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Everyone here forgetting feral Bilbo from Fellowship. Nobody expected that shit.


Also wasn't there one with the floating bodies? Peter Jackson did get his start as a horror director...


If you watch The Frighteners the ghosts are the prototype for the ring wraiths. It's uncanny.


I haven’t thought about The Frighteners in years! I loved that movie so much, didn’t know it was Peter Jackson


It is so excellent because the scene is so calm and non-threatening up to the scare.


And then right after the jump scare is one of the saddest LotR moments when Bilbo is so absolutely ashamed and sorry about what happened and that he ever got Frodo involved with such a terrible and dangerous item. It's the only jump scare I know of that immediately makes me sad a few seconds later.




Why is there so much bilbo photoshopped porn in that sub wtf.


Lol, somewhere along the line that place just got WILD and nobody stopped it. If you see from some of the posts on there, it actually got shut down at one point. I actually haven’t even visited for a while.


Seriously. It was like the Spanish Inquisition.


[Feral Bilbo from Fellowship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBxGNfjv4oo)


Insidious. The scene after the grandmother is explaining her nightmare and the tension eases up just enough and then that face appears behind the dad.


This is mine. I think it’s so effective because the movie has you “trained” to expect jump scares when tension builds, but in this scene, it’s daytime, it’s out in the open, you feel safe, then BAM!


[Insidious. The scene after the grandmother is explaining her nightmare.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3E0fG3qwrU)


I’ve seen most of the links that you’ve posted as I know most of the scenes. The only one I won’t watch is this one. This one was too damn scary and it still gets me every time.


I thought that was darth maul


I’m a full grown man. I can lift a reasonably sized baby. I drink bourbon. I’m still hesitant to watch these movies.


"lift a reasonably sized baby" 😂😂😂


Beyond the first one you're not missing a ton IMO


There's a great screenshot of that moment coupled with a comment saying something like "I scratched my balls during this scene and when that face popped up I about ripped my dick off". Understandable, honestly!


This. That demon that appeared behind him and the lady sees it too and freaks out just like I do every single time I watch it!


This whole movie had fantastic jump scares. It really broke the standard scary movie rules to make something unique and scary as hell.


I saw it in high school, long after I was really affected by scary movies since I had been watching them for so long. But that movie legit creeped me out so bad that I had the worst time sleeping afterwards. The whole movie throughout just feels so uneasy and never really lightens up at all. I don’t care for any of the sequels but the original is damn near perfect for a scary movie.


I was scratching my balls at that part and almost ripped them off when the demon peeked his dumb head out.


I still remember the news video in Signs when they see the alien for the first time. I think the entire theater jumped.


Move, children! Vamonos!


Es behind!


Lol I quote this so often for no apparent reason, even do the high pitched voice


I still say this when I’m stuck in traffic.


Bro as a kid, watching that felt traumatising. And then at the end that scene where Joachin Phoenix enters the living rooms and can see an Alien in his TV reflextion.. I legit couldn't sleep well for weeks because I was scared of having nightmares of Aliens (my dreams were extremely vivid as a child, even feeling physical pain when i was hurt in a dream). Fuck that movie Edit: If you liked the birthday scene though, I recommend watching "It follows". There is a kind of jumpscare that has a similiar vibe to this, even more creepy imo. I'll spoil which scene If you just want to watch it on YouTube >!you'll find it by searching "it follows the arrival of a tall man!<


That’s how Fire In The Sky was for me. Took my childhood fear of aliens and took it from a 5 to a 37.


As a kid, the one where the little girl sees it on the roof and then mel looks out and theres the dark figure, for years i would occasionally look out my window before going to bed and check the roofs of the houses next door hoping i wouldn’t see something.


For me in that movie was the hand under the door


Hand under the door, leg in the corn field and alien on the roof while Gibson's character is in the bathroom are all better jumpscares IMO.


[The news video in Signs when they see the alien for the first time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7qqDhJ23t8)


That’s the one for me. The entire theater did “the wave” at that moment. People were giggling and whispering about how scared they were for more than a few minutes after.


