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I was a junior in high school and had been counting down the minutes for this movie since 2008. I was very satisfied by the conclusion and the final confrontation with Bane on the courthouse steps. I just remember loving it. I know many consider this movie to be a disappointment but I have an even deeper appreciation for it after reading A Tale of Two Cities, which has become one of my favorite books and was a major influence on the film.


Do people really see this movie as a disappointment? Everyone I know who has seen it loved it.




I was more confused than disappointed, the plot is convoluted.


TDK was the greatest superhero movie ever made, it blew people the fuck away But then TDKR felt like a run of the mill comic book movie


Hilarious Talia death. No blood in the entire movie!!! Not even a nosebleed, much less when the new commissioner gets shot by *checks notes* a tank. Batman is bigger than Bane Ludicrous bankrupt scheme No real themes "Just can't get rid of a Bomb" Entire police force locked down for months underground??? No food or water or bathrooms?? And let's not forget the unarmed police charge against well trained men with automatic weapons JFC this movie was awful


TDK was treated like Citizen Cane because Heath Ledger died before it came out.


No. His acting was superior af, get over yourself.


I remember that people were making a big deal out of it due to Heath Ledger dying for sure. I just want to say that despite the media craze, boiling the greatness of his performance down to his untimely death before the release is a mistake. Watching him go from “The Patriot”, to “A Knights Tale”, to “Brokeback Mountain” and then to “The Dark Night” was amazing. He was on his way to being an absolute S tier actor. I’ll add that Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of the Joker was also stunning and just as haunting if not more so. The Dark Knight trilogy and The Joker movies are among the few comic book movies I’ve really enjoyed over the years.


I feel this. Dark Knight is CRAZY overrated. I've seen better crime dramas, and seen better comic book movies. Something about having Batman and Joker in this movie tho seems to have broken people's brains into thinking it's the greatest shit ever. I actually rate Batman Begins higher.


I feel like I'm gonna get punched in the mouth when I say this. Folks treat the dude like Jesus Jimi Hendrix Christ over one movie where he wore makeup and hunched over like a goofball. Still a pretty cool flick, though.


I hated it. I mean, the world's greatest detective tried to use gas attacks on a guy with a gas mask. Prisoners in a pit not only fixed his back with zero medical facilities, they also got rid of his bad leg. The worst part is how Batman got to the island, and while people are being executed...he somehow got enough flammable substance and I guess a window washer cart to artfully create the bat symbol on a building...then left a trail of it all the way to where people were being killed. All just to show off... I could go on, but no, I didn't like it. It was style over substance.


What about the entire GPD charging into gunfire and surviving?


>I mean, the world's greatest detective tried to use gas attacks on a guy with a gas mask. Do you mean the flash bangs he uses on Bane? They're meant to distract not incapacitate.


I hate people that go into superhero movies and say shit like “how realistic was this?” If that’s your mindset watch a documentary.


There's a difference between wanting it to be realistic and wanting it to make sense. Definitely shouldn't go into like The Avengers and want it to be realistic but it should at least make sense


I get that but if you go that deep in thinking into a marvel movies every 5 seconds you’re gonna be like wtf


I hate people who think just because something is fiction it doesn't have to be grounded in any way. Let's say Batman found a cake in the pit that said eat me, and when he did he grew 30 foot tall and flew back to Gotham, like superman, and when he got there he farted a series of flowers on the whole city and it saved the day. You have to accept all of that because it's a superhero movie, otherwise you should be watching a documentary. Get bent buddy.


Saying that a superhero healed his body without medical facilities and then also saying your example are two completely different things. If I watched your example I would of also not liked the film. I totally get what you’re saying and referencing that too. There are these little discrepancies in every fiction movie though.


The only difference is the line. The line of immersion breaking silliness. Clearly what I suggested wasn't grounded in reality for you. We could walk it back to further define your particular line of acceptable reality in a work of fiction. Don't care to as the point is only to illustrate that we both have a line. Yours is in a different place. Which is fine. No reason to hate people who ask for more out of a work of fiction because they still require some things to be grounded in reality.


Really? I hates this movie. The first one was so good and this was just lazy af


“Why the fuck was that so long?”


I thought it was great. Still do.


