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Smells like…. Victory. You’ve seen the horror that I’ve seen…. _the horror_


Are you an assassin? I'm a soldier, sir.


No you’re a grocery clerk come to collect a bill.


*an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill


Are my methods unsound?


I don't see... any *method"... at all, sir.


“You are to *ahem* terminate the Colonel’s command” “Terminate… the Colonel’s command?” “Terminate..with extreme prejudice.”


I was so fascinated about the patrol boat that I built a remote-controlled model based on the movie. In order to build as detailed as possible, I watched the movie a lot and after a long time I realized that at least 3 different boats were used in the movie - all with small differences - that didn't make it any easier to build as true to the original as possible... Great Movie!


They were riverines on that boat. I served as a riverine in the navy. I always reference this movie when people ask what I did. I was basically chef; a diesel engineer riverine on a small patrol craft. Pretty sure when they say PBR StreetGang as their call sign it means Patrol Boat Riverine. To elaborate; I wasn’t in Vietnam. I served in the 2000s. But our origins traced back to these sailors. Chief was the coxswain, my coxswain on my 34’ patrol craft was a BM. I also served with a QM and another BM. I was an EN. 🫡 anchors aweigh!!


That's awesome! Thank you for your service.


That’s some homage points there.


I believe you are talking about the PBR, you can hear a lot more about it on The Grand Tour boat episode.


Damn, here I am having trouble motivating myself to get out of bed in the morning, and here you are building a movie-accurate replica of the patrol boat in Apocalypse Now. That's badass, man.


I built it over 10 years ago. At the moment it is lying dry and needs a few minor repairs and i also can‘t get me motivated


Charlie don't surf


His "...this war's gonna end..." line breaks my heart every time. What a masterful delivery of masterful dialogue.


Finally! Someone gets it! That line kills me every time...it shows how aware he is of the mayhem that is his everyday life, how he has come to accept it, to embrace it, to thrive in it and, in the absence of it, he's at a loss to know what to do....not just the next morning, but in life. Growing up in the 80's I saw so many Veterans who embodied that, they were my friends Dad's that came back from the war and tried to pick up right where they left off. They tried to integrate back into society like nothing happened, like they hadn't seen the horrors they'd witnessed but just could never be 100%. And at the time there was little to nothing for them...therapy was seen as for the weak, their support groups could only be others that had witnessed what they had seen, they were just sort of lost. Some drank to cope, some found other pursuits, some worked themselves into an early grave just to not deal with it. Every kid knew that one friend's Dad that you didn't show up to the house unannounced at to see if they wanted to come out and play or didn't accept an invite to sleep over. I can read that in Kilgore's voice and hear the same voices of so many Dads that I knew growing up that were never fully there.


The Redux version is a masterpiece.


When I watched the Redux version I was blown away by how much better of a movie it is. The story is so much more complete. Crazy how much editing occurred in the theatrical version.


Interestingly I think of the Redux version as a great example of why good editing is crucial to a good movie. I hate the Redux version. I think it adds so many unnecessary scenes and even a couple scenes that ruin other scenes. The scene after the one in the picture for example. They turn Colonel Kilgore into comic relief by having him patrol in a helicopter asking for his surf board back. In the original cut, he delivers that legendary line “Someday…this war is gonna end” is that really wistful, nostalgic way and just walks off screen. It’s such a badass exit and they ruin it in Redux.


It was a good board, and i liked it.


The French plantation tho. I love the ghostly vibe of that part. Those French aristocrats on their mouldering colonial estate in the jungle. Like their family is still living in 1920 or something. I just find it really haunting and poignant, and the environment is beautifully rendered.


That is now on my to watch list.


It’s almost 5 hours long, good luck! Worth every second!


No it's not, it doesn't even pass the 4 hour mark.


I must be thinking of another movie my bad, wish it was 5 hours though. Lol


there is also a 5 hour work print online. I am surprised they didn't realise that officially as a mini series


I prefer the final cut that came out on 4K recently, you get a lot of scenes from redux but tighter.


Yes sir, obviously insane.


“Sir thats Charlie’s break!”


Charlie don't surf!


If I say it’s safe to surf this beach!


My favorite movie of all time.


Really some shit… few movies have left me so jaw dropped.


Literally just showed this masterpiece of a movie to my wife last night for her first time seeing it. The horror…


What a fucking goddamn movie.


“Someday this war is gonna end.”


One of the greatest lines of the movie. Is he relieved or disappointed.


Found this homage to it- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v5-hthd39wM&pp=ygUTZ2F0ZSB2YWxreXJpZSBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D


Amazing study of human behavior.


“Who’s in command here?” “ain’t you?!” gives me chills every time. such a chaotic scene


"Do you know who's in command here?" "Yeah."


the coldest man in cinema history


Fucking Roach..


