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Flying away from Isla Nublar in Jurassic Park.


Similarly, when the plane takes off in Argo.


Similarly, when Arnie gets to da choppa in Predator.


Interstellar - Cooper closing his eyes slowly after Murph says "Because my daddy promised."


I absolutely can not believe Hans Zimmer didn't win an Oscar for best score. That movie might have the best score of that decade. The music drop when she says that line.... Fuck I remember tearing up in the theater


Had Zimmer not answered Nolan’s call and not made that first song, Interstellar never gets made. Not sure how it didn’t win the Oscar that year either. A 100% original score that made the movie what it is.


Agreed, though the Grand Budapest Hotel's score is another that I still listen to 10 years later. Interstellar should have won, regardless.


Watching this as we speak! Actually, I was watching 20 minutes before that part, but I was ready for it!


Gandalf's sigh of relief when he sees Barad-Dûr starting to collapse.


Then his instant look of dread when the volcano starts erupting


Then his comforting, happy face when Frodo wakes up in Rivendell. Some call that scene cheesy and all the endings after too long but I call it the greatest sense of relief and closure after that great journey you feel you yourself have taken after watching those movies. And it is there at every yearly rewatch.


Also keep in mind that while the rest of the Fellowship knew Gandalf was alive since before the Battle of Helm's Deep, Frodo had no knowledge of that and thought Gandalf was dead beyond a doubt since Moria. There's just so much joy in that scene after so much hardship, never was a cheesy one for me.


I have honestly never even thought about how Frodo and Sam still think Gandalf is dead that entire time. That makes the scene sooo much sweeter


Also after Frodo wakes up in Rivendell, his look of relief when he realises he still doesn't have to say anything to Legolas.


They say it all with their eyes. Legolas is the real reason Frodo went with the Elves at the end. They’re not loud (to each other) but they’re proud.


He just doesn't know Legolas' name.


Funny, I was going to say the moment the ring sinks into lava and is destroyed, or Frodo's exhausted, "It's done," shortly after. Pretty much that whole sequence fits, I'd say.




Laying on the rock as the mountain explodes around them. The "end of the world" for them, but you can feel the relief from them- their job is done.


Easily the Shawshank Redemption.


Let the rain wash off the sh*t


Have you seen “I Spit On Your Grave”?


No, I haven't seen it.


I recommend reading Roger Ebert's review first.  Not only is it the most entertaining review he ever wrote, but it will give you a better idea whether this is a movie you actually want to watch.  For most people the answer will be "no."   


Shadow running over that hill in Homeward Bound!


This is a good one because you feel relief every single time no matter what number viewing.


That is the truth! It’s amazing the emotional heartstrings that movie tugs still after all these years. The other one that never fails to bring the tears on for me is “you bow to no one” from Return of The King 😭 Doesn’t matter that I’ve seen it 20 times, I can’t help it!


My oldest daughter is 6, she’s one of the sweetest people on the planet, and she is absolutely obsessed with dogs. She will never watch that movie if I have any say in it. It would destroy her.


Tom Hanks peeing in The Green Mile.


Tom Hanks peeing in A League of Their Own.


"that was some good peein'!"


Tom Hanks in Capital Phillips is what first came to my mind, although not urine related.


Yep. He starts sobbing with relief and stress lashback on the hospital bed.


The corpsman checking him over in that scene was an actual Navy medical corpsman. She said she was very nervous initially, but Tom Hanks acting was exactly like a trauma patient going into shock, so her training took over. Short but powerful scene watching him finally fall apart.


Or Tom Hanks starting a fire.


Or when he makes it past the waves...


What about Jeff Daniels on the toilet in *Dumb and Dumber*?


Jacob Tremblay finally escapes from Room and the kidnapper driving off.


Yes! So much this one.


And when Johnny Wiseau also escapes from the room, almost identical moments of pure cinema


Hey man, everybody betray him, he didn't want to live in this world


Beatrix finally letting out all of the emotions on the bathroom floor at the end of *Kill Bill Vol. 2*. Mission Control when they realize they got *Apollo 13* home safe. Especially Ed Harris and Lieutenant Dan. Steve Zissou’s relief/sadness when they finally find the Jaguar Shark in *The Life Aquatic*. *Amelie*’s simple joy in finally breaking out of her shell and going for it with her guy she’s into. Such a hard thing for us introverts.