What I liked the most was the concept of “Escalation” that was introduced at the end of Batman Begins. The trilogy starts pretty grounded then slowly builds and builds until at the very end you have tanks, hover crafts , atom bombs, all out war. You squint your eyes and suddenly you have something very in line with the more comics accurate Batman world. I liked that the whole trilogy was trying to illustrate how a world could in a real way become the world we know of Batman.


I really think it’s become “cool” to hate on this movie. It’s so good. It just followed the most perfect comic book movie of all time so people’s perception is way off


“I still do, but I used to too.” -Mitch Altogether




It might be my favorite of the three, I acknowledge it’s faults, but it’s positives outweigh the negatives, in my view. Seeing Catwoman on the Batpod blows my mind every time, I love Hardy’s take on Bane and the last 20 minutes are incredible.


Entertaining movie with some really great moments. But when you stop to think a little, it’s kinda stupid.


My take on all superhero movies


U don’t really go to a movie where the main character is a man running around dressed as a bat partnered up with a lady who thinks she is part cat to think… just sayin!


But then the guy is flying around in urban airspace in an advanced aircraft with no military response.... and the police force of a major city is launching an attack on terrorists by attacking them with a straight charge against heavy fortifications.... the bad guys even tell them "please desist or we're going to open fire".... The movie strains credulity way, way too far.


Tell that to the Dark knight


You’re telling me a movie about A GUY DRESSED LIKE A BAT FIGHTING CRIME is silly? Color me surprised


Weak argument. It’s the same lame excuse people used defending the later seasons of GoT. “YoU HaVe a HaRd tIMe BeLiViNg ThINgS dOnT MaKe sEnSe iN a WoRlD wItH DrAgOnS?!?!”


Really good


An interesting rewatch a decade later because as another commenter mentioned, the release hype of this movie was tarnished by the Aurora, CO shooting on opening night. I always wondered if DKR would be more appreciated had it not been in the shadow of its predecessor, The Dark Knight, as well.


I feel the opposite. Without TDK, I don't think anyone would still care about DKR.


I can see that, too


I use this as my example for the difference between a good-bad movie and a bad-good movie. DKR is an example of a bad-good movie. It has the acting, the cinematography, the budget, the vibe. The pieces are there. But it just isn’t a great movie. Plot holes and writing bring it down. Boondock Saints would be an example of a good-bad movie.


Did you mean Boondocks Saints is an example of a garbage movie?


It’s magical. Once you turn 20 years old it becomes unbearable


Nah, I'm 37 and i still love this movie.


Absolute garbage film.


I couldn't agree more. Everyone was like you gotta watch this and I did and asked them what the fuck was so special. Movie was just stupid.


Bane was way cooler than talia, but died really lame.


The way he is dispatched is so lame. Happened so fast I wasn’t even sure what happened.


Spoilers but Batman is wounded and inactive the entire film, Bane effortlessly takes over a whole city, Wayne has 0 chemistry with the love interest and he does not even defeat Bane in the end. Why did anyone like this movie? Even the opening sequence just seemed stilted and uninspired. I always assumed it was quotable because the dialog was so misplace and absurd? Polar opposite of Dark Knight and I do not know what everyone smoked between 2008 and 2012 to make them like a batman movie that barely had batman in it?


You make some good points actually


This is a good take.


I love the opening scene. It’s really wonderful. The rest of the movie fails on every level but I do like Hathaway’s performance more and more on rewatch Oh what could have been They were gonna bring ledger Back. No one wanted to make this movie after his death.


For you


Standing ovation at that scene where Alfred looks over at the table and nods at Bruce. I was in tears


That scene was great.




Lol I agree but still liked it


Crying at a Batman movie is a thing I guess lol


Same as now: That’s the take Nolan used for Talia’s death scene?


Fr fr. The way she just plopped her head over when she “died” literally made me laugh out loud.


There were a couple of bad calls, such as Bruce and Talia for having 0 build up and chemistry. It was a missed opportunity for Talia to go one on one with Selena, and speaking of that, the fighting choreography was pretty bad. Also, Blake figuring out Bruce was Batman was just plain lazy script writing. Despite that, I do like how it wrapped up Bruce's story as a whole from Batman Begins. It was the end of the chapter and certainly one of the best modern superhero trilogies to watch.


