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so it should be streaming by the end of September edit: remember when it took 6 months for a movie to go from theatres to home video?


At *least* 6 months. And that was just for rental. It would be even longer before it was released on VHS at retail. Successful movies would also play in theaters for even longer. It wasn't common, but you'd still see something running for six months or even a year. The big hit of the summer would run all summer long at a minimum.


Yeah, Titanic was in theatres for fucking ever.


13 months!


Jurrassic Park had an even longer run of roughly 16 months. I was eight when it came out and desperately wanted to see it. My dad said he wanted to wait to rent it so he could make sure it wasn't too violent for me. He finally broked down and took me to it around my 9th birthday in the spring of 1994. It was great and it would be another six months before I could rent it.


My Big Fat Greek Wedding was in theatres longer I think. Hell it didn't reach #1 at the box office until its 21st week in theatres.


There is a recent Red Letter Media video on saving movie theaters Mike says this very thing. When some of us were younger it was six months or so before VHS release. Fucking Dune 2 took like, two months?


RedLetterMedia are the best. And I agree that movie theatres should absolutely be saved. Oppenheimer showed us that audiences will fucking FLOCK to a well made movie that looks good.


less than. i think it was still in theaters and you could get it on premium VOD.


I remember seeing Lord of the Rings in December and anxiously anticipating the DVD in September the following year.


Then resold to us in another form by Xmas.


early 2000s was rife with this shit. Directors Cut, Extended Edition, Theatrical Release, Widescreen Edition, Extras HD-DVD edition.


UNRATED EDITION (which has 1 shot which lasts 2 seconds which is different from the normal version, which they didn't submit to get rated)


Blade Runner


“Inside Out 2: What if Emotions Were Live Action?”


Close! They're putting out an animated show that takes place in Riley’s imagination.


They cancel it after a season when they discover young adults and queer people resonate with it.


Is there a precedent for this or just what we guess will happen?


It's what is believed to have happened to Owl House sort of. It got three seasons, but the third was cut substantially.


yea but the creator came out and said flat out that was not the case. And if you think that was her saving face, she followed up with the actual reason which was even more inane. Some executive didn't like how The Owl House had serialized story telling when that wasn't standard on the Disney Channel.


Serialized storytelling is absolutely awful for evergreen, syndication-like content. Obviously the market is different now than it used to be, but that's why Seinfeld and Friends were the way they were — almost zero character development, and every story is self contained. You can literally watch episodes in any order at all, and it doesn't matter. There's a reason they shoot shows that way.


Why they did not just make it a D+ exclusive when they didn't want it on Disney Channel is beyond me, apparently the reason I read was that D+ didn't exist when the show was made, but that is bunk because both the show and the streaming service launched in 2019. Oh well, a truncated third season is better than no third season, at least.


Sounds similar to why the Sat morning Sonic cartoon was cancelled: It was popular... Just not with the target age range they wanted.


I’m sure the live action version would just be “my so called life”


There was a series in the 80's or 90's about a guy who literally had four people in his head. I have no idea what it's title was but it is literally a live action inside out.


Herman's Head


Herman’s Head




Lizzie McGuire


Inside Out 2 On Ice: Cold Demeanor


Still resold to us in another form, it’s just we make the purchase when we choose our streaming platform.


> edit: remember when it took 6 months for a movie to go from theatres to home video? Am I supposed to think this was a *desirable* time?


That was also when dollar movie theatres existed and in between that 6 months you could go see it for very cheap.


Those 6 months always felt like a year if it was a movie I loved.


It's based on profit. If no one is still seeing it, we all know it'll be on streaming asap. I love when big Hollywood says dumb shit like this and then eats their shoe because the movie suuuuuuuuuuUUUUHHhhhuuuuucked.