I absolutely love that scene at the end of Kill Bill, just a close up of her face crying on the bathroom floor. Tears of horror at what she’s done, tears of fear at what she’s embarking upon (she’s now a mother), tears of sadness over all the time she’s lost, tears of relief and happiness that she and her daughter are both still alive and safe and she has her: it’s all right there on her face, cycling back and forth through the emotions. Incredible scene, incredible performance.


“I wonder if it remembers me”


You know in twelve years he’ll be eleven and a half.


*“Hello, Houston… this is Odyssey. It’s good to see you again!”* The whole room erupting into cheers gives me chills every time.


In Leon : The Professional... after her family has been killed by the police. Natalie Portmans character returns from the store with the groceries.... she sees the cops being sketchy so tries to be nonchalant and rocks up to Leon's door.... She knocks.....  no answer.... Again.... no answer... we see Leon trying to figure out what to do on the other side... The cop outside her families apartment starts to get a bit suspicious... Her eyes are welling up... she is speaking to herself... please open... please open... Then... Leon opens... light bathes her face... the fear washes away for a brief moment... while she walks into Leon's apartment That whole scene... was so suspenseful and then her relief when Leon finally opens the door , i felt about 10kg was lifted from my chest every time I watch this movie 


Love. This. Film.


Yeah it's super... I only re watched it about 6 months ago. The cinematography is so top tier!!!  Everything is near perfect haha Gary Oldman.... his Character.... Oh my!! we need reinforcements.... who will we get.......everyone...!!!!  EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!


The pill crushing bite shot from above is the first thing that pops into my head when anyone mentions Gary Oldman. He was so good.


Angel-A is another nifty Luc Besson film that I never see mentioned.


I know Oldman goes for it in pretty much every role, but that scene always felt like he **really** went for it.


The way the light hits her face when the door was opened was excellent visual storytelling


>!TSA saving the day!< in Get Out


I know the original ending was intended to be darker, which was definitely a valid route. But for a film as stiflingly uncomfortable and oppressive as *Get Out* was (which isn’t a problem mind you; that was the point), the movie really benefited from that ending. It was a movie with such strong conviction in its themes and such a masterful execution of those themes, that it kinda earned the feel good ending imo


IMO this was the perfect execution because the movie got to have its cake and eat it too. He got the good ending, but in that moment, everyone knew exactly what point was being made and how wrong it could have gone purely on the grounds of being a black man with a white lady screaming at him.


The whole, mostly white, theatre I was in _gasped_ when they saw the lights - they knew exactly what it meant. Really drive the point of the movie home. And selfishly I’m just glad it was the ending it was otherwise I would’ve been wrecked for weeks.


Also, I think the original darker ending would have been too predictable. That sort of ending is *exactly* where you’d think a film like this would go.


Came here to write this. The audience broke into applause when they realized who it was!


When Mark Watney and the captain finally reach each other in The Martian 


I just saw this movie a few weeks ago, I have to agree.


I love this movie. I like how everyone in it is trying their hardest to get him home. There is no villain to muddy the plot. Once the captain says she has him and everyone celebrates, it feels so earned.


Rosario Dawson and the other stunt performer when Zoe Bell says, “I’m Ok” in Death Proof.


Lol, great pull. Zoe the fucking cat.


When the airspace is cleared for the "film crew" in Argo.


Babe - when farmer Hoggett's wife realizes the sheep pig really can herd sheep and she's *not* going to be humiliated in front of her friends and she lets out that half laugh/half cry.


In children of men he pauses for a moment and looks up at the trees. And they just sway and crack in the wind and he has a moment to himself. The last he will ever have. 


Trees at sea? Or are you talking about a different character?


Children of men takes place on land until the final moments.  I’m referring to his time in the forest before the mad sprint to the end of the film.  


When he gets the job in the Pursuit of Happyness. 


Just an incredible ending.


Great choice, and amped up even more by the boss casually paying back the $10 he borrowed, not knowing it was his last $10


My god can you even imagine


I had to pull my car over once because I got a call for a job offer. It was a bad time in my life and a huge relief, so I broke down and cried. My situation wasn't anywhere near as dire as in that movie. So yea, I can only imagine what that must have felt like.