The “Robin” character was 🗑️ from the beginning..


Apart from including one of the worts death scenes in a movie i liked it.


Hated the Talia reveal and how Bane turned into another henchman at the end after being such a dominant force throughout the movie and then just having him get shot by a meh catwoman was real disappointing


“Wow, that was surprisingly disappointing. But still good”


“Ummmm what the hell did I just watch?!”


The plot holes are to severe to allow for immersion or suspension of disbelief. The characters feel so bland. There's no stakes when you don't care about what happens to characters or places or things. And nothing in this movie makes me care about anything in it. The villain seems deliberately goofy Yet the movie takes itself so seriously and so do the fans of it. This is definitely one of the most overrated movies by movie critics




It’s my first deployment and the USO got us an early copy. I’m watching it as huge fan of all things comics and I’m thinking why is it so long


My thought is: The last one was better


I like it fine. Love Batman, Bale, Oldman, Nolan, etc. The sound design is bad. You can’t understand Bane half the time. Bale’s Batman voice got worse and worse. There’s a scene with Gordon in a hospital bed where I can’t understand a word he says. Also, it’s clearly set in Manhattan and Pittsburgh. The wide shots of Gotham do not work. Look back at the wide shots of Gotham in Batman Begins. It’s like they stopped trying to dress up the real cities to look like fictional Gotham.


It was good, but it was the worst movie in the Nolan Batman trilogy. I really enjoyed the last scene where Alfred sees Bruce at the cafe though.


I got reallly stoned with some friends before we went to see this and it blew me away ngl.


I went to see it opening night and when I got out I turned on the radio and found out a bunch of people had been gunned down at a showing in Colorado (Aurora). So I didn’t really process the movie until maybe the second time I watched it because the first few days I could only think about those poor people.


That’s what I remember about it as well. The theater shooting completely overshadowed the movie experience.


I hated the premises it established. In what reality does batman stop being batman? He is batman in and out. Bruce Wayne is just his facade. They even touched on it in the 1st. Why they just disregarded everything is beyond any creative license for plot development. I couldn't get behind it. It was visually cool and good action sequences. Talia was disappointing. Was expecting a different look. Something striking like Emily ratakowski etc.


In the Nolan films he's only Batman for like 3 months of Bruce's life. He's washed up after Dark Knight, comes back for a minute, then fake dies. ​ Shitty Batman.


What? There’s definitely comics where Bruce chooses to take a backseat to the bat family he has gathered. This is supported by the implication that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is gonna become nightwing. Edit: Batman getting his back broken by bane is literally straight from the comics.


He leaves the Bat persona several times in the comics.


Everything I wanted. I was afraid Nolan would have done a Dark Knight 2.0 but Rises was a totally different movie. The thing I liked the most is that Batman is in the movie for something like 20 minutes. Why did I like it? Because it was the Nolan's way to tell us that Bruce is the main character of the trilogy, not Batman


The movie had it's moments. Hathaway and Hardy's performances steal the show.


Banecat was fantastic


Why did they go with “SNL Jeopardy Sean Connery plays Darth Vader?” They could have ADR’d the whole thing. You can’t see his mouth. And yet, they made this choice.


Underwhelming. Even boring and dull at different points. Good looking film that was very inconsistent.


I was let down. Definitely the weakest in the trilogy. However you can't really blame them. I'm sure they were setting the Joker up to be a big part of the conclusion but unfortunately had to shift due to the unfortunate circumstances.


Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie...Tom Hardy isn't bad at all... He made the character his own... IMO The Bane character could have been portrayed better.


I tiny bit below The Dark Knight, but still absolutely loved it.


An underrated flick


My few takes were: ..so basically, was he a puppet? Nice set for a Robin spinoff Hathaway is hot. Thalia who?


I really hope there’s gonna be a Joseph Gordon-Levitt Nightwing movie (I’m still waiting patiently)


Was a good movie but you definitely had a taste in your mouth after leaving of “this wasn’t as good as TDK”. Which feels unfair because it was a good movie in its own right just not TDK/all time top movie level.


An over stuffed poorly written piece of crap.with an unclear ending and no way to develop Robin .


