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Liliana is just trying to help Chandra put in her contact lenses obviously.


yeah, when you have fire eyes like that really gotta be particular


There's a Visine for that.


Optician here. Visine is not flammable. However, if a fire occurs near Visine, it may release toxic fumes, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorine, and ammonium fumes. As such, I would not recommend visine as a solution for Chandra's dry eye.


Would spit work?




Gotta put some hock-tua on that thang!


Yet another reason to hate the stuff.


In my local store someone showed up with a picture of Jace in a maid outfit...very cute playmate


That is a new type of "husbando".type


If it's acceptable for me to bring homo erotic playmats, then fine, you can have your big tittied anime mats.


This is true equality


Oko’s abs just do things. No, I will not elaborate.


Hey im just a guy, asking karlach if I can die by thigh asphyxiation


Okay I actually need this


Things I need


Did you mean to say Play mat, or did you guys have some after the match aswell?


This is the second sexual post I have seen today. Is the mtg sub turning into a thirst trap?


Maybe. But I just crossposted this cause freemagic's hypocrisy is very funny. They all freaked out cause the secret lair bearscape was "too sexual" and yet they've all been banned from their LGS's for bringing softcore porn playmats...


do you realize different people can frequent the same sub ? not everyone is scared to hear a different opinion (no matter how fucking stupid it is), some people think too sexual is bad, some think it's never enough. I know it's hard to comprehend for your herd mentality but sometime people can talk and not have the same opinion as everyone else


If you think this playmat is softcore porn, you need to look up the definition. The conversation in that thread is more centered around WoTC's hypocrisy in printing something like Bearscape secret lair art, and then deeming this art inappropriate.


Tbh the bearscape secret lair and this mat are pretty different levels. The bearscape card is a joke about the term bear for the gay community and the most intimate part of the art is some guys cuddling in the water. The playmat is much more sexual in how it’s presented. Also, the playmat is soft core porn my guy. It’s sexually explicit material presented in a more socially acceptable way. That’s the definition of softcore porn.


I'm with you as far as your general point, but this is erotica at most. Softcore porn is fucking but you can't see the actual genitals (nipples are fine).


Fair enough. At the very least though only one of these pieces of art is showing two people clearly about to fuck.


The women are fully clothed. Next.


You know you can have sex with your clothes on, right? I’m not saying that’s what they’re doing, but the presence of clothing doesn’t make something not sexual/sexually charged Edit: also I can see Chandra’s ass cheek


You called it softcore porn . No touching of genitals, no kissing, just a pose and a gaze. Your bar is very, very, low


Okay 1. That was a different commenter, 2. The genitals don’t have to touch for it to porn. I mean the lady from the sharks in the bathtub porno kept her clothes on the entire time and there’s no universe where that video isn’t porn


You’re joking right? They are join in for a kiss, Chandra’s entire lower half is almost on display, and Lilliana’s whole cooch is riding on Chandra’s knee. It’s softcore porn. If this isn’t inherently sexual to you then you need to stop watching so much porn


You realize they show more in PG-13 movies than on this playmat right? lol @ "softcore porn" There's no nudity, kissing, or even outfits beyond what appears in standard WoTC art. The only thing remotely riske is the fact you see chandra's thigh because of how she's lying down. Hell, women wearing bathing suits is more revealing.


I already responded to your other response to me but again, the playmat is clearly depicting two women about to have sex. it was designed to be sexual in nature. Sorry that you can’t identify what sex looks like without it being straight up porn.


So an ass cheek means that all people in bathing clothes at the beach or at the swimming pool are automatically doing softcore porn.


I was pointing out Chandra’s ass cheek because the other guy said they were fully clothed when they clearly aren’t, because if they were I wouldn’t be able to see her ass cheek. Its relevancy starts and ends at pointing out just how far gone his gauge for appropriate behavior and clothing is.


Disagree. You have numerous (presumably) naked men embracing in hot springs vs. two fully clothed women embracing and gazing into each other's eyes. Seems pretty similar. The term bear itself is generally a sexual one describing a body type, much like twink, neither appropriate for a kids card game. >the playmat is soft core porn my guy. Lol the playmat is barely PG-13 let alone softcore porn. There's not even nudity.


There are two guys next to each other in the spring with absolutely 0 evidence that they are naked vs two women who are about to kiss with one of them being nearly naked from the waist down and the other pushing her pelvis into the first one’s knee. One is a pun with a couple of shirtless guys which western society has deemed not sexual for the longest time verses the other which is clearly supposed to be two women about to fuck each other.


