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You will be sacrificing good customer support if you go with TPG. When upgrading to fiber, it's better to choose a provider with a strong customer support base. This ensures you have reliable assistance if you encounter any issues with the NBN during the fiber installation. TPG does not have good support.


Agree. When I was on ADSL I was with TPG. Terrible support and their user portal is ancient, very clunky and poorly featured. When NBN came to my area I signed up with Aussie BB for NBN and have been extremely happy with their service and their user portal is excellent. Never needed to phone them, I use the app to report a problem and it gets acted on. Unlike TPG which you must phone and speak to low level support that has an accent I can hardly understand.


Not bad until you need support. Their overseas call centres aren’t the best. Have you checked out Leaptel? They have all-Aus support, excellent international routing and speeds. I’ve been with them for almost 2 years and never had a problem. Their pricing is very competitive too for Aus support. FTTP upgrade is free yes, they will even give you a further $10 off for 12 months (incentive passed on from NBN) when switching and taking up fibre.


i was thinking about leaptel or superloop as an alternative. How are superloop?


Same sort of support issues as tpg tbh. Just go with Leaptel.


I've personally never had issues with Superloop support. They're offshore but it works reasonably well. I've been on TPG at various places and it's bad. Really common for stability issues and outages compared to Superloop.


Superloop are not all-Aus. For around the same price I can’t think of any reason to go with Superloop over Leaptel.


Superloop is my go. For a 1000/50 plan with superloops, telstra will charge the same for a 100/40 plan...and I've constantly tested at 900+ I'll even plug my referral code if you're keen 😊 SCL-1175038


ABB has a few promos on at the moment, Pretty sure if you upgrade to Fiber you can get $20 off for 12 months on a 250 or 1gb plan


yeah i called them up and spoke to their retention department. didn't want a short term deal i want something with better standard month to month pricing. ABB wouldn't budge and their prices are uncompetitive.




May I suggest Superloop? $99 for 250 speed.


apparently they have bad customer service?


But you were considering TPG, so obviously money is more important to you, than customer service.


Perosnally id stay with ABB however if your going to churn out then at least get the fttp upgrade done with ABB first, once all sorted then churn out.


yep thats what i've done now. Organised the FTTP upgrade and will look around for deals after that has been completed


they will be good once they add ipv6 , its such a shit internet provider no ipv6 and no DHCP setup


I was a very happy TPG customer of almost 20 years. However, when I moved apartments recently I found that TPG were utterly incapable of connecting me to the NBN and kept giving me BS answers as to why for a whole month. I must have talked to 40-50 customer service representatives. They just kept providing conflicting information to me. Even the CEO didn't give a s**t. My advice is not to reward them with your hard-earned cash. They simply don't care one iota about their customers any more.


I considered this recently and switched to Aussie Broadband recently and have no complaints. FYI; used a promotional code someone posted on here (Code: 10228963) and it equated to basically the first 6 weeks free. You may as well try that and even if you were to cancel/switch in the first 6 weeks you are no worse off as its cost you nothing! 💵💵💵💻💻💻


TPG has some of the worst customer support I've ever encountered. It took us 2 weeks to get onto the NBN as they needed to collect payment from us (for the new development charge) to connect the NBN. Once paid, I waited 48 hours and called back, only to find out they connected our neighbours address instead of ours. Their solution? Dispute the $300 charge with my bank, when the money comes back in, call and pay again and make sure the address is correct. When I rejected this solution, they asked if I had a good relationship with my neighbour and whether I could ask them for $300. I rejected both solutions and told them to sort the problem out. After 9.75 hours on the phone over 2 weeks, it finally got sorted. Why did I stay with them? They offered 100/20 for $59 a month. Too good to move on from.


I wouldn't go with TPG for the upgrade. After the upgrade, they are fine, unless you require support (unlikely with FTTP). I don't understand why you want a long-term discount, there are no contracts, and once the discount ends, you can churn. With FTTP, the process is very easy and fast.