> I love when big Hollywood says dumb shit like this and then eats their shoe because the movie suuuuuuuuuuUUUUHHhhhuuuuucked. I’ve read this in the voice of Dr. Cox


In 1999, it took 6 months between US release of StarWars Episode I and some European Release in theaters (France for instance)


Sweet, new Pixar movie to watch in September


The Girl And The Sea w/ Daisy Ridley has a whole 2 weeks. Definitely kept me from going to the theater, but kept my Disney+ sub


I remember when it was over a year to either rent or purchase the $100 vhs


100 days is good. Dune 2 had 81 days from theatrical release to max streaming.


It used to be about 45 days from theatrical release for Shang Chi


There was 18 days for The Fall Guy.


I was very confused seeing an ad for that one streaming, since it felt like it *just* came out.


I saw it in theatres and two days later it was being advertised for VOD. I was very confused


Pirates loved it arrrr...


movie streaming on day 1 is peak pirate days


peak was when the award show copies would "leak" every year.


Now that you mention it , it's been a while that i've seen a screener


They started watermarking them more. And some popular private trackers banned them. Those trackers were the home for some of the popular release groups.


Better than the -45 days for Wolverine: Origins


I think the long times between release and streaming will postpone the inevitable. I know a lot more people that are just less likely to ever watch movies if they don't come to streaming soon, because nothing will ever bring them back to a theater and they end up forgetting the movie came out. With exception of a few niche movies a year, there's just no significant improvement to watching in a theater vs watching at home anymore.


Any "premium content" on Netflix or Disney Plus is going to get watched, period. Especially films that got a wide theatrical release and is "free" to the subscriber. Inside Out 2's budget is $175 million. Disney's not going to recuperate that budget by sending it straight-to-streaming.


Red Letter Media just put out a video on exactly this topic.




I honestly don’t understand it. Yea you can pause a movie at home to take a piss but seeing it on the big screen is vastly superior in my opinion. I’m not gonna be looking at my phone at the movies. My pets won’t be interrupting. It’s the only way I absorb a movie fully.


For an entire family, going to the movies is financially a hard call. Cost aside, the floors are sticky, not everyone gets good seats, people checking their notifications and lining up to use the restroom after the movie ends. Not saying the bigger screen isnt superior but for alot of folks time at home is the only peace they get.


Shit it's financially a hard call for me to go see a movie by myself and I make decent money. I've got a big TV and a good sound system at home. It's really only worth it to me if I'm gonna see a movie in imax and even then it's only gonna be if it was made for imax. Just to get into the theater for a regular movie is 20 dollars. Doesn't make sense when I can wait a few weeks and own it for close to that price.


I was in a theater last week. Some guy in the front had obnoxiously loud hiccups for the entire 2 hour movie. Pissed me off so bad. I couldn’t even concentrate. I’ll never go back.


I used to prefer watching on the big screen, but when I tried going back to theaters after the pandemic every time I went to see a movie there was always some person who had their phone out and the light from their screen kept distracting me. People who lack courtesy ruined it for me, not the rising prices (which suck btw) or streaming. Gotg 3 was the last movie i watched at a cinema and I haven’t returned to one since.


> I used to prefer watching on the big screen, but when I tried going back to theaters after the pandemic every time I went to see a movie there was always some person who had their phone out and the light from their screen kept distracting me. We saw Dune 2 in the "gold class" at our local cinema. Recliners, food service, etc. Wasn't cheap, but man it was nice to be sitting in a cinema with a bunch of people who obviously wanted to see the movie enough to put down their phones for a few hours.


My partner and I went to see Poor Things in the theater. The lady sitting next to us finished her popcorn then flossed her teeth. It's incredibly hard to focus on the movie over the clicking mouth sounds from someone flossing their teeth. In what world is that acceptable? People's brains are broken.


But other people are going to look at their phones in a theater and be loud... also is there a better way to watch a movie than to snuggle up with your pets? I don't think so.


These are not advantages of watching movie in theather, these are advantages of you escaping your life full of distractions. Big advantage of watching at home is that you can setup the experience to your liking. And there are no distractions other than these that you bring with yourself.