The stress that I felt throughout the entire movie! I think it's my favourite Will Smith drama and I will never watch it again. If I'm looking for that kind of stress I'll just take a look at my life, hahaha.


Tom Hanks being tended to by a medic in Captain Phillips.


When I watched this movie, it was like watching a regular movie. When it got to this point, I was so emotionally distraught! I was sobbing and sobbing. I was so embarrassed. It was so real (to me…I mean, I’ve never been in that position.) So emotional! I read that it was non scripted and used a real medic. They improvised the scene. Just incredible.


The moment she says “You’re safe now”. 


I'm younger, so I truly didn't understand what all the fuss was about for Tom Hanks until this exact moment. The way he acted out that scene will never leave me.


Tom Hanks popping off rounds from a 1911 at the end of Saving Private Ryan, where one appears to destroy the tank... which we then see a series of bombers flying over.


“Earn this.”


When Ripley settles into a hibernation pod with Jones at the end of "Alien."


So relieved Jonsey survived!


*Dunkirk*  "What do you see?"  "*Home*."   The fleet of "little ships" hoves into view.


I remember the ticking in the background didn’t stop until they sat down on the train. It felt like even as an audience member, I could finally relax


I swear I have never heard the word "hoves" used to describe anything but ships


He's the villian of the film, but Thanos at the end of Infinity War was certainly tired of fighting.  


He got to retire but not to a grateful universe


Well yeah, because his plan was stupid and caused incredible amounts of chaos and suffering to set the clock on overpopulation back about 40 years. Instead of, i dunno using his reality warping powers to help all the people of universe colonise the *infinite* resources and space of, well, space. Give each planet the knowlege to overcome gravity and maybe faster than light travel and we'd sort it out from there. But those films aren't built on logic, they're built on fun and conflict so maybe that makes it a good plan.


You don’t get called *Mad* Titan for being reasonable and collected. It actually shows how delusional Thanos is, with his own twisted idea of saving the Universe via sacrificing half of it. That’s the whole point. He’s fundamentally wrong but believes in his own bullshit.


Riggs and Murtaugh surviving the toilet bomb in Lethal Weapon 2.


Riggs and Murtaugh in the cargo hold at the end of Lethal Weapon 2


Right before when Riggs says "were not gonna fucking die". Man Mel could sell a line. Wish he could get higher profile roles, he can still bring it.


The ending of 1917. The movie starts with our main character waking up under a tree and ends with him lying down to go back to sleep under another one after what looks like the most exhausting and harrowing day of damn near anyone’s life. I really like how the whole thing starting when they wake and ending with them going back to sleep gives the films events an even more fantastical, dreamlike quality to it.


A criminally underrated modern masterpiece imo


Came in to see to it that this was mentioned.


The relief we all felt when the flashing lights were from the TS FREAKING A in Get Out. Also Falcon "On your left." in End game


it obviously would have been really dumb to do this from a business perspective but if they actually just had thanos win and kill everyone and end it all there that woulda been pretty sick


*Apollo 13*. Literally everyone was relieved/overjoyed when it was clear that the astronauts in Apollo 13 were alive after that agonizing 4+ minutes of blackout, but I’m thinking of Ed Harris in particular. The way he just sits down like he no longer has the strength to stand, and puts his head down for a moment. Then, visibly moved, he rubs his nose and wipes a tear from his eye. Gets me every time.


Everyone else stands to applaud, and he just *gets* to sit down for the first time in the movie.


There are some other good answers but this is the most correct answer.


Tom Hanks making fire in Cast Away.


Also the relief after getting rid of that tooth. It wasn’t pleasant but even then, that was a huge relief. Or when he realises there is a huge ship going by. There are several great moments of relief in that movie. If only Wilson was there to see them all.


Maybe Wilson is still floating around out there, enjoying the water.


Nah, he actually went on a press tour after the film came out.  I am not kidding. 


Silence of the lambs when Clarice gets the shot off in the dark on buffalo bill


Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility. It's Jane Austen, so the stories are small and the emotions are so guarded that when she lets loose *twice* it's among the greatest moments in cinema for me.


The Martian


2 hour build up to that moment. That movie is my ultimate "competency porn" movie.


