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Ignore the critics, dunno what film they watched but it wasn’t what I saw. Enjoyed it loads, and I’m writing this after just seeing it. I didn’t preload myself with an opinion before watching by reading reviews, just bought a ticket and watched. It’s solid, good acting and a plot that keeps you engaged, all while exposing the corruption and drug addicted youngsters of the elite, and the sharks that swarm around them. Loved it, would see again. Solid 8/10.


Second this view, plus great to spend time with these characters.


Same boat as you. Some of the reviews I read after were trying to make it about brexit for some reason.




This! Fellow unlimited member, me and my mate just came out from seeing it. Loved it!


Did this have an early release in some areas? It's just coming out in Chicago today/tomorrow from what I can see. It has a meh 75 on rotten tomatoes right now, but Snatch is only 73, and it's one of my favorite movies. Having not seen it, my best guess is the average movie reviewer isn't the target here.


Ive been waiting for it to come out because I can watch 3 movies a week with my AMC pass and everyday I check and never see it listed. Finally saw it today and went. I thought the trailers looked cheesy as hell and thats coming from a guy who loves Snatch, Rock N Rolla, and most Guy Richie films. Ended up being pleasantly surprised at how good this movie was. Fucking highly recommend it. Really surprised that people saw this 22 days ago lol.


Well it was released 24 days ago in England. The US seems to have had a delayed release.


It came out in England on the day of my comment. It seems to have had a delayed release in the USA for whatever reason.


Late to the party, but I completely agree. I'm shocked it hasn't been getting more buzz. It was a great film.


Same Thing Above I Say! and agree.


As others have alluded to, I'm absolutely baffled by the mixed critical reviews for this film. I thought it was one of the best movies that I've seen in years. To Guy's credit, I thought that whilst it featured a number of the tropes and plot devices that his films have become known for, it still managed to feel like a fairly original/fresh story, which strikes me as being pretty challenging given that Ritchie really plays to the somewhat niche British Crime genre. Furthermore, whoever was responsible for the casting did an absolutely stellar job. Whilst I find that Americans acting in English films can be quite jarring, McConaughey was stellar (sidenote: he's 50... wtf?). Additionally, both Hunnam and Grant knocked it out of the park (and that's without mentioning Dockery who was uh.... wow). At any rate, if you're a fan of Guy Ritchie's previous films and are on the fence, do yourself a very large favor and go and see this movie. I guarantee you won't regret it.


Liked it better than LS2SB.


The scenes between Raymond & Fletcher were a bit boring for the first half hour. But once the plot starts unravelling and more characters are introduced, you start getting hooked in. Simple plot but really loved the dialogue, had it's humorous parts and the costume designs are impeccable. Overall really enjoyed this. 8/10 Is their an official release of the MV track by Toddler's gang? That song was dope




I loved it even more knowing how much he hates tabloids in real life


Funny, I'd say they got the best reaction from the audience I was in. As a matter of fact, I'd say they sort of carried the film.


I need that song now!


> song [See here for a bunch of the music.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eczajj/guy_ritchies_the_gentlemen_review_thread/fghw6om/)


Thank you!!!


Hello, the MV version isn't available with all the editing, but the song is called "Boxes of Bush" by Bugszy Malone. [See here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eczajj/guy_ritchies_the_gentlemen_review_thread/fghw6om/)




Found it. [See here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eczajj/guy_ritchies_the_gentlemen_review_thread/fghw6om/)


The song is Boxes of Bush by Bugzy Malone


>  with more witty lines and less boorish machismo than his early work. Violence still plays a key role, but mostly occurs offscreen, and the body count is surprisingly low. Has this dude ever actually seen a Guy Ritchie movie?


Just finished the movie and am currently explaining to my girlfriend how much better the script was in Snatch. Enjoyed this one, but it's not even close.


Snatch was good but kind of hard to follow.


This plot was pretty hard to keep track of as well. It had like 15 characters in it, and half of the movie was Raymond and Fletcher talking about other people, which made me pause the movie several times in order to figure out who are they talking about. Then again, that might have been partially attributed to me being baked out of my mind. It was a fun movie, but if I was to recommend a gangster movie from Guy Ritchie, it would definitely be Snatch.




