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I think all of the gear in your images is for free to air tv. Does the port on the wall plate do anything? Edit: reread your post. Is there anywhere else in the house that has these plugs? Can the nbn tell you if there's been nbn here before? Do you have a foxtel box on any wall outside?


Yes the wall port was the first one I tried, not the one coming off the splitter. One of the cables connected the splitter has "nbn PCT-TRSN-6L" lable. What does that mean?


Maybe someone has taken your NBN cable and tried to use it for another use. All that stuff you've shown is for FTA TV signals. Are you in a block of flats, or do you have multiple FTA TV outlets through out your place?


You are right, my first intuition of trying the wall socket was correct. That the splitters are for aerial tv. It was just nbn service not activated at the premise.


What in raptor Jesus name is that.


An amplifier for free to air TV. I have one behind my lounge too.


All of that shit in the photo is going to do only one thing - SNR and US noise issues for the node you’re on. To me it sounds like your NTD hasn’t been activated yet.


Jesus Those black wires coming from the hole in the wall are for the TV antenna. If there is an HFC connection, it will be the male screw connector that is mounted on the wall plate. Don't connect that amp to the NBN socket or the NBN equipment. The NBN connection will not have an amp or a splitter inside your place. It'll be the one coaxial cable connecting the NBN equipment to the wall socket.


Your setup needs attention by a qualified person. How it's currently setup is a dogs breakfast and could impact your internet connection once your NTD becomes activated (if it can activate).


The NBNs HFC amplifier needs its own power supply. https://www.sciteq.com.au/product/zinwell-te-14vdc300-power-supply-hda-amplifier/ Maybe you can work without the amp..but why is it there if its not needed.


You are right, my first intuition of trying the wall socket was correct. That the splitters are for aerial tv. It was just nbn service not activated at the premise.


You shouldn’t add an amplifier in your house. For HFC to work properly, it requires the correct signal level, measured in dBmV. Too much signal is just as detrimental as too little. NBN balances their network to ensure it functions correctly at your home. Additionally, an extra amplifier will increase signal noise, potentially degrading the overall performance. I also agree with others that what you are looking at seems to be TV related as opposed to internet which makes sense as to why the amp is there. The nbn marked coaxial seems to have been repurposed.


It's all good - Apparently when the nbn box arrives for the first time at the address, it's not activated. So I am supposed to leave it plugged in and let my ISP know so they can raise a ticket to nbn to activate the service. Until I get the nbn activation text, the box will keep go through the setup cycle and fail over and over until it's activated. I find it funny how people always take the nbn box for HFC connection with them whenever they move - forcing the next person to arrange new nbn box delivery and go through the activation process on the address as if the house never had nbn connection before. FFS. Now I remember that I had to go through this bs a few years ago. I just forgot about it for the past 6 years of living in a FTTP house. But alas, I could only buy my own house in the HFC area...


>people always take the nbn box for HFC connection with them whenever they move They can't read, they are illiterate.


Bro what. These are fucking 75ohm tv splitters and amplifiers mate...and you connected the injector backwards too! It literally says 'to tv'


OP not even to do basic reading shouldn't even be touching their TV. Lack of literacy and using Free Air TV checks out for the thread though.


That's a monstrosity lmao, I'd get on the phone with your ISP as if the HFC NTD isn't staying solid they would likely see the dropouts when looking at the NBN testing, NBN won't really like the entire setup there with the splitter or amplifier or whatever that is but I would also try it without it if that's even possible as if the splitter itself is the problem an NBN tech would likely not give three shits about it, They would prefer it be straight from the wall to the NTD anything extra but i suppose it depends on what kind of tech you got if they would be willing to look at it or not. I'd also try resetting your NTD if you haven't done it yet as that's pretty much the only thing you can do on your end other than trying new cables or better yet just reseat your current ones lol.


Yeah remove all that stuff from the nbn modem . Should be a single foxtel or nbn plate. Modem should to that and wait for it to co.e online


I’m 40 and have cable


Fuk me, is that a standard HFC connection?


Why would you connect an NBN box to an amplifier and power injector? Is that in the NBN instructions? Where does the cable that’s connected marked NBN go to?


Yep that's right. I just got an answer from my ISP.


@OP, ypu need a registered cabler out there mate. Your antenna power amp should *never* be pkugged into the same line as your NBN HFC line. You wouldn't believe the problems we have in apartments when people do this 🤣


What year was this photo taken?