It’s so effective but really quite tame when you take it on its on


Yeah, it’s like the moment the tension bubbles over and you finally see the alien.


Always been confused at how this is a jump scare. There’s no loud sounds or music, and an alien just walks by. The rooftop alien barn scene? Now THAT is a jump scare.


It’s really interesting to me how the alien STILL made everyone jump even though they were basically telling you “a scare is coming” for the 60 seconds leading up to it. Can’t think of another case like that. Maybe Mulholland Drive?


The way it uses the amateur footage that’s shaky and grainy sucks the audience in trying to see better and figure out if there’s something on screen. Your guard is let down slightly just trying to see what’s going on so the alien crossing with the fast cut to Joaquin’s shocked reaction is particularly jarring.


Because people jumped out of their seats at the scene. That would make it a jump scare.


I just rewatched it and there's a pretty loud bang when it appears. What gets me most is how it's so effective when we are all literally waiting and expecting it to happen.


Move Children! Vamanos!


The Ring. Closet reveal. Freaked me TF out.


People talk about that jump scare putting them on edge for the rest of the movie waiting for the next one, which I can 100% relate to. But the part where she goes to see her ex in the chair was nerve-wracking


I saw that for the first time just this past year. I immediately laughed because it was so unexpected visually


[The Ring. Closet reveal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBtHBWs0__g)


Reminds me of a scene from Mulholland Drive, and is what i consider probably one of the biggest jump scares. Right at the beginning of the film where the two guys are talking at the diner and one man says he dreamt this before and that behind back theres a man behind the dumpster that will kill him. Hes so distraught that his friend reassures him its fine and that he’ll walk back there with him to show him its safe. As theyre walking closer and closer to the dumpster they come right up to it, nearly face to face blocking the view, and a grotesque individual comes into screen in a split second and the man is literally scared to death. Still gives me the creeps just thinking about it.


15yo boy me screamed like a schoolgirl in the cinema at that scene


“I saw…*her face*…”


Se7en >!the sloth victim!< For me, nothing has ever compared to that one.


The only instance I’ve had of another moviegoer literally noping out. That jump scare happens, 90% of the audience jumps, then one lady gets up and loudly exclaims “Nope. I ain’t about this. Nuh-uh. I’ll see you at home.” Her response was the levity needed in the moment. Poor lady.


That's pretty damn funny. I love experiences like this. I have a bunch and I hope theaters never go away so we keep having them.


"He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered... and he still has hell to look forward to."


[Se7en the sloth victim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59nMvop-HeU)


Hahah I’d forgotten the movie so I spent the bulk of clip going “oh that wasn’t really much of a scare” 


Seriously. No one expected that shit and it shocked me to the grave when I was 13 years old. From that point on I knew it was going to be my favorite movie of all time.


As soon as I saw the scene with all the air fresheners hanging from the ceiling, my mind was like “OH HELL NO.”


Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.


That caused unspeakable trauma to me as a kid.


If it makes you feel any better, back in 2015 I went to an anniversary screening hosted by Paul and he gave a warning about the scene and told the kids in the crowd exactly when to shut their eyes. It was very nice of him and he went on to admit that it was the one thing he wishes wasn't in the movie. Don't think he or director Tim Burton realized how scary it was at the time of production.


You can tell the reddit base is skewing younger because this used to be the top comment all the time on threads like this (same for "Brooks was here" for saddest scene) but it slides further down as time goes on.


[Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPMSGTfK4Aw)


The Thing - the blood test scene and reveal of who was the Thing


I am just fucking disgusted I had to scroll this far to finally find this one cited, this is THE answer!!!!!! This *defines* the jump scare.


Not a movie but, Haunting of Hill House (the scene in the car)


[Haunting of Hill House (the scene in the car)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M0vXKX70qY)


There's some context that makes this really a great scare. It was something like episode 8 of a show that frequently teases a jump scare but uses great restraint. At some point during the show my wife and I agreed that we loved how scary the show was *without* relying on startles. Then this one was really impactful and we both nearly jumped off the couch. We had to pause after cause we were laughing so hard at our reactions!