'go phfuck yourself' was another. that entire 'black cunt' thing in the gym i'll rewatch this movie later in the year i think


The Scene where he chases them for the phone and then pulls out his gun from from his jacket oooooohhh, must've been a heavy run but the next second getting the other phone smoothed that scene phuuck


I think one of my favorite scenes was after the pig fucking when The Coach was talking to Raymond. “Is that who I think it is?” *silent nod*


The scene with the chinese lad in the booth and his name and how it sounds awful like a swear word was absolutely priceless when Colin Farrell says his line (no spoiler)


I think one of my favorite scenes was after the pig fucking when The Coach was talking to Raymond. “Is that who I think it is?” *silent nod*






Brilliant film. Critics and audience disconnect is growing larger.


It seems like every time he makes these kinds of movies, the movie suffers because it draws too many comparisons to Lock Stock and Snatch. Everyone agrees it’s okay, but just not nearly as good as those two movies. Lock Stock and Snatch were obviously great movies and the intersecting storylines work really well, but those movies also have cool characters, great dialogue, and great performances. So it would be cool if he steps away from the crime genre and just makes a straight drama. He could easily make solid drama like Locke, Kill List, Starred Up, or The Boxer.


Eh, I mean if you are going in for a "Guy Ritchie movie" you really enjiy the format, these movies are fun and for what they are, really well made. Of course he can make whatever movie he desires, but I think he enjoys his formula and a lot of his viewers do too.


Watched this last night and it's up there with 'Snatch' and 'Lock Stock''. Guy Ritchie at his best. Fantastic pace, lots of dark humour and brilliant acting from all involved (Even Bugzy Malone!). It is one of Hugh Grant's best performances. Colin Farrell is class as always, and McConaughey & Hunnam were fantastic too. I'm taking my dad to see it at the weekend as I know he'll love it too. He was the one who introduced me to the two previously mentioned Ritchie films! On a personal level, it is going to be tough to knock this one off the top spot for my favourite film of 2020.


Can’t see why people aren’t liking this film. Snappy dialogue, dark humour, good characters and a solid, if simple, plot. Got some good laughs out of it. 7/10.


I am a fan of Guy Ritchie, but I didn't like this movie. I'll explain why, although I realize this is an old thread; It felt like a parody of a Guy Ritchie movie. It had its moments of originality, but otherwise it felt like a concentrate of Guy Ritchie's fictional gangster universe. There were the funny dialogues, the unexpected violence, the double/triple-crossing, themes of betrayal vs. loyalty and the nod to London street culture (roadmen, grime music). But in the end, it didn't really feel like a movie, but rather like a series of scenes that were somewhat connected by an overarching plot. I liked the originality of the format - of Fletcher telling us a screenplay he wrote, and sometimes venturing off into pure fiction (like with Dry Eyes introduction as a violent, AK-toting psycho). But otherwise the plot was a little convoluted - it was hard to keep track of all the motives and agendas of all the characters within the story, and the big plot reveal didn't really feel that surprising or noteworthy. Honestly, the main plot was kinda predictable, only thing that kinda caught me off guard me was McConaghy's character >!not dying as depicted in the intro.!< The movie lacks a veritable, scary arch-villain like Brick Top was in Snatch. I also did not enjoy the addition of Colin Farrel's power rangers - I felt they were extremely gimmicky, and having lived in East/South London for a large part of my life, they were a far cry from what roadmen are really like. That, as well as the grime music, felt like a clunky "how do you do, fellow kids"-style fan service for younger viewers. I mean, it's not a bad movie, but from a director of Ritchie's calibre, I was expecting something a little bit more innovative and original.