> with absolutely 0 evidence that they are naked I mean, all 5 men in that image are shown wearing a grand total of one shirt and one pair of pants. There's far more nudity and insinuation they're nude than in the liliana/chandra image. >being nearly naked from the waist down Like any woman wearing a dress, skirt or bathing suit? Call the CENSORS it's thigh! >clearly supposed to be two women about to fuck each other. They're not even kissing and are wearing their standard costumes, who's making a huge leap here? The shirtless guys who are not shown to be weating any clothing in the spring holding each other, gazing in each others eyes even closer, are far further along in that process than this is.


Bro, the two guys in the spring are cuddling at most. Liliana literally has Chandra pinned to the ground and looks to be inches away from grinding on her knee. One of these is clearly meant to be sexually charged while the other is just a pun. If you’re getting hot and bothered by the bearscape card then good for you but that wasn’t the intention of it.


> Bro, the two guys in the spring are cuddling at most Ok, but they have more skin to skin contact and contact in general. >Liliana literally has Chandra pinned to the ground and looks to be inches away from grinding on her knee Again, barely PG-13 >One of these is clearly meant to be sexually charged while the other is just a pun. Right a pun, based on a sexual innuendo. >f you’re getting hot and bothered by the bearscape card then good for you but that wasn’t the intention of it. Lol, I doubt many people are getting hot and bothered by either. The point is they're largely similar in terms of maturity level and are both probably PG-13. The fact you'd consider the liliana/chandra one to be softcore porn is laughable. You see worse in primetime TV and PG-13 movies. Hell, you see worse on a public beach. It's hypocrisy to consider bearscape on a different level in terms of appropriateness in a kids card game. Both are harmless art for most teenagers and above, but they're probably too sexual for a kids game. The difference is one is just unsanctioned art the company disapproves of, and the other is commissioned art by WoTC. That's the hypocrisy.


That’s the thing though. A bear isn’t a sexual innuendo. It’s a description of a body type. Same with saying a woman has an hourglass or pear shape. You associating the term with sex is a you problem. I’d recommend not viewing a term as inherently sexual. And again, one of these is a full ass playmat of one woman pushing another down on the ground while the other is a tiny card that is maybe going to come up in a couple of games. Even if you really want to believe that bearscape is sexual, only one of these is going to be visible to anyone who passes by your game. Hell, only one of these are going to be staring your opponent in the face.


Nearly naked from the waist down? Are we looking at the same picture, or is your imagination in overdrive? Don't you ever come near a beach or a swimming pool if showing a little thigh is already too sexual for you. Watch tv, open a magazine, surf the Internet, naked skin everywhere! Man, your life must be hard in today's society.


Bear merely refers to appearance, not sexual behavior. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove has as much sexual energy as the secret lair art, why start pretending to be shocked now? Also, mtg is specifically supposed to be for people that are at least 13. If this clearly sexually charged playmat is supposedly fine for any mtg audience, so is the dang bear card.


> Bear merely refers to appearance, I guess we're still waiting for the hourglass, buxom, butch, bull, thick, junk etc. double entendre female cards then... > Dryad of the Ilysian Grove has as much sexual energy as the secret lair art I mean, he's just sitting there by himself...that matters and makes it quite a bit different. If anything it's existence as a nearly nude male points the WoTC's hypocrisy in objectifying the male form while shunning from doing so with the female form for the last several years. >mtg is specifically supposed to be for people that are at least 13. If this clearly sexually charged playmat is supposedly fine for any mtg audience, so is the dang bear card. I mean, neither really bother me as 30 something year old, and I think both are probably PG-13. That being said, I dont think either are inappropriate for the average teenager to view, but I also don't think either are necessary to be in the game. The difference is the playmat was just some 3rd party picture that was frowned upon by WoTC, whereas bearscape was actually commissioned by them.


The bearscape art is far, far less sexually charged than this. You just like looking at lesbians and not at gay guys.


Disagree. You have numerous (presumably) naked men embracing in hot springs vs. two fully clothed women embracing. Seems pretty similar. I honestly don't think either has a place on real magic cards, but couldn't care less that either exist.


Kinda funny that you think them asking if they have seen it in the sub means they are endorsing that everyone should have that playmat. The thread is bait to clown on gooners


You do realize this is bait right...


They frequently complain about not being allowed to bring their erotic playmats into LGS's. I've seen the posts. If your "bait" is just expressing a sentiment that's already popular in the community, is it really bait?


