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It’s been almost 15 years since the 4th movie, why has it taken them so long to do this?


They built the entire marketing campaign for the 4th one around the fact that it would be the last one, going so far as to rename it "the final chapter" before release, gotta justify that lol


I look forward to “Shrek Lives”


I'm more pumped for Mike Meyers' New Nightmare


Mike Myers is making Austin Powers: New Nightmare ????


Shrek goes to hell


Shrek X: Shrek in Space


And then after that blank vs Shrek. Who could be the challenger


Minions vs Shrek


Oscar from Shark Tale


Shrek in the hood


Freddy Vs Shrek?


Somehow Shrek returned.


Somehow, it was not Ogre


I really hope he says “It’s all ogre now!” And then ogres all over the place.


ReShruk: The Final Shrek Back


shrek is love




Shrek 5: The Search for More Money 


Shrekky Balboa


Can’t wait for the Feldog to put a machete through Shreks dome.


Shrek: Back in Green


They also moved on with the Puss in Boots sequel movies,so there's that (even if it takes a decade to make one damn movie). Should keep in mind the US audience in particular hated Shrek 3 so much that they didn't wanted more Shrek,so it's also that.


Hey man, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was worth the damn wait.


Shrek: The After Life


They should make it shrek:5-ever-after


That doesn't really matter to most people. If they like the films they'll be happy there's another one. Toy story 3 and 4 were both made and marketed as the last one, and we are still getting toy story 5.


I got to think that Toy Story 5 is going to dip in box office compared to 3 and 4 but I guess we will see.


They'll have to get metaphysical all over again


probably because the last 2 weren’t so good and Myers wanted to take a break to be with his family


The puss in boots movies did really well, critically and financially, so maybe some of that goodwill spills over to Shrek


I’d say the recent success of the second Puss in Boots films is precisely why we’re now getting a fifth Shrek film so long after the last one


Yeah, and it ends with a teaser for a new Shrek movie, after all.


By that logic they probably planned to do another Shrek before The Last Wish did well


TBH the whole time Puss was looking for a safe place to hide with friends during the film I was thinking, why doesn't he go to Shrek?


Precisely but for some reason I thought Ilumination was making a new Shrek movie,not Dreamworks reviving the old series.


I have yet to see those but I heard absolutely wonderful things about the most recent one


The first one is a lot of fun, and the second one is genuinely stellar. They changed the art style, so it looked fresh, and the story has a nice darkness to it to keep you interested. Also, the freaking Wolf is so good in it.


> Also, the freaking Wolf is so good in it. Wolf easily jumps into Top 10 animated antagonists of all time and honestly Jack Horner wasn’t that far behind. I’m still amazed *The Last Wish* had three antagonistic “groups” against Team Friendship and they were all well done


I know people always praise the Wolf (and rightfully so), but Jack is one of my favourite animated villains of the last ten or fifteen years. It's so rare to get a bad guy in an animated movie these days who's just...a bad guy. They even go specifically out of their way to ensure that he DOESN'T have a tragic backstory. "What did I do to deserve this?!? I mean what specifically!"


It's also really funny. Jack Horner is such a mean spirited bastard.


I liked the first one, but i LOVE the second, and yes, the wolf is peak movie bad guy, its just really really well done.


It's a bit of a shame the 2nd Puss overshadowed the 1st one. Sure, the 1st one isn't a masterpiece but it's still a well-done flick. I think they make a nice pair. Puss 1 shows us the birth of the legend and Puss 2 shows us the death of the legend. I definitely wouldn't recommend skipping Puss 1, that's for sure.


I loved the bit of the first movie with the "I was always there" speech. It was so preposterous that it made it really funny. I put it on one niht with some friends when we were playing Magic The Gathering and we ended up paying more attention to the movie.


The second one was legitimately on par with Shrek 1 and 2. It’s so unbelievably peak.


Very original and the "villain" is fucking elite in so many ways. Dont wanna say to much but damn was that refreshing to see.


I'd go as far as to say it's even better than them honestly, but I know that's blasphemy to some people due to how beloved those movies are.