Super old thread but I just finished the movie and I am baffled by the *positive* responses to what felt like an extremely unoriginal and bloated movie. Matthew McConaghy was such a non-presence in the movie--if his acting could be any more wooden the Trojans would take it. At no point of the movie am I sold that he has enough charisma to become a darling to the gentry. The deer stalking hats, occassional "chaps" actually made it wore. Ask yourself--could MM be taken out completely from the movie and replaced with another actor? Would that honestly, change anything. I'm pretty young so maybe this is a demographic thing but also the dialogue was so atrocious. I know cheesy dialogue is the whole essence of Guy Ritchie but the dialogue suffered from a larger problem of being so tonally, *wrong.* Just because Hugh Grant's character is using big words doesn't mean that I am not getting bored out of my mind watching an hour long set-up of "tell don't show." Conversations in this movie are like competition--every character is trying to be quippy and clever. Everyone is so busy patting themselves in the back for "their epic comeback" that they forget that people don't talk like this, its hard to take a character seriously when all they do is quip, and **if everyone is so clever and funny, what makes them different from one another?** And finally, not to toot the sjw horn, but seriously, what was up with the constant racism, sexual innuendo, and allusions to homosexuality in the movie? Like its 2019, are we still getting entertained by "jokes" where the puncline is like "hey i would like to have homosexual sex with you--hoho, you know,,, cos Im gay"? Two characters don't have a conversation in this movie without threatening to have sex with one another--did that not bore anyone else? Is that funny? Is something wrong with me? The true merit of a movie, like any other art, needs to be judged by its whole. And no matter how #epiccool the gangsters and violence was, The Gentlemen was still bogged down by just SO MUCH dated garbage. Oh hahaha Henry Golding's character is asian so he must have "ricense to kill" ahaha that totally makes my characters sound like hardened gangsters and not a line of dialogue thats completely out of place. Its funny cos Asians eat rice and Japanese people can't pronounce "L" correctly. Who cares if Henry Golding is supposed to be Chinese, who have no problem pronouncing "L" and also in fact not Chinese. He's freaking Malaysian-British--come on guys, Asia is not just China. Its 2022, there are 4.5 billion of us, and we are your largest international market. Do some research, be creative. Like its not even the racism that offends me but rather how dated it is--like seriously, who the fuck is still using "Chinamen" in the year of our lord 2019? Isn't it lovely that our white hero just managed to save his SO COOL wife in time before the EVIL YELLOW MAN rapes her? Ahaha isn't it funny that all the characters making rational decisions are white, where the people of colour (the Chinese gang and boxers) are all irrational creatures of violence? Isn't it funny that the whole movie is about foreigners (The Chinese, the Jews) coming to steal the empire of a honest, god fearing, white, drug lord? Does no one else sees this? Is no one else bored by this? I'm bored, this movie was old and boring and so so so dated. Times have changed, so really guys, lets stop being entertained by tier 0 propaganda.


Super late but completely agreed with you (and i'm younger as well so I'm thinking it may be a demographic thing). One really obvious thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was Mathew McConaughey lecturing the chinese mob boss over the use of heroin... DID SOMEONE FORGET ABOUT THE OPIUM WARS, THE UK PUSHED IT ON THE CHINESE AND CREATED A GLOBAL PROBLEM THAT STILL REIGNS TO THIS DAY(the golden triangle in Asia a hub of opium production can be traced straight to the British opium wars and how once the Chinese reasserted sovereignty and outlawed opium the producers fled to southeast asia.). It was so obvious I thought for sure someone would say something in the movie acknowledging this but nope. Chinese characters evil for pushing heroin while gun trafficking/marijuana dealing white guys are all so heroic for not pushing worse drugs on the community.


I laughed at the black cu#t joke. It took enough care of the sensitivity while still being funny. #blackguyapproves


Ehh I'm in 2 minds about it. I mean it's obviously a white guy's interpretation of it. I mean call someone a stupid cunt it's a double layered insult. Call someone a black cunt it's supposed to be the same thing, with "black" being part of the insult. I'm not really bothered about it, but they shouldn't try to pretend it's not racist


To defend the line slightly they did acknowledge the racist nature of the line when the black boxer said something like "What if I called him a white cunt" and Farrell's character reiterated it'd be likely taken as a show of affection.


Yeah, that's what I meant about the white guy's interpretation. Yeah it's meant as a term of endearment overall, but if you call someone a pikey cunt, the pikey aprt is meant to be insulting. Same is black is meant to be insulting when it's used. Like I said though, I'm not fussed about it, but don't try and pretend it's something other than what it is


Just to note, he said ‘pike,’ which is a slur for gypsy people, which he alluded to the guy being. Gypsy is also used pejoratively, Romani is the most modern term for the group.


ehh not for that type of gypsy. Romani and irish travellers are different


Pikey Cunt. Not white, Pikey. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pikey%20cunt


E:Did he just call me a black cun# ? C:Yes he did. E:He can't do that that's racists! C:But you are black and you are a cun# Ernie E:The fact that I'm black has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a cunt ... hahaha I think the key lime to hear is "Only if it comes from a place of love of course". After re-watching the scene in a YouTube video. I still have my same position but that whole back-and-forth was unnecessary the joke really didn't need to be there Guy Ritchie just forced that in


One thing I haven't seen people mention on here... the homoeroticism of this movie was delightful.