If this is softcore, Cinemax is going rated R


Still...can you please not bring their bullshit here. It's bad enough we have one of their mods.


Look I'm all for safe spaces and stuff, but you're not being reasonable. The title mentions them by name, I flaired the post nsfw, and the content of the post isn't even offensive--just horny. Like either way I'm not gonna crosspost someone's bigoted rant, but all you had to do was not click on my post if you didn't want to see it.


Well, It's summer.


If you think this is bad, I've seen one piece tcg players with nude mats


Yeah good question


I dunno but I love bringing my wife into my LGs she is a real friendly talkative person and will talk to anyone so it’s fun watching her talk to the other guys that are probably not used to woman talking to them. I’m not putting them down I was that guy till I met her.


(Results may vary if you're not an attractive two-dimensional lesbian).


\*use to distract rivals who ARE


hm... \*excuse me\* but Lily went 3D after the release of War of the Spark release video !


I unironically know someone who regularly brings this exact play-mat to play with every Monday.


How do you ironically or unironically know someone?


I think the alternative is that the statement is not ironic.


That's honestly one of the more tame ones I've seen


People have where i live, and should have thought about it beforehand. Theyve been asked to put it away or leave. There's kids who show up for MTG in the afternoons, and lewd sleeves and or playmats are just a recipe for angry parents to yell at the store over it. Doesn't matter what the lewd is, please keep it at home.


At least its not as bad as why they never printed Denimwalk in another un set after the first.


I don't get why someone would even want to have one of those. What is it good for you?


Some people just really like looking at tiddies. 


Straight up!


I mean, yeah, who doesn't like looking at titties? What I'm talking about is bringing one of those into a public space that is more often than not populated with children. That's what I'm saying like. What makes you want to bring that to a place that you know? Strangers are going to be there and there's a good chance that there are at least going to be young teens if not younger children there. I'm asking whether or not people have any shame I guess


Are you asking why a game that attracts people with little to no social skills has players that can't read a room?


You fuckin got me there.... My wife and I are consistently surprised at how many LGS have shower policies


No picking way they have had to implement shower policies? Where tf are you located?


Generally people buy things they like, and usually we have varying tastes in what is good and bad.


and thats the problem with society


I vaguely recall pornhub releasing a breakdown of searches by state and all the reddest states had the highest percentages for trans and gay porn. Freemagic is the Mississippi of MTG, so it makes sense.


I'm saving the image for later, but at an lgs, don't fly the freak flag


Im fine if yall wanna fawn over bear sex, just don't call me a coomer for liking smth like Nikke.


I don't think the purpose of this mat was to be queer friendly...


Every time I see something like this on spelltable, I make fun of the person for having it. Nothing screams "I can't get laid" like having some shit like this.


I don't remember ehat sleeves, much less the company, but a friend of mine built a legacy mono black deck and sleeved it with a cute anime girl. His reasoning was less the cute girl, but the fact that the nose shadow made him think of shit on her lip. The deck was nicknamed "The Dirty Sanchez".


I have a female friend who has this mat and absolutely loves it. She brings it to the lgs when we go.


Toxic masculinity only tolerating same sex female relationship as fetish status and not as a human relationship. Using their peen to determine morality. Classy and hateful.


Without hurt anyone, everyone can do whatever they want tho


Fetishizing relationships without also recognizing that they are primarily human relationships does hurt people. Its dehumanizing them to a sex object.


How you know? Maybe who own that mat has created a short romantic story about them


It's not about the author or creator. Once its available at large, it becomes a part of culture. Then it starts to , without being controvertial, starts to affect things outside what the author intends. Another way to know is to take history and/or sociology classes. Then youll know.


You talk like if others genders don't sexualize anything


I wasnt talking about a gender sexualiIng something.


Ok, so let's say it this way, you talk like if every other genders but hetero tolerate everything and always coherent Cause it's definitely not


I wasnt talking about the hetero gender. I was talking about 'toxic masculinity'. This doesnt include all men be because there are many forms of masculinity that are not toxic.


I’ve never seen a homophobic post on there, people complain about pride shit, sure. But I’ve never seen someone actually just being a bigot.


As someone who frequents FreeMagic, homophobic posts are not uncommon, but don't represent the whole community.


There's currently a homophobic post on their front page right now with a fake Magic card about trans people with an ability called "Groom" and a comment that says it should have an ability called "AIDS" Edit: did I really get downvoted for being able to easily diaprove their claim? Lmao


If the post you’re talking about is the dude dressed as sailor moon at a pride parade that has zero upvotes then I think you didn’t just “easily disprove my claim.”


