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So proud of our baby boy!! 😍🥰 And SO glad he’s safe. The folks that bought our old house told me the other day that they didn’t think they’d seen him in a few weeks, and I got really worried… maybe we’ll have to come visit in a couple months once things settle down!


That would be lovely! I hope Gidget makes it but if she doesn't, there are plenty of new juveniles that are coming up soon.


Happy ending?


I don't know if it's a happy ending but he's migrated from Ohio to Pennsylvania TWICE in a little over a year and I think that's pretty amazing for a rehabbed bird. Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Does he have a tracker on? Curious how you know where he migrated to? He’s a cute derp!😍


He does not. We thought about trying to get him banded but you'd have to catch/trap him and I won't do that. He likes to occassionally explore our living room and maybe perch on us but you can't touch him. I only know he migrated back to Cincinnati because that's where he was born and that's what they do. They migrate first in the fall (when he came to me in PA) then they return to where they were born in the spring. Like clockwork, he, Gidget & Biff all showed up at his rehabber u/LimpNoodlez479 's house 3 months ago. Could we have misidentified them in Cincinnati? Possibly, but unlikely. We compared the photos taken within the 2 week migration period and we're pretty sure just from that. Also a deviation from normal dove behavior wouldn't make sense. Why did he return to our area after spring migration 3 months ago, unless we'd misidentified him from the very beginning and he really isn't u/LimpNoodlez479 's rescue dove. But your guess is as good as ours. Nothing about this little dude has been normal. 🤣 It's all theory. 🤓🤔


Very cool! One of those times I wish they could have mini go pro cameras on their heads to see what they’ve been up to🥰


[This is a thing that's been done...](https://youtu.be/cVWCBeE5NSo?si=ES1VrskH0r8oZC4g)


Thanks for sharing! So cute😅


Yay Pidgey! You think he's ready to face the elite 4 yet?


Do you mean Khal Drogo, Khaleesi & family? I don't know. He's always had his own schedule and bird friendships. I guess we'll find out. This is unexpected and completely new territory.


Truthfully I don't know all the Pidgey lore. This was just a pokemon joke lol


🤣 Oooooh, Pokémon!! See, I'm not the one who named him and I don't know much about Pokémon. So, I get it. 😉


Fair, but I think we can both agree, that this boy looks very cute and sleepy and he deserves some rest after that flight.


Oh yay! Hello Pidgey! It's good to see he's doing well.






Yay im so glad pidgey is back!


the Pidgey story continues!!


The Legend of Pidgey continues ..


LET'S GOOOO PIDGEY!!! He again flys hundreds of miles, finds your house (ok, that's normal for pigeons I guess, they be doing the homing), and walks in uninvited like he owns the place (he does). This saga is completely bonkers. At this point you could probably write a whole book about the lore


Well hello there, Pidgey.


Pidgey is an absolute legend. 😍


Has anyone written a children's book about Pidgey's most awesome adventures yet? 💞💞💞


I'm keeping a little journal but most of it is posted here for the Mourning Derps. I'd give anything to know what he does all day and when he's out in the world.