I kind of love that Fletcher was bouncing around, trying desperately to get a reaction from Raymond, and failing spectacularly. Raymond was completely stone-faced, almost as if he were oblivious to his advances. No internalized homophobia present, yet not a hint of reciprocation. Just... nothing. Also, I dig that Fletcher isn't your typical slick gay-coded villain. He's clumsy and goofy and just really, really thirsty for Charlie Hunnam. But there's some potential in the fact Raymond knew to seduce Fletcher with his grill. Why does he know his interests so well? Because they both do investigative work? Probably. But it's a good detail. I saw a tweet theorizing that they used to hook up, and it lines up nearly perfectly. I could watch Raymond ignore Fletcher's increasingly overt flirtations for hours on end. And, hey, maybe Raymond would eventually sigh, pinch the bridge of his nose, and say "very well, then," before leading Fletcher into another room.


Just saw it and absolutely loved it. Don't listen to these sods and make your own call on it.




Great movie. Great acting. Great storyline. Great directing. What's not to love? 8/10


If you like Guy Ritchie movies you’ll love this movie, as it is as Guy Ritchie as it gets, if your not a Guy Ritchie dan you may not like it.. That being said I’m a slut For Guy Ritchie films and this is one of the best movies I have seen in literal years


Honestly not a big Ritchie fan in general but I’ll probably watch this just for fun, seems like Farrell and Grant are having a great time and they’re two actors I love to watch having fun.


Give the people what they want...... more Guy Ritchie movies. It's a great movie with likeable characters, thanks to Charlie, Colin and Matthew. The critics are moaning it's dated, but The Toddlers and Bugzy's input could hardly be called dated. The tracksuits alone are such a fresh look, so I don't know what they're on about to be honest. A strong cast and some great scenes, go and see it, ignore the critics. I loved it!


What does RT have against Guy Ritchie? This was a great movie.


I mean... they don't review the movie themselves.


The main thing that put me off with the movie was Henry Golding's role. Big fan of him. I saw him in the trailer and thought he'd be a decently important role. Then I watched the movie and holy crap was the script not merciful to him. He was just a one dimensional typical bad-guy that got humiliated in half the scenes he was in. And he did not have many. Which sucked because the other characters were great! My favorite character was Coach but the other characters weren't too far off. All amazing actors as a part of the cast! But at the very bottom you have Dry Eyes who's shining moments were getting shot in the dick and failing a rape. Neither moments were funny either. I dunno. I was probably expecting too much from the trailer or something. But it was a distraction for me.


>"The Gentlemen" is the film Britain deserves as it staggers backwards into the New Year under the questionable influence of an unabashedly populist leader. America: save yourselves. Top Critic btw. Rotten Tomatoes is a joke, don't let it be your gauge for whether you are going to see the movie or not


Don't know why you're being downvoted. "Professional" critics trying to draw parallels between movies that take years to make and the monthly political topic should lose their jobs on the spot.


The political topics that are being hinted at are not nearly "monthly" anymore - they are the very definition of long term by this point, sadly.


Filming started in November 2018 and the populist they're talking about wasn't elected until July 2019


Ugh yes, I sighed hard when I read that bullshit. It’s straight up embarrassing.


People need to be told how they feel about a film now. It’s a strange voyeurism now. You cannot watch a film and have your own views on it, your own opinions. You can’t have your own feelings toward it. We’re taught to watch a film and like it for this value or this quality because that is what the critic likes and what the critic likes is what we should all judge it for. That completely ruins the point of subjectivity.


>People need to be told how they feel about a film now. It’s a strange voyeurism now. You cannot watch a film and have your own views on it, your own opinions. You can’t have your own feelings toward it. ...what? Movie reviews have always exists. People still have their own opinions. What dystopian movie world are you living in?


Tell that to thousands of people who parroted “did you see the grocer scene in The Irishman” followed by them using it to deem the entire film a failure somehow. I do get the place you’re coming from and hopefully you get mine. It can seem like a reductive thing to say. But the problem with the internet is everyone thinks they can review a film. And most of the time, a few professional critics included, those opinions are just parroted from someone else. They’re using it to almost assume this sense of elitism or at the very least act like they know what they’re talking about. You can’t even say “but they do have a point”. Regarding The Irishman again, here’s a film that invites you into a 3 hour epic where you spend time with characters and there’s so much to be gleaned from that film, but a majority of people all assumed the same thought track of saying they turned it off after the grocer scene “because A B C”. That kind of instance shows the attention span and suspension of disbelief of a general audience, if the popular opinion was that this was a riveting film and there was no mention of that scene, people would be parroting all the other good things their favourite critic had said about it like it’s their own opinion. Because I’m a creep, I like to look at some of the other comments of people especially on here who brought that scene up about the Irishman. One person who got thousands of upvotes also had a post where they thought Robert Downey Jr deserved the oscar this year for his portrayal of Tony Stark and getting a again a lot of upvotes with people replying to them saying it was ‘more nuanced than Joaquin’s’. Downey plays Stark because he is a good actor, but that kind of example just shows to me that most people, for lack of better phrasing wouldn’t know a good performance if it was there in front of them unless they were told. Hopefully I stayed on the point of what you’re talking about lol I wish people who think Downey’s best performance is Tony Stark would watch Chaplin.