Yeah, I remember getting real mad that they got me so good because they had so many fake outs. Like you fuckers spent eight hours luring me into a false sense of security just for that fucking jump scare. A+ 10/10.


The unsung hero of this whole post


It was brilliant. It was completely earned by being deep into the story to lull the audience into thinking there wouldn't be one, while also making sense for what was happening during the scene at the time.


Yeah, it looks terrifying but when you think about, that’s basically Nell trying to stop her sisters from arguing and it’s just heartbreaking.


Yup. If you look back. A lot of the times Nel tries to “scare” the family (that scene, or knocking the coffin over) it’s because her siblings are arguing and she wants to stop them.


Holy shit. I did not realize that until now.


If you rewatch it, and realize that Nell is never trying to be malicious, a lot of it makes more sense. It's just she can only interact with them in limited ways.


It's so perfectly unexpected. I still remember after it happened I was like 'bravo'


Scariest show I've ever seen in my life. I've been wanting to do a rewatch but I'm too scared. And yea, that jump scare took a year off my life


No jump scare has ever made me yelp so loud as that one. Dear *god*.


I clicked on this post specifically to make sure that this was mentioned, hahaha. God damn that scene made my heart race.


I don't remember.... But friggen AMAZING show.


That one always comes to mind


That series was so legit. And you can even do a rewatch and get all new scares


That scene is a literally perfect jumpscare. SO freakin good. That said… I actually find the scene before far scarier. There’s something about the Ah the father delivers THAT line, about the treehouse. Just terrifies me.


I went into that show hearing about how there was only one jump scare in the whole show. Pretty much accurate. Still scared the shit outta me.


Bilbo fucking Baggins


The raptor coming through the wall after Dr. Sattler gets the power turned back on was a good one.


“Mr Hammond, I think you’re back in business!” Narrator: He was not.


You can tell how poorly planned the park was by the fact that the last three breakers are the main perimeter, T. rex, and raptor fences. In the event of an emergency it seems like those would be the top choices to get back on.


[The raptor coming through the wall after Dr. Sattler gets the power turned back on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fAGxs7QYF8)


For me personally, Lex coming *this* close to losing her leg made seven year-old me leave my body for a second.


The tongue click in Hereditary when the mother is driving alone. Never felt chills over my whole body because of a jumpscare, but that did it


I was going to say Hereditary, but the scene toward the end where the son wakes up and the mom does that creepy as crawl across the wall


It does such a good job at building dread that I can think of like five jump scares that would otherwise be the scariest of the movie.


I love and respect that movie so much because of just how much I hate it. If that makes sense lol.


Carrie (1976) >! at the very end when her hand shoots out of the ground !< got me so bad.


This is top 3 all time


It Follows, the tall man in the hallway.


I’ve never had a jump scare make me stand up out of my chair ready to run until this one.


[It Follows, the tall man in the hallway.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrT_zyumAM)


Was going to say this. Jump scares typically make me flinch then laugh because they got me. This one though. I got chills and it really freaked me out. I think it's one of the best scares of any type in any movie. Especially because it's not even traditionally scary. It's just so unexpected that a giant guy will quickly walk out from the dark, towering over the sister standing in the doorway.


Right? I normally hate jump scares. They freak me out and take me out of the moment. But this one got me even more into it. I wasn't even sure if it counted as a jump scare, but I thought it deserved a mention either way because it's so well done.


I didn't jump necessarily but I felt an instantaneous chilly adrenaline dump into my body when it walked up like that.


Alien in the duct.


Yep! Holy crap, did 8 year-old me leave the earth for a second watching that


It just wanted a HUG


The best thing about that whole sequence is that it ramps the tension up in very subtle increments and builds and builds until it happens. One of my favourite scenes ever.