The plane leaving Iranian airspace in Argo. Even though that was one of the over-dramaticized pieces of the real story, it was executed perfectly from a movie perspective. You get the reactions of the people on the plane, as well as everyone back in the US that had a hand in the operation.


Vincent getting on the ship in Gattaca. “You’re going to miss your flight, Vincent.”


In Blade Runner 2049 when K lays down on the stairs.


With "Tears in Rain" softly playing in the background.


Spirited Away, the quiet train car scene. After so much frantic action and danger, we get a nice peaceful scene to just stop and take a breath 


“The Claw” Toy Story 3.


Bond waking up at that convalescent villa and Vesper is right there with him.


Sergeant Hill finally getting a break to get the pebble out of his boot in Saving Private Ryan. It didn’t last long, but he looks relieved to find a chair and a lull in the action to attend to it so he wouldn’t be limping around like an old woman.


Harold and kumar finally getting White Castle


Lord of the Rings.


THIS. There's so many great scenes, but the moment the ring finally melts. Wow. The music, the collapse of Barad-dur, the orc army decimated, the tears in Gandalf's eyes...I get chills just thinking about it.


Yeah, it's the relief in literally everyone's faces after all their individual trials and sacrifices. Even miles apart from each other. United in that moment. Such an epic story. So well made.


# “I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.” I'm not crying, you're crying.


When Frodo describes how he can imagine the good things in life again… I can’t think of a better answer to this question.


When the four hobbits are back at the bar at the end of ROTK and the glances that they share with eachother before toasting- nothing is said but there’s a communal understanding that they’ve been through so much and are entirely different people now. Even something as simple as a sharing a beer will never be the same. All of this blanketed by Howard Shore’s comforting music only excentuates the greatest and yet so melancholic feeling of relief.


Blades of Glory when Will Ferrell and Jon Heder survive the reverse Iron Lotus


Rocket boys finding success in October Sky


That last rocket soaring high into the sky fading into a shuttle launch. Get kinda weepy thinking about it now.   Especially when you know the main character went on to become an astronaut trainer during the shuttle era. 


Shawshank Redemption when Andy finally tunnels out and stands free in the rain.


Serenity- >!Broadcasting the Miranda recording.!<


There are many to choose, so im goin with 127 hours


Yeah this is mine, although "relief" might not be the right word, it's an extremely powerful moment.


The general telling the Colonel to go back to DEFCON 5 in WarGames


Flight of the Phoenix when the engine finally starts.


LOTR. I know no better answer.


Frodo literally says, "ITS DONE!"


This is a subversion of the intent of this thread, but that moment right at the ending of Uncut Gems OH! And the group cry from Midsommar


Austin Powers: Evacuation complete


Slightly related… when Max guzzles water from the tank in Fury Road. The amount of relief he must’ve felt after being parched for so long. Always makes me want a cold glass of water.


When the kids crush the exam redos in Stand and Deliver.


"snap ..crackle...Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me? On your left."


I always love Brody’s laugh when the shark goes boom in Jaws


Indiana Jones looking over at the wreckage of the tank after barely getting off in time.


It was so funny too when everybody else finally realizes Indy is still alive too and his father gives him a huge bear hug which Indy accepts even though he is in pain LOL


Will Smith gets the job and goes outside clapping in Pursuit of Happyness


I've just re-watched The Terminator, and you should see the look on Kyle Reece's face the day after he's lost his virginity to Sarah Connor...


Double Indemnity when they finally start their car...this sounds tedious, I know, but I still remember the feeling the first time seeing it.


Viggo Mortensens character when he found out he was right to delay launching the nukes in Crimson Tide


At the end of Empire of the Sun, Jim closes his eyes and can rest.


The Shawshank Redemption, When Andy escapes Shawshank and walks through the river.


Not a movie but when Jon Snow finally stands back up after being trampled in the battle of the bastards.


I felt like *I* couldn’t breathe watching him getting trampled. 🫣😱😬




After Iris finally gets to tell Jasper off in The Holiday 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Say what you want about the movie *Crash* (2004), but the scene with Michael Pena after >!the old man shoots his daughter!< has to be one of the biggest sighs of relief in movie history.


The ending of Get Out


Death Proof. After the car chase Zoe Bell pops up outta the tall grass and yells “I’m ok.” I was on the verge of tears then I let out a laugh.