lol how are comments critical of RT suddenly upvoted? I thought Reddit thought the RT rating was unquestionable. Top comments always sided with it.


Im not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but im not sure where else to do it. There is scene in the end that kind of bothers me and im not sure if its explained. SPOILER How did the gym boys know to help the main guy in the end? They just appeared out of nowhere and had guns and all. I mean I know if I start thinking like this in every scene it will maybe ruin the movie. But I feel like everything else is explained and somewhat plausible. But how did they know ????


***SPOILER BELOW They were trying to kill mickey to clear the coach’s debt, they felt bad for getting the coach into the situation so we’re trying to help him - they had no idea they just killed the russians instead and in fact saved mickey




It’s been a while since I saw the film but that’s what we decided on the journey home! Not saying it’s right but they were referencing “fixing it” like you say which makes me think so. Also fits with the Ritchie theme of multiple story lines impacting each other without the people involved ever realising or knowing Either way Coach was one of my favourite characters and Colin Farrell did a class job


you're 1000% correct.


I literally just got out of the theater and went on Reddit to find an answer to this. How the phuck did they know?!?!


They trying to kill Mickey makes a lot of sense. Thats why even Mickey just leaves the car and run.


They were there when the original kid fell off the building werent they? I was almost certain they were going to jump the guy guarding the car. Could be confusing them with the other kids but I assume they knew about the russian kid or someone was asking about him. Collin was all about settling the debt and getting the kids safe and making things right. The kids love him too so they probably fed him the information he needed and he went above and beyond to show that he himself is a "gentleman" and they all did their part to honor their own gentleman code. RockNRolla was like this, following the rocknrolla code. So this movie is about being a gentleman. The money wasnt a big deal, like Matt Mccau says... but the guy attempting to rape much less touch his wife was crossing the line. So to honor the gentleman code he wanted his pound of flesh as well as restitution.


you're overthinking it mate. the kids were dumb. they thought murdering Mickey to absolve Coach was a good idea.


Yea I think you’re right after watching it again.


Fuck the critics, this was easily one of the most entertaining movies of the last two years and with a great cast full of unique characters.


Watched it last night. Was a fun watch. Nothing too original or brilliant but worked as a date-night movie. Some scenes though are very derivative. For example, a scene involving Laura has a major Pulp Fiction hangover. But still, I would not hesitate to recommend it as a timepass watch.


Oh man I loved this movie. Such a fun time to have on a friday night. I'm a big fan of guy richie's signature style and this is up there with his lock stock, snatch and rock n roller.


Can someone please tell me the brand of the tracksuit the toddlers and coach were wearing.


‘We designed and manufactured all of the fabrics for the tracksuits for Colin and his crew. We based them on classic English suiting fabrics, which we then enlarged, made more vibrant and printed onto a modern quilted technical fabric. We wanted to show how different groups of people have interpreted this classic “Englishness.” In this case, a more modern update for streetwear and casual sportswear.’ There’s an interview on high snobiety with the costume designer Michael Wilkinson about all the gentlemen’s clothes


Been trying to figure that out as well


They were custom.


What an incredible movie! The whole theatre was bursting with laughter, Hugh Grant absolutely knocked it out of the park! This is proper cinema.


Where in london is guy ritchie from?


Posh part of Croydon


There IS no posh part of Croydon


It's respective, innit.


Hes not from London at all lmao looked it up hes a posh boy


>turns the air so blue, you can swim in it. What does this mean?


Turning the air blue would mean lots of swearing.


Ah, thank you! Haven’t quite heard it phrases that way before.


The rape scene was totally unnecessary, and not a standard Guy Richy move.


Agreed. It took a lot out of it for me. The one character that is a woman has to be raped for zero plot development? Alrighty then. Definitely not what I expected from him


So you are saying that fucking a pig was ok but rape was "totally unnecessary"?