You just said you've never seen anyone be a bigot but the replies are pretty bigoted and upvoted lol


The only comments that are vaguely even bigoted is one dude making an aids joke that has….. 2 upvotes, and another dude saying that the post was hilarious and that had…. -6 downvotes. So I’m still not seein what you’re seein man.


Ok friend, I concede. Freemagic is not a bigoted subreddit. It falsely gained that reputation over the years and there is nothing but positivity and support for LGBT+ people. This has been enlightening


No it is not.




Untapped market for basement dwellers


You forgot the /s


What's going on with Chandra's head and shoulders? It's like her neck is coming out of her chest at a 90 degree angle. He back and shoulders are miles away.




You might get away with this playmat at a LGS depending, good luck trying to use this thing at a big event. There are way more restrictions on risque playmats and sleeves in the past 10 years. I'm pretty sure this playmat is also pretty damn pricey, since it was made in revolt to an artist being told his Chandra+Lilly card art submission was too damn sexy.


Tame compared to some of the mats I've seen


My gf gave me this exact mat! (we're married now)


did you even read any of the discussion or did you just see this and immediately repost it? Cause this seems to be taken WAY out of context


I mean, the forum is called "freemagic", not "homophobicmagic".


My Van Halen striped playmat seems so very boring by comparison.


I’ve seen someone use this mat, and he was very excited to use it. He did not bring a backup mat and would make comments about it most of the time we played. After the game I decided to switch pods because he was making me uncomfortable. I think it is fine to bring a nsfw play mat as long as you have a sfw play mat as well, and check in with your pod before playing it. And under no circumstances should you use one with a kid. Honestly I probably would not have cared if it weren’t for him pointing it out every few minutes. 😖


Can’t help feel this is way less queer-friendly and way more hypersexualised.


What about the SLD Bearscape as a playmat? Would that fall into the same category?


That is pretty much exactly the reason I'm posting this. At first glance you might almost think it's a double standard or something. But no, I'm sure they could give you a coherent and logically sound argument as to why *that* particular art is inappropriate.


Please never cross post from there again


I will continue to do so because it's funny. Think of it like a human zoo, observe and be entertained from a safe distance.


Wowowowow dude Human zoo? It's that the level of tolerance and emphaty that people asking today?


LOL, "human zoo". Pseudo-progressives trying not to be hateful bigots for 5 seconds: level impossible.


The last thing we need is for this sub to become like that one even via osmosis.


Cool, you know by crossposting you are driving traffic to that subreddit, thus directly helping alt-right assholes?


Dude how is freemagic alt-right? This subreddit is inarguably over-moderated. Going on the less moderated version doesn't make you a nazi lol


Just as a reminder: you are in the magic the gathering subreddit. This isn't driving the traffic you think it is and what little traffic it does drive is not for the reasons you're assuming. Chill out and have a laugh. A funny crosspost isn't destroying democracy or whatever.


Of course, ignoring far right sentiments and hoping they'll just go away on their own has a proven track record of success.


It does actually, glad you agree.




[i made a post similar to this on freemagic](https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/s/1M1TpQUDNf) its about 65% of the sub's users are against erotic mats, and about 35% pro erotic mats. the consensus is, almost no one wants to see underage/loli mats, but there are maybe 2%-5% of reddit users who play magic have seen them in stores. about 85% of players do not want to see erotica PERIOD when they play in public using the excuse "children are going to see it." there is a considerable amount of players that will use erotica mats to be edgy or to try and shock players. but almost all of the users do not want to see artwork in the same vein as the secret lair version of Bearscape anywhere near them, and would prefer to view female focused erotic playmats. which makes sense considering only 15% of the population are LGBT, whereas the majority of the population are straight. keep in mind the majority of reddit is very left leaning especially MTG subs. reddit, even though it has a very large user population, the majority of magic players do not use social media to keep up with mtg or their hobbies. generally speaking the majority population of any hobby does not use reddit, and those who do are very very opinionated. that being said, reddit makes up for maybe 1% - if even that much - of the MTG playerbase. because the sub is made up of the most die hard fans, opinions are harsh and very black or white. there is very little room for a gray area. freemagic is very right leaning to middle of the road, and MagicTCG is pretty left leaning to middle of the road politically. majority of freemagic players will not want to see erotica on mats, let alone an artwork like Bearscape on a mat, and if there is erotica, theyd prefer to see a focus on the female body. where as MagicTCG players will rather not see erotica but are tolerant toward LGBT artwork particularly Male/Male focused.