I think Shrek 2 just about stays ahead in my rankings, mainly due to the ‘time capsule’ effect that the LA-satirizing setting has (plus, that ‘Holding Out For A Hero’ sequence). Given that [spoilers ahead] The Last Wish ends with them heading back to Far Far Away, I can’t wait to see how they riff on elements of modern society through a fairytale lens. Hopefully they keep it just as balanced and subtle.


I hate Shrek and couldn't get into PiB but the last wish is like my favorite animated film


please just sit down and watch it


It’s good.


I thought the 4th one was pretty good, no. 3 stank though.


I think 4 is fine in a vacuum, but I don't like that its the last movie in the series and we don't get to spend any time with the characters we've come to enjoy other than shrek.


Yeah, it was not bad, and a good “final” message, but it was weirdly reliant on the new Rumpelstiltskin villain carrying half the movie rather than anyone from the other movies. And he is intentionally not a charismatic villain, so if that character doesn’t work for you, it’s kinda hard to like. Maybe if they had a more established voice actor and not the director playing ‘Stiltskin it would have an easier sell.


Myers wanted to take a break from his $10 million voiceover gigs? That’s a nice position to be in.


Myers has to work two voiceover gigs to put food on the table for mother and baby


I'm sure kids in sweat shops say the same shit about you, lol


he probably wanted to take a break from all the other work associated with being in those movies, specifically the marketing and promotion that requires frequent travel and time away from his family but yes, a very nice position to be in. good for him, we should be happy that a comedian managed to make a really good living with his talent




I was just about to mention this but then I was surprised they both seemed to still do well at the box office!


Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Especially with the last two being not so good. Nostalgia sells so a new Shrek movie will be huge after all this time. I was 11 when Shrek came out and now I can take my kids to the next one.


Because now it can be nostalgia bait.


Yeah, what does he mean by "already"? I feel like it's been forever since the last one.


Because this and the Puss in Boots movie got stuck in development. Most likely Shrek 5 itself was mostly written off until Puss in Boots 2 did really well.


> Most likely Shrek 5 itself was mostly written off until Puss in Boots 2 did really well. I doubt that, The Last Wish ends with a Shrek tease


They need a box office hit, but are too lazy to make something new


I think Shrek's hold on popular culture was on the way out around the time of the fourth movie. It was still popular but people who grew up on the original weren't as interested and I doubt it was really bringing in anyone new. I mean hell, I never even saw the fourth movie and I remember Shrek 1 and 2 being huge in my youth. Doing a fifth one in like 2013 would've landed like a paper bag, I think. I doubt the cast would've been into it and the audience would be tired of the same old themes and characters. I mean that first Puss in Boots movie kind of came and went, really. But in the last 15 or so years, Shrek has had a quite frankly immense impact on internet meme culture and it's been long enough that there's a lot of nostalgia for it. Many of the people who saw Shrek 1 as kids are now old enough to have their own kids. While I think many of these nostalgia-bait legacy sequels are starting to become just as lame and corporate as any other type of sequel, some of them are legitimately good, while I can't say I have a ton of excitement for a Shrek 5 I do think it has more potential to be good in 2025 than it would have in the normal '2-3 years after the last one' timeframe. Animation's come a long way and I think writers are a bit more inspired to make it good when it has this kind of legacy to live up to, compared to 'make a new one quickly because it's our cash cow'.


Well you gotta strike while the iron is cold and rusted


Dreamworks had different properties paying the bills like Kung Fu Panda and Minions/Despicable Me. Everybody loves conservative investments when it comes to allocating resources, planning project development, anticipating returns etc. Shrek's their first huge winner of a property and a Donkey movie is a stone left unturned til now. Makes sense to me. Stories are retconned all the time, cinematic releases are the names of the game.


>Minions/Despicable Me. This is Illumination/Universal. Not Dreamworks.


Puss in Boots Last Wish got rave reviews.