I really will never understand how anybody could like it .It comes across like it was written by a committee of people none of whom.had any idea who Batman is it was not a fun movie. I don't.expect realism .But a competent script is important . There was one story in the forties where Superman uses a power that he never used again He remolded his face to look different. And he also with a little pinching of his face changed his race .so that he could look like a Japanese soldier Stupid?you bet . Just as well they forgot about it. Suppose someone wrote a story that Reed Richards and Dr.Doom were brothers? They were born on different continents So How could that be ?We know Doom's mother was a gypsy .That would be stupid . Right,? JJ Abrams once proposed a Superman movie that had Lex Luthor as a . Kryptonian who lost his powers due to Gold Kryptonite. Bad idea .Right ?


Bummed out!


Well that felt like a movie made by someone on cocaine.


Never liked it. For this to follow up The Dark knight is a crime


Absolutely hated it.


God awful. Nonsensical. A shit show.


I was in aurora Colorado. I watched them at a theater that played 1-3 back to back to back. I walked out and saw helicopters and ambulances and police cars flying by. My thoughts where what the fuck??


Everyone was relived because no one got shot


Fucking epic, not as epic as the second one but still so amazing What people don't understand today when watching them now is how insanely ground breaking this trilogy was. People that try to hate on it hate on it in the prism of today. Before this movie trilogy, super hero movies were corny, pun filled, and cartoonish. Meant for little kids. There was a whole generation of kids whose only memory of batman comics was him getting his back broken on the cover by Bane. This was a big hurdle to go over. This was the first time that a studio said fuck it we are making this gritty, real, dark, for adults. The Dark Knight trilogy busted open so many doors. Without it, movies like Deadpool never happen, without it id argue Iron Man is a corny pile of garbage and the Avengers never get traction.


Iron man is 2008 and Dark knight Rises is 2012. What are you talking about?


well, they said trilogy and batman begins came out in 2005 so…




I liked the movie but it pissed me off when Bane talked cause I couldn’t understand him at all. It sounded really bad.


This is this first movie I watched truly believing I was going to see a good movie I’d really enjoy and then walk out feeling weirdly dissatisfied. Then it hit me: I just didn’t like it. Years later and I still think it’s a poor, boring film. It’s up there with Batman and Robin as worst Batman movie of all time.


I mean it definitely has its problems but it's not even close to being as bad as Batman and Robin imho.


1. Tom Hardy is always hot 2. I fucking loved the end to this trilogy. I thought it was perfect and I really still think it was a great end to Nolan's Batman




Why the fuck did they march every cop in Gotham into the sewers all at once? There are bad ideas, and then there are bad ideas so profound and ridiculous that they ruin an otherwise acceptable movie.


I was 22, and heard a lot of how bad this movie was but how good Bane was. As somwbody that doesn't particularly enjoy super heroes movies, I skipped it to see Avengers


Just rewatched these and they hold up!


Hated Dark Knight Rises.


I got a weirdly right wing feel from it. I cant remember why, just did.


Abundantly clear Nolan didn’t want to do this film


Horrendous piece of shit and a shocking let down of an ending to what was otherwise a stellar franchise.


It was great except games death


A solid 5/7


I didn’t like it but now I do


The hype wasn't worth it compared to Dark Knight for me. I was kinda bored in certain parts


It’s so long. It’s a decent movie. But it could have trimmed the fat a lot.


Great film. It’s even greater now.


Speechless… fabulous!!


There was a rumor that Alfred killed himself when the movie came out. Super dumb but then the movie almost goes there 😂 I was freaking out in the theater. I also proceeded to spread the rumor.


That Bane was Ukranian If to be serious, it was a typical superhero one timer. You watch it and forget it the next day. Although, I can't forget the fighting scenes from this movie. They're worse than the fights from 80s B movies


Enjoyed it when I actually saw it in the cinema, although I thought Marion Cotillard's character was redundant and weird. When I watched it again a few times it became apparent how big the plot holes were and how bad some aspects of it were. My biggest gripe is the real lack of feeling like time has passed when Bane et al had Gotham under lockdown. It just seemed to happen overnight with some snowfall, was it a couple of days? Months? Years? Strange.