They say your methods are unsound. Do you think my method is unsound ? I don’t see any method at all sir.


a fucking tiger, man...never get off the boat...


You knew it was going to be an iconic line when you heard it in the theater.


Charlie don't surf


“You know, someday this war is going to end.” I love that line. He seemed disappointed! 😂




Charlie don't surf


'Love the Smell Of Napam In the Morning'


Best drama I've ever seen


"You know, some day this war's gonna end."


Overall, his screen time in the film is approximately 11 to 12 minutes. Duvall’s portrayal of Kilgore 🐐


I wish I got this movie


To truly appreciate it, you should read Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. After reading it, watch the movie. It's not necessary, exactly, but your appreciation of the movie will increase five-fold, and all of the scenes will make perfect sense. The theme of both is that humans are predators when you strip away all the niceties of society, and to function and win in that world is to be willing to go further and be more animalistic than your competition. Moving down the river is a journey into the darkness of the human heart.


I read Heart of Darkness after I saw the movie. Holy fuck what a good read. Absolutely owns its title though, dark as hell.


I'm here to also recommend Heart of Darkness. It is my favorite book (novella) and have reread many times. It's a fascinating glimpse into humanity. If you really want to do a deep dive, also read the non-fiction book "King Leopolds Ghost" about the Belgian control of Congo. Conrad is mentioned a few times (he worked on river boats, not one of the bad guys) and the atrocities are what inspired Conrad to write HoD.


The pile of little vaccinated arms….


The will ... the will to do that...


If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly


I would add, also watch Exterminate All the Brutes, an HBO miniseries done by Raoul Peck. Helps explain the context of this movie, which is misadventures in imperialism, and how that affects humans who are taken out of society and then unleashed without rules


Rubbin is racing Cole Trickle


[Napalm in the morniiiiiiiiiing!🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qHUPQV18Gg&pp=ygUbTmFwYWxtIGluIHRoZSBtb3JuaW5nIHNvZG9t)


In my top 5 movies of all time. Wonderfully done and great to watch, over and over.


“I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving.”


Never get out of the boat.


The redux version is the only movie i ever went to watch alone in a cinema. Such a great experience. Outstanding movie.


“Some day this wars’ gonna end”


One of the best scenes in the history of Cinema.


One of the absolute best movies of all time. Top 3.


Read "In the Heart of Darkness" if you love this movie. You'll love the film a million times more after reading the source material.


Genius. Writing, Directing, cinematography, soundtrack, and CAST!!


Best opening of any film ever.


After watching the movie again, we can see the clear differences between Kurtz and Kilgore. Kilgore, as his name implies and his actions show-loves war. Absolutely loves it. War to him is just the brief interlude between beachfront bbqs and surfing. But he’s weak in Kurtz’s eyes because he doesn’t go “all the way” as Kurtz says. Kurtz completely reshaped his psyche due to the conflict, and it destroyed him. To say that he went “insane” is apt. But he did so because of the horrors he saw, and in his eyes was willing to do what was necessary to win. Though Kurtz and Kilgore never interact, we see through Kurtz’s words that he believes that a man like Kilgore could never win the war due to his inability to fully engage with the conflict. To Kilgore, he’s effective but there are limits. Kurtz eliminated limits and in doing so destroyed himself, a fact that he himself recognizes.


It took awhile but I grew to love this film. Captain Williard is an incredible character. My former FIL did three tours there and said this was the most realistic of the bunch.


i enjoyed the making of this movie more than the movie itself


"Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmakers Apocalypse " Great film, it's unfortunate that they skip over post-production though.


It's a lot harder to take this movie seriously when you view it is a bunch of rich white dudes who low key feel like lesser men for not fighting a war then making the production of a movie about war as difficult as possible to give themselves what they think is the experience of fighting an actual war. When they could have just gone and fought the war instead. Great movie but it's the definition of pretentious.




That was a perfect choice for Duvalls character.




Hey, man, you don't talk to the Colonel. You listen to him. The man's enlarged my mind. He's a poet warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he'll... uh... well, you'll say "hello" to him, right? And he'll just walk right by you. He won't even notice you. And suddenly he'll grab you, and he'll throw you in a corner, and he'll say, "Do you know that 'if' is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you"... I mean I'm... no, I can't... I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's... he's a great man! I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas...


Dennis Hopper killed it in a small role.


Got to admit, he’s super creepy, and I buy the insanity.


Outside of this scene, this movie is mid at best.


Fullmetal jacket was better


Not a great film, especially compared to what Coppola achieved earlier in the decade. And a silly cameo for Duvall compared to his role as Tom Hagan.


I liked the movie better than the novel, and I am biased to Coppola. I liked Coppola’s directorial choices and interpretation better.


It’s the third greatest film of all time at a minimum