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Check the NBN website using the address and it will tell you what technology is in place. Let us know the details (mask out the address bit tho')


It says HFC is used, but need to "activate your NBN connection". I just couldn't see the wall socket with the NBN sticker like other places I inspected so just wasn't sure.


You HFC cable will be presented as a RG6 connector, so the cable in the middle is likely the one you will connect the NTD to once the service is commissioned. NBN will supply the NTD and a cable, and they will be engaged by your ISP / RSP to come and commission the service. The ISP / RSP will most likely just ship you a modem and you do the needful. Good luck..


I see a old adsl port and a hfc port but they both could be foxtel


The left one is labelled Foxtel. Which would you say is the HFC port?


If it is labeled foretell then it would be the other one unless if you have a dsl port somewhere


It will generally be the one(s) marked Foxtel, unless the NBN tech has come to visit and disconnected any existing splitters that led to multiple points. That’s the point at which they would put an NBN sticker on the remaining active F-type connection. If you don’t have the cable modem then you’ll need to get one sent out from NBN anyway (via your ISP).


Where's the black box (Arris)?


Previous owner hasn't setup NBN yet. Connection still needs to be activated, that's why there's no black box yet


Oh, the tech on the day will organise it, if there's a Telstra cable line, they will use that.


Wait so if a HFC connection is available but hasn't been activated yet for the first time,, a tech needs to come out to do something?


Yes, they need to register the box with the premises, takes about 15 minutes if everything else is good.


Order a plan with a decent RSP and they will walk you through the process. ABB, Leaptel, Launtel