Honestly I went to see Phantom Menace in the theater for the rerun and I was let down by *the Dolby Atmos* theater; my home theater definitely dwarfs the quality in both sound + visuals. Projectors just don't look sharp; large screens just aren't crisp; and speakers built to fill out a whole room aren't good. Buttkickers in the seat; surround sound custom tailored to your favorite seating position? Why would I go to the theater. They don't even make good popcorn anymore.


A good, modern movie theater will probably trump your setup. But a lot of theaters haven't invested anything in 20+ years and it shows.


I have a really good sound system but my local "imax" has a sound system that absolutely blows everything out of the water.


I should see movies at your house that sounds awesome


I see movies in IMAX is they are spectacles and it's usually worth it. The movies that will really suffer are comedies. There is something special about seeing a comedy with an audience that is lost when watching at home. I saw Superbad on opening night and it was an awesome experience.


I have some doubts that many people are going to be excited to see Inside Out 2 of its thirteenth week in theaters. 


Seems like these comments forgot that freaking Elemental nearly gross $500 million This one is making $750 million plus. Book it. Easiest way for parents to get out of the house with their kids all year


I'm a grown adult man and inside out was my favorite Pixar movie as an adult. I would've seen 2 in theaters regardless, but now my kids want to see it and all their friends and all their parents. I agree. This one is going big.


When bing bong let go I cried my little heart out 😭


That's not the sad part. The sad part is realizing all your best memories will eventually turn into bittersweet ones, because they will be of times you can never return to.


Yeah, cried so many times to it lol (big 35 yo man here lol)


It's not that sad after more time passes. It's just a bitter acknowledgement now, I have no sweet left


The sad part is realizing that you might have had a Bing Bong but if you did, you forgot about it and even watching that movie isn't making you remember your Bing Bong, because he's also faded away and is never coming back.


I still remember pouring an extra bowl of cereal (Frankenberry) for my imaginary friend.


Oh Bing Bong, >!sacrificed himself so Reiley could have Joy in her life.!<


Pixar’s Jesus figure. We need to start a Church of Bing Bong


First time I cried when Bing Bong let go. Second time… well I still cried during that scene but when the girl broke down crying to her parents when she came back home? Shit broke my heart. That was the real stuff right there.


Thank you. Bing Bong was sad but didn't make me cry. Riley being emotionally vulnerable with her parents and getting listened to and validated by her parents before letting out that shuddering sigh as that bittersweet memory forms. That's the real shit. I broke down in the cinema.


C'mon, Joy. I got a good feeling about this one.


Parents at work are already talking about it. It's gonna be a hit.


My kids are already hyped.


I’m 25 and I’m hyped af


"Disney hoping fans don't decide to save a lot of money by waiting a very reasonable account of time to see a movie at no extra cost"


Also I imagine animated movies like these have staying power in the box office. Since there aren’t a ton of animated movies that come out near that time.


Yeah, it'd be a lot easier to convince a child to wait 3 weeks than 3 months I imagine.


I was a child and I wasn't waiting for *shit.*


You were a child, it really wasn't up to you.


6 year olds don’t browse reddit looking at a drip-feed news about Disney movies lol


Looking at some comments, it feels like they do.


Naw, those are 40 year olds... (I aint waiting for that shit...)


Really? I can remember getting told "you can't rent that, it's in the new-release/overnight section, wait until it's in the weekly section. Go pick something else" and that was pretty normal. I can't imagine today would be much different in telling kids to pick something else.


That’s on your parents


I feel like Kung Fu Panda 4 was in theaters forever and there were very few kid-friendly options out at the same time. I LOVE taking my kids to the theater but the output isn’t there anymore when so many animated movies end up direct to streaming.


Not to mention ticket prices. I wanted to go last week and a ticket for the night screening was 23 bucks? Screw that.


Where do you live? Every theater around me, regardless of the chain, is $13 max for a non-matinee showing. Was it an IMAX movie?