Sure seems that way doesn't it?


I agree. I wish she said "I lied. I had three bullets," then shot him in the dick.


It had two barrels... she had 6 bullets in the box


It didn't have to, though. The movie could have been written differently.


Yeah the rape bit was horrible, im not justifying that... im glad the gun worked though, was really thinking it would be a dud or something weird. I thoroughly enjoyed the film as a whole aside of that bit though.


Disappointingly-mediocre reviews. Sounds recycled. I'll still watch it, but meh, this kills a lot of the excitement I had.


Fuck the reviews. It's a lot better than they made it out to be


I think Guy Ritchie has always been that director that guys getting into film are always exposed to around a young age, like 16/17 and then years later you kinda realise he wasn't as good as you thought he was but he's still alright and purely for nostalgia reasons you'll do him a favour and pay money to see him in theatres. It was only a few years ago I realised that other than Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, all his films are more Reddit cult classics than anything and he's received pretty middling reviews for most of his career.


This comment is ridiculous. He’s movies all stand the teat of time


I will forever love the Sherlock Holmes movies


yeah, the first one is probably Guy Ritchie's best movie IMO.


The man from U.N.C.L.E.. ? He has plenty of excellently executed movies guys lol. So many speaking as if any of us were even qualified lol ...


Ritchie's last good film was Rocknrolla.


still waiting for a sequel to that and rock n rolla


I just watched it tonight and honestly, placed in a decades worth of films, it might rank alot lower than it does right now but placed in amongst the big budget remakes and the boring art house shit that passes for originality these days. I found it to be throughly enjoyable original movie that deserves praise for just managing to get made, that it was as good as it was, is just the icing on the cake and hopefully will spur some more investment in original content.


I'm not saying the movie wasn't funny. It had a fee of great gags. But the pack of 14 year olds definitely laughed the hardest in my screening.


It's rated 18 tho..


Oh come on I think everyone loves his movies. They only get so much shit from critics because that's all they are: fun. They're not thought provoking or anything. Just 100 minutes of fun.


I enjoyed it alot


I watched it last night. It is not as good as Snatch or Lock, Stock. I thought there were some funny moments and Colin Ferrell and Hugh Grant were great but I also thought it felt hoo-hum and that MM was miscast. ​ Overall, if I had to give it a rating, 6/10.


Self indulgent and drawn out would certainly describe this picture. But they are far from paintig an accurate portrait. For those willing, the indulgence will likely be leveled out by the sense of fun the cast display. The unique framing device gives new life to an otherwise tired tale and I'd be lying if I said Hugh Grant didn't carry a fair bit of the film for me. Ultimately, if you go in not expecting something to serious *The Gentlemen* will leave you satisfied, if not a little confused.


Anyone know the song that was playing when they were heading to the place to pickup the daughter Laura? EDIT: Never mind found it. In Every Dream Home A Heartache by Roxy Music


Just watched it and honestly its a 9.5/10 for me. Guy Ritchie needs to make more movies like this. And RT is trash


Went in with no expectations and absolutely loved it. Everyone was great, Farrell was fantastic and Grant completely blew me away. I had no idea he could act!


anyone know what brand clothing everyone is wearing?


Not 100% similar but an American equivalent would be something like Burberry. EXPENSIVE as heck though


Burberry isn't American- it's English and their headquarters are in London.


I am giving an option for where to get that style IN AMERICA. Because they obviously have stores in the states. That are very popular


Haven't even assembled the knowledge of scrolling down the page to get to the critics. What a fantastic film. Snatch should not be compared with but I thought it was even better than snatch in many ways.


Does anyone know where charlie hunamm was aiming for with his accent? Sounded vaguely Welsh but thought he might be aiming for some other regional accent I've never heard of


The thing about Charlie you need to understand - he aims his accents like a shotgun. I love him to death and thoroughly enjoyed him in this flick, but man he can't hold an accent for two consecutive scenes ever.