They teased another Shrek movie at the end of Last Wish


I'm honestly surprised and impressed they didn't force more in the movie with the Shrek connection.  I know The Last Wish already gets praised to all hell, but it's so good haha. Such a breath of fresh hair just having a gigantic piece of shit villain after multiple Disney movies in a row without a real bad guy.  "Ethical Bug" was nonstop hilarious too. 


what did I do to deserve this... Except for, you know, everything


I meant what specificallyyyyyy!


> I know The Last Wish already gets praised to all hell, but it's so good haha That movie had no business being that good


>I'm honestly surprised and impressed they didn't force more in the movie with the Shrek connection.  Yeah I swear the only Shrek connection was that ending and Pinocchio showing up in Jack Horner’s flashback for like 5 seconds. Edit: There was also Gingy in one of Puss’s death scenes.


They also show Shrek during a montage at some point but he's just a silhouette


“You’re not going to shoot a puppy, are you?” “Yeah, in the face. Why?”


Surprisingly it was more connected to Shrek than the first Puss in Boots movie. I don't think they referenced anything having to do with Shrek in that one, although I may just be forgetting somthing.


Kinda screwed us with the megamind stuff and kung fu panda 4 after that, it's clear where all the resources went.


That’s Dreamwork for u, inconsistent af


Would have liked to see Eddie Murphy do more roles like Dolemite instead of hitting on his old legacy sequels, but I guess he gets paid a lot so good for him


Dolemite was fantastic Wesley Snipes was also great in it.


Wesley Snipes was insanely good in that. They both look they hadn’t lost a step. I’m just waiting for Snipes to go back to playing Blade with the way Murphy keeps doing these legacy sequels.


Old Blade in Neo-Tokyo cutting fools up would sell fucking gangbusters, why are Marvel not backing up a truckload of money to Snipes' house as we speak?


Maybe because he's 61 years old.


If they can cgi Hugh Jackmans arms then they can with Wesley Snipes dammit.


Hence, old Blade?


What can I say, some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


people seemed to forget he's a great actor after the whole tax thing. I don't like him as a person for what he allegedly did to Halley Barry when they dated, but there's no denying he's a great actor.


Successful animated franchise is like gold for actors later in their career. Paid well to just go into a nice studio. Less, often even none, travel to varying sets in possibly uncomfortable conditions. Primarily work by yourself, clock out with less varying houra


Do you know how much alimony and child support he pays in a month?


maybe it's a situation where he does one for the studio and one for himself. That's what Spike Lee does. and you can tell which is which because he'll make something bonkers and it has artistic merit whether it's bad like Chieaq or good like BlacKkKlansman. And you can tell it's a studio movie when it's soulless like the Old Boy Reboot. You can also see it in interviews. When it's his movie, he's excited and energetic and has a lot to say. But watch his interviews with Old Boy and he's super quiet and low energy.


While it’s true some actors take an approach like, ‘one for them, one for me’, a quick look at Eddie’s IMDb profile shows this isn’t the case.


I liked Puss in Boots, I’m excited for a Shrek return, a donkey movie? Not so much


“Whadda tryin say, man? I’m a noble steed!” - Do key.


It's about his dragon wife kicking him out so he has to go on a great adventure to prove he's worthy of her scaly love


The movie needs to be called: Donkey: The Dragon Pussy Slayer.




It was only the second puss in boots film.


I never even saw the first one but checked out Last Wish in theaters after hearing the buzz about it, I never in a million years though it'd wind up being one of my all time favorite movies. It has no right to be as good as it is.


7th??? There's only 6 films in the overall Shrek franchise total; 4 Shrek's and 2 Puss in Boots'. And Puss wasn't in the first movie, so Last Wish was his 5th mainline appearance. 