AMC in Los Angeles for a 10:30pm Furiosa screening


My kids dont even know whats out in theaters, much less the wait time. If it isnt on the streaming services we have they dont know about it


They learned that last year when Elemental was written off as a failure because it didn't perform huge right away, but then it continued to do decent business for a long time, ending with a decent box office overall. Hollywood needs to get back to longer runs at the box office. This idea that if a movie doesn't hit $100 million during the first weekend that it's a disaster is downright stupid.


Garfield just came out May 24... Despicable Me 4 is out July 3rd... Inside Out 2 falls right in the middle at June 14th. Clearly the studios don't want to compete against each other in this market any more - Easier to spread out release dates and hope you take you kids to all of them.


Despicable Me 4 will be a smash.


And it will be full of boomers.


they do love them some minions.


Migration played at the AMC near me for almost 5 months. Prior to Kung Fu Panda 4 there weren't really any kids movies that were still selling at the the time


The first movie had some of the best legs of any movie. It also didn't hit the number 1 spot until it's 4th week in theaters.


Some animated movies have staying power, usually because they are good though. However I struggle to think why Inside Out needed a sequel other than it was popular and the studio wants to trade on that popularity to make more money. Sure they can follow her when she is older but I feel like the first one explored the concept enough and that the characters were not so compelling that I feel like I need to see them again in a new story. It'll probably still do well if it isn't awful but I have zero interest.


Not many movies really NEED sequels


I don't really like the idea of adding new emotions. The first movie established pretty well that complex emotions are just some combination of happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, and fear. As Riley got older, the control panel in her head got bigger, and multiple emotions could work together, rather than just relying on one basic response.


Believe it or not, some people enjoy going to the theater to see movies. Even families.


Yes, I have a 6yo who loves the theatre. There aren't that many films for kids. This year had more, like Elemental and the new Kung Fu Panda. Looking forward to Inside Out 2 and also Moana 2. Will see both in theatre.


It’s crazy how frequently this sub vacillates between “Greedy studios taking everyone’s money” to “Studios should nurse every penny they can from people’s wallets”


They gotta find an "unreasonable amount of time" for the average person, people love paying a ton of money to not "wait" an "unreasonable" amount of time. Maybe Godzilla Minus One's 150 days or so?


As a European, that's pretty much the standard time we have to wait for the localized/dubbed version anyway.


People will pay to see it in the cinema


I’ll shell out the 25 bucks to see it at the movies


No you can’t say that, the only acceptable opinion here is to boast about your $3,000 home theater setup that you’d rather wait to watch movies in instead of (gasp) *going to the theater*.


Also apparently people live in places that have zero noise.


Don't forget about the absurd issues these people always have in theaters! Fr tho I go to the movies about twice a month sometimes more, and I've had very little issues with the audience. Idk if these are goin to the worst movies in their town or they're just making shit up but I've never had issues. Maybe a stray phone here or there but eh.


Kids movies have been bad lately with multiple asshole parents with their phones out... (I have a 3 and 6 year old)


Don't forget about the complaints about how they have to remortgage their house to buy tickets, at which point the theatre forces them at gunpoint to spend an extra $100 on snacks.


People who had an average experience with their movie theater tend to post less than those who have a terrible one.


Everybody bitching about theaters needs to name names, otherwise Im having a harder and harder time believing that apparently every theater in the country is home to nothing but assholes except the many large theaters in my local area i attend that ive never had crowd issues with in 10+ years


As a veteran of working at theaters (albeit before mass smartphone adaptation) the issue was *always* kids/teen movies and the mess they make. Spilled drinks, feelings hurt, teenagers in general - nightmare theatres to clean after showings


Yeah, if people are primarily seeing PG-13 horror movies on weekend nights I can understand the complaints, because those are always full of obnoxious teenagers. I've been working at a theater for a while and the incident rate in PG-13 horror movies specifically is always like, 20 times higher.