I see way worse anime girl sleeves and mats that are way worse than this. Being offended by this hilarious to me.


You can be offended by both ya know. 


It isn't a matter of being offended. It's being respectful to the store, and not wanting to cause them trouble.


I'm not offended by either, I'm making fun of you for being hypocrites. You all lost your shit at the slightest hint of the gay^(tm) cause it's "inappropriate for the game"... unless it's a variety of gay that makes your peepee hard.


Yeah that was the point I was trying to make. This play mat is passable in most shops. There are way worst things to get mad about


One of my friends has this playmat. Just uses it in privat. One of the players in my local game store has one playmat like this just... with less clothes.. He's a weird guy


Yep and worse.


Tbf at least they are IP appropriate


Yeah but mine is solid gray.


A guy I played with the other day had a slutty Leela from Futurama playmat


Our LGS has a very simple rule. If kids are in the room playing you get to play on the table. If everyone is adults. Be adults and suck it up and play. Obviously porn or hentai mats aren't allowed. But lewed shit is fine.


There was a dude who showed up with playmats with drawings of completely naked women. You saw *EVERYTHING*


I know someone who has this exact playmat. So, yes.


Manager at my LGS actually had to make an announcement that playmats like this are not acceptable at the Friday night commander tournaments of which the turnout is consistently about 1/3 of the players between 9 and 13 lol


I have that one!


I've literally seen this exact mat at my store lol


My friend has this playmat. He doesn't take it out into public anymore lol.


I wouldn’t bring that to a game. Not because I’m against queer, but because my friend would bust a nut and delay our game


The art "Planeswalkers for Equality" by Steve Argyle, was never officially licensed for playmats and the like. Here's an article for reference: https://www.steveargyle.com/post/2016/05/25/planeswalkers-for-equality-psa-and-faq-1


This playmat is problematic for the reasons above. The actual picture isn't that bad. Ripping off the artist that asked the community to stop is bad.


Looks like a more detailed up version than what I saw some years ago.


*[clutching pearls]* gasp! It's lore inaccurate!


Dude, it's 2 chicks making out - that's the most sex many of us Magic players will ever get. Just go and rock this baby.


I use this mat weekly. I’m a horrible player and need all the help I can get.


Not at the local shop I went to. If it were two overweight, unshaven dudes... then yeah.


I have this playmat. I like the art, it is suggestive but no nudity. I don’t use this playmat too often and don’t use it if kids are around.


IIRC : This was a Steve Argyle playmat that was sold by him a few years back.


I have this playmate as a loaner and it gets used almost every week




I saw someone make a parody of that, but with Jace and Sorin on a bearskin rug. Sadly I can't find it anymore, it might have been a custom job


I have this playmat lol... I forget the artist name but from what I recall-- it was posted up by an official MTG artist years ago. They yelled at him and he took it offline. But its the internet so I imagine other copies of it got out. My friend made a few playmats with it and gave me one. I really didn't expect to see others in existence because it was such a short lived moment for technically banned artwork lol


Tbh, that's nothing compared to some of the mates I've seen on the yugioh tables.


I have 4 playmats so that I can host games at my house. 2 I can bring to an LGS no problem. 2 I cannot. 👍


I would buy that for myself, but I wouldn't take it to a public store.


Well in free magics defense; name a group of people that don’t like lesbians. I’ll wait.


Top comment “as long as it ain’t bikini booba shit” - how could you NOt enjoy wubbys latest play mat 👀


Hot lesbians accepted by straight dudes?


Who would have guessed they'd still be extremely thinly veiled JAQ-offs.


It’s because its women and they fetishize it. They are not queer friendly :(


A few years ago, I went to a LGS for the first time. The first thing I saw when I entered was several guys playing with loli sleeves and playmats. Completely nude. I turned around and never went back. If the owner tolerates that, especially right at the entrance, I am out.


I just found out about both of these subreddits, as a trans person i am disgusted by the comments on their post about this


Oh yeah, that's the number one subject it seems at times over there, it's even a running joke in the sub!