I liked the theory that Donkey is one of the victims of Pleasure Island from Pinocchio, which is why he can talk. You can do something about his past e as his story has never really explored. I know spinoffs aren’t always great but you can get something out of him, like his love for waffles and parfaits or why he loves to sing pop music despite him never existing in the 2000s. The problem is that he’s just a quippy sidekick but to tell you the truth that’s Eddie Murphy’s entire career so yeah that’s going to need some serious writing But yeah, unless they do something for his character like they did with Puss in Boots by fleshing him out or explaining why he has hybrid babies with his Dragon, then I don’t want it either. If Dreamworks did it with Puss in Boots, it can work with Donkey, you just gotta give him something to work with


Whoa wait a minute. Eddie Murphy’s whole career is being the quippy sidekick??? The man was the star of SNL to the point he hosted the show while still being a cast member. Beverly Hills Cop and its sequels were HUGE with him as the lead. Eddie is far from being only a quippy sidekick


You’re talking to a millennial whose first exposure to Eddie was Mushu and Donkey and the nutty professor so I forget that he was once a dude who was pretty big. I guess I meant to say that Donkey (and his career in the last ten years have been playing characters like donkey)


Even that would be inaccurate. Eddie Murphy has been the lead character/main star in 90% of all of his movies ever, and especially recently.


Hell in Norbit, he was the star, the co-star, and the co-star!


Please dig into Eddie Murphy’s career. So many great films from the 80s onward. Even his 90s to early 2000s “family” movies run is pretty good. I can’t recall a single movie that he was a sidekick in except the animated films.


The theories make sense, but it's kind of funnier that he's just a talking Donkey who got wrapped up in all these adventures because he won't shut up.


> explaining why he has hybrid babies with his Dragon, then I don’t want it either. ....like, explain the mechanics of a donkey fucking a dragon? Or explain why he has dragon/donkey hybrid babies? Because the answer to the second one is he fucked a dragon


Yeah, he's an amazing supporting character,but they're going to make changes to him to be a leading character and that's going to ruin it


Honestly the Shrek franchise had a lot of great supporting characters and Puss in Boots wasn’t the only one that inspired curiosity about their life outside of the Shrek story. Donkey just isn’t one of them. Best case scenario it’s a prequel because I really don’t want Zendaya/Tom Holland/ stranger things kids voiced dronkeys


Donkey is like Mater, good in doses but will be terrible to watch for a whole movie.


A *Shrek 5* has been in development since at least 2019, but Eddie Murphy confirming they are recording the voices this year gives me some hope it may actually happen. *Puss in Boots: The Last Wish* was so good that it built goodwill for a *Shrek 5* to succeed at the box office. I always thought a Donkey spin-off film should have been made, but the character is such a motor mouth that he needs a good foil to counterbalance with.


Eddie has been 37 for like 30 years.


Black dont crack until it does, [its kinda like how asian women are young until they are not ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6cf281f399deeeea82f26b6515a8130d-lq)


I want Far Far Away to be featured again at least for a scene in the next one


The Last Wish shows them going to Far Far Away at the end so I imagine it will


So much for “Shrek: The Final Chapter”


Shrek 5: Epilogue there I fixed it


Shrek The Final Chapter: Episode 2


Shrek The Final Chapter: Episode 2 - Part 1


Shrek The Final Chapter: Episode 2 - Part 1½ - The Interlude


Honestly the worst of the bunch, but if you play the mobile game (not the current one, the old one) it's amazing.




Shrek for Life


Shrek: Ride or Die


Shrek for Love.


Shrek 5 ever. Because 5 is more than 4.


This one’s gonna be a gritty origin story with edge.


Anime fans : First time?


It’s been long enough. I’m excited. These movies were a staple part of my growing up ha. Given how good the latest Puss in Boots was - I have faith.


Both Puss in Boots movies were *way* better than they had any right to be, IMO. The second one, though, despite being a legacy sequel that no one was asking for, was **so** much better than you'd expect from that it's not even funny.


I remember back in 2011 a lot of people were saying even Puss 1 was better than Shrek 3&4. Nowadays there seems to be a lot more appreciation for Shrek 4 buuuut PERSONALLY... I think I still prefer Puss 1 over Shrek 4. ["I was always... there... there... there..." ](https://youtu.be/2BFnyFDQMek?si=fiEdYVcxT432Tx3W)


You cut me deep shrek


I’ll believe it when I see it. Though, the last Puss in Boots film kinda opened the door for it


milk it till it dies


And then make a live action version.