I probably will too. I took my kid to see the original when she was real little, we'll probably go this time


Same. I actually have a Cinemark membership but the family only hits movies maybe 3 times a year. Works out perfect since your free movie passes stack up and its only like 8.99 a month.


it's funny because my family has been playing the waiting game before streaming was even a thing, theater tickets have been getting pricier for a long time. Basically since the early to mid 2000s I'd say like 90% of the movies I've seen have been at home after waiting.


when i was a kid and wanted to see something, even back then in the 90's i'd think "can't wait to rent that from block buster" lol. kids these days might be different, but none of my peers cared about seeing the latest movies. only the latest shows. like...it's the same even now amongst my friends. I don't think we've ever clamored to see the latest movies.


So like pretty much every movie? You're not as clever as you think, lmao.


Something tells me if this movie is a success, OP is gonna think that families have become dumber spending money to take others out and see a movie. 


I want to go out to the movies.


I'll take my free movie. thanks


The headline read: "Disney Is Banking On Sequels to Help Get Pixar Back on Track" In the meantime, Pixar's studio-mandated Lightyear turned out to be its lowest-grossing film to date. Turning Red, Soul, and Luca were all very beautiful films, and Elemental was a passable film as well. With originals, Disney needs to take control and let Pixar do its thing.


Lightyear wasn't studio-mandated though. It was pitched by the co-director of Finding Dory with the premise of "showing the movie the Buzz Lightyear toys were based on"


Before COVID as well, so Disney probably did not think this would be the massive bomb that it did become.  I agree with the first comment though too. Soul was gaining buzz before COVID. The original release date was going to be in June, 2020.  Then three very good Pixar films are released on streaming, and the one they release in theaters is the one that no one was interested in to begin with. 


> "showing the movie the Buzz Lightyear toys were based on" That's a neat pitch. Pity they didn't make that movie.


We had Buzz Lightyear: Star Command and it was great, like star wars with even more explosions. There must have been tens of thousands of laser blasts and explosions in that movie, it was awesome.


Elemental ended up having weirdly good legs at the box office, at least.


IIRC, the film did quite well in South Korea. I think some of the thematic elements might have appealed to the Korean audience to some extent. Elemental definitely struggled in its opening weeks, but it really picked up and ended up a sleeper hit, which was surprising since it seemed on pace to be a box office flop


> I think some of the thematic elements might have appealed to the Korean audience to some extent. The director is a korean immigrant, so yeah it was pretty dang close to exactly his experience.


Elemental also had word of mouth staying power, [it lasted 105 days in theaters](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl1811383041/?ref_=bo_gr_rls).


I think it's because it was a unique, original story that wasn't advertised well. It was marketed as a rom-com, but was really the story of the challenge of being an immigrant. Once people saw it for what it was, it gained traction.


You tell in those statements Pete Doctor was told to really go out of his way to act like Lightyear Pixar’s standout failure of the last 5 years. Even Elemental ended up having legs over its theatrical lifespan.


Lightyear (2022) $226,425,420 World Wide (Cost 200 mil supposedly) Turning Red (2022) $21,813,358 World Wide (Cost 175 mil supposedly) Soul (2020) $121,977,511 World Wide (Cost 150 mil supposedly) Luca (2021) $51,074,773 World Wide (unknown cost) Elemental (2023) $496,444,308 World Wide (Cost 200 mil supposedly) So Lightyear was the second highest grossing of the films you listed, with Elemental being far higher. Now, to be fair, Soul and Luca were both during the pandemic, so their numbers are far lower than they likely would have been, but they still were much lower than Lightyear.


Lowest grossing would technically incorrect for Lightyear, but I'd argue that it was their biggest failure to date. Soul, Luca, and Turning Red were all sent straight to Disney+ wherever it was available. Those three movies have extremely limited box office grosses because they were only released in a handful markets that didn't have Disney+ at the time. They each only got a barely marketed rerelease earlier this year, but that was about it. Lightyear and Elemental on the other hand, were full blown global theatrical releases that each had at least 6 weeks of theatrical exclusivity. In spite of that, Lightyear's grosses only exceed that of Soul's because the former got a full theatrical release in the US and Canada. Take those two countries out, and Lightyear actually falls behind Soul. Lightyear's grosses in a good handful of markets even falls behind that both Luca and Turning Red. Even excluding the box office, Soul, Luca, Turning Red, and Elemental were all hugely successful on Disney+. Lightyear came and went on Disney+, and it didn't have a remotely good box office run to cover for it.