Our "straight" female friend has this exact mat and a spicier version that she uses exclusively. She is very set on Chandra is best girl


I didn't know what freemagic sub was, found out it's the same thing as this one except with ignorant jokes


Lol I litteraly have this exact mat and I do indeed take it to my LGS. Though I always bring a back up sfw mat for when I play with new people that I dont know we'll. I even make a game out of it when I sit down at the table. If I'm playing with new pods or in drafts/tournaments I simply ask "alright, you pick my mat, your choices are Liliana/Chandra smooching, or 2018 Yu Gi Oh Championship National Qualifier?" I find that simply asking prevents any and all discomfort and always gets a smile or chuckle.


I am a science teacher who runs a board game club at my middle school and the club is about 50% mtg players. These types of playmats are really disrespectful of the girls who are trying to get into boardgames/ccgs. The bg/ccg world is already dominated by males, and girls just want to have a safe space to relax and be themselves, they don't need to be reminded constantly that all the dudes in the club are thirsty douches. In my club, I have zero tolerance for anything overtly sexual (male or female), which is easy as it is middle schoolers, but I would implore all the dudes reading this to think long and hard about what message you are sending with a playmat like this. No girl looks at this and thinks you're more attractive. They think you're thirsty, desperate, and sexist, which never gets a girl into bed for the right reasons. And for the record, I'm not totally against sexual art and/or artistic expression, but think it is important to think about the players around you. If you just play with your pod of players at a buddy's house, playmats like these are fine if everyone in the pod is fine with it, but don't be some sexist douche making all the girls in your LGS uncomfortable. Remember guys, we want more girls in our hobby and this never, ever helps. End rant.


The artist regrets drawing this piece, the artist has disavowed this piece, and this piece has never been made available on any official Magic: The Gathering product. [Source]( https://www.steveargyle.com/post/2016/05/25/planeswalkers-for-equality-psa-and-faq-1)


That's too bad. I'm all for horny, just in the right context.


My girlfriend literally brought this to a draft and was told by the female owner that mat could not be used for official wizards of the coast events. It soured our entire evening and never went back.


I'm against that play mat for several reasons. My friend has it and he isn't welcome to use it when I host.


I can’t believe Chandra would cheat on her gf


Don't think freemagic would approve of this if either character was not white though 😭


I don’t see a problem with this. It’s suggestive, not even in the “gray” area for sexual content imo. Once it’s in that “gray” area I would say absolutely unacceptable simply cause there might be children present (even if there isn’t, most LGS’s are family friendly). At that point it’s up to staff to make a final decision.


The artist of that playmat is Steve Argylle who famously did liliana of the veil's art. Wotc got him in trouble for it


No, they didn't. [https://www.steveargyle.com/post/2016/05/25/planeswalkers-for-equality-psa-and-faq-1](https://www.steveargyle.com/post/2016/05/25/planeswalkers-for-equality-psa-and-faq-1) Learn the actual story and educate people as to why they shouldn't use the playmat - not because of the content, but because the image was stolen and the artist doesn't want it used.


This is correct.


This playmate makes me furious!! ...that should be Nissa not Liliana!!!


I knew a guy who used this playmat around local LGSs however many years ago. The vibe was more cringe than creep, I guess.


They're okay with it as long as they feel they can fap to it without calling each other gay.


I've got that playmat and use it at my LGS, no hassles are with using it


IDEA: THEYRE BOTH WEIRD. THEYRE BOTH NOT MY BUSINESS. Ultra gay people and ultra mondo nerds with the big titty anime mats both frequent my store. I hear comments from either or, never about a person, but sometimes clearly a mtg vs free magic debate. WHO GIVES A FUCK? I don’t have Bearscape, and I play on a cool mat with an angel being split in half. Other people are so low on the bar of concern other than trying to remain kind and talking. GAY PEOPLE WHO WANT WEIRD ART? STRAIGHT MONDO NERD GUYS WHO ONLY LIKE CHARACTERS BC PORN? YOU WILL WIPE OR BE WIPED ALL THE SAME. HOW ABOUT SOME SUGAR FOR THE NERDS WHO JUST WANT TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME??


freemagic is such a cesspool lmao


in my limited experience, its the least fuckable ppl that bring these.


I can smell the comments from here.


I actually played with a guy who had this exact playmat and I thought he was virgin for it


Only the cringe nerds 🤷


It's been infiltrated lol


Someone has pulled out this exact mat at my LGS. Didn't say anything at the time (out of fear of being That Guy) but if I see it again I'm for sure bringing it up.


They should not, it’s sexual harassment.


Queer fetishistic Similar but different


Sapphic fetishization by men is not “queer friendly”…


Yes that's the joke...


Apologies for being dumb :(