Surviving the water landing in "Gravity."


Han, after blasting Darth Vader off Lukes tail "You're all clear kid. Let's blow this thing and go home". ::use the Force, Luke:: Yeaaaaahhhhhh....




is the film you were watching a secret?


Harry's afterglow after taking a laxative fuelled shit in Dumb and Dumber. We've all been there.


Kind of out there, but at the end of Twelve O'Clock High, watching Gregory Peck's face as the bombers return.


When Harry has to shit brains out in Dumb and Dumber due to the laxative and shits in Mary's toilet.


The end of Birdy (1984).


13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi The Operators have been fighting against the al-Sharia forces. They’ve been fighting all night and it’s sunrise. They think they’re about to get mowed down before realizing the convoy that showed up was friendly forces. Pablo Schreiber’s character nearly breaks down when communicating over the radio “They’re with us.” after moments before having a brief monologue about how he’s ready to die on that roof.


It may be too on the nose since it’s so iconic still, but Steve Rogers when all the Avengers and friends assemble against Thanos. Still one of the best examples of this happening on screen IMO.


End of *Gladiator*


Frodo reaching Rivendell.


In Happy Feet, Lovelace is getting flung about by his mystical necklace (the beer rings) and eventually it tears, releasing itself from his neck. He let's out this very gutteral relief of a slow choke. It's disgusting noise, but I can personally feel the relief through the screen.


Andy Dufresne climbing out of the sewage pipes of Shawshank Prison.


Ripley defeating the alien queen in Aliens and hugging Newt.


Cavorting on the beach in The Count of Monte Cristo


The end of “I Spit On Your Grave”, either version.


Richard Harris’ character in Juggernaut: classic which wire to cut.


nothing beats the scene in Green Mile where he got cured of his UTI https://www.instagram.com/p/Bd4vbQtD-Ay/?igsh=MXZhcW1zOGptbW9lZw==


Final scene of "The Wrestler". Guy knew what he wanted to do, knew what he was good at, knew he might not survive it and gave his gift to the crowd anyway.




Can't top that moment in Pursuit of Happyness


Tom Hanks can piss again, in The Green Mile, after his UTI has been healed.


Game of Thrones, when Melisandre lights the trench around Winterfell.


Fury Road Immortan Joe kill shot by Furiosa


The Bourne Ultimatum ending.


Mark Wahlberg walking in at the end of the Departed.


I was going to suggest Tom Hanks in League of Their Own, but then I read the whole topic description.


This is off topic, but it was one of the worst stresses I’ve felt in a movie, followed by relief. In the theatrical cut of Return of the King, Sauron is not killed. So, from that point forward, the Hobbits will have to experience their Shire defiled by Sauron and his minions. That The Shire was still thriving and green and homely was such a relief and shock, I cried for like a solid minute in the theater.




Fight club when the narrator finally gets the vinegar on the chemical burn. James Bond smiling at the foiled terror attempt in Casino Royale Toy Story 3 “The Claw” moment


Lloyd in Dumb in Dumber on the toilet in Mary Samsonite’s bathroom mansion.


End of "Hell or High Water," after Marcus takes his shot.


*"...you're not so tough without your car, are ya?"* -Kindergarten Cop


Alex Garland's Civil War, the scene with Jesse Plemons. My stomach was in my throat the entire scene.


Not the ending, but the garbage compactor scene in star wars


The short-lived “relief” that Stark feels after being rescued at the end of Event Horizon- which is completely undone after she sees Weir as one of her rescuers (dream or no? PTSD?)


Morgan Freeman in HARD RAIN as he collects a bag full of money and rows off into the gloom of night 🤠


LotR. Hands down


The ending of Uncut Gems. Not the best outcome for a main character but they finally accomplished what they set out to do.


The most tension I have felt in a movie was with the Manson murders in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - the relief at the revisionist history ending is the reason I think the film works


Good Will Hunting, when Chuckie goes to pick up Will but he’s gone, in a way fulfilling Chuckie’s dream. While sad, he has a sense of relief.


My Neighbor Totoro. I was waiting for the mom to die for the entire movie.


Cast Away. The moment when Chuck (Tom Hanks) finally makes fire after countless attempts. His expression of relief and triumph symbolizes his survival and hope for rescue