Exorcist 3


Exorcist 3 is an absolutely brilliant movie, has deservedly become more appreciated as the years have went by with horror fans, ties in brilliantly with the original movie, whilst also having its own distinct atmosphere and tone. It did have major reshoots to the final act, but after seeing footage of the original cut, it was definitely the right decision. In regards to OP's question, in my opinion, it is unmatched purely on the craftsmanship and execution - To quote the guys from RedLetterMedia: "that jump scare is absolutely *earned*!"


Knew it was coming, but just didn’t know how many shots look similar, scared the crap out of me.


[Exorcist 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2BN-WpW2Qg)


Mine was Jaws, but it is the scene where Hooper sees Ben Gardner's severed head floating out of the boat


That's the O.G. jump scare for those of us in our mid-late forties lol. Jaws also has two of the most gutwrenching monologues in movie history as well - the renowned Quint "USS Indianapolis" speech, and when Mrs Kintner [confronts Chief Brody](https://youtu.be/zQIUja-qkNY?si=HllhBGxtUaDXnVb9) on the dock after her son is killed in the days following the shark attack. That last one hits me harder as an adult than any jump scare.


The behind the scenes on this is great. At the premiere Spielberg was too nervous to sit because he wasn’t sure if people would buy into the premise. After that scene and the entire theater jumping he sat right down and started bragging to his friend next to him lol


I saw it when I was 9. I still remember the jump. Almost 50 years later.


[Hooper sees Ben Gardner's severed head floating out of the boat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDs5a0BcEzY)


Yup, Ben Gardner is the jump scare GOAT.


That's the one I was talking about as well 😂


Sixth Sense, when the kid is taking a wizz in the bathroom in the hall, and the ghost passes in front of the camera


I'd go with the little ghost girl vomiting


Isn’t she under the bed aswell? I’m sure there’s a scene where one of the ghosts is hiding under something looking ill. Always fucked me up that one.


She was


My vote is the show you where my dad keeps his gun ghost


For me it was the boy with the gunshot wound in the back of his head.


The family hanging in the stairwell creeped me out the most.


The Descent the first time you see the creature behind one of the women


Alternatively the accident scene. 


Mulholland Drive diner scene


I love it because it plays on your expectations of how a scene like that would usually go in a horror movie. Anytime a scare is so obviously telegraphed with music swelling like that, it's almost certainly a fakeout. The character turns the corner, and it's just a cat rustling through some garbage. The character opens the door, and it's just the friendly neighbor. The diner scene was a fakeout of a fakeout.


And not just that. It happens a bit sooner than you would expect, it happens in a bizarre sliding way that is totally unnatural, and it breaks the mold of the scene and movie up that point where you don’t expect something paranormal.


[Mulholland Drive diner scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UozhOo0Dt4o)


I would encourage anyone who has not yet seen Mulholland Drive to not watch this scene outside the context of the whole movie, it’s brilliant.


Yeah lynch is underated in the horor aspect


Inland Empire is one of the scariest movies that I know


Never have I ever felt dread and my heart pounding as when I first watched this. Oddly enough, it loses a lot of its effect as an isolated youtube clip. I think the prior parts of the movie just prime you for that surreal otherworldly atmosphere it needs


Forever burned into my brain


It’s not a movie but the most effective jump scare of my life was Man-Bat in Batman: Arkham Knight For a movie, I’ll go with the nun in the hallway in Exorcist 3


Haha, I was playing in the dark with the volume cranked, that scared the piss out of me, I had to laugh afterward how good it got me.


Yeah video game jump scares tend to get me worse than movies.


Paranormal Activity 2 had one so good they used it at the commercials on tv showing the audience explode in a collective scream and jump. Saw the movie in theaters. can confirm. that jump scare made me scream. not sure if i jumped. but might have pittled myself a bit


All the doors and drawers in the kitchen blasting open was pretty awesome too.


The bit in the first film where you see the footprints appear fucked me up for weeks.


The basement scene? So good


Inception, when Mal makes eye contact with Ariadne


Holy fuck I forgot about this. So creepy!!