Soul, Luca and Turning Red all went straight to Disney+ in most places in the middle of a pandemic. I'm guessing that money is from the few places that had theatrical releases and the few re-releases they did this year. How can you possibly think it's fair to compare those films with the ones that released theatrically pretty much everywhere and after things had settled down in the world


This should be the standard. Studios need to stop picking their own pockets.


Movie Theater chains need to band together and force the studios into a streaming limit deal. It would be for the industry’s good; studios/streamers will never make the right decisions bc they can only see the next quarter and ginning up short term streaming numbers.


Except they basically have no leverage over the studios. Their entire business model is predicated on having third-party content to show their customers. Theaters need studios a lot more than studios need theaters.


This would be true if it wasn't for the fact shown by public company reports that the only streaming service that's profitable after all these years is still only Netflix All the other streaming services are running at a loss for every studio and also Amazon and Apple I think the studios realised they fucked up by going all in on streaming which is why they've been licensing their movies to Netflix again in the last year or so


Maybe I don’t know the economics behind movie theaters, but wouldn’t studios WANT theatrical releases over streaming? You’re not really convincing people to subscribe to your streaming platform based on one movie. A movie ticket is practically pure profit aside from the theater’s cut. If a movie ticket costs $10, just one family of four it already the equivalent of that family paying for 2-4 months of streaming. And then multiply that by however many millions actually go see the movie.


They have exactly zero control. Hollywood doesn't NEED movie theaters and have proven it repeatedly by slowly forcing them to sign worse and worse contracts over the last 50 years or so where the studios saw a greater amount of the profit distribution and greater control over how and when exactly the audience saw the film. (This is why concessions in movie theaters are so expensive, it's where they make most of there profit now) Tomorrow, Hollywood could pull there movies from theaters and begin uploading them onto there own streaming sites where they can get up to 100% of the monetization. The only reason they don't is that by "double dipping" they are still potentially making money by people willing to pay to see it now AND stream it month or two later down the line.


I wonder if the US would ever put in a law like the one France has where a movie with a theatrical release is banned from being released on streaming for some number of months. Maybe something like Italy's law, where I think the mandated window is 105 days, with exceptions for limited releases (so that local indie movies or something aren't boned by that law).


yeah fat chance of that happening you're talking about the same US government that said the Fox-Disney merger was okay no way they make a decision that's beneficial for the consumer in the long-run


How many movies really have a shelf life this long in theaters really lol


Fair, but theatrical release these days is as low as 18 days, while pre-COVID it was like minimum 70. There’s got to be a happier medium. They’re hamstringing themselves trying to feed an unprofitable streaming model when they pull films after less than three weeks.


I imagine movie studios have the data that shows ticket sales dry up for most movies before 70 days


a month or two seems more reasonable


they say this but if it bombs at the box office, i guarantee they change their tune.


Of course, but I think underlying my argument is perhaps the idea that too much emphasis is placed on opening weekend box office and the decision to pull films is made too hastily these days.


I don't understand why people have these opinions, do you personally financially gain from movies being in the cinema for an absurd amount of time? Lots of people don't care about watching movies in the cinema, much prefer to watch at home Studios make money from digital rentals and licensing so who cares if it releases digitally 3 weeks later?


Dude I really don't understand some of these people actively defending for longer times in theaters. The way they support these billion dollar studios, you'd think theyre paying for their kids to go to college, or have a fund for their retirement or something...


I mean, it makes sense. Studios will focus less on movies if they’re not making enough money to warrant their existence. That or they’ll jack up the price of the streaming services an astronomical amount to make their money.