Pleeease does anyone know where i can find that rap song playing during the fight video it was so good


Search for the rapper Bugzy Malone, he played Ernie in the film and it was him rapping on that track


Ok thanks. Cant find the specific trsck but his other stuff is good


The song is "Boxes of Bush", it was released literally just today! https://tidal.com/browse/track/129669440 [See here for more music.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eczajj/guy_ritchies_the_gentlemen_review_thread/fghw6om/)


The song is "Boxes of Bush", it was released literally just today! Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/track/129669440 /u/ranchdepressing /u/OlGangaLee Edit: I went through this website [here](https://www.what-song.com/Movies/Soundtrack/103226/The-Gentlemen) and created a playlist with some of the other songs in the movie, including the foot chase scene (Shimmy Shimmy Ya) and the rock song in the drug den (In Every Dream Home a Heartache), among others. You can view it [here](https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/71cc0521-1e3d-4776-9ad1-2d76a050002c) and convert it to a service of your choice with [Soundiiz.](https://soundiiz.com/) Edit 2: Here's a [link to it on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LfxYJ6sLNSrWzb13pdrlV) as well.


Thank you!


Updated it a little.


I found it on YouTube, too.


Oh thats great thanks so much!


Maybe it's me but the whole "random gay dude writing a screenplay about drug dealers doing drug dealer stuff and then selling it to a movie studio but not before telling the cool gangster guy the entire thing" subplot seems a tad bit....I dont know....redundant


A real lack of Jason statham


Did the reviewers just get offended that the protagnist forces a Jew to cut a pound of his own flesh off?


So desperate to see this, the bad reviews tho 😔


Saw it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like Guy Ritchie's style then you'll enjoy this. Hugh Grant is brilliant in it and stole the show for me.


Thanks! I'll see if I can get down to see it before it leaves the cinemas!


Ignore the bad reviews. The film is a fun ride and the dialogue is great.




Just got back from watching it. I thought the trailers all looked cheesy as fuck but I love Guy Richie so I went and saw it and am pleasantly suprirsed even though the very beginning kinda dragged on and I wasnt following it with much interest. Then it kicked ass. But yea, I literally literally thought the same as you. Jesus.. this is so cheesy like one of his commercials. They shouldve cast someone else... Then the movie just kicked ass and I was proven wrong.


Loved it. Might actually go see it again. I've never gone to see the same movie at the theater twice.


Even though the film featured a fairly common plot, I thought it was refreshing to see something that isnt a remake or otherwise another branch off a story that already exists. Initially I'll admit I mainly wanted to see it to indulge my love of MM and CH, but once I started to follow the story and put the chain of events together I was even more enraptured. I loved how the retelling of events was through Fletchers "story" he was trying to push as leverage, creating a plot within itself right there, whilst being interwoven into the other plots. I know the concept isnt new, but I think they pulled it off pretty well here. Also loved all the comedic bits, especially when Mickey asks "And whats this about some jumping fuckboy?" l was cracking up (along with everyone else in the theater)


Anyone else tend to ignore critic reviews nowadays? I prefer reading them after I've seen a movie I'm interested in rather than before. I've seen the trailer for this and it looks really entertaining.


I think film criticism is important and valuable unlike the other reply to this parent comment. However, I will say that I save reading anything more than a snippet of a review until after watching the actual movie. In fact I save watching the trailer until after having seen the movie but that’s just my pedantic approach to cinema.


This, critics can go fuck themselves. They all fall into horribly pretentious rants about their own overblown self important and speak as though their words are gospel. Watch it yourself, formulate your own response, then compare with others. Sidenote: the film kicks ass.


I liked it. 8.5/10


I watched it 2day. That's awsm! I think, Guy Ritchie now has three GR8 movies: "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", "Snatch" and "The Gentlemen". Guy Ritchie’s comeback!


Just saw the gentleman on the weekendI really loved it my husband not so keen but he’s just back from 3 weeks snowboarding in japan and had post holidays blues .The cast were excellent with huge grant and Charlie Hunnan as standout,but and there’s always a but in the case of Jeremy strong who I think is excellent and so so believable in Succession.I all though the movie was wishing that StanleyTucci was playing the gangster Matthew thats trying to do a double deal on Matthew McConaughey character . I love StanleyTucci he can play bad and malevolent as in the lovely bones or cute dad as in easy A.he would have brought a depth to the Matthew character that I felt was missing but I really enjoyed the and laughed I even liked the rap song and I am an old lady who hates rap.


This film may be a classic for me. All the actors do their roles justice. Definitely recommend to all you guy Ritchie fans who thinks hes lost his touch because he definitely hasn't with this one.


How did he get the Audio for Matthew's meet with Dry Eye. They made a whole deal out of Hugh Grant needing to have it lip read and translated I thought he didn't have audio lol.