Sinister >!Lawnmower scene!<


Those videos are all so unsettling but that one is definitely the worst.


Yeah, this is still the one that gets me.


Deep Blue Sea with Samuel L. Jackson speech


[Deep Blue Sea with Samuel L. Jackson speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f35nmDjc60)


Great one, even though as a kid I knew something was gonna happen with his back turned to the hatch, I remember preemptively holding my popcorn tub in front of my eyes.


The ending of Enemy. It's a film that you are really not expecting any jumpscares at all so when it happened I shat myself.


Literal heart attack I got from that. I’m still confused on its meaning but good god it was perfect in terms of surprising


I didn’t jump, but was INCREDIBLY confused for a second. Had to look up what the ending meant.


Independence Day with the alien on the glass


Large Marge


Smile has a really good one.


Smile is one of the better scary movies that came out recently. I loved the ending so much.


I love horror movies when everyone is fucked


When she's sitting in her car and her sister is standing outside it, right?


I hate that the trailer ruined that scene


Rec (2007). When she looks up into the attic.


Or when the body comes flying down the stairwell.


The Grudge - had a few scenes that freaked me the hell out.


This was one of the craziest horror flicks I remember. I was exposed to pretty age inappropriate movies at a young age. Nightmare, Alien, RoboCop, Terminator all before the age of ten, so scary didn't really exist once I realized that shit wasn't hiding in my closet. But The Grudge freaked my shit out. I remember sitting in a rocking Laz-y-Boy chair, and felt myself climbing out of the back of it when she checked the [attic](https://youtu.be/eFS1RcRW-F8?si=du6I24EgnTwvu3uq).


I thought the Grudge did a really good job of limiting jump scares for more dread-filled scenes where she is just getting closer and closer. The hospital scene was terrifying.


Mulholland drive, the swamp monster behind the diner scene


Lake Mungo I saw it coming a mile away but it's the only jump scare that's ever gotten me.


I find the farther ahead you can see them, often the more effective they are.


One of the first, Wait Until Dark


Conjuring, clapping scene Gonjiam Haunted Asylum, mumbling girl.


The clown in Poltergeist made me scream like a little girl.


I vividly remember the bus scene in the first Final Destination movie made me jump so hard that I took off from the cinema chair by at least a good foot if not more. After my heart put itself back in my chest I damn near bust a gut laughing.


That death is a freaking all-timer. It’s so sudden and unexpected.


The Woman in Black. Its a film full of jump scares, but a lot of them are actually pretty decent. The spinning lampshade thing is maybe my fave


Pretty much anything outta the first sinister. That movie made me sleep with lights on for 2 weeks. 


We got rid of the DVD lol


Hopefully you didnt move after 😐


Sinister >! The last ten seconds !<


I helped run the school movie projector back in the 80s and got to see Poltergeist two days in a row. The second day when the boy starts looking for his clown toy on the bed I watched the silhouettes of the audience. The whole room jumped a foot at once. It was an unforgettable moment in my life.


The Thing


Alien with the stomach burst scene.


Kingpin - the rear view mirror scene


What is it about good sex that always makes me want to crap?


Maybe not the most effective, but the funniest one might be the title for Cabin in the Woods


Jason and the canoe at the end of the first Friday the 13th.


Aliens. “They’re right on top of us!” Because it’s telegraphed… and it STILL scares you.


The Descent..nightvision cam


Title card for The Cabin in the Woods


Would be when the monster first appears in the Descent, for me! Every TIME


Haunting of Hill House


The girl in the closet in the beginning of the American Ring and the guy in the corner at the end of Blair Witch Project.


Jonsie the cat in Alien.


Meet Joe Black is the only one that I can remember.


Inland Empire hallway scene


American Werewolf in London shortly after David wakes up from the dream with the Nazi creatures


The very, very end of Friday the 13th By modern standards it isn’t even remotely scary, but when you aren’t expecting it…damn


I smoked before watching Sinister in the theater and let me tell you man. That lawnmower scene put me in another zip code.