It kinda makes more sense to have “tent pole” movies remain in theaters, i desperately wanna see Furiosa but due to my work/ life balance it’s likely gonna be gone by the time i get to it


“They should keep movies in theatres for people like me, who will get around to going eventually. Maybe. Work and life are about to slow down. Wait, I lost track of time.”


I demand more special dispensation just for me, maybe the movie theater can play movies I actually wanna watch, like Road House. And if they had a fridge stocked with crisp Miller High Life longnecks


If you're pumped to see it, do try and make it if you can IMHO. It's very fun, and interesting, with some all time performances. Pretty compelling [words from](https://ibb.co/GCPPvNj) The New Yorker.


1XBet has other plans.


Quite different than 'Fall Guy' which tanked so hard it's theatrical window got shortened to about 15 minutes.


They should have given it more time. I didn't even get the time to go and see it. If there's another big movie at the cinema at the same time I won't see them in the same week.


Disney: "Why are our box office numbers dwindling year after year at an alarming rate?" Also Disney: "Let's train our viewers to only need to wait a very short amount of time to be able to watch at home on a service they already pay for."


That’s a lot of empty theater seats.


It’s up to the theater to show it. More accurate title is, inside out won’t be released on streaming for 100 days. Theaters are still going to show it for 3-5 weeks depending on how it’s sellling


Disney can pull a Disney: if you want this movie at all, you will continue to show it at least 1 showing a day for 100 days.


No big movie is out of theaters by 3 weeks, not even massive flops, specially not a kids movie. You don't seem to know what you are talking about.


Redditor moment




Was looking for this comment!


They underestimate the patience of broke movie lovers.😏


I can wait that long.


That’s a pretty long theatrical run, I mean Dune 2 came out in March and didn’t get released on streaming till May but we are talking about Inside Out 2 here not Dune 2


Meh, not gonna make me see it in theaters


I'm in no hurry


I go to the cinema WAY less than I used to, but I still really enjoy the experience maybe 2 or 3 times a year. THIS is going to be one of those occasions FOR SURE, even if it came out on streaming 2 weeks later.


I'm already seeing ads that the Ryan Gosling movie, The Fall Guy, is already on streaming?Or VOD? Did.....this movie come out at theaters? I think it came out like a week after he did that Beavis and Butthead skit, right? Like a couple of months ago? I think they've completely botched the marketing for that movie. Like the first trailer came out in 2023, and it looked like there was more marketing way back then, and then things went quiet, and then commercials sorta started up again a couple of months ago.




How long was it until Godzilla Minus One came out? I remember seeing reviews and finally saw it last night. Was fantastic.


It’s a start.


I'm just over going to theater's now. I'm getting older and I just wanna be comfy in my PJs in my house, sitting in my favorite chair, eating whatever snack I want and being able to pause/rewind/etc. Movies release for me now when they come out on home release. I just don't have the interested to go unless a group of my friends really want to see something; which rarely happens.


I was out of town this weekend staying at a hotel by AMC. I had a night to myself and thought “ooh I haven’t seen Abigail yet, let’s see if there’s any times I can see it tonight!” Cut to my surprise that it’s no longer at theaters. And that’s my fault since it came out mid-April, but I feel like in the olden days, at this point in its run would still be in the theaters at least with second-run showtimes.


100 days is a nice amount before hitting digital/streaming. People might be more willing to go theatres if they knew the wait to watch at home would be long.


For context, most theatrical runs before VOD has been around 20 days for last year or so. Studios slowly relearning that short theatrical runs means people are happy to wait it out for VOD release cause whats a few weeks. But a few months? That may require recalculation depending on level of interest. Or say a parent with kids who keep bugging them about movie where stalling for a weeks is feasible, few months much harder.


Movie chains should look into 1 day early release of tv/streaming series premiers and finales. I would have loved to catch the end of The Mandalorian Season 2 in theatres with a crowd of fans.


Every movie should have a deal like this. Maybe more people would come to the theaters this way.


The only way theaters give it screens for more than 6 weeks is if there is nothing else to offer.