Charlie Hunnam is one of those actors who make me less interested in a movie


Couldn't agree with you more. So one dimensional. Having said that, he becomes one of the more enjoyable characters to follow in this story in second half of this film. Colin Farrell saved this movie for me. I would watch a spin off movie about his character any day of the week. Worth the price of admission.


I liked that his acting style seemed to fit the nature of his character within the story, think that was a great casting decision.


Coach and his lads made this movie so much more enjoyable. Couldn't help but love those characters.


? He's a good actor, you obviously haven't seen the lost city of Z


I like him in Green Street Hooligans.


I was really surprised to find out he was from Newcastle after watching that film. I thought he was an American putting on a ridiculously bad Cockney accent. Turns out he's a Geordie putting on a ridiculously bad Cockney accent.


Or Sons of Anarchy


His accent though....loved SOA. But the man cannot do accents.




I call him a "Man Shaped Man". Basically, they needed a man to fill the role, and they got the most generic man to fill the roll. There are a few actors that are Man Shaped Men.


All i want to know is the name of the rap song that was in the movie haha. Anyone know?


It was original for the soundtrack by Bugzy Malone, who plays one of the toddlers. The track isn't out yet.


> song [See here for that song and more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/eczajj/guy_ritchies_the_gentlemen_review_thread/fghw6om/)


Saw it last night. Thought it was great and a lot of fun. Thought MM was an iffy casting choice but he did fine. Not sure who would have been a better choice.


Please help!! How did the coaches kids know that the Russians had McConaghy??


If you're still unsure, or anyone else reading the thread is, they didn't know the Russians had McConaghy they just knew McConaghy was in the car. They said to Farrell's character on the phone they'd "take care of the Mickey problem", so them shooting up the car was an attempt on his life not actually trying to save him.


I thought so! Thank you. This is what my gf and I were arguing about. Because they thought coach was getting frustrated having to do all those task...


They didn't, they were watching him and they assumed The Russians we're regular Ride-share drivers, they're that depraved


Best movie of 2020 so far and will be hard bet in the coming months I found it to be different in the way the story was told and at first I thought I wont like it but it works, if you like Guy Ritchie style movies then you will love this other critics saying it's not different enough to past movies richie has done who cares it was funny (colin farrel) it had enough going on to stay interested till the very end and it did not disappoint at the end. Would have liked to have seen more of Colin Farrell and Matthew McConaughey in Scenes together But other then that great movie 9/10


It insist upon itself Lois


Awesome movie. Best I have seen in a long time. Loved Colin Farrell. Stellar. 10/10


Just saw it and loved it but did anyone else think Jeremy Strong's performance as Matthew was just terrible?


I wrote this Review on The Gentlemen, would really appreciate any views and feedback. [https://unbelievab.ly/the-gentlemen-guy-ritchie-finds-lightning-in-a-bottle/](https://unbelievab.ly/the-gentlemen-guy-ritchie-finds-lightning-in-a-bottle/)


Good job! I wish you delved into more of the characters, though, since it was very much an ensemble piece.


Man, that indiewire review is a piece of shit that reads like it was pulled straight from r/iamverysmart


I got to the movies often, and I have not enjoyed a movie this much in a long time.


Terrible. The scene where McConaughey kills the asian guy with a gun under the table wasnt even real and thats the scene that made me watch the movie. The fake out about Michaels death was also cheesey. The story telling was shit. The acting was mediocre. So Micheal wants to sell his business. Ends up not selling his business and kills everyone who tried to buy his business for cheaper than asking price. Thats it. Disappointing.


Enjoyable. The breakdancing puff boosting were weird though. The most random shit. Also the girl ODing or dying or whatever was a bit much and poorly done.


Just watched it on Netflix. Easily one of the best films I've watched in years. The dialogue, the dynamic between the characters playing cat and mouse with each other. I loved it


This is by far the stupidest movie would never happen in real life one dumb thing after another and to add the mother is around the same age as the sons overall a stupid movie making no sense whatsoever a big thumbs down idk if I can finish all eight episodes Im halfway and irritated as hell


It’s so bad. It’s white lotus music, obvious dialogue, and none of the gritty comedy


This is the longest movie of all time. It's never going to end. Here's your drug monologue, here's a mustache, we'll twirl it for you. You don't even have to wash your face or your hair. The scene where matthew McConaughey shoots everyone, in the role he made famous in all of his other movies, has the loud crescendo and I lit up at the possibility that this was finally over. Why am I watching this still? , it's 100 degrees and I'm basically trapped here!! yay summer