Thought it was rough. “The clean slate, the clean slate. The ultimate tool for a master thief. The clean slate.” Dialogue was horrible. I don’t mind it now, but I don’t love it.


I felt betrayed. Bad script, bad ending. Really weak movie. It was the first time I was disappointed in Nolan's movie.


I did and my thoughts were damn I have to see it again so i bought tickets for the very next screening best decision ever


"Wish I'd seen Avengers a second time instead."


Great movies, the way they killed off Bane wad atrocious and rushed and cheap and thoughtless


What the hell was Bane saying? I couldn't understand a word. Pretty cool movie though


"Yo did they really just SHOOT Bane to death, or is he walking that off?


Fucking loved it! How Nolan weaved in Tales of Two Cities throughout the storyline was brilliant. And the movie is still very relevant to what's going on in the world today. IMHO, its the best of the trilogy.


It's funny how a city stripped of its governing bodies still manages to look so clean. Also, some of those exploding tumbler clips looked copied and pasted. Also, it feels weird that Batman had guns on his Batpod. Also, some of that dialogue was so cringy ("I came to stop you!"). Also, that cop knew Bruce was Batman because... Goddammit, I can't believe this is the movie we got. Nolan's first disappointment. (Also also, I couldn't hear half of Bane's Micky Mouse dialogue. I'm sure it was very cool, but... sigh)


When I first saw it, I absolutely loved it. Granted it was definitely my most anticipated movie of all time; surpassing even The Avengers, Batman v Superman, and Infinity War. But while I never thought it was on par with TDK, this was a movie that made me so happy. Upon rewatches, the movie has gotten a lot worse, even if I still think it’s a good enough film. It is easily the weakest of the trilogy, but I do think it has a bad rap.


I worked at the movie theater when this movie came out and I got to keep the promo posters months before the movie came out. I got man of steel as well. They send the posters for almost no reason though, because they send you the final updated version when the movie actually comes out. I also used to walk in the theater and watch it every time I worked. Wasn’t the best but still thought it was pretty good. Run time was a little long and I thought for a Batman movie there wasn’t much Batman in it. But I still enjoyed it just far less than I thought I would. I thought this would be better than the dark knight and I was wrong


Why such a weird little story prompt?


I enjoyed it but the movie did have some VERY large plot holes. I liked Tom Hardy’s version of Bane and I also liked Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman. I probably would not have bothered with breaking Batman, I know it’s important in the comic but I did not like it back then. I might have adapted more of the War Games story arc, instead of Knightfall. I would have cut out Talia al Ghul. I also would have put a fight between Gordon and Crane in the end. I have seen articles with Nolan and Bale saying they did not want a true version of Robin but I would have done it. I have said all this but I have seen this movie multiple times and now might watch it today.


I thought that it was the best one, & a great ending to the trilogy. I remember I was playing arkham city alot at the time, & I must've done nothing but watch that movie & play that game over & over for months. The hotness of the female characters was a significant upgrade, & I much prefer a bad guy like Bane who is an actual physical threat to Bats. My only qualm with the entire movie is that Bane went down too quick for someone so menacing. But Tom Hardy was fantastic, & is potentially my favorite villain of all time. 🤔


Was hoping he’d do a Robin/Nightwing spin off trilogy. Love the movie though.


Man, I’m glad I didn’t see this in Colorado!


Awful batman movie


I was so disappointed. I’ve never watched it since.


It’s the Sunday of the Dark Knight Trilogy




‘What was the guy in the mask saying? He needed subtitles.’


I’m already sick of everyone doing the Bane voice


Honestly I was somewhat disappointed the Batman didn’t die saving Gotham. AND the way Bane died really minimized his character. I hated the way he was killed. Still thoroughly enjoyed it overall though.


saying I was disappointed doesn't do justice to what i felt watching it, I was dumbfounded I remember. I didn't understand how it could be possible to make a movie so poorly. Bane was bad. Talia was bad. Batman was bad. Catwoman was bad. Movie took place in Broad daylight which felt really weird for a Batman movie. the prison plot was bad... anyway it s just my opinion, if people liked this movie, or Inception, or Interstellar, or anything Nolan has done after Dark Knight , good for them. But for me this movie was a 1 out of 10.




GREAT performances, but wtf was that script?