10 years ago this woulda been great lmao,idk just seems shrek and crews time has passed


Probably him wishing it to happen and by saying its confirmed he thinks he can actually get it, I remember him being upset Puss in Boots got a movie before Donkey


What, no Pluto Nash 2?


The wait is ogre!!!


On the one hand, a Donkey movie sounds dumb as fuck. On the other hand, Puss in Boots 2 was a work of art so I’m hesitant to write anything off.


Shrek Forever and After pretty conclusively ties up the franchise tho....


Hopefully it will be as epic as "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish", which was shockingly good.


That’s a great question why hasn’t there been a donkey movie?


Because Donkey works great as the annoying yet endearing sidekick, but it would probably be quite challenging to make a movie that is fully carried by him as the lead.


Shrek is cooked 


They’re just out of ideas


Well, the delays don't stop coming


A ADORE that this universe is getting more content. Unironically I really enjoyed all 4 movies + Puss in Boots stuff. A whole Donkey movie **YESSSS.**


What a jackass!




Too little too late my guy


No ones ever really gone.


“Shrek 5 : we really promise this is the final chapter”


It's a money printing machine and all they have to do is some VA. They're going to make this stuff until the heat death of the universe. The could probably even write the script with AI at this point.


What the Shrek is going on?


I was not expecting this at all.


>*"Somehow, Lord Farquaad returned..."*


Who are these movies intended for at this point? Because I'm excited for it and I'm in my 30s.


I’m surprised there hasn’t been a donkey movie already honestly


Eddie was either running out of money or stopped smoking weed, because he did nothing for years and is now doing sequels to every movie he ever made 😂


I wouldn't mind another Golden Child, actually.


No more fucking sequels and spin-offs.


Live action Shrek when


Donkey solo movie: Murphy will go off lol


Gotta keep pace with Toy Story 5


Are there not already 5 Shreks? I really thought there were about that many.


Is donkey the movie going to show the logistics of donkey fucking a dragon 10 times his size?


Wonderful. They need to just keep making sequels to 20 plus year old movies and spinoffs of characters from those movies. Just keep doing that until the entire cast is dead, then use AI to continue churning em out


I'm just curious how they're going to follow up on *The Last Wish*. Will the art-style be similar? Will it touch on similarly mature themes? Will it have similar action, humor, and what-have-you?


Important news. Please keep updated .


I hope the donkey movie is fully live action


I am all the fairy tales incoming.


They've also been super busy with minions and despicable me, it's kept DreamWorks occupied for a good decade! And thats as they've been working on Shrek too Remember puss and boots came out not long ago and it ends with them going to visit Shrek


Please stop flogging these IPs. I want new ideas like the old days.


Donkey:Secret of the Dragon-f***er.


If they keep up the quality of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish they can make Shrek movies until I’m an old man and I’ll be happy.


I could have sworn they've been cooking this thing for ten years now...


When does shrek face off against Jason Momoa?


Because we don’t need new things we need more of things that we already have


I don't care I want "The Pentaverate", season 2


Will it be a donkey on dragon shipping porn of some sort?


This is the funniest comment thread in a while lol we all love shrek


Shrek movies are insufferable


Hollywood sucks


They should do a movie where Donkey meets Mushu go on an adventure together.


Please take notes from Puss in Boots 2


It’ll be great fodder for lazy parents to have their kids stream on a tablet from the back of a minivan.


Box office breakdown: Shrek opened at $42m, Shrek 2 opened at $108m, Shrek the Third at $121m, and Shrek Forever After at $70m. I'm thinking since Shrek has been memed to death, that still doesn't translate to box office goodwill and I think this movie can probably open in between Shrek and Shrek Forever After. I think Dreamworks would consider that a win.


Me just realizing there's gonna be a Shrek 5: [https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000191633248-ye4tjs-t500x500.jpg](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000191633248-ye4tjs-t500x500.jpg)