorcyclists in my country, I'll take that into consideration for my next long trip. Although I tend to feel quite uncomfortable with my ears plugged, sort of like when you need to turn down the radio in the car while parking...


The wind noise is quite loud, and it can be really damaging if exposed to repeatedly or for extended periods of time. Perhaps your helmet and wind protection make your experience quieter, but generally speaking it’s a good idea to use hearing protection


Interesting, yeah it's a bit loud sometimes, but it never bothered me nor has it ever felt like it could be damaging to my hearing. It's not something I've ever heard any motorcyclist in my country talk about but it definitely makes sense.


You ride a scooter not a motorcycle. 100km/h…


Sure buddy...


I have an Aprilia SR50, does about 80km/h or so. Yes, I take it for longer rides, and the wind noise gets quite exhausting after half an hour or so.


Interesting, I ride a SUZUKI GN 125 I like to go on 4000km trips cruising at about 70kph I ride about 12hs a day sometimes and the wind noise never bothered me


Do you have a windscreen?




Full face helmet.


There’s still wind noise with a full face helmet. Prolonged exposure will lead to hearing damage and general fatigue.


I use airpods


Put a helmet on and roll with it because I already can’t hear


My hearings shot also. That’s why I try really hard to protect what’s left….


I have no chance on it so let it burn


Ride electric


Ride an electric bike


I strongly suggest a good muffler on the bike, and a helmet for your head. Problem solved.


Wind is the killer, not engine noise. Regardless of helmet choice the wind will deafen you.


With a high quality full-faced helmet and a decent faring, wind noise is almost non-existent under 80mph on my bike


That was a sad day but I eventually decided I just needed to go back to the stock exhaust. Buell lost a lot of character(and a little grunt) without it, but luckily I've always liked quiet bikes.




[Loop experience pro](https://www.loopearplugs.com/products/experience-pro) Worth the money. You have the option to reduce even more the amount of sound you get.


Um? What are we talking about?


Recommended options to protect human auditory system from potentially harmful effects of noise when operating motorcycle


Cardo with ear buds


I just keep a pack of 3m earplus in my top box I use if I'm going more then like 20 minutes.


Ear plugs


I just inquired at my local hearing doctors office about custom-made ear plugs. For about $230, they will take a mold of my ear and make some. I don't know the material, but I'd guess made of something that would last a while. Call your local Doc.


You can buy silicone on Amazon and do this yourself for $30. Thing is custom earplugs are so worth it, if they weren't easily made at home, I'd still pay your price for them.


Plugs. Not only will your ears thank you but you'll be much less fatigued after a long ride.


Molded ear monitors. Good noise reduction and let’s me listen to music. https://www.earplugstore.com/noname11.html


I just get the normal ear plug pack and keep about 6 on me at all times. 60 per pack for 7 bux is worth it for hearing.




Deci-bulls. They cost like 50 bux and last forever. Or you could just stay off the highways and stop trying to race everyone around you. Or you could just do what the epa wants you to do and go electric.


Electric doesn't help if you go above 50mph. Wind noise is the actual danger. I have ridden a few bikes that might be an exception though. There's little wind noise even at 70mph on the Zero SRS. like you can here the keychain tapping. And you can have a conversation with your passenger without a com at highway speed on Indian's big Road Glide clone. You might not need hearing protection on these two bikes.


I was just thinking about this yesterday after a ride... I've been noticing tinnitus more lately. I wear some ear plugs but think I need better ones!


Loop earplugs. Specifically the experience plus ones. You have the option to insert mutes to reduce sound 5 db. The earplugs themselves reduce sound by I think 17/18 db. They work pretty well, especially with preventing Harley hearing.


Nonoise ear plugs


I use loop earplugs because they were the only ones I found that were quick and didn't fall out when you put your helmet on. They also come with an insert for more noise reduction but I've never tried that. I used them recently on a track day and still found they had good noise reduction. I can only use disposable ones if I squash them down to a fraction of their size and put them in my ear to expand. If I don't do that they don't really do anything but it's too much effort.


Ear plugs. Disposable foam works best for me.


If I'm going to be out on the bike all day and at decent speed then foam ear plugs, either 3M or Moldex plugs over 35dB SNR. Otherwise I always carry Earpeace Moto Pro if I'm going to be doing a shorter ride or I'm going to be repeatedly inserting and removing my earplugs.


Reusable ear plugs. Some people prefer the disposable soft foam ear plugs. They are all cheap enough to buy several different kinds and see what works best for you.


Surefire memory foam earplugs for quicker trips costs about 20 bucks and I get about 2 years out of them and elgin rumble Bluetooth for when I'm going on long rides so I can podcast or jam out tips are replaceable as needed but rarely needed


Custom earplugs. They work great, they are all day comfortable and I've had them for about 3-4 years now. Biggest complaint is that I have to remember to clean them once in a while, but even that got very easy when I realized I could just use the hot water from my kettle for a quick soak.


Custom silicone. They are not as expensive as you'd think and last forever. My girlfriend discovered you don't even need to use the stuff marketed as earplugs. Regular 2 part silicone will work.


I use alpine motosafe tour earplugs when riding around town listening to music and disposable plugs when I'm racing. Both work well for the type of riding I use them for.


I wish there was such a thing as motorcycle earmuffs. I cannot stand earplugs. I wish you could have a pair of secure earmuffs/headphones that you could control with your modular helmet (like the glasses built in to some) so I could still go into a gas station/store or hear people talking to me at lights. I’ve literally seen 0 products that match what I’m talking about.


I never really thought about hearing protection as my bike isn’t terribly loud. But I wear a full helmet and I’ve noticed it knocks the sound way down. Closing the visor alone knocks the sound way down.


Go to the local MotoAmerica Motorcycle races, there will always be a vendor who makes custom ear plugs you can get with 2-3 drivers inside. I got the short cord ones and use them into my Packtalk. Cost about 400


PVC foam earplugs. They are by far the most comfortable off-the-sheft product I've found. I was turned on to them by a riding buddy. You can wear them for hours on end without discomfort.


I use custom molded ones: https://www.alpine.nl/products/motosafe-custom-4d I’ve got narrow ear canals so off the shelf ones can be uncomfortable. These I forget I have in.




Stay as far away from a Marshall Amplifier but honestly some motorcycles are a bit louder than others based on how the engine alongside any performance options


Nope. Then again my car has 2x 12" subs on 3000rms amp, 6x 6.5co-axles and 4 tweeters. Motorcycles usually aren't loud enough especially with helmet on. Usually only do it for guns when I go shooting.


Don’t use a pressure washer to wash your bike.


I just got a bigger windshield and no more wind noise for me


Earpeace MOTO. Really comfortable, washable, come in a handy case, and you get three just in case you loose one! They also come with three different filters. I personally use the “max” ones. You can still hear traffic and your Bluetooth (if you have one connected).


I use headphones even tho I know I shouldn't. Noise cancelling and music


Disposable earplugs. Get a little plastic case to keep them in. There's truly no reason to throw a pair away after every use.


I just get foam earplugs.


Wear a helmet that fits properly you shouldn’t have a problem like this and I don’t care what anyone says wearing earplugs is a stupid idea


There's one of these a week. Earplugs. The answer is always earplugs.


Earbuds.. But then I can hear the wind and the music so I turn up the music thus making them pointless :P


Alpine motosafe pro it brings 2 types of ear plug one pair has stronger protection but it's recommended for track purposes the other pair is for tour


Simply put when i forget my ear plugs after a couple hour ride I’m deaf for 3 hours … almost all my bikes are decat with exhaust… love the sound but I’m at the point where I’m beginning to think it’s not worth it… one has stock exhaust & it’s amazing how I’m kinda over the loud ass unnecessary.. around town love the loud but going for a real ride it’s almost fucked…. Even with Cardo , I’m litterly deaf for 3 hours


https://www.earpeace.com/products/motorcycle-ear-plugs?variant=40836254468¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5632108621&hsa_cam=17451300695&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwISlBhD6ARIsAESAmp7ug7s_4z2CktmJmkFUaM52vPrMfh9o78UUNncSdPYZmqXJl7vc28waAkWwEALw_wcB I personally use these.


Eventually they will make your hearing gone, many friends of mine who I pray 🙏 I don’t end up like have serious bad hearing from it. Fact


Earpeace Earplugs.


In-ear headphones.


I think a good windshield makes a huge difference in volume. I like quiet pipes though.


Noise isolating ear buds. I tried two different kinds both Bluetooth. First brand I bought lasted the first 8 hours of a ride, then only one ear worked. I then got Plug Fones Liberators. Have been using them ever since. Allows me to listen to music, plus dampens sound. In my belief one of the most underrated features is having them connected to a phone for music while having navigation, talk on. The navigation will talk over the music, and will tell you two or more times when and where to turn: one time that the turn is approaching in about a mile, and again when you should be moving into the turn lane. Really nice for touring unknown places. Wouldn’t travel with out them. They are also supposed to have 13 hours of battery life. So great for a days ride, then can charge when you get to a hotel/home. They don’t have audiophile sound quality, but are decent enough for riding and listening, they won’t make you hate your music, I’ve also used them without music for the regular sound isolation, and they still work pretty solidly. Not as great as actual ear plugs, but a very decent compromise! Can be pretty tough to get them in and to keep them in place while you put your helmet on. They also have a short cord that connects them, which hangs around the back of your neck, so can be challenging to keep them tucked in a collar or equal length around your neck, so can cause them to tug on one ear or the other slightly. Can also flap in the wind if not able to keep tucked in a collar. I only ride with a helmet so can’t speak to wearing them in the open. I’m not a PR person for them or anything, just feel they are super underrated amongst us riders.


Illegally with headphones. Shure SE215 headphones fit comfortably in my ears under a helmet.


Ear plugs is the only answer for this that actually works. "Quieter helmets" might yield a couple dB of noise reduction (remember: the decibel scale is logarithmic, not linear!) but nothing significant. OTOH, you can buy foam ear plugs (which can be used multiple times) that have as high as 33dB NRR (Noise Reduction Rating). That's on the US OSHA scale (different countries have different rating systems). None of the reusable plugs or custom silicone plugs have that high of an NRR. Read this for some factual information: [https://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/important-motorcycle-protection-ear-plugs/](https://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/important-motorcycle-protection-ear-plugs/)


Squint my ears real hard so only a little sound gets in


I don’t ride behind myself.


You lot protect your hearing?




Loop earplugs you can them on Amazon for about $20


Alpine plugs


I use disposable foam earplugs and a quality noise muffling full face helmet (Shark) . So far so good.


I also put them in a menthol tin box when I stop, so they don't get dirty.


I've never used earplugs and I don't understand people who do. Get a better helmet, maybe? My Pactalk bold JBL speakers are much louder than any external noise.