I liked it, I just didnt like how they killed bane in the end


Good! Not as good as the Dark Knight, but good.


I thought “There will never be another Batman movie/trilogy that can top this.”


Started out hot with the plane scene..little did we know that was going to be the only good part


It was doomed from the start. The Dark Knight was an impossible act to follow.


I was dumbfounded. I didn’t like it. I was bored. Character motivations didn’t make sense.


After TDK, almost anything was gonna be a letdown. Solid movie but too many goofy plot points and completely wasted Matthew Modine.


Love it but it was a little long for a Batman movie.


I think it was too long. And didn't have the spark that the first 2 had.


Mass shooting in Colorado theater


I was born in the dark….


I was generally pleased but also could tell something was off.


Hardy’s Bane is one of my favorite of the Nolan villains, almost up there with the Joker. And Hathaway’s Catwoman is nothing to complain about either. But it was a convoluted film with many silly moments. I consider it to be the “Godfather, Part III” of the Batman trilogy. Was it really necessary?


Overwrought, didn’t like it. Only Batman Begins is legit in my book.


I honestly think all three are overrated. Love Heath Ledger and everything is well thought out. But i don't get batman vibes at all, everything is too clean and sterile.. i like a gritty and dark batman.


How tf was that Tom hardy?




It’s the weakest of the three imo


This was my favorite BM film of all time. Probably Heath Ledger's best performance as well.


It was amazing and niwbim going to Taco Bell.


One of the best movie franchises ever.


I was kinda pissed off that my girlfriend at the time sat next to someone else. And then we got out and I thought “why are all these cops here?”


"I wish Heath Ledger was still alive"




Largely good, with some excellent, and some disappointing parts.


I know all these movies are grim, but this was super grim.


Pretty much was just thinking about Anne Hathaway in that leather catwoman outfit tbh


Didn’t care for it unfortunately


This was my favorite of the trilogy. Its the only one I would bother rewatching.


This is exactly what happened in 2012: Did a three-movie marathon leading up to TDKR at midnight. Still love Begins and TDK. TDKR was...fine? Had some cool moments, liked Hardy as Bane and Hathaway was a solid Selina. Opening scene was good, Gotham in a "No Man's Land" style scenario was interesting, the court scene with Scarecrow was fun. But just felt a bit lackluster overall. Not sure if Nolan was burnt out in the editing room — the infamous Talia death take is awful of course, plus Bane's death is lame. They stopped bothering to try to hide the fact they were shooting in New York. Also just felt weird to have the Batman be that notorious in these movies if he was literally only operating for a short time before retiring. Just didn't hit me the first time the way the first two did. It's a solid movie, and I can appreciate this Batman's story having a beginning, middle, and end.


I got to watch this for free in theatres since friend was a manager. I enjoyed it. My only dissapointment was my ex going to the restroom right before the football field scene, of which she wanted to see lol


That was a kind of mess. The batwing is dumb. I liked JGL but Anne Hathaway didn't do anything. I guess it was alright. The best part was the first 20 mins. Gotham looked better in Chicago and I need to move out of Pittsburgh.


Where the pink suit meme guy


I was a little disappointed but still thought it had a lot of good stuff


Saw it at like midnight with my ex after working all day. Pretty sure I fell asleep. My first thoughts were why is it 3 am.


I was incredibly disappointed but mainly because my expectations were unreasonably high. I do enjoy it for what it is now.


This is better an any marvel movie ever made. It’s the second best superhero movie behind TDK. Bane and Catwoman were incredible.


Terrible writing, felt like fan fiction


Hated everything about it right after I saw it.


Not as good as it could have been. Gets more shit than it deserves. Might also be responsible for Christopher Judge's comeback.


Wtf was that trash.


Just rewatched this two days ago. It’s really frickin good, and didn’t get enough credit, but isn’t without its moments of fault.


Wasn’t a fan. Think maybe it was all the hype after the dark knight. Ok movie on its own but is the worst of the trilogy by far.


I was about as disappointed as you could be, but I tried to give Nolan the benefit of the doubt anyway


I really enjoyed it. In fact, I just rewatched the trilogy last week. I think the biggest challenge it faced was coming after The Dark Knight. It is very hard